Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Well I cannot reach that 1300 mark on boxing, I got 1274 and htat seems to be the best I can do. I will keep it up though. I have been wanting that 1300 so badly that I have been doing the boxing multiple times in a row!

    Awesome job on that skateboarding score, I am not sure what my high score is. I will have to check.

    Good luck everyone, keep it up!

    Hey you will get there. Alot of the points are all about timing. Today i scored 1256, so you beat that!
    I did manage 128 on the skateboarding.
    My best number of the day was finding I was 2 lbs down! Yay. I weigh in on Sundays, and it hasn't been a stellar week, so that was a nice surprise.
    Now on to the fun part of Sunday - NOT. Going to burn some cals doing yardwork, housework, then a trip to the grocery store.

    Could somebody please extend the weekend? Pleeeeez!
  • capturethemoments3
    I got my high score on the expert boxing today :) 1290! Not quite the 1300 I want so badly but it will come in time, hopefully this week (along with a good weightloss :) ) I am going to practice up on my skateboarding and maybe then I can take you up on that challenge!

    This week I want to do at least 1 hour everyday. I tend to be lazy on Tuesdays since I don't have to work, but I should actually be thinking I have more time to exercise!

    Keep it up everyone.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I got my high score on the expert boxing today :) 1290! Not quite the 1300 I want so badly but it will come in time, hopefully this week (along with a good weightloss :) ) I am going to practice up on my skateboarding and maybe then I can take you up on that challenge!

    This week I want to do at least 1 hour everyday. I tend to be lazy on Tuesdays since I don't have to work, but I should actually be thinking I have more time to exercise!

    Keep it up everyone.

    Wooo Hooo, 1290!! You are as good as there. I too, try for an hour a day, but for one rest day. I take my rest day on Tuesdays too, but only because Lost is on. Keep it up and you'll see some loss, for sure.

    Hope everyone's Monday gets the week off to a good start!
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Ok Im new on the Wii board here and still pretty new to MFP so im excited to be here. I just got Wii active and after one night LOVE IT! My goal is to finish the 30 day work out.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Ok Im new on the Wii board here and still pretty new to MFP so im excited to be here. I just got Wii active and after one night LOVE IT! My goal is to finish the 30 day work out.

    Welcome to MFP and to our Wii group here. :flowerforyou: Keep us posted on how the 30 day challenge goes!
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    Hello everyone! I started the Wii Fit about 2 weeks ago, have dropped 4 lbs and now have introduced myself to Jillian Michaels. What a workout! I am feeling stronger everyday but still have the soreness after working out. I have 19 lbs to go, trying to watch what I eat and eat healthy. I do have a problem area though, I am 56 year young, have had 4 children, between my abs and abdoman that is where all my weight is. I have nice legs and thighs, arms need a bit of toning, other than that I am ok. Any suggestions on getting rid of the fat in this area. Also, are my abs just to stretched out to have a flat stomach?
  • capturethemoments3
    Today was a day of high scores for me :) I got my high score on advanced Rhythm Kung Fu, Advanced Step AND Expert Boxing!!! And I finally reached my goal of 1300 on the boxing, I actually passed it with a 1319!!! I am very excited to say the least. Now I really need to up my skateboarding scores, they are awful.

    Thank you everyone for the motivation, knowing I should check in with all of you really makes me work harder and longer!

    Keep it up everyone, lets make April a great month :)
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    okay, so i was here for the March Wii team, and have been silently stalking the April team :wink: but now I am driven by a challenge....

    i have been doing my 6 week challenge on the EASA "more" and only have 2 days of that left, but now I have some motivation to get to the expert level of boxing on the wiifitplus and get that high score!! :tongue:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Got the whole fam on the Wii again this weekend. Still unable to get past the 3 minutes limit on most of the WiiFit challenges, but that ok with me...sometimes its about all I can get thru!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi everyone! My 30 Day Challenge for the EA Sports Active is probably going to take more than 30 days at this point. Today was kind of turned upside down when my car needed to go into the garage with a check engine light. I picked it up tonight, food shopped, and by time I got home at 8, I had no motivation for the Wii. I'll be going to the gym tomorrow though to get back in gear. I'm happy with my progress so far, I've lost about 2 pounds in the past week. I think the little extra that I had been eating helped. I might have been undereating since I was stuck at 192 for a while. I just stocked up on delicious smoothie making food, I'll have to try it out this week.
  • Ressy
    Ressy Posts: 19
    Mu challenge for the month of April is to get up to running 4 miles and working out for an hour every night. I am about 40 minutes so I do think I can achieve this goal. I also would like to lose 7 lbs this month, that might be unrealistic but it's worth the try! Good luck everyone and keep motivated!
  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    okay you boxing girls....it took me 2 games of the advanced level to finally unlock the expert level, by then my arms were kind of tired and i was sweating through the 10 minutes of expert to only get a 1085! this might take me a while to get to the 1300's
    but...it was a good workout! lol
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Today was a day of high scores for me :) I got my high score on advanced Rhythm Kung Fu, Advanced Step AND Expert Boxing!!! And I finally reached my goal of 1300 on the boxing, I actually passed it with a 1319!!! I am very excited to say the least. Now I really need to up my skateboarding scores, they are awful.

    Thank you everyone for the motivation, knowing I should check in with all of you really makes me work harder and longer!

    Keep it up everyone, lets make April a great month :)

    Ut Oh... I knew you were going to get there.:flowerforyou: Let me remind you 1331 is my highest score. But you definitely beat me for the day though. Surely you have me beat in the advanced kung fu, I only gave that a go a couple times. Didn;t think I was getting a good enough burn out of it.

