Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)



  • shellgib
    shellgib Posts: 196 Member
    another round of wii boxing on the expert level and got lower than last time! :grumble: 1033 !! You girls rock!! :drinker: I thought I was doing so good all the way through, footwork was good, punches were right on target most of the time (with the 'bigger' bangs) then only to get lower!! But, again, it was a good workout. I unlocked the 6 min. on super hula hoop and will be shooting for the 10 min. next.
    Thanks for keeping me motivated, girls!!

    btw, tfrank319 , i absolutely recommend the EA sports "more workouts' to anyone looking for a new challenge. I get my butt kicked on the 6 week challenge! it never seems to get boring. and the step routine is AWESOME! I got the step riser and it kicked it up a notch, too.

    have fun wii-ing everyone!
  • capturethemoments3
    To get EA Sports More Workouts do i need to have the the original EA sports active first?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    To get EA Sports More Workouts do i need to have the the original EA sports active first?

    On Amazon, they have something call the EA Sports Active Multiplayer Kit. It's $20 and it comes with the leg strap and resistance band. Then you can just buy EA Sports Active More Workouts and this item and you'll have everything you need. You won't have to spend $50 buying the first game with the equipment and the $30-something on the new game.

  • MrsTupp05
    @ TwentyTen - Thank you for the welcome! I hope all this hard work pays off. :-) It's tough. LOL PS. Love your name, my daughter's name is Jane.

    Today has been pretty good. I woke up late so instead of hitting the gym I did my 30 day shred, and 30 minute express of Physique 57.

    My daughter has soccer practice tonight and I'll hopefully get a bit of running around in then since my 2 year old wants to be on the team and do everything his big sister does.

    I am however; a bit nervous. We always do chick-fil-a after the practice and I'm trying not to get my usual, but it always calls my name. LOL Hopefully tonight I can resist temptation and eat a bit healthier. Wish me luck.

    Hubs and I are planning on Wii Fiting for an hour after the kiddos go to bed. Let's cross our fingers we stick to the plan. :-)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just caved and ordered EA Sports Active More Workouts. I've been a bit bored with it since I've on my second run through of the 30 Day Challenge. I read reviews that the 6 Week Challenge in the new version is better, and it incorporates abs (which I really need since I don't do any ab exercises at all right now). I should have it in a week. Hopefully that'll give me a bit of extra motivation and kick my butt a little extra now that I'm getting used to working out. 6 weeks takes me to about Memorial Day Weekend. Perfect, that's when my apartment complex pool opens :D
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just got in half an hour on the EA Sports Active. i can't wait for the More Workouts game to come in the mail. Hopefully it'll be here by Monday, the version I have is starting to get a bit dull.

    Hope everyone's workouts are going well! I feel like I'm ready for bed already, and it's only 8:21, and i still have like 400 calories to eat today. I'm thinking a smoothie...
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hoo boy! According to my HRM I burned 526 calories on the Wii tonight. Of course the Wii said just 250, I will probably eat about that many back. Sometimes I am not too sure about the accuracy of the HRM either. It had my heart rate higher tonight, doing the same routine, so who knows. Was an hour well spent though, and I skipped the hula this time.
    I rocked the boxing with a score of 1337 . I wonder what a perfect score is? I also ventured into the island tour level of the cycling , and that was fun. Not really any more difficult than the advanced, but more fun I thought. I even did an accidental wheelie again, but I cannot seem to figure out exactly how. I think it's holding the remote vertical?
    Skateboarding I managed a 136, wheeeeeee. :laugh:

    @00trayn - That sounded like a yummy smoothie you made. A perfect post workout treat! :drinker:

    @MrsTupp - Hope you and hubby were able to stick to the Wii plan, and that chik-fil-a wasn't too scary. I have never ever eaten there so I really do not know how good or bad it is. My dinner tonight was a PB & J sandwich.. bleh. :indifferent:

    Wonder what happened to Onederland? :huh: You doin ok out there ??

    Hope everyone's week is going well, and that you are all meeting your goals or at least coming close. I am struggling to keep up, but I am doin it. The month is half over already.

    The weekend is almost in sight!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi all!! I'm new on here and have been a bit stagnant on my Wii Fit Plus...there are some great ideas of new things to do and I'm so appreciative of that!! I really work up a sweat on the normal stuff, but it seems that the games are so small-movement that I feel like I have to use that more as a supplement to "bigger" workouts. Am I wrong on that? Does the size of the move really matter if you're getting heartrate up and working up a great sweat? I really enjoy the bicycle one, the obstacle course, the marching band, and the step. Time DOES fly on it...would love to know it's doing more than it feels like it's doing!! ;D My birthday is coming very soon, so am considering asking for some new Wii workouts!
  • capturethemoments3
    Twenty Ten, way to go on those high scores!!! You are doing awesome. I too wonder what a high score on the boxing is, I guess I will have to keep trying adn find out :)

    I did over an hour on the wii yesterday and am about to go and do my "wii-ing" for today. I hope I do an hour :) I will be practicing up on my skateboarding, that is for sure!

