April's Challenge "No snacking after dinner"



  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    April has been challenging. I was in NYC for a few days and am going back shortly til the week-end. No computer and no scale. A bad combination along w/being on vacation. I didn't even sit down to dinner at a restaurant until 10 pm the other evening. I think I'll just have to start all over when I get home again, but I'll see if I can do it. So, I'm back to Day 1. Will touch base over the week-end and let you know how this week has gone.
    Good luck to everyone.
  • soundofsong
    Snacking after dinner is a HUGE problem for me. But lately I have been doing pretty good with the little exception of a very small slither of a piece of banana cream pie. Doing better though. I like this Challenge!!
  • sky379
    sky379 Posts: 46
    This is definetly a problem for me! I need to eat more during the day, but it's hard because I work all day long and then usually go to the gym. Any advice on snacks for me to bring to work? Maybe I should leave some healthy snack in my desk so I don't have to bring stuff in every day. I pack my own lunch, but I don't want to make dinner my biggest meal. Id rather eat during the day and then have a small dinner, which would in turn result in no snacking after dinner. Since it is warmer out now, I will eat an earlier dinner and go for a walk (with my dog!) and will forget about my sweet tooth.

    good luck to everyone!!
  • littlecompton
    Last night I resisted temptation but the night before I had sunflower seeds. (Alot of them). It is so hard but I did watch Ruby on DVR last night and laid on the floor and did some crunches instead of eating. I thought that if she can walk over the Sidney Harbor Bridge I could certainly try my hardest at home! I'm finding shows like Ruby and Biggest Loser very motivational. It's rare to see big people on tv and especially helpful to see them working hard and achieving their goals. If they can do, we certainly can too! Good luck tonight to everyone. PS - tomorrow is my first weigh-in. Yikes...
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Zaza. See you when you get back! :flowerforyou:

    I'm 12 and the snacks are O :drinker: !

    Chairbreaker - you sound real motivated! :drinker:

    Sky379, I hear ya with the eating at work problem, but mine is just the opposite. Lots of times there is food that others bring in to share. Desserts, candy, chips and etc. Made a rule that I had to eat my healthy stuff I bring before having shared food. And sometimes it's too busy to eat. Solution is to carry a little baggie in my pocket of good stuff to munch. It takes a bit of planning ahead. Best to ya :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Any advice on snacks for me to bring to work?

    Fruit - bananas, grapes (unless you have problems with sugar), apples (but they make me hungry), strawberries (they are smaller, so take longer to eat).
    Dried fruit - but these require a LOT of willpower to stop after a few.
    Nuts - almonds are filling, but make sure you count them - it sounds silly, but o/w you could end up eating 1/2 a bag. :embarassed:
    Popcorn, but don't overdo on this. If you have a choice, not salty and not sweetened either. Plain, ideally :smile:.

    That's all that comes to my mind right now.

    As for not eating a big dinner, make sure you have a snack 1-2 hrs before going home. If you get home starving and start cooking then, you might end up eating more than you need. Another tip is to start dinner with a glass of water. It will trick your brain a bit - the brain needs about 15 mins to realize your stomach is full.

    Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Last night I resisted temptation but the night before I had sunflower seeds. (Alot of them). It is so hard but I did watch Ruby on DVR last night and laid on the floor and did some crunches instead of eating.

    Keep up the good work. You're on your way to significant changes. It's always much harder in the beginning, but once you make it to a habit, even if you fall (you will see, most of us do, from time to time), this will be far from comparison with the old times, when you did not even think you should pay attention to snacks late at night.

    Next time you've got your hands on a bag of seeds/nuts, save some for next morning. They'll taste much better :wink:
  • littlecompton
    Good advice - I'll save for next day's salad!
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253
    Good advice - I'll save for next day's salad!

    Sounds good! Always looking for salad ideas, so what else do you put on 'em?
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    whoosh I'm good yeaterday that's, but today is another day. hahahaha But Nah I'm good.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: 5 successes for me, 3 in a row. And it's helping with my weight loss too.

    It's great to see how many people have joined this thread. It's encouraging.

    So 7 p.m. for me tonight (although the past few nights I have actually stopped eating at 5 p.m. as I never had anything else after dinner). I have begged for support from my DH and he has agreed, which has helped a lot. My goal is to stay good and no eating past 7:30 through Friday so I can make it later this weekend for my anniversary celebration. WOOHOO!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    whoosh I'm good yeaterday that's, but today is another day. hahahaha But Nah I'm good.


    haha. I thought you had quit :P.

    I did well last night. :happy: My score is 9 vs 2, I believe.

    It crossed my mind that when you asked for snack ideas, sky, you did not mean things to munch on. but rather an in-between meal. I like to have buttermilk with a bread roll or a homemade sandwich with cheese and ham, or a Pb&J sandwich. Or a huge salad:

    to answer Rosemary, you can add to the fresh veggies (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, carrots) seeds or feta (or some other kind of) cheese or steamed green beans or lightly cooked mushrooms or even cooked beans.
  • rosemary10
    rosemary10 Posts: 253

    to answer Rosemary, you can add to the fresh veggies (tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, carrots) seeds or feta (or some other kind of) cheese or steamed green beans or lightly cooked mushrooms or even cooked beans.

    I wasn't very clear. Was wondering what specifically she put with her sunflower seeds. My current favorite salad is my "Springtime Salad" with mixed baby greens, scallions, tomato basil feta, crushed pecans and sliced strawberries and very lightly dressed with 1 Tbl of Brianna's New American Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette. :tongue:
    Hadn't thought to ever put cooked vegs on a salad though. Sounds interesting.

    Tonight is a bit crummy. I'm in a unit that always has candy out. So it's Rose 14 and snacks 1
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    6 me :smile:/8 snacks :grumble:

    Almost even.

    Getting into the swing of things. Actually last night was done dinner by 6:15 and nothing afterwards. Went to bed at ten. Definitely feel better in the morning for it.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Wed night - checked :wink:: me 10 - late snacks 2
    Weird posting times :smile: make me wonder where teetee is.
    I can't wait for Zaza to get back on track.
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Jason 2

    Snacks 0
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have been replacing my dinner with shake and meal replacement bar and a glass of water. So far that has been working for me and I surprisingly don't wake up hungry.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I hate it when I can't have dinner on time. Topped it with an apple close to bed (but just an apple :wink:) and went to bed rather full, so I won't count last night:: me 10 - late snacks 3
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    7 me:smile:/8 snacks:grumble:

    If I am successful tonight, I will be even. Going to make my late nights Saturday and Sunday this weekend. Cut off is 7:30 (but probably 5:30 when I go to the gym)