    And look out! sounds like shellgib is going to get in the game. Yay, the more the merrier!

    @00trayn - Don't you just hate the damn check engine light. Grr! Congrats on shedding another 2lbs. Interesting that it may be that you were eating too little. It's a delicate balance it seems.

    @hooah - Hey I know what you mean. Sometimes 3 minutes is just enough. I fread the 6 minute hula, and I don;t know how so many others here manage a full ten. I think I would die. Great that you get the whole family involved.

    @Ressy, Welcome to the team! I believe you've asked the question most everyone wants know know. From what I have heard, cardio cardio cardio and strength training. If there's a secret to that problem area, I surely haven't heard it yet..

    Hope ya'll survived your Mondays okay.

  • MrsTupp05
    Hi! I'm new to the MFP Message Boards, but wanted to stop in and say that I am a New Wii Fit Plus owner and I pink puffy heart it! I go to the gym in the mornings for about an hour and I play on the Wii Fit at night for about an hour and I also am starting to run during lunch as I hope to do my very first 5k at the end of next month! :-) I'm excited about MFP, this thread, and getting to know all of you!

    Happy Wii'ing!
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Ok I made it through day two of my 30 days. I wish I had more modivation.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Ok I made it through day two of my 30 days. I wish I had more modivation.

    I'm a EA Sports Active owner too. I'm a few days into my second round of the 30 Day Challenge (I did the first one on medium, now I've moved up to hard!). Sometimes you need a light at the end of the tunnel to motivate you. I did my 30 day challenge the first time and started about a month before I was taking a Caribbean cruise. That definitely helped me to kick my own butt to push a little harder. I wouldn't let myself buy a new swimsuit for the trip until a week before when I had lost some weight. Now summer is coming up in 2 months and I want to look even better in that swimsuit. Maybe set up a little reward that will make you feel good... but you can't have it until you finish your challenge. It's something to work towards.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hey 00trayn I am on my second round of 30 day too. I did the first on medium and I am doing the hard this time. I am on day 11 today. I got a tell you when you get to the squat holds it may kill you. Well it killed me. I thought 30 seconds was hard. Holding for a whole 60 seconds and I thought my thighs were going to explode.

    So I almost have all the trophies. I don't have 100000 calories burned, workout partner or 200 baskets thrown. I have all of the rest of them. I really suck at basket ball. As soon as I finish this 30 day I will to the 60 day on EA More.

    On Wii Fit I must really suck. I get no where near the scores you guys are talking about. My high score in skateboarding is only 61. I am truly unbalanced. Advanced boxing I tripped all over my feet. I just couldn't get it. I will keep trying. I have only done Rythm Parade twice. I don't really get it. I kicked but on kung rythm regular but I am not so good on the advanced. Maybe its my short term memory. I just don't remember the longer combinations.

    I hope everyone has a stellar Wii day.
  • capturethemoments3
    Well I am going to try and do some more on the Wii today. Yesterday I only had time for 50 minutes and my goal is an hour. It is gettting really nice out today also so I will definitely be going on a long walk. I hope I can keep my boxing scores up, but you never know.

    Also I tried the advanced level of the bicycle game and I could NOT find that last flag, I went for 15 minutes before I just saved my information. Then I tried the level two beyond that one and it was a piece of cake. Not sure what my problem was....

    Would you guys recommend ea sports active? I am going on a trip in a coupel of weeks and am thinking that when I get back I would like a new game to try. Maybe that is the one?

    Keep it up everyone, motivation is a big part of success!
  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone. Was reading your posts on the Wii Fit. I've had the Wii since last year and it is collecting dust right now. You have motivated me to get it out and start working on it. Joined my finesspal with 2 of my close friends we are hoping to motivate each other into losing our weight.
    Good Luck to all of you and As I start I will post my goals. Any starting tips are greatly appreciated.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    @MrsTupp05 & delllis06, Welcome!!.:flowerforyou: Great to see new faces, always.
    delllis , the best tip I have is just dust that thing off and simply play. Find what games you like and just have at it.
    MrsTupp, you really are putting in some effort, wow! All that work is going to pay off bigtime!

    @KalB, Two days in is a start. I bet once it starts to become habit, you will find that motivation. And when the scale starts to move in the right direction, and tyou see the reward, the motivation will really kick in. Just keep going!!

    @rjadams, Those Wii Fit Plus games do take some getting used to. I necer thought I would figure out the footwork in the advnaced boxing, but once I caught on to the pattern it became a no-brainer. I tried the KungFuu advanced for the second time last night, and I know what ya mean.. IOn the end of course the scores are meaningless, no matter how low a score, you are still DOING it, moving and burning up the calories. Sounds like you are really pushing yourself on the Wii Active. Awesome!

    @00trayn, You are so right. I know I could lose all motivation so easily if I did not keep my eyes on the prize so to speak. Little rewards can go a long way. Helps me get my butt off of the couch anyway.

    @tfrank , The first time I did the advanced cycling, it took me foreverrrr. I almost quit, but I just kept going. That flag you couldn't find is probably the one thats deep into one of the caves in a sandy patch. Its quite apart from all the others and doesn't show up on the map unless you are getting near it. It is well hidden. Once I found that one the first time , it themn took me forevert to find my way back. It told me I had gone over 8 miles by the time I was done, lol. Now that I know where to find everything, it has gotten mucfh easier. I still want to know how the heck you do wheelies!

    Oh, I did 1280 on boxing last night and 128 on skateboarding.

    Tonights my rest night, and thankfully, my last scheduled long shift at work. Finally!!! Wooohooo!

    Super seeing everybody working /playing so hard. Keep it up!!!