

  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    How many obese 90 year olds do you see around?

    Um...a lot?

    Let's refine even further, how many active 90 year old obese people do you see around? I've got a guy at my gym who looks like he used to chill with Jesus and he works out every day. Can't say I've witnessed any 90 year old Chris Farley types doing the same
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Sure, but I know which one I would rather sit next to on a plane/ the bus/in the movies.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    What's the benefit of being fat or being thin? Thin people can be as unhealthy as fat people.

    Benefits of being fat....hmm can't think of any

    Benefit of being thin ooh well let's see......far too many to list here!
  • vegasjamie
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    What's the benefit of being fat or being thin? Thin people can be as unhealthy as fat people.

    Benefits of being fat....hmm can't think of any

    Benefit of being thin ooh well let's see......far too many to list here!

    We know what the disadvantages of being fat and unhealthy are, now....

    What would be the benefit of being thin and unhealthy?
  • vegasjamie
    I was 373 pounds and I considered myself fairly healthy apart from the weight a little high blood pressure (140 over 95).

    I don't drink or smoke
    Had no diabetes
    I could walk several miles (but I am now faster)

    I have now lost 200 pounds and I have backache a lot of the time.

    I was 395 and am now 373. How did you do it? I could use some encouragement.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    What's the benefit of being fat or being thin? Thin people can be as unhealthy as fat people.

    Benefits of being fat....hmm can't think of any

    Benefit of being thin ooh well let's see......far too many to list here!

    We know what the disadvantages of being fat and unhealthy are, now....

    What would be the benefit of being thin and unhealthy?

    I don't know, you tell me.

    That's not the question I was answering!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yep. My doctor gave it to me straight. PCOS did not make you fat, you developed PCOS when you became fat.

    Your Dr is WRONG. I was diagnosed with PCOS LONG before I got fat. Some people may develop PCOS symptoms because they're obese, but for many people, the PCOS came first. Once I hit puberty, despite nothing else changing, I started gaining weight. And losing weight has done NOTHING to alleviate my PCOS symptoms.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    How many obese 90 year olds do you see around?

    I'm all for getting "healthy," but hell I'd gladly trade my 80s and 90s to enjoy myself while I'm in my 20s.

    ETA: Screw it, throw my 70s in the trade too.

    As an old person, I hope that you live to regret these words. The "fun" I had in my 20s involved drugs, sex with random people and other transitory moments of fleeting pleasure. As an older person, the things that I derive joy from involve relationships with my kids, major professional accomplishments and my ongoing love affair with my wife.

    For me it is just the opposite. I would trade years of youthful idiocy for months of a more evolved, sustainable happiness.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    How many obese 90 year olds do you see around?

    Hover round!!!! (one of my favorite commercials) :laugh:

    Now Carry on!

    Ever been to walmart on a saturday?

    none of those people are 90. they're 65 at the oldest. they just LOOK 90.

    ^^^I was thinking the same thing. LOL

    As was I.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    How many obese 90 year olds do you see around?

    I'm all for getting "healthy," but hell I'd gladly trade my 80s and 90s to enjoy myself while I'm in my 20s.

    ETA: Screw it, throw my 70s in the trade too.

    As an old person, I hope that you live to regret these words. The "fun" I had in my 20s involved drugs, sex with random people and other transitory moments of fleeting pleasure. As an older person, the things that I derive joy from involve relationships with my kids, major professional accomplishments and my ongoing love affair with my wife.

    For me it is just the opposite. I would trade years of youthful idiocy for months of a more evolved, sustainable happiness.

    You're not an old person...you're 42.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    This article is correct.

    Both fat and thin people can be immensley unhealthy.

    ^ This.

    Yes, and... what's your point?

    Some people have flipped their cars and are healthy. Others were not so lucky, they were partially paralyzed, but they're still healthier than a friend of mine who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I don't plan to go out and flip the car I'm driving to see if I'll be one of the lucky ones.
    Some thin people are thin because they're dying from cancer or another health condition. As anyone with even basic statistical knowledge can tell you, correlation is not causation.

