Who else isn't afraid of consuming fat?



  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    coconut oil, nuts and nut butters, cheeses, avocados and the occasional sneaky corn chip - why give up what you like? just do it smart :)
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    I am right there with you :) I eat low carb but I go full-fat with everything! Whole milk, 2% greek yogurt (I can't get full fat yogurt anywhere near where I live), etc. I do avoid fried foods, but that's mainly because they just don't taste good to me (and never have). I add good oils when I cook (in moderation of course).

    I was told by my doctor that I needed to eat more fats (I was eating low-carb and low-fat and it was horrible) and I was feeling really "blah". He gave me this metaphor when it comes to fats and proteins. It's like building a brick house. The bricks are the protein, and the fat is the mortar. You can't build a house without either of them! He said that carbs+fat= not so great, but protein+fat=great because they work together. Ever since then I haven't worried about the fat content at all and I've been doing great!

    I am taking a nutrition course and they keep saying "low fat" this and "low fat that" and i'm like NO! I also can't find anyone who can give me a good explanation why. If they do give me an example of when its bad, it is always accompanied by high amounts of carbohydrates.

    Ever since I went low carb and focused on my protein (instead of just counting carbs) I not only lost a lot of weight but my bloodwork looks fabulous! I don't have any sugar issues (I did before) and my cholesterol is perfect!
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    As long as I'm getting enough protein, vitamin rich low glycemic veggies and staying under my calories, I'd MUCH rather consume fat. than additional carbohydrates. I don't CARE how many fat grams I consume as long as I get enough protein and stay under total calories for the day.

    NOW, I do avoid ALL hydrogenated oils and really monitor my transfats, I will only consume transfats if they are the ones that naturally occur in beef.... LOVE fats from nuts, seeds, (omg especially chia seeds) or avocados or oliveoil.. YUM!

    The only thing I have to be careful of is it is VERY easy to quickly overdo it with calories because calories from fat can add up very quickly... and if I'm not careful a handful of nuts can turn into two, or three or more!

    I find that fatty foods don't satisfy me as much and I am more hungry, sooner. I know it's not supposed to be that way but that is the way it is since I stopped consuming so much meat.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    55% of my daily intake is fat and my cholesterol numbers have actually IMPROVED since switching to this lifestyle from vegetariansm over the past year!

    now, where is my bacon!
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    Life wouldn't be worth living with out guacamole!!!!!

    My thoughs exactly!!
  • dr3w_s
    dr3w_s Posts: 88 Member
    there should be a new word to replace fat as in dietary fat because majority of people still think that fat will make you fat
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I am right there with you :) I eat low carb but I go full-fat with everything! Whole milk, 2% greek yogurt (I can't get full fat yogurt anywhere near where I live), etc. I do avoid fried foods, but that's mainly because they just don't taste good to me (and never have). I add good oils when I cook (in moderation of course).

    I was told by my doctor that I needed to eat more fats (I was eating low-carb and low-fat and it was horrible) and I was feeling really "blah". He gave me this metaphor when it comes to fats and proteins. It's like building a brick house. The bricks are the protein, and the fat is the mortar. You can't build a house without either of them! He said that carbs+fat= not so great, but protein+fat=great because they work together. Ever since then I haven't worried about the fat content at all and I've been doing great!

    I am taking a nutrition course and they keep saying "low fat" this and "low fat that" and i'm like NO! I also can't find anyone who can give me a good explanation why. If they do give me an example of when its bad, it is always accompanied by high amounts of carbohydrates.

    Ever since I went low carb and focused on my protein (instead of just counting carbs) I not only lost a lot of weight but my bloodwork looks fabulous! I don't have any sugar issues (I did before) and my cholesterol is perfect!

