C25K buddies wanted!



  • Momma_of3
    Momma_of3 Posts: 20 Member
    I would love to get involved! Where can I find the information/ schedule to C25K?

    I have never been a runner, but I am eager to start this journey! :smile:
  • Akdn
    Akdn Posts: 121 Member
    Finished W3D2 today =) It wasn't as hard as last week so that's a plus.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I was considering joining running room to have other people to run with but I downloaded an app instead. Is there a C25K standard or is every one different? Does MFP have their own? I'd like to join as well :) Planning on starting D1/W1 today :)))
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    My sister has just challenged me to do the 5K Race for Life in July - I haven't even tried 0.5K - so I have decided that at the weekend I will start on the C25K - I think there is time for me to get to the point where I won't disgrace myself on the run! Having read your posts it looks like there are quite a few doing it at various stages and enjoying it - so here goes... Anyone starting around this weekend feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other!
  • Jojocleary
    Jojocleary Posts: 2 Member
    WHAT IS C25K?
  • Akdn
    Akdn Posts: 121 Member
    WHAT IS C25K?
    It's a running app that gets you from sitting on the couch to running 5km
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Completed week 4 - distance 2.4 miles, burning 256 cals
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I finished W1 tonight so start W2 D1 on Tuesday. The only thing that I need to ask is when they say a brisk walk, well I do 5.5km (about 3.5mph) and then for the jog bit I do 10km (just over 6mph). What do you lot set for your walk and your jog/run bit...was wondering if am aiming a bit high with the 10km side of things?


    Everyone is different. Depends on your size. I am 5ft 8". I walk anywhere from 3.5-3.7 and jog around 5.3-5.6. I read when you are jogging if you can't carry on a conversation then you are going to hard.
  • Momma_of3
    Momma_of3 Posts: 20 Member
    Hearing your stories makes a huge difference for me. I can see how far you all have came so far, and you keep going! I am going to get the details of this C25K so I can start my journey as well.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Week 2, day 2 completed. Week 2, day 3 is tomorrow morning. Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • stepnerd
    stepnerd Posts: 57 Member
    did week 7 day 1 a couple of days ago. I can barely believe I've improved so much!
    Feel free to add me, one and all :)
  • fercar3000
    fercar3000 Posts: 286 Member
    I'm week 5 day 3 and keep pushing myself :) , feel free to add me
  • farrier_chick
    farrier_chick Posts: 14 Member
    I used the couch to 5k program after I hurt my hip in the military, it helped me get back into running (not that I have ever been a runner!!) It worked great for me, although I found the running on the treadmill was boring so once the weather was nice enough to run outside I used google maps and charted out rough distances and worked away at it. I also found using Runkeeper was great because I could set it to tell me my pace/calories/distance at set intervals so I knew how I was doing in relation to the previous run and could have the couch to 5k running as well.

    Best of luck to you and stick with it! Week 5 gets hard but once you are over that hump its gravy from there! I'm now (on my own) working towards running 10k easily. I ran my first 10k this past summer and discovered how much I needed to wear larger running shoes than I thought.. 8 months later my toenail still hasn't fallen off :( ugh!! But I wear it as a badge of honour!!

    Proud of you!!
  • PurposefulPractices
    Today was Week 3 Day 1 for me. Feel free to add me. Happy running! :)
  • esjayyy31
    esjayyy31 Posts: 16
    I just finished Week 5 Day 2 yesterday so tomorrow's the scary 20 minute run for me! Feel free to add me - trying to gain some motivation to lose those last few pounds.
  • KetoDebbie912
    KetoDebbie912 Posts: 105 Member
    Trying to transition from treadmill to outdoor running. My neighborhood is full of hills and it's hard but I am LOVING it.

    After work I am going back out there, it's suppose to be 70 degrees today!!! When I can't run I do intervals of run/walk and am hoping that evenutally, just like C25K on the treamill, I will get to a full on 3.1 mile run.

    Keep at it guys and gals!! Your hard work WILL pay off.

    By the way, I am losing inches and am amazed at how my body is changing. Will I eventually look like a fit and healthy runner?? I certainly hope so!!!
  • gregr072
    gregr072 Posts: 43 Member
    I"m doing part of week 1 over again since I hurt my ankle on Monday, I'll proceed to week 2 this next week.
  • swimmommy12
    I would love some friends too! I am new to C25k. Completed Week 1 Day 1 yesterday and am sore today. I would like some friends to hold me accountable so I'm not tempted to quit :)
  • newfie_74
    newfie_74 Posts: 11 Member
    I repeated W4, now I'm repeating W5, each day (did W5D1 twice, now I'm doing W5D2 tonight--it just seemed exteme to go from running 5 minute stretches to 20 minutes all in the same week, lol).

    I've never run before now, started this program in January, so far so good!
  • jpegjordan
    jpegjordan Posts: 7 Member
    I just did my first day yesterday. I feel pretty good. I started this in the past but the first time I got shin splints and the second time my partner quit and I didn't want to run at night alone. She's joining me Sunday so we'll see how it goes.