Why do you drink almond milk?



  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Dairy cows are probably in the most horrific situation of animals used for food. They are kept pregnant their entire lives (average life of a dairy cow is 3-5yrs in a common farming situation where it might be 15-20 in older farming practices) and given mass amounts of anti-biotics and milk enhancers for them to produce more milk than is natural. The result is something called mastitis which is a condition of inflamed and infected utters which makes the milking process excruciating and causes pus and blood to be leaked into milk, this is why it needs to be processed the way it is. They are kept in tight stalls and constantly hooked up and pumped with swollen and damaged utters.

    Doesn't take much of a google search to be less ignorant about factory farming processes.

    Holy scare tactics Batman! 99% of that isn't true for any good dairy farm. It would be just way too expensive to maintain a herd like that. And cows have udders which are kept in very good condition or the cow wouldn't be profitable. I'd suggest visiting a dairy farm rather than believing what you read on Google.

    I was telling other people to do a bit of research because the information is out there and easily accessible.

    I have actually visited a lot of places. I am an animal rights activist and connected with many groups that gather this kind of information.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    I drink unsweetened almond milk because a) I'm lactose-intolerant,and b) I don't really like soy milk. It also happens to be lower in calories than regular milk.
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    I use it on cereal (it goes better together than dairy). I sometimes drink it (I'm lactose intolerant, so I only have regular dairy milk for cooking). I also drink soy (the silk chocolate is yummy and I have no significant risk factors for cancer).

    It has lower calories and a longer shelf life than regular dairy too.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I just don't like dairy milk after being a vegan for over 10 years. Almond milk tastes better.
  • CF4L
    CF4L Posts: 58 Member
    I use it in place of milk when I can't afford milk's calories. I don't use it often, but it stays good for a couple months, which is nice.

    FYI - most cartons say to dispose after 7 days of opening
  • bluemoon551
    bluemoon551 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't like soy/almond milk. It tastes like flour mixed with water to me.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    I don't drink a lot of cow milk to begin with, not for any other reason than I try to drink water as much as I can and if I buy milk for cooking it always goes bad. However, I love cream in my coffee, and the only low-cal alternative to cream that I can stomach is unsweetened almond milk.
  • Hey Doug... I too have been on the Almond Milk wagon and I do it mainly because #1 it has no sugar, it tastes good, and being dairy free has really strong benefits as well. Make sure at Whole Foods that you get the Unsweetened one which only has 40 Calories a cup to 80 Calories for a cup of skim milk. It's also great in protein shakes if that's part of your routine. Hope that helps.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    ❤ i :love: almonds in general

    ❤ i hate the taste of cow milk

    ❤ for its minerals & nutrients

    ❤ it's aslo very easy to make
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I like the taste and it's low cal compared to a cup of milk. Easy way to cut some calories.

    This sums it up just about perfectly for me.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I use almond milk in situations where the milk is secondary anyway (cooking, smoothies, cereal, etc). The unsweetened vanilla stuff doesn't taste bad either, so that helps.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I was drinking it for like the last two years because it's so low cal. I just recently switched back to skim-milk. Almond milk does not have enough protein for me to justify drinking habitually.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    I hate the taste of cow's milk (plus it makes me queasy). Almond milk is delicious, very low calorie, and the brand I use has higher calcium than regular milk.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I drink it because it tastes better.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    cruelty-free and delicious :smile:

    Ok really?

    Which is more cruel: milking a cow or crushing an almond? One survives the procedure, and it's not the almond.

    If I was a cow I'd like to be milked.

    I'm a cow, and I LOVE being milked.

    Dairy cows are probably in the most horrific situation of animals used for food. They are kept pregnant their entire lives (average life of a dairy cow is 3-5yrs in a common farming situation where it might be 15-20 in older farming practices) and given mass amounts of anti-biotics and milk enhancers for them to produce more milk than is natural. The result is something called mastitis which is a condition of inflamed and infected utters which makes the milking process excruciating and causes pus and blood to be leaked into milk, this is why it needs to be processed the way it is. They are kept in tight stalls and constantly hooked up and pumped with swollen and damaged utters.

    Doesn't take much of a google search to be less ignorant about factory farming processes.

    You just went full blown hippie.
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    I had some and it's fine but I am sticking to cows milk for the protein content
  • GypsyPirate
    GypsyPirate Posts: 42 Member
    I love milk, but even my skim was pretty high in calories for a cup. I switched to almond milk for the lower calories.
  • fwinnower
    fwinnower Posts: 6 Member
    I only use it in cereal and oatmeal. But I use it there because it has fewer calories and more calcium.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I love and drink cows milk. IMO "almond" milk just sounds nasty. I have tried soy milk and that was nasty too.

    Cruel or not cruel I am going to stick to my cows milk.
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    I use almond milk for protein shakes because it tastes better than water and I dont ant to spend too many calories on a just a protein shake.

    Otherwise I use whole fat milk for everything else (tea, coffee, just drinkin' it). I offset the higher calories by not drinking huge glasses of it.