Black Team week 13!!!!!!!!!!



  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    All of that is really big news! That is so great to hear. I can almost feel the butterflies in my stomach for you! I love that feeling! There is something about that matter how they ended there is always something special. I know it will go well for the two of you. Congrats on the big weight loss...I bet it feels great!

    Good morning everyone!

    Andrew-- Thanks for the chart, and the challenge (I think:laugh: ) Im going to have to try and go with wall push ups for this one. A month or so ago when Lori and I had our own little challenge going with push ups and pull ups I ended up at the Dr for my wrist. Turned out that I have a ganglion (sp) cyst and it gets aggravated pretty easily and flares up. So will see how that goes:smile:

    Tammy-- Wow! I would love to try kayaking! Not sure there is anywhere around here to do that though? Hope your tummy feels better today!:flowerforyou:

    Beth-- Hi!:smile: Hope your feeling well:flowerforyou:

    Leslie, Lori & Lori-- Hi!!:happy:

    Marla-- Im with you on the wall push ups. We'll see how they go:ohwell:

    Tanya-- Good luck with the potty training! Boy, I remember those days and they arent fond memories:laugh:

    Donna-- Happy April Fool's Day! You had me going for a minute there...20 miles....Geesh!!:laugh:

    Sorry I was MIA on the boards yesterday. It was just a busy, busy day so all I managed to do was report my weight and log my food and exercise. (Didnt mean to keep you hanging Marla:wink: )

    Well big news Part 1: Marla guessed it, I lost 7.6 lbs this weigh in! That is just unheard of for me lately, I havent had a 1 week loss that big since...ever!:laugh: But since I refused to move my ticker last week when I had that 2+ pound gain, it only reported as a 5 lb loss on the boards lol.

    Big news Part 2: My very first love (we're talking my teenage years folks) found me on facebook a couple weeks ago and we have been talking on the phone basically nonstop since then. We were actually engaged back then, but he joined the Navy and was shipped out to sea and we drifted apart as teenagers do I suppose. It has been amazing talking to him again and I swear I have felt like a teenager again!:love::laugh: We had run into each other once after he joined the Navy, but he was with someone else by then and I was married to my first husband then. But we had one of those things (as I guess all first loves do?) where the years never changed the feelings. is the last day of school for Alex and he is on spring break til the 12th. Come Monday, Mom is taking a road rip!:happy: I finally made the decision (after tossing it back and forth in a bundle of nerves:laugh: ) to go visit my family this weekend and see my first love again!! I'm getting more and more nervous with each day that brings me closer to Monday lol. But I am not going to chicken out. I am going to see him.

    Oh, and in case your wondering...I'm not married anymore. I have been divorced from Alex's dad for almost 12 years and havent been on a date in all that time!:ohwell:

    Ok, the news is out. It's official. There's no backing out now:laugh:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    So I am becoming more and more mad at the scale but I am realizing it's not about the scale anymore. When I first started this plataeu (sp?) I was in a size 14. 8 months I am still at 170-175 and I am now in a size 12. So I am going to be very unlady like here for a second and say a big EFFF THE SCALE!!! I will look at you to make sure it's not getting to crazy but as long as my pants are getting looser then I'm not going to freak about it any longer!!!

    That's the spirit Sam !! I came to that conclusion a little while ago. Makes for a happier weigh in day .
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Roni ...Woot Woot , you go girl ! Have fun and enjoy your road trip.

    Tanya..I remember those days well, don't envy you at all.

    Thanks for the challenge Batman !
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tanya-- I totally detest potty training. I'll be trying with Caleb, most likely, sometime this summer-- but I'm not rushing it.

    Roni-- have a wonderful time!!!!!!! Just think-- this time last year you wouldn't have had the confidence to do something like this-- look what you've done for yourself-- tell us all about it! Lots of New Jersey hugs!

    Sam-- screw the scale-- I'm with you. Busting my A-S-S all week-- nothin'-- poofier than ever, and the scale just won't budge. Alas, I shall press on.

    Sara-- good to see you back--

    Csanchez-- meant to tell you on the last thread that I'm glad to see you back. Don't wander again, woman!

