All I see is a moster and I dont want that anymore.



  • MadamUnique
    You've had it pretty hard in your life, and now you're dealing with depression and having no money...that'd get anyone down. Trust me. I know. You have a lot going for you, though. You're young and pretty. You gotta do what you can with what you have. Find ways to stretch your food budget, and make good choices with the funds you do have. Be positive when you go into your job interviews. Your potential employers are probably not judging you based on your weight. I know this because I'm bigger than you, and I've been on job interviews. I never felt they cared how much I weighed. They just want to know you can do the job.

    Anyway, no, never give up. It's not really an option anyway, is it?

    True, not really an option as I need to do this for my health. Thanks though for understanding and I'm going to try and be positve now! :)
  • MadamUnique
    Well, first of all I think you look good in the first picture. But don't give up, we all have challenges with this but YOU CAN DO IT.

    Thank you, you look great in your DP! ♥
  • JavaSparrow
    JavaSparrow Posts: 51 Member
    my doctor prescribed me exercise because it actually helps to fight depression due to the endorphins. so exercise anyway because it'll make you stronger and happier, not just help with weightloss ^.^
    also run. it'll be hard at first but i find running/weightlifting/yoga helps me feel more capable to take on the world. like "bring it on, b**ch!" xD
    do everything in your power to be happier, including weightloss, meditation, exercise, positive thinking...maybe even hypnosis before agreeing to try anti-depressants. medication really should be a last resort because of negative effects it can have/dependency, and its certainly not a quick fix.
    eat healthy and recognize diet roadblocks keeping you from your goal.
    also, be happy with your hot bf and the time you spend together! don't weigh down happy thoughts with "im not good enough" because thats not what relationships are about.

    Yeah, I hope it does make me happier and yoga? Whats that like if you don't mind me asking.

    Also, I'm going to try and think positive from now on, so don't worry! :)

    Yoga is great for positive thinking because its about relaxing, breathing and the pose. you gain flexibility and strength and its great for the mind/self-image because you're thinking about how your body FEELS in a position instead of how it looks in a position. like i noticed sometimes i tend toward a slumped posture (sorta beaten down from the pressures of life lol) and instinctively tighten/suck in my stomach when in public, or will only sit a certain way because i dont like my thighs etc. but the more i practice yoga the better my posture gets and im not thinking of anything other than the pose and breathing. it just feels good to move myself in a healthy natural way instead of ways i've "learned" to hold myself.
    theres tons of articles on the benefits of yoga, as well as youtube videos for the actual techniques. and books at your library too probably.
    You might feel weird doing it at first, but the more you get into it the easier/more natural/enjoyable it'll become. maybe start with the Sun Salute sequence? it's beginer level and a great way to start the morning ^_^

    oh i forgot to mention running specifically is good for fighting depression because of the "runner's high".
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    The first step of weight lose is....


    You can lose the weight. Girl, you're not ugly at all. Just work on it and you will get to your weight where you need to be.

    However, I hope you well in your money trouble. I know how that feels. Six years of being unemployed
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    I've seriously been munching, due to my depression and light exercise. I can afford GYM, I have that 30DayShred DVD. But no Yoga Mat or dumbell's. So don't know how I can do it? I have £15 to spent on food for two weeks. Thats the hardest. Been trying to get a job since August 2012 and cant. I think it's due to my weight :/

    You can always lay a blanket or towl down for a mat and fill a couple of water bottles with water or use cans of soup for weights. :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I agree that you really need to reverse that negative self-talk. Do you talk to your friends that way and call them monsters? Of course not!

    Start a list of all the really great things about yourself. Consider asking your boyfriend to help you with this list; you can tell him you've been depressed and are trying to get over it.

    When the negative self-talk starts, read the list.

    Also start a list of things in your life that you're really and truly grateful for.

    Good luck and don't give up. Small changes add up.
  • MadamUnique
    my doctor prescribed me exercise because it actually helps to fight depression due to the endorphins. so exercise anyway because it'll make you stronger and happier, not just help with weightloss ^.^
    also run. it'll be hard at first but i find running/weightlifting/yoga helps me feel more capable to take on the world. like "bring it on, b**ch!" xD
    do everything in your power to be happier, including weightloss, meditation, exercise, positive thinking...maybe even hypnosis before agreeing to try anti-depressants. medication really should be a last resort because of negative effects it can have/dependency, and its certainly not a quick fix.
    eat healthy and recognize diet roadblocks keeping you from your goal.
    also, be happy with your hot bf and the time you spend together! don't weigh down happy thoughts with "im not good enough" because thats not what relationships are about.

    Yeah, I hope it does make me happier and yoga? Whats that like if you don't mind me asking.

