500 calories burned a day?? Really???



  • NARxo
    NARxo Posts: 4
    I go to the gym 5 times a week and won't leave till I've burned 1000 minimum. However, when I first started at the gym I was aiming for a 500 calorie burn maximum, I guess my fitness has just improved. The important thing to remember is to continue to push yourself, your body will adapt quickly (as will your fitness) so setting new goals and a higher calorie burn is crucial.

    I eat back half of what I burn after the gym or

    Good luck!
  • pmcfarland68
    I have been burning over 600 cals a day by working out in small increments during the day. I get two 15 min breaks at work and a 30 min lunch. We have a fitness room at work so I either do the elliptical, stationery bike or treadmill on both my breaks and usually try to fit in at least 10 mins at lunch. I have, as of yesterday, started the 30 day shred which I do after work at home. I also have an elliptical at home that I will do for about 15 to 20 mins at night while watching TV. Also I do Just Dance 4 on the Wii and a yoga dvd. I try to mix my exercising up every day so I don't get bored with it. I admit it's a struggle some days to get myself started but after about 10 mins into it I'm good to go and I feel so much better after working out!
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    I am burning in excess of 1200 calories a day. My exercise of choice is water jogging--major calorie burn and no sweating although I do get really heated during my workout 90 minutes 4 days per week. I work fulltime but do not have the demands that many of you face, no children at home, etc. I am pressed for time on my workout days but it is THE PRIORiTY in my life these days. After I reach my goal I still plan to continue my routine to keep healthy and fit. The important thing about exercise is that you must find something you LOVE to do--even if you are doing it alone. Workout buddies are great but you can't always depend on anothers commitment. It makes me look forward to my workout time rather than dreading it.
  • mikeyrs
    mikeyrs Posts: 176 Member
    I use a striiv smart pedometer and average 6.2 miles walking each day by walking during breaks, lunch, and after I get home from work, sometimes on a treadmill at the gym if the weather is poor that day. Recently, I also began Step-Deck aerobics 30 minutes every weekday before leaving work (from 5:30-6:00 pm). On any given day, I typically exceed 1000 calories burned as measured by the striiv Smart Pedometer. The striiv Smart Pedometer records my calories burned from walking (and at times some running) and Step-Deck aerobics. I also do Yoga two to three times a week (M, Sat, Su) and circuit training with my Fitness Trainer every Saturday morning. I try to avoid eating back my burned calories whenever possible, but at times I will exceed my baseline daily calorie allocation if I'm hungry. Because I have a sedentary desk job, I rarely sit idle for long periods during my free time, other than to eat meals. I believe my weight loss is primarily a result of habitually just not sitting idle in front of the TV (and eating). By the way, I will not allow myself to eat before 9 AM or after 8 PM no matter the circumstances. I believe this is a HUGE factor in maintaining my weight loss results and avoiding yo-yo bounceback weight gains.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Most days I do 45 minutes of circuit/weight training with a 50 minute (4 mph) walk which burns 590 calories according to MFP. That's my standard daily burn and only takes a little more than an hour and a half of my time. Most days I get the workout in during my lunch break in the afternoon (I work at home.)

    Some days I add a couple of hours or swimming to that which puts me at an 800 burn.. on rare occasions I've even broken 1000 calories burned without trying all that hard!

    So 500 is a good solid work out burn, but definitely not unattainable.. if I can do it anyone can.
  • Nightlotus
    I used to do it and more with my HRM. My HRM just makes me set a goal and then once i get to it if i feel like i can do more.. i do!
    I cant do much now because i am awaiting some doctors results. I really want to get out there and burn, burn ,burn it makes you feel awesome.
  • u2012
    u2012 Posts: 3
    cross trainer / elliptical machine burns a lot of calories without much effort 45 to 1hr and u burn almost 500 calories
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    I try to burn 300-500 cals a day on my stationary bike. I ride at different speeds for at least 30 mins at a time. Drenched in sweat and feeling good!!!! =)
  • rrcole29
    rrcole29 Posts: 10 Member
    I burn around 500 + calories doing a 40 minute elliptical workout at 75% of max heart rate.
  • Suerhv
    Suerhv Posts: 61 Member
    Well, on a weekday my workouts are at 6 a.m. in my house for 30-50 min.. I am short, and I don't have a heart rate monitor but by weight/age and speed, a slow run (I'm still slow) for 40 min might only burn 311 calories for me. Elliptical around the same... I do eat back my calories, but don't count my regular activities
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    If I don't burn at least 500 cals I don't consider it a good workout. I run, do Zumba, and do workout DVDS typically such as Insanity and any Jillian Michael's DVDS. My workouts are on average 45 mins including about a 5 minute warm up and cool down. I typically eat back most of my exercise calories.
  • jsielke
    jsielke Posts: 10 Member
    :smile: OK, I'm a 69 yo male, but I regularly burn well over 500. Tues, Thur, Sat I go to gym at about 8AM, 20 minutes elliptical, then 10 minutes weights, then 20 minutes treadmill, then another 10 weights, the 20 stationary bike, then 45 minute Tai-Chi class. Mon, Wed and Fri, I just do an advanced Qi Gung/Tai Chi class for 2 hours.

    You appear a bit younger than I, so you shouldn't have a problem. 5 years ago a doctor told me I would need oxygen. WRONG!
  • goldied01
    goldied01 Posts: 149 Member
    I do interval training on my Treadmill and can burn 500 up calories in an hour. I don't usually log it in as such because I am unsure that it is correct. I did do the math at one time and it was pretty close, but don't want to take the chance. (Or do the math every time I lose a few pounds.) I usually log in 100 calories less then what the Treadmill tells me. Anyway, interval training can stack up the calories a bit faster so you don't have to work out so long.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Any day I'm running I'll easily do 500. Other days I can do 300-450. I am also endeavoring to eat back most of my calories. MFP already has me at a deficit, I don't need to go lower than that.
  • Mamalea32
    I get to gym at 4 a.m. before work. I do 1 hour of cardio and 35 min strenth training.... 5 days a week. Sunday just aerobics and pilates at home. Saturday i take a rest. I do get to eat more when i exercise more. But exercise is to stay strong and fit. I would liketo share my diary with you!
  • mrsdavid3
    I burn about 700-900 daily! It is really very easy, just spread out your workouts. Try to do a good cardio for 30+ min and most these days have toning work in them. I am currently using Cafemom 30 min Cardio and Walk away the pounds 3 mile. I did the 30 day shred today... its borning for me but it does work I have seen it. It is very easy to burn 500 calories with not much time at all. Hope this helped
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    I just ran for an hour and burned 1,000+ calories. It's easier if you weigh more (like me).
    I do try to eat back at least 75% of my workout calories. My diary is open if you want to check it.
    I don't list my weights lifted, but if you want to see that just check out my profile on Fitocracy
  • dwillz7208
    dwillz7208 Posts: 13 Member
    I usually burn 500 calories running on the treadmil at least 3 times a week and I don't eat those calories back
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Yes its for real. I just burned 530 calories in 47 minutes with a half mile walk and strength training.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Ok so its ok if you lose 500 calories per day . I myself do that by jogging on the treadmill for like an hour. I only eat 800 calories per day and I feel really fine. Its recommended that i should eat like 1200 calories per day but I am not gonna cause i really need to lose 3 kgs fast. I dont eat sweets only dark chocolate but not too much. Trust me, its ok to lose 500 per day. You are gonna get in shape and remember to do some toning after you lose as much as you want to.
    You're eating 800 and burning 500? NOT okay. You're sure it is now, but soon enough you'll learn that it's not. Best of luck in the mean time.