    Well, today is a collection of good news and bad news. Upon what shall I dwell?

    Bad first, I guess-- hubs was turned down for another job. Big surprise. And Peeps decided NOT to support any of Sarah's golf expenses-- so there goes that. Back to square flippin' zero.

    Good-- well, I need to find the enthusiasm of last night to tell you all this-- last night I was pumped. Today I'm pissy.

    B-U-T-- where there is a will, there is a way, my friends-- I was pouting to my husband about not being able to do the pushups anymore because of my arthritis. Wrist kills me-- can't even turn a doorknob, and the kids have to start my car for me. Used to try and do them on my fist on the right hand, but swelling is too bad on my right fingers to even make a fist. The closest I can get is to "make a claw."

    Soooo-- I'm mopin' to my husband about it-- who promptly reminded me that he bought the pushup handle thingies (Push up Pros, I think)>

    So-- I got on the floor and pushed up 10-- count 'em T-E-N-- I was gonna do more, but it was late.

    I'll hit 'em today-- I'm so glad to be back at 'em-- I was crankin' out 50-60 a day last summer.

    Woot-- (okay, so that was a half-hearted woot)

    I'm very low this day-- unemployment runs out in one week. Don't think we have any more renewals-- it's already been through three times. NO job. No money. House is in brother-in-law's hands to some extent because the mortgage is in my mother-in-law's name and he's the POA. We'll need his help to rework the mortgage-- which is underway, but not done yet.

    And even if it does get modified-- how will we pay it with no income? We moved 3 years ago due to foreclosure-- I can't do it again, my friends-- I just can't.

    Must go-- need to cry.

    Love to all.
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,936 Member
    Marla - Hugs my friend. Wish there was something more I can besides pray for you and your family.

    Roni - Congrats on your loss. Prayers for the melanoma spot to be removed cleanly. And, have a wonderful time on your road trip. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Tanya - Ugh, potty training.
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Tag - so busy lately - hate it...

    Hugs all
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Marla- Big hugs your way. I’m with Kati, I wish there was something we could do for you besides pray. You are such an inspiration to others, you need to bottle that and sell it! Why is Peeps not supporting Sarah’s golf expenses? Stay Positive – Don’t cry! I’m crying for you..

    Roni- I have butterflies just reading your post. We all hold first loves closest to our hearts. Being that I’m still happily married keeps me away but I don’t know what I would feel if ran into my first love. I just picture that he must be fat and bald (not that there’s anything wrong with that) and there is no way I’d still be attracted to him.. Have a great road trip! Can’t wait to hear how it turns out. And prayers for you on removing another spot!

    Sam – I’m with you sister…can’t make it about the scale anymore!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, everyone-- just surrounding myself with the kids today and trying to stay busy.

    Whoever asked about Peeps-- they simply said corporate sponsorship of an athlete is something they've never done, and don't believe they'd do well, so they don't wish to try. Whaddyagonnado?

    All the eggs over the years have been put in the golf basket-- employment searching has been done halfheartedly because of the "what if" of corporate sponsorship coming in requiring travel and caddying for Sarah-- I can't honestly say I was in favor of it all this time. So, I'm really trying to stay away from the "I told you so" now. What's happening is what I predicted, and it freaks me outgaah.gif, pisses me offswear1.gif, devastates mesigh.gif-- you name it.

    Having said that, this is usually the way the Lord has dealt with us-- he rushes in at the last minute, ala Israelites at the Red Sea, and delivers us. He just leaves us (me) to freak out and try to trust. Years past, it was easy. The older I get, the more **** I go through, the less able I am to simply "let go and let God--" it's old.

    However-- not much choice have I, eh? So, stop the sniveling and snapoutofit.gif I guess is all I can do. We can't control the hand we're dealt, so we play with what we have.

    Beautiful day here in Jersey-- high school students are on spring break until next Wednesday. (??) Not getting the schedule the school is on-- spring break from Thursday to Wednesday? Whatever?

    Aaron has his first golf match with the high school team. We'll see what happens.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Hmmmm-- then again, this may not work.

    Just tried some wall pushups-- wrist is killing me.