    Also, I'm going to try and think positive from now on, so don't worry! :)

    Yoga is great for positive thinking because its about relaxing, breathing and the pose. you gain flexibility and strength and its great for the mind/self-image because you're thinking about how your body FEELS in a position instead of how it looks in a position. like i noticed sometimes i tend toward a slumped posture (sorta beaten down from the pressures of life lol) and instinctively tighten/suck in my stomach when in public, or will only sit a certain way because i dont like my thighs etc. but the more i practice yoga the better my posture gets and im not thinking of anything other than the pose and breathing. it just feels good to move myself in a healthy natural way instead of ways i've "learned" to hold myself.
    theres tons of articles on the benefits of yoga, as well as youtube videos for the actual techniques. and books at your library too probably.
    You might feel weird doing it at first, but the more you get into it the easier/more natural/enjoyable it'll become. maybe start with the Sun Salute sequence? it's beginer level and a great way to start the morning ^_^

    oh i forgot to mention running specifically is good for fighting depression because of the "runner's high".

    Going to look into Yoga as it does sound relaxing! Thanks for the suggestion though and I want to get into running once I'm down a bit because at the moment when I run or jog I can hear my thighs clapping behind me.. seriously. Haha!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    You are beautiful and need to be eating healthy protien, fruits and vegetables at 1500 calories or toddler plate as you are no longer a toddler.... Your boyfriend cares about you and you should take joy in that!! You can work out by marching in place, walking, doing squats, dancing....there is no need for a gym membership as you can exercise wherever.

    Keep you chin up and know that you have to overcome these demons in order to live the best life possible.

    I wish you lots of luck and feel free to friend request me as we have all overcome our own demons.
  • MadamUnique
    I've seriously been munching, due to my depression and light exercise. I can afford GYM, I have that 30DayShred DVD. But no Yoga Mat or dumbell's. So don't know how I can do it? I have £15 to spent on food for two weeks. Thats the hardest. Been trying to get a job since August 2012 and cant. I think it's due to my weight :/

    You can always lay a blanket or towl down for a mat and fill a couple of water bottles with water or use cans of soup for weights. :)

    Yeah, I'm going to do that. Thank's. Picked my two fav heinz soup cans to use tomorrow. Haha :)
  • MadamUnique
    The first step of weight lose is....


    You can lose the weight. Girl, you're not ugly at all. Just work on it and you will get to your weight where you need to be.

    However, I hope you well in your money trouble. I know how that feels. Six years of being unemployed

    Yeah, wish there wasn't an unemployment boat.. cause it's sinking! I want a job.. lol.

    Yeah, I know.. I need to think positive and thank you. Hopefully I'll get there eventually! ♥
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I remember being 19 and a self-loathing hot mess. It's a very self-focused time of life, especially I think for females. I'm going to share a little advice, it might come across a little tough but it's the conversation I really wish I'd had with myself at that age:

    1. The world does not revolve around you. Most people you know and especially strangers you meet are just thinking about their own lives. Everyone's struggling with something.

    2. Do not hinge 100% of your happiness on the actions of another person. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to them. Few people want that kind of responsibility, and fewer still deserve it.

    3. Men are just the frosting. They're a nice addition, but you've got to bake your own cake.

    4. Losing weight will not solve everything or probably even anything. If you have low self-esteem then you'll just find something else to hate about yourself and to blame for your problems. You've got to have your own sense of well-being.

    5. Try to turn your thoughts outward instead of inward. There's a big world out there, and a lot of people who have it a lot worse than you do. Make yourself useful, volunteer, help others. You'll gain a sense of worthiness by doing something that matters. Constantly having a navel-gazing pity party of one will just result in ongoing misery.

    6. You're 19. You're WAY more attractive to men than you think you are. Don't waste the next 10 or 20 years being a miserable self-critic. If you do, you'll look back someday and regret that you didn't enjoy your youth while you had it.
  • MadamUnique
    You are beautiful and need to be eating healthy protien, fruits and vegetables at 1500 calories or toddler plate as you are no longer a toddler.... Your boyfriend cares about you and you should take joy in that!! You can work out by marching in place, walking, doing squats, dancing....there is no need for a gym membership as you can exercise wherever.

    Keep you chin up and know that you have to overcome these demons in order to live the best life possible.

    I wish you lots of luck and feel free to friend request me as we have all overcome our own demons.

    Thank you, I have a few ideas now due to the suggestions and going to start from tomorrow. Thanks though! :)
  • MadamUnique
    I agree that you really need to reverse that negative self-talk. Do you talk to your friends that way and call them monsters? Of course not!

    Start a list of all the really great things about yourself. Consider asking your boyfriend to help you with this list; you can tell him you've been depressed and are trying to get over it.

