When I deep fry mini pizza rolls...



  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    just pop an alli beforehand and let that oil slide right on through

    Best advice ever! Just...don't plan on leaving the house :tongue:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member

    I'm sure they are tasty, but let's not get carried away here( better than batter fried bacon) seriously.

    Oooh, you could wrap them in bacon, then deep fry them.
    Everything is better with bacon!

    I think I love you.. :love:
  • You're deep frying pizza rolls. Seriously dude, wtf.

    This LOL. Why not bake them? So much better for you
  • MrsC160
    MrsC160 Posts: 85 Member
    According to Good Eats (Alton Brown)
    If you do it right, you'll probably only use a tablespoon or so.

    I was just about to post the same thing - he did a show on fish and chip - only about a tbsp of oil was absorbed. I would log two tbsp just to be safe.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    The oil loses all caloric value once it's fried. THe molecules break down and the fat gets burned up in the process making the pizza rolls a free food. So I wouldn't worry about gaining weight.
  • Find a new snack... This sounds addictive and incredibly dangerous!!!!!!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I think it would be better to bake them, just cause it tastes good doesn't mean you should eat it. It's like smelling sodium benzoate (is supposed to be odorless but it smells like root beer, it is a preservative used in soda) and thinking that the smell is just like the taste so you shove it in your mouth and subsequently die from melting from the inside out.

    A very out-there comparison true but I honestly see deep frying already bad food for you as doubling up on the negatives. Baking will be better, will probably still get crunchy and then no oil needs to be counted unless you lightly brush them with oil.
  • at least you are not deep frying snicker bars like my friend was!!!!

    Omgoodness....Now, that is DANGEROUS! And incredibly intriguing!! Good thing I am very motivated right now to behave, food wise!