    Good luck everyone and don't forget about your goals, April is already half over!
  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member
    I just finished the Wii EA Sports Active 30 day challenge and (with a better diet):blushing: , I have lost -30 pounds.

    I was turned off by Wii Fit because when I got over +330 pounds I could no longer use the Wii Fitness Board :sad: ! But now I am back on Wii Fit and just picked up Wii Fit Plus this weekend and I'm happy to see this version counts calories.

    My questions are:

    1-It appears that all of the original Wii Fit games are on the Wii Fit Plus. Do I still need the Wii Fit disc or can I give it to someone?
    2-Is EA Sports Active (more work outs) worth the investment or should I wait until the EA Sports Active 2.0 comes out in July?
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    30 lbs??? You ROCK, Drew!! That sounds like something I need to try...I've been flirting with getting that EA Sports Active for a couple of months but hadn't heard much about it till now. So, can I take that as a recommendation from you?? ;)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I just ordered EA Sports Active More Workouts from Amazon. It should be here by the beginning of next week. I'll definitely post my review on here once I've had a chance to try it out. I did the 30 Day Challenge on the first version and I was -8 pounds when I finished it. I'm working on a second round after moving up to Hard from Medium. So far I've lost 3 pounds during the second round. It's nice that the workouts are longer and more intense on this level. I was getting a bit bored with the first version in general so I opted to try More Workouts. I also supplement with going to the gym twice a week for a good cardio workout on the elliptical.

    I also heard that EA Sports Active 2.0 won't be out until the Fall, altho the wireless remotes look fabulous! I'll definitely be investing it that game when it does come out.
  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member
    Yes Trimom, stop flirting with and start going steady with the EA Sports Active. I would DEFINITELY recommend it! My problem was that I started with the HARD level for the 30 day workout so I have nothing to progress to. But there are other workouts, but nothing to make me accountable to do it every night! It's a DEFINITE must buy!
  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member
    Yes Trimom, stop flirting with and start going steady with the EA Sports Active. I would DEFINITELY recommend it! My problem was that I started with the HARD level for the 30 day workout so I have nothing to progress to. But there are other workouts, but nothing to make me accountable to do it every night! It's a DEFINITE must buy!
  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member
    00trayan, I'll be awaiting your critique of the More Workouts!
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    ok...one more question about the EA .... is that an actual program... the 30-day challenge... or is it part of the Sports package? I want to try the 30 day challenge if that's what y'all are using! Are there bigger moves incorporated (actually, what kind of moves are there?). I'm a big one for keeping interested and having fun in a workout routine....is it fun and fun for more than just a couple of exercises?? I'm intrigued and will go steady with it when and if I get it for my bday!! ha!! ;)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    EA Sports Active has over 30 different exercises I believe. The 30 Day Challenge has 30 different preset routines that mix up the 30 exercise so you're not doing the same routine over and over again like with a DVD. There's running in place, lunges, squats, jumps, inline skating, tennis, boxing, bicep curls, lateral arm raises, etc. It works out your arms and legs pretty well. It doesn't incorporate ab exercises in specifically in this version. More Workouts does have abs tho. It also sets you on a schedule of working out 2 days, rest 1. If you miss a day, it just moves the whole schedule up one day. I'm always skipping a day in the middle of the week because I go to the gym Tues and Thurs instead. But overall I went thru the 30 Day Challenge without getting bored. Now that I'm on round 2, I'm looking to up my intensity a bit, and some ab work would be great so I got the More Workouts. I figure I can alternate between the two. More Workouts has a 6 Week Challenge that is supposed to be better than the 30 Day Challenge.
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    That's great information!! Thank you so much!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Two weeks in a row w/my WiiFit+...It's great bec' I'll set it up way before breakfast and start a workout before the sleepy heads roll out of bed & just as I'm logging off to start breakfast, the kids will ask to log on & so the morning begins...!

    I keep my (X-mas Wii of my own) system in the LV w/ the huge flat screen & that's all it takes to lure them in!

    Lately, I think the surround sound Wii-ing has taken the place of their alarm clock...! Awesome
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi, So I unlocked expert boxing. my one and only attempt gave me 1007. I will improve I hope. I still really suck at skateboarding. I was only able to get a 61. Thats my high so far. pathetic. any way it was fun. Last time I did the advance Island bike and did it in a little under 4 miles. So today I did the island tour in around 3.5 miles so next time I will try the expert. I have yet to be able to unlock the 10 minutes on super hula hoop but I didn't work on that today. I hope you are all having a great Wii week.