Why are people so mean?!



  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    Apparently people are missing my point.

    yep! And I totally agree with you. I get that the internet is a "mean" place etc etc but sometimes yeah... you might ask a seemingly straight-forward question on a forum and get a whole bunch of "you are a f*ckwit" answers which are not very nice.

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    There is not enough facepalm to cover this thread and its resurrection.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    edited July 2015
    I thought MFP was supposed to help motivate and push each other. I've seen so many nice comments back and forth between people and dishing out tons of encouragment. On the flip side, it is SO discouraging when people post things and are followed up with negative or harsh responses. This is not Twitter, or Facebook (where negativety and cyber bullying is everywhere). This is a place to help each other. Even if you don't agree with what people say, why bother putting in the effort to bring them down and be rude?! Not everybody has the same workout routines, times to eat, things to eat, life circumstances and so forth. Don't tear people down bc you don't agree with that they are saying. That is all :wink:
    Spread love, not anger!


    It happens when someone loses weight, and then with smug superiority starts thinking they are the authority on all that is fitness and health because what worked for them somehow is the gold standard for health - so if you're not doing it their way you're a lazy/fat/insincere/bludging/incompetent time-waster who is fat because you're not lifting 10.534kg dumb bells with 255 and a half reps, planking facing 43.5 degrees north towards Mecca and counting your macros while chanting Buddhist sutras simultaneously.

    I think like all communities there's always the "Mean Girls/Guys" clique in the jungle like in High School. I try not to respond in equal meanness. Kill with kindness, or point out the irrationality. Then move on. Don't take the bait. :smile:
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    faithyang wrote: »

    It happens when someone loses weight, and then with smug superiority starts thinking they are the authority on all that is fitness and health because what worked for them somehow is the gold standard for health - so if you're not doing it their way you're a lazy/fat/insincere/bludging/incompetent time-waster who is fat because you're not lifting 10.534kg dumb bells with 255 and a half reps, planking facing 43.5 degrees north towards Mecca and counting your macros while chanting Buddhist sutras simultaneously.

    BWAHAHAHAHAHHAAA :) thanks for making my afternoon !
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    I thought MFP was supposed to help motivate and push each other. I've seen so many nice comments back and forth between people and dishing out tons of encouragment. On the flip side, it is SO discouraging when people post things and are followed up with negative or harsh responses. This is not Twitter, or Facebook (where negativety and cyber bullying is everywhere). This is a place to help each other. Even if you don't agree with what people say, why bother putting in the effort to bring them down and be rude?! Not everybody has the same workout routines, times to eat, things to eat, life circumstances and so forth. Don't tear people down bc you don't agree with that they are saying. That is all :wink:
    Spread love, not anger!


    It happens when someone loses weight, and then with smug superiority starts thinking they are the authority on all that is fitness and health because what worked for them somehow is the gold standard for health - so if you're not doing it their way you're a lazy/fat/insincere/bludging/incompetent time-waster who is fat because you're not lifting 10.534kg dumb bells with 255 and a half reps, planking facing 43.5 degrees north towards Mecca and counting your macros while chanting Buddhist sutras simultaneously.

    I think like all communities there's always the "Mean Girls/Guys" clique in the jungle like in High School. I try not to respond in equal meanness. Kill with kindness, or point out the irrationality. Then move on. Don't take the bait. :smile:

    Yes!! I could not say it any better. :) Good job! You have wonderful insight!
  • daniellepstewart209
    daniellepstewart209 Posts: 32 Member
    You are right, some people are just nasty, however, I've read a LOT! Of posts saying 'help I'm not loosing... What's wrong' when asked if the weigh their food in grams/ oz the say no I am a good judge of weight, obviously not, like a lot of us that's a weakness, and your over weight as a result! Then when people have lost serious amounts of weight say there is your problem then, and potentially inflated burns/ no exercise. They cop the huff like. A 2 year old and *kitten* it's too hard to weigh everything and excercise....... Then the person asking for help gets nasty to the others trying to help. Is it that much of a surprise?!
    Don't gete wrong I don't agree with anyone being mean, I used to be the 'eyeball my food' person. Then I woke up and realised I was rubbish at it ! Now 5 stone loss says that extra 10 mins weighing food is so frigging worth it! It's human nature, people want help , but only want to put in minimum effort for max results.