    I do use some low fat substitutions sometimes and I think there can be reasons to do so.. For example, I like to put nuts and seeds and eggs on my salads. I can't have both nuts/eggs AND full-fat dressing AND stay under my calorie goal so I make my own reduced fat dressing (homemade so it doesn't have any weird chemicals) and enjoy the nuts. Now if I had more calories to spare, I'd have the full fat dressing too! I also will often enjoy a low-fat 1% plain yogurt but then I'll add a bunch of chia seeds and ground golden flax seeds to it. So I'm still getting the fat from the seeds, but having the low fat option in yogurt allows me the caloric leeway to be able to choose seeds and stay under my calories.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'm not scurred!
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    yum, fat... food in general... yuuuummmmmm
  • winterswish
    there should be a new word to replace fat as in dietary fat because majority of people still think that fat will make you fat


    I love my fats. I think more clearly, feel more emotionally calm, my skin looks great and I don't get hungry for the "white stuff" when I eat (more than) enough fat. But I stay away from most animal fats and get the majority of mine from plants (avos, almonds, coconuts and bacon. bacon is plant, right?).

    I look at my friends who eat "low fat" this and "non fat" that and frankly, love them to death but they look all dried up and hard. I want to be fit and supple, baby!
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    menopausal woman who works from home, dog walking and yoga and seasonal chores and weekend leisure recreation = lightly active (burns ~3500kcal wk)
    ~1200kcal: (105g=carbs(mostly vegetables & legumes); 45-60g=protein, 40-60g=good fats)

    upping my exercise with rebounder & free-weights beginning next week (4200kcal burn), so will reset protein to 60-75g

    Fat (primarily from nuts & seeds, eggs & dairy, oils) is proving more and more important to my overall health. Protein from flesh has become less important after years of growing, childbearing, and breastfeeding. Learned that grains have to be restrained. I feel fortunate that I truly enjoy vegetables, legumes, and fruits.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    there should be a new word to replace fat as in dietary fat because majority of people still think that fat will make you fat


    I love my fats. I think more clearly, feel more emotionally calm, my skin looks great and I don't get hungry for the "white stuff" when I eat (more than) enough fat. But I stay away from most animal fats and get the majority of mine from plants (avos, almonds, coconuts and bacon. bacon is plant, right?).

    I look at my friends who eat "low fat" this and "non fat" that and frankly, love them to death but they look all dried up and hard. I want to be fit and supple, baby!

    i try not to think of any foods as 'good and bad', instead i try to think of them (this is teaching terminology haha) as 'all' ;most' some'. (for all days, most days, some days) So like a food pyramid i guess. In my 'all' category are things like lean meats, vegetables, fruit, and coffee (not all are for health benefit reasons :p) . 'Most' is dairy, nuts, wine etc. 'Some' is chocolate, frozen treats (iceblocks more than icecream these days), beer etc.

    If I have too many things in one day that i call 'some' foods , then i know i screwed up. but because i have my classifications in my mind i don't usually make crap decisions. 44 days on MFP, 8kg down, and haven't gone over calories once.
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    Bring it on. I'll eat a cheeseburger that fits my calorie budget before I'll drink a Coke or even eat a granola bar that's made with high fructose corn syrup. Throw out all this processed crap and give me back my home's home cooking.

    so true! Many so-called health-branded processed & packaged foods are like the King without Clothes.
  • Yeller_Sensation
    Yeller_Sensation Posts: 373 Member
    I eat 3-4 slices of real bacon every Sunday morning.

    Only fatty pork butt or pork shoulder meat is used when I cook sweet and sour pork.

    I enjoy a nice hunk of ribeye.

    Salmon is my favorite fish.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I odn't mind fat, per se. As long as it is wihtin reason. Had a great burger for lunch, and a side of fries, but will compenstate somewhere for it.
  • Moosiklaydy
    Fat is good! Avocados, olive oil, lean meats! I swear you will lose weight while eating healthy fats! You crave less stuff if you consume a little fat here and there.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Not afraid of fat. Start my morning off with Bullet Proof coffee. Thats good for 25 grams of fat right there.....
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I eat fat AND carbs!


    I do what I want.
  • Nessa0506
    I'm studying to be a nutritionist. With that said I would be more afraid of carbs than (healthy) fat.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    Not afraid of fat! (though it is a change of mindset and I don't always meet my 35% goal). Everything magically started tasting better when I started using cream, butter and oils.