    Just because you can find exceptions, doesn't mean that a general health guideline is not a good one.

    Edited to correct a typo, and...
    "Healthy except"... high blood pressure, diabetes, inability to walk, etc.. Who are you kidding -- that's not healthy.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Yep. My doctor gave it to me straight. PCOS did not make you fat, you developed PCOS when you became fat.

    Your Dr is WRONG. I was diagnosed with PCOS LONG before I got fat. Some people may develop PCOS symptoms because they're obese, but for many people, the PCOS came first. Once I hit puberty, despite nothing else changing, I started gaining weight. And losing weight has done NOTHING to alleviate my PCOS symptoms.

    Oh, I know that is not always the case. I think you are in the minority of developing it at a normal weight. And I know there are some who have never been overweight who develop it but like I said, that's the minority. . Maybe I should say overweight people with PCOS can ease their symptoms with proper diet, exercise and getting to a healthy weight.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    Not a very good article IMHO. I could find you mountains of evidence to the contrary. Is someone that is 10-20 lbs overweight healthier that someone who is not overweight but smokes a pack of cigarettes a day? I would say yes. But to suggest that someone who is 50 or more pounds overweight is healthy just because they don't drink or smoke is wrong.

    A quote from the article:

    "The Health At Every Size (HAES) movement attempts to interrupt the conflation of health and thinness by arguing that, instead of using one’s girth as an indicator of one’s health, we should be focusing on eating/exercising habits and more direct health measures (like blood pressure and cholesterol)."

    In MOST cases, If you have good eating/exercising habits, you will not find yourself grossly overweight.

    okay. show us the "mountains" of studies to the contrary.
  • IamBorg
    IamBorg Posts: 49 Member
    Obese 90 year olds? In the nursing homes where I worked, the ratio was pretty much the same as in the general population.

    I have a friend who is a volunteer firefighter, and she is heavier than I am. She puts on all the gear, goes into the burning house, does her job the same as any of the fit men who are with her. She's active, and healthy. There are many average-weight and thin people who aren't healthy and strong enough to do what she does!

    Not all overweight and obese people are unhealthy. The average lifespan of people in 1st world countries of European descent is in the 70's. Living til 90 has much less to do with weight than it does with genetics and luck.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I wouldn't think that working in a nursing home would be a good sample set. What about 90+ year olds that don't live in nursing homes. My great grandmother is 99, still lives on her own, still dances and does kicks, and challenges men to arm wrestling.
  • XanthePersephone
    XanthePersephone Posts: 34 Member
    I think the point of the ' healthy at every weight ' movement is to convince people who are overweight to start taking steps to become more healthy without focusing on what the scale says - giving examples of how to become healthier without putting pressure on them for something they probably already have personal issues with and most likely view as inevitable. Really, what is it but a basic example of what everyone on this site is trying to do (except members who smoke and binge drink) ? Just without the benefit of calorie counting to ensure measurable results.

    If they follow that guide, eating more fruits and vegetables and exercising more, most will naturally lose the weight anyway and make it a moot point. If not, at least they are taking their health as much into their own hands as they can.

    Seriously, this is a dumb thing to argue about.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Yeah, they CAN be, but there's an absurd amount of risk factors. People CAN smoke and be healthy, too. Doesn't mean I'm willing to take my chances on being that lottery winner.


    I don't think it's a coincidence that when weight decreases other health markers generally tend to improve as well despite the quality of the diet. Whilst I would never recommend the "Twinkie" diet that certainly happened...
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    Just because you can find exceptions, doesn't mean that a general health guideline is not a good one.

    This is it.

    Like you can find a 90 year old who smoked a packet a day - doesnt negate the fact that smoking greatly minmises your chances of a long and helathy life.

    Being obese does too.

    Thats not to say thin people are always healthier or that extreme thinness isnt a health hazard either (nobody is recomending we all become anorexic)
    Sensible thing is to stay wihin your recomended weight range and to avoid other risk factors like smoking, excessive alcohol etc.

    Common sense really.