    When the negative self-talk starts, read the list.

    Also start a list of things in your life that you're really and truly grateful for.

    Good luck and don't give up. Small changes add up.

    No? None of my friends are monsters.. besides in the morning lol!

    Also, thats a great idea! Oh my god.. so going to do that.. THANK YOU! :)
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    Before I get judgemental replies. Please read.


    I don't even know how to start this or explain this okay? So if its a bit erm, confusing. I'm sorry. Lets start off with a bit about me, I'm nineteen.. from the UK and classed as obese because I'm 251.8 lbs but I'm 5 foot and 7 inches. I live alone, left home at the age of 16 and went into care... from there into a hostel and now live independently at the age of 19 on a tight budget. Oh and I suffer manic depression. :grumble:

    I've always been on the 'chubby' side and I want that to change.

    See what I mean? So I don't only want to lose weight for myself. I want to lose it so I feel confident and sexy around my boyfriend. But I'm struggling, money's an issue and so is my confidence. Every-time I look in the mirror all I see is a monster. I sometimes feel like I'm going to break down, due to my past creeping up on me. I've had counselling since the age of 16 months.. yes I said 16 months. I stopped going counselling back in January 2012 as I wanted a break from going there basically my whole life.

    But I know my boyfriend's supporting me and wants the best for me.

    This isn't attention seeking, I guess what I'm trying to say is. Should I just give up?


    Add me and feel free to send a personal message. Your negative self-talk is a lot like what I am working to overcome and I would love to support you in the journey to a better self-image. never give up on yourself, you have to live with you every day.
  • MadamUnique
    I remember being 19 and a self-loathing hot mess. It's a very self-focused time of life, especially I think for females. I'm going to share a little advice, it might come across a little tough but it's the conversation I really wish I'd had with myself at that age:

    1. The world does not revolve around you. Most people you know and especially strangers you meet are just thinking about their own lives. Everyone's struggling with something.

    2. Do not hinge 100% of your happiness on the actions of another person. It's not fair to you, and it's not fair to them. Few people want that kind of responsibility, and fewer still deserve it.

    3. Men are just the frosting. They're a nice addition, but you've got to bake your own cake.

    4. Losing weight will not solve everything or probably even anything. If you have low self-esteem then you'll just find something else to hate about yourself and to blame for your problems. You've got to have your own sense of well-being.

    5. Try to turn your thoughts outward instead of inward. There's a big world out there, and a lot of people who have it a lot worse than you do. Make yourself useful, volunteer, help others. You'll gain a sense of worthiness by doing something that matters. Constantly having a navel-gazing pity party of one will just result in ongoing misery.

    6. You're 19. You're WAY more attractive to men than you think you are. Don't waste the next 10 or 20 years being a miserable self-critic. If you do, you'll look back someday and regret that you didn't enjoy your youth while you had it.

    Thank's for being honest and I agree with you. Things are going to change. :)
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    Everybody has already given all the great advice that I could think of to offer, so instead, I just want to cheer you on. You're already awesome (based on my expert internet opinion), so you're just working to be more awesome.

    You can do it! I believe in you!
  • MadamUnique
    Everybody has already given all the great advice that I could think of to offer, so instead, I just want to cheer you on. You're already awesome (based on my expert internet opinion), so you're just working to be more awesome.

    You can do it! I believe in you!

    Thanks ♥
  • MadamUnique
  • gr8tweets1
    Wow, after reading this post I just had to reply. While I sympathize with your situation I do not understand why you wouldn't seek medical help for your depression. You said your Mother is dependent on her anti-depressants and you don't what to be like that. Why not? If you truly suffer from a mental illness, one that is diagnosed by a medical professional, which is really a chemical imbalance in your brain then you need medication. If you take this medication and you do not need it, you won't benefit but if you do, then you can regain a much higher quality of life. Let me ask you this, if you had cancer and were offered treatment for it would you take it? So why not take it for this? Although it sounds like you have other life issues, which I am sorry for (no job, limited resources) if you feel better about you, then you will be more motivated to succeed and that will show through to those who are interviewing you. You know, mental illness is very misunderstood and is also very serious. It can have devastating effects on the person who is ill (if left untreated) as well as those around them. I know, I have a family member who suffers with bipolar disorder and while they certainly have had many ups and downs and life is not easy, it definitely is much more manageable with the assistance of medication and medical supervision.

    You are so young, have a lifetime ahead of you. YOU are worth it and really need to take a long look at yourself and decide what you want in life. Only you can make the right choices for you. I wish you much success and hope that you give serious thought to improving your young life. Don't give up, YOU can overcome this.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    skippity doo boppity boop