Black Team week 13!!!!!!!!!!



  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Roni--:heart::wink: :smile:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Roni-I'm happy for you!!! Go ahead Ms. Nonibug!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Breaking news: I am once again free from diet soda (6 days) and sweets (21 hours). AND I have not touched the Easter candy or desserts sitting less than 3 feet away from me.

    Please return to your regularly scheduled day.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello, my friends--

    Quick minute to sit a spell and say hey. Beautiful day here-- love the spring, even with the odd weather patterns-- 90 one day, 50 the next-- wth?

    You know, when I was younger I used to look at the old people and wonder what it was like to be old, what they felt like, et cetera-- and yes, I know I'm not "OLD," but I'm learning something the older I get..... We don't feel any different. We see the world through the same eyes--

    I'm driving in the van today taking Aaron to the golf course, windows down, hair blowing, and I felt the same exhilaration I did 28 years ago when I first got my license-- the same yearning to hit the highway, turn on "Boys of Summer" ( and just drive, destination unknown.

    I feel the same excitement in this "unseasonably" warm weather that I did as a school girl, sitting in a hot classroom knowing summer vacation wouldn't be far away....

    Today, my friends, I feel damn young-- I'll stay away from the mirror for the reality check, thank you very much-- but, I feel wonderful today. Pain is lessened due to my veggie juice fast this week-- weight is in check-- I've maintained my current weight since April of last year-- one freaking year, my friends-- this is not the "new" me anymore-- this is now me..... I'm lovin' it.

    walked into Dunkin Donuts this morning to get my unsweetened coffee and NO edible, and saw the reflection of the thin lady whose thighs don't touch-- and yes, she still wants to take off 10 more pounds, and battles the hormonal, watery goosh sac in her gut-- but, damn, she looks good-- and feels better, emotionally, spiritually and physically knowing this enemy of hers has been defeated.

    Never again shall I let this weight own me-- never, never, never.

    Making potato salad for the troops tonight-- and putting hot dogs on the grill. (I make incredible potato salad, I must admit-- truly the best I've ever tasted....pardon the self-praise.... )

    For today, anyway, perspective is in check-- the world around me, my life around me is spinning totally out of my control. But, I conquered that which I COULD control, and will continue-- thankfully, with all of your love and support. You raise me up, my friends.

    Gabby Gus signing off-- love to all.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good afternoon team!!

    Marla- Love it love it love it

    Roni- how amazing is that.

    Today is day 3 back of the wagon and I feel amazing..I usually only go off of it for a day or so but not without a boat load of exercise..

    Is it bad when you are waiting on a table at work, and there is a lady sitting there, I say do you work here?? Have you worked here?? and she says NO, I work at the gym...when you see someone so much you think you work with them is that a sign, maybe you are there to much???

    Well off to play with darling daughter for a little then heading out to run and to my boyfriends house (Gym's House)!!!

    Hope everyone had a good weigh in I hope I have a good weigh in friday at least maintain. that would be exellcent!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,936 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 in the bag! Tomorrow is going to be my non-run/rest day. Friday will be my 5 minute warm up, 20 minute (without stopping) run and 5 min cool down. Wish me luck. Today was walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8 and walk 5. The first 8 min run nearly did me in. Couldn't get my groove. I pushed on thinking of you all! Truly! You each helped me finish today. Thank you!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 in the bag! Tomorrow is going to be my non-run/rest day. Friday will be my 5 minute warm up, 20 minute (without stopping) run and 5 min cool down. Wish me luck. Today was walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8 and walk 5. The first 8 min run nearly did me in. Couldn't get my groove. I pushed on thinking of you all! Truly! You each helped me finish today. Thank you!

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Week 5, Day 2 in the bag! Tomorrow is going to be my non-run/rest day. Friday will be my 5 minute warm up, 20 minute (without stopping) run and 5 min cool down. Wish me luck. Today was walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 8 and walk 5. The first 8 min run nearly did me in. Couldn't get my groove. I pushed on thinking of you all! Truly! You each helped me finish today. Thank you!

    Way to go Katie!

    Some days a groove is hard to find. I had a stitch in my side for over a mile that started after about 5 steps today. It irritated me so much, but I refused to stop. It never really went away 100% but I got in 2.5 miles anyway!

    This team and knowing what everybody else can/will/does accomplish pushes me many days.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good morning team!!:happy:

    Ahem...sorry I havent been in for a couple days, but Ive been busy being blissfully happy and enjoying my visit. :wink: What can I say guys...I am in heaven!:heart: I couldnt ask for things to be going any better than they are. He is as wonderful and sweet as he always was, maybe even more so since hes about 22 yrs older than the last time I saw him...amazing. :love:

    It really is as if we never parted. Things picked up right where they left off with zero effort. We have alot of catching up to do, but it feels as if we have known each other forever with no 20+ year break! I am in heaven...did I already say that?:blushing: :laugh:

    Well, I will try to check back in soon...just wanted to share with my team:flowerforyou: Amazing.:love: Wait...I already said that too didnt I?:wink:

    P.S. *****Ticker Alert***** I finally broke through that 150 lbs gone barrier! I lost another 3.8 lbs this week!! Something must agree with me......:heart::heart: :heart:

    WOOT!! I love ya girl!:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Mine is a fat, bald retired cop who drinks like a fish.


    I wish you wouldn't talk about my husband that way.. :laugh: :laugh:

    Thinking back on mine, I will keep DH thankyouverymuch :wink: