Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I did manage to get my hour in last night, yeppers.

    Today is my planned rest day. I choose Tuesdays because I work 10 hours and then watch Lost. :happy: It is my one hour of TV for the week.

    Sure am looking forward to these long shifts ending, so I can have more time in the evenings to devote to the Wii-ing . I really do not like exercising at 9pm, and no no, don't suggest I get up at 5am, it just isn't going to happen.

    It is great to see everyone working hard. Keep it up!!
  • Onederland
    WhooHHOooo! Doing the happy dance, lol
    I broke all kinds of personal records this morning on my WiiFitPlus game.
    ok, so here is a quick run down, lol (nothing i do is ever quick...so be foreward, haha)

    Super Hula Hoop.
    10 minute session:
    Left Spins: 1,631
    Right Spins: 1,505

    Total spins 3,136. WHhhOHhhOOO! :bigsmile:
    I broke my old record by 11 spins rofl.

    Ryhthm Parade:
    9 minutes total:
    First try: 1178 points (missed 7)
    Second try: 1129 (missed 0)

    didn't break any point records BUT this was the first time I didn't miss any beats...WHHhOOooHHO! :bigsmile:

    Island Cycling...
    Free Ride Course
    30 minutes.....Hold me back people cause here it comes......:laugh: :tongue:
    I accomplished 9.119 miles in 30 minutes of riding.

    Holy smokes...I was hauling butt tooo those last few minutes, rofl...
    My highest mileage for this course in the past was 6.987 miles....not only did I break this record, I nearly broke my balance board, ROFL :laugh: :bigsmile:

    49 minutes total on my WiiFitPlus....and a very happy camper I am, hehe

    This afternoon I am going to dance my little butt of to MC Hammer, New Kids On The Block and all kinds of good songs...but first, I gotta get me something to eat cause I'm starvin' hahaha.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    O, I thought I was the SuperHulaHoop Master-In-the-House?!!!
    Yeah...& ...Wow!

    How do I increase my time on my WiiFitPlus? Not that I could hang like that :huh:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ok, so I can't increase my SHH duration until I hit some quota...that was +800 in 3 minutes!

    Can't imagine any longer...I'm pooped! I'll just stick with the baby minutes...!
  • Onederland
    I'm not sure if I know what you mean by increasing your time. Do you mean with the super Hula Hoop or overall?

    If you mean the Super Hula Hoops, when I started playing it, I think it limited to 3 minutes. After playing a few times, it went to 6 minutes and then the 10 minute level opened up. (5 minutes going left and 5 minutes going right) I think to open up more time...you have to keep all the hula hoops on and keep them on for a certain period of time.

    If you mean your overall WiiFitPlus time, I think finding those activities that you enjoy the most and setting fun and silly goals has helped me get the most time in. Like take Island cycling...I'm on the free ride course and it's a 30 minute thing....and I really didn't care to find all the beachballs today so instead I decided that I was going to find all the ramps on this island and pop wheelies as I went over each one, lol. (I'm a complete nutcase...what can I say, lol)

    I do the same thing on Walk It Out. I decide on what it is I want to accomplish...whether it be to complete a rainbow, or perhaps walk a certain distance and then I just get on there and bust my butt until I accomplish that task.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I finally opened up the 6 minutes on super hh on Saturday. I just did it again. boy that kicks my but. I don't know how you could possibly do 10 minutes. I can only dream. I think Walk it Out will be my next purchase. I get one every time a go to a new10 and today I weighed in at 169 and that broke the 170's so new game here I come.!!!
  • Onederland
    Rj...WAY to go on breaking the 170's.
    I soooo wanna get to Onederland, wanna these days it will happen.....but until then it's inspiring to read other's like yourself who are knocking those pounds away and really helps me stay motivated and focused on my own weight loss goals.
    You definetely have earned a new game, and I'm sure you will love Walk It Out....

    My 49 minutes of exercise this morning was going to be followed up by a 10 minute round of Just Dance after lunch, but....rofl, my neighbor had me help him in his vegetable garden (only 1/4 acres, rofl) after lunch and little did I know that he had his own little workout planned for me....haha

    I should know better that to go visit him and not be handed either a shovel of a crate of something with roots on it, haha.

    Two weeks ago I helped him plant onions and corn and we busted butt and got every little bit of it planted between the two of us......and today when I went down he handed me 4 crates of chopped potatoes ready to be put in the ground.
    I just got done and between both of us, got every last one done. He has already made the beds so it wasn't as hard as the last time, but it's still kicked my butt...and no doubt I'm gonna be feeling it tommorow morning.

    I'm gonna go take me a "wii" NAP....lol, and possibly do a little Just Dance this evening after dinner.
    If I don't get it in though, planting many rows of potaotes at lunch time surely made up for it...hehe
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    ......and today when I went down he handed me 4 crates of chopped potatoes ready to be put in the ground.
    I just got done and between both of us, got every last one done. He has already made the beds so it wasn't as hard as the last time, but it's still kicked my butt...and no doubt I'm gonna be feeling it tommorow morning.

    I pulled a few simple weeds a couple of weekends ago & could hardly swing my arms, much less lift my legs...! Hope you have some tylenol girl...you're so sweet to help out like that.

    Gettin' in the dirt...love the smell!
  • Onederland
    Hope you have some tylenol girl...

    LOL..oh yeah, I'm feelin' it this morning. Right around my mid drift area and my sides. I think it's probably from bending over with each potato to stick it in the ground. I've never been able to do a crunch in my life, and this morning I feel like I did 100 of them...lol

    My face is also puffy and my nose is running like a faucet this morning. I can tell that the season's are changing...

    So....I'm gonna knock these seasonal allergies out with my Walk It Out game along with my added strength training tweak today. I was sitting here trying to come up with my 'plan of attack', like a challenge I can accomplish today during my workout.
    I think now that I am close to unlocking alot of the thing on this game in regards to music & buildings, I'm going to change my settings back on the penalty setting....so now, when I walk, if I don't sync my steps exactly to the music/ryhthm, I will LOSE points...and I am also going to change my point setting from normal to hard so that it costs more points to unlock events.
    This will make the game all that more challenging and alot more difficult when it comes to buying the rest of the music and buildings.

    I'm shooting for 3 .5 miles today...and I also want to get in a little Just Dance, even just 4 songs, seeing as I didn't do that yesterday. Recently, my poor website tracker for all my games has been mostly Walk It Out updates, and my poor WiiFitPlus and Just Dance have been only getting played around twice a week.

    I'm also thinking about buying another game....but I'm not sure which one. Going to do some research and read some reviews on games today.

    EA sports Active 'more workouts'...is NOT on my list of choices though, lol
    I actually bought this game and retured it two weeks later and evenly traded it for the Just Dance. (Gamestop is an AWESOME store). It wasn't that I didn't like the contents of this game and in fact I was very much looking forward to the 6 week challenge.....BUT my numchuk/controller and the console were not cooperating with each other and half the time my moves were not being registered so the game was constatly stopping/pausing and then messages would flash on the screen telling me to move my butt, lol.
    I did some research and viewed the how to videos that came with the game...and I found that I wasn't alone when it came to this problem. In fact, EA just in the past few weeks recognised that their "may" be a problem and their solution....EA Active 2.0...a NEW game supposedly with all the bugs being fixed..allowing the player more movement blah blah blah....I will wait and read up on the reviews before buying this game again :(

    Well, hope everyone has a great day day today and an awesome Wii workout :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've noticed issues with the EA Sports Active game not responding to my movements. It's not enough to be completely annoying, but it does happen a few times per workout. I was thinking of getting the More Workouts, but seeing that there are some cool other games out there from this thread, I think I'll try to branch out and try a different title when I'm sick of Sports Active. Maybe in the fall when EA Sports Active 2.0 comes out, I'll upgrade to that one. Wireless controllers would be good. I'm contemplating getting WiiFitPlus... and the balance board would be a useful addition to have with all the workout games, not just that one.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    So I just looked over the reviews for WiiFitPlus on Amazon and it looks pretty awesome. I'm looking for a product that gives me a solid workout for about 30-40 minutes with fun exercises that burn a decent amount of calories. At the moment, I'm burning about 200 calories for a 30 minute EA Sports Active workout. I also go to the gym twice a week and do the elliptical for 45 minutes of cardio (moved up to level 6/7 yesterday! Level 5 felt so easy when I hopped on).

    Anyway, do you all have suggestions? Amazon has the WiiFitPlus bundle with a balance board for $99.99 at the moment, and I've heard those are hard to find in stores and definitely not for any cheaper than $100. Thanks all!
  • Onederland
    Hi everyone..

    WiiFitPlus was the first game that I bought. I bought the balance board/game combo for $99. This is a fun game...and has 15 "training plus" games that are fun. Island cycling, Rhythm Parade, Obstacle Course...just to name a few. The calories I have never thought to be very accurate with this game...so when I play it, I rely on the target heart rate method and usually try to workout for between 30-45 minutes each time that I play.
    You should be able to find that $99 price anywhere...I got mine from Best Buy...but I do know that they sell quickly.

    Again though....my overall favortite game still to the day is Walk It Out and on any given day I burn at least 450-600 calories each time I play..(45-60 minutes...but let me tell you it goes by very quick)
    It just never gets boring for me and each day I play...I just can't help but want to keep going. you don't need a balance board for this game....just your numchuk and controller although you do have the option of playing with your controller and balance board OR a DDR mat...but from what I have heard and read...the numchuk and controller method is just the best way to play this game.
  • Onederland
    If any of you have any reviews on The Biggest Loser game, I would love to hear them....this was the next game that I was going to check out and was thinking of buying.

    I just got done with my own workout and I walked another 4 miles, burned 600 calories and went 62 minutes on my Walk It Out game. I also did my add on strength training.
    I'm so glad that I added this into my walking. It has definetely increased the intensity of my workout by a good 50%...if not more.
    I'm feeling really good with this weeks accomplishments so far...
  • capturethemoments3
    I am a wii fit plus user, and I love it!

    I would love to take you up on a boxing competition :) Let me know the details :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! Walk It Out sounds cool, I'll have to read up a bit on that one. I think my mom might really enjoy that one as well, and her birthday is coming up too :D I want to get more use out of my EA Sports Active so I'm probably going to wait until I finish one more 30 Day Challenge before I invest in a new game. I just started my first job out of college so I'm trying to be somewhat frugal... lol. Altho I don't mind as much since it's improving my help and not just me sitting on a couch playing Guitar Hero (I do that too, but only after working out first).

    I also just read about the Couch to 5K program. I've never ran in my life, but I'm thinking I might try it out and mix up my cardio with the elliptical and that program. I plan to start next week :D
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I am a wii fit plus user, and I love it!

    I would love to take you up on a boxing competition :) Let me know the details :)

    Wooo Hoooo, finally got a taker. Right on! :bigsmile: Perfect timing too. As I was sitting here digesting dinner on the couch, the idea of just flippin on the TV and putting my feet up was sounding pretty good. But no, yesterday was my rest day and tonight I must get back at it. And now, thank you, I have been spurred on.

    So, yes. after I get warmed up, I will go into the advanced boxing and when I am done will relay my score. I have gotten fairly adept at it, so watch out. .. Well, some days are better than others. Generally I can score around 1200 or more. Monday I thought I was doing better than ever and I didn't even get a ranking score, meaning it was below my top ten scores at it. Feeling a little tired tonight, but ya never know. I do have some frustration to punch out.

    All you other WiiFit Plus'ers.. anybody else want to take us on?

  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I am a wii fit plus user, and I love it!

    I would love to take you up on a boxing competition :) Let me know the details :)

    Wooo Hoooo, finally got a taker. Right on! :bigsmile: Perfect timing too. As I was sitting here digesting dinner on the couch, the idea of just flippin on the TV and putting my feet up was sounding pretty good. But no, yesterday was my rest day and tonight I must get back at it. And now, thank you, I have been spurred on.

    So, yes. after I get warmed up, I will go into the advanced boxing and when I am done will relay my score. I have gotten fairly adept at it, so watch out. .. Well, some days are better than others. Generally I can score around 1200 or more. Monday I thought I was doing better than ever and I didn't even get a ranking score, meaning it was below my top ten scores at it. Feeling a little tired tonight, but ya never know. I do have some frustration to punch out.

    All you other WiiFit Plus'ers.. anybody else want to take us on?


    I just got my highest score in boxing YET!!! Yipeeee!!! I guess the threat of competition really did the trick! :happy:

    > > 1331 < <
    Now that's about the coolest number EVER, lol. Thanks tfrank for making me push it! I did it last even, after an hour of a Wii Routine.

    Some of you are just blowing my mind with the time and effort you put in, its truly impressive! :drinker: Surely going to pay off too, has to.

    Hope everyone's week is going smoothly.

    Now, someone, go beat my boxing score!!
  • capturethemoments3
    I am about to go do the boxing, are you doing the six minute or ten minute?
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I am about to go do the boxing, are you doing the six minute or ten minute?

    Oh yeah. Thats the 10 minute expert level. You go!!
  • odessa_raven
    40 minutes on Walk It Out last night, new record for me whoo hoo! I think I might have overdone it a bit but I took an ibuprofen and did a little stretching right afterwards and I'm mostly feeling OK today.