    You may sub crunches =)
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Marla- My heart goes out to you dear. The lord has a way of testing us sometimes. And I am sure that you are feeling more tested then ever. A little story to remember.

    MAR 4:3 "Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed.

    4 As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds
    came and ate it up.

    5 Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up
    quickly, because the soil was shallow.

    6 But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered
    because they had no root.

    7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so
    that they did not bear grain.

    8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a
    crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times."

    Your faith in the face of adversity always amazes me. Keep sewing those seeds and something will come of it.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Roni- That is SUPER exciting! Have fun lady

    Sam- Screw the scale. =) lol

    Everyone else- Have a great night!
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Evening Black Team,

    Sorry for being MIA I feel a little out of the loop :frown: Mom was in hospital, school mid terms, sick kids...LIFE.

    Andrew and Beth-Congratulations on baby batman or batgirl!

    Andrew- Not sure about the challenge this week...PUSH UPS ARGHHHH!!!

    To all my Black Team friends I wish you luck on the upcoming weekend with all the Easter goodies.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrew-- thanks, my friend--

    Heading to type-- glad to see Jan back, too-- and Tammy--

    Later, my team.

    I'm not hearing too many reports of pushups--

    let's go people-- drop and give me ten! pussups4cx.gif
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Marla- not much I can say, other than hang in there and I'll be praying for you. I'm glad you remembered you had the push up handles. I was actually going to suggest them to you and then I kept reading and saw you found them! They are supposed to take a log of stress off the wrists.

    Ronnie- best wishes meeting the 'man'. Have a great time.

    To the rest of you, sorry I don't have time to comment on everything. I did catch up, sounds like everybody is doing well.

    I had a super busy day, took the older kids shopping for shorts, got groceries, home by noon helping hubs work on the deck since he took the day off. I spent all dang day building the corner flower box. Hubs kept looking at me and checking out my work. LOL Guess he wanted to make sure I was doing it 'right'.

    The project is coming along. I'm soooooo ready to sit back and enjoy it. I love this time of year, but I usually am exhausted by the time summer rolls around because I work like a dog for months. I can't even think of all I have to do yet, It's a little overwhelming.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Challenge report...50 push ups done. 10 girlie style and 40 wall push ups. Threw in 100 crunches for the heck of it.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Morning team...Having a rough week getting my exercise in. We are going camping today and I've been trying to get everything ready. I have missed exercising other than kayaking since Monday. I plan to get in some jogging, hiking and kayaking while we are camping so hopefully that will help, however, as of right now I have found 3 extra pounds. Amazing how fast you can find it! Typing this morning and then heading out. I will be MIA this weekend because the state park doesn't have internet. Hope you all have a Happy Easter! See you Monday.

    Marla...Hugs and prayers for you and your family.

    Roni...How exciting. Enjoy your road trip.

    I know I'm forgetting a bunch but hello to all:smile:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Well the toilet training is stopping - little Chris wet himself and then sat on my lap with no interest in the fact that he was wet!!

    Had a nice night with friends last night, so no press ups happened but will do some today, got to scoot need to go and but some nappies!!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I've been quiet lately, but wanted to say hello.

    Marla - I'm so so sorry. *hugs* I can't imagine the frustration.

    Tanya - My boys were HORRIBLE to potty train. Horrible. hated every minute of it.

    Beth - I love seeing the baby ticker! :smooched:

    Roni - I hope your procedure went well yesterday! I'll say an extra prayer that it comes back clean!

    Sam - Losing inches is progress! *highfive* The scale is the devil.

    Howdy to everybody else! :heart: I'm going to try to pop in more instead of just sending my weight to Andrew.

    Pushups - I can usually do about 20 girly ones. :ohwell: I'll work on that more this week. I miss the 100 pushup challenge so maybe I'll start up with that again. Woot!

    I'm nearly the last 10-11 pounds of this journey & am freaking out a little bit. I don't want to lose my motivation like I did last time trying to crank this out. I feel different mentally now so that's a start! :bigsmile:

    Have a great Easter weekend, folks! I hope you all get to spend it with those you love. :heart: