Wii Team For April ( Fit, Fit+, EA, BL, Etc..)



  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    40 minutes on Walk It Out last night, new record for me whoo hoo! I think I might have overdone it a bit but I took an ibuprofen and did a little stretching right afterwards and I'm mostly feeling OK today.

    Good for you pushing yourself! Everyone is making that game seem like tons of fun. Keep it up everybody!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm kind of curious how Walk It Out can be such a workout? Is it more than just walking in place? I guess I'm just a bit confused about the premise of the game, it does sound like alot of fun and it possibly my next purchase if I don't get the WiiFitPlus with balance board.
  • capturethemoments3
    Okay I did the boxing. The first time I ever did the expert level of boxing was yesterday, so I feel like I did pretty good. I got 1284. I am definitely wanting to do it again now to beat 1330!!!!

    Any other challenges people want to start up, I love a challenge :)
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Okay I did the boxing. The first time I ever did the expert level of boxing was yesterday, so I feel like I did pretty good. I got 1284. I am definitely wanting to do it again now to beat 1330!!!!

    Any other challenges people want to start up, I love a challenge :)

    Awesome! 1284 is super. It took me weeks to get that good. I can see I am going to get a run for my money. WTG!!

    Maybe I will be up for a skateboarding challenge sometime, but I have to survive the advanced on that yet.

    Any of the games could make for a decent competition, so bring it on everybody. :bigsmile:


    I am curious too. Seems it is so much fun, there may be more to it. Surely someone will fill us in.
  • capturethemoments3
    I will defintely be working on my boxing score. As far as skateboarding? I just started that one up too and haven't gotten the advanced open yet :( I surely have to be close!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I will defintely be working on my boxing score. As far as skateboarding? I just started that one up too and haven't gotten the advanced open yet :( I surely have to be close!

    I scored 1302 tonight on the boxing. Not quite my record, but still over 1300. I tried the advanced skateboarding tonight, and yikes.. alot of sharp turns involved, I just couldn't pull it off. Someday..

    HEY everybody, almost the weekend.. woooooohooooo. :drinker:

    How are all you walker's doin?
  • capturethemoments3
    1302, that is great! My goal today is to just get to 1300, i am sure I will have to try more than once :) Keep it up!
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I have a Wii Fit, I would love to join!

    I did not use it for the longest time, too many roommates and schedules don't mesh... I hope to do Wii Fit plus on my off days from Crossfit, just to keep the muscles and joints moving. I did an hour last night, forgot how much fun it was. It said I burned 290 calories.

    I LOVE hula hooping and Just Dance. I started the boxing, juggling, the hip shaker math game. I also like the kung fu dancing, step, and rhythm parade.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Hi all!

    It's been such a busy week for me. I've hardly been on MFP except to log my food and exercise :ohwell: I have mostly stuck to my April goals so far other than a couple days where I didn't walk to and from work thanks to the ridiculously hot weather already :noway: But my recumbent bike arrived Wednesday so I spent an hour on that the last two nights. I think I'm in love with it :laugh: I adore that I can kill two birds with one stone by watching tv while using it. Between an hour on the bike, my upper arm workout from EASA and my MW 6 week challenge last night I burned 806 calories!!! I'm stoked :happy: And I'm only 5 pounds away now from my mini goal reward of my new haircut. I really think I will be able to do this by the end of the month! Whoo hoo!! (sorry for all the babble but I'm hyper beyond anything today for some reason :laugh: )

    Sounds like you're over your cold Jane. Yay! :flowerforyou: I might have to take you up on that boxing challenge, though you all will kick my butt. I've never done the 10 minute expert. 6 was as far as I get. I'll try it out later when I get on the wii and let you all know how badly I failed :laugh:

    Glad to see so many new people here. Have fun wiiing all and have a great weekend!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Welcome to the team bobobbin!
    You are probably burning more calories than the Wii is telling you. My HRM always has a higher number, usually a couple hundred more! I personally hate to Hula Hoop, but I do it anyway because it's a decent burn.

    Hope you make that boxing score tfrank.. someone needs to take my title away! :happy: We could also compare skateboarding scores.. on the non-advanced levels. I am not ready for that myself.

    Good to see you Cathy. Don't know where you are , but it's warming up fast where I am too. Arizona. Hate to see summer coming. Uhg. You will LOVE the 10 minute expert boxing. It moves so SO much faster, and its easy once you get a handle on the fancy footwork. First time I tried it, I was a clutz, but the pace is way more fun than the other levels. Give it a go!! Oh I wish I had room in my home to set up a bike in front of the TV. And 806 calories in one night is fantastic. That is going to bring you results for sure!!

    Keep it up everybody!!
  • capturethemoments3
    Well I didn't quite make the 1300 mark, but the night is not over!! I will be trying again sometime later tonight. I got 1274 which brought me close, but not close enough :).

    I would love to try out the skateboarding challenge, it will make me do it more often!

    I did get a perfect march on rhythm parade advanced the other day, so that was pretty exciting!

    Keep up all the wii-efforts folks, you are doing great!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Well, I skipped Wii-ing last night, so later today I really have to get some time in.

    @tfrank, that's pretty good doing the perfect march on that thing. Don;t think I have ever come close.

    Later I will post both my skateboarding and boxing scores. The skateboarding actually is a good burn. Hope ya'll will try and beat my scores!

    Now, someone had mentioned doing wheelies on the cycling. I know I did it by accident once, but I don't recall how. Want to know tho', it'd be fun to try and wheelie through a course!

    Happy Saturdays to everybody!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone! I've decided to take advantage of the fabulous weather we're having this weekend in Virginia and go outside to exercise. I did a walk/light jog this morning for half an hour and I was walking around the local outdoor town center for about an hour this afternoon. I finally got my haunted iPod replaced! :D It would play music by itself... lol.

    Anyway, I'm hoping to get one EA Sports Active workout in today or definitely tomorrow morning. Since I've been walking most of today (and shopping... hehe) I feel good with my execising. It's nice to get outside to move around instead of bouncing around my living room.

    And I'm starting to think that my next Wii purchase is going to be a WiiFitPlus bundle pack with the balance board. You guys make it sound like such a blast! I want to join in on the fun. I think I'll make it my reward for reaching 180. I was stuck around 192-194 for the past 2 weeks and now I've dropped 3 pounds in less than a week! Whoot! No idea what I did, but it seems my mini-plateau is broken. Also my little success for the day is that i just bought a size 12 dress from Ann Taylor Loft! I don't even remember the last time I was a size 12. I think I went from kids to size 14. So I'm extra happy today.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I got some Wii in this morning... I did 45 minutes on Wii Fit - super hula hoop, running - one short distance and one long (sometimes it seems silly to run in place but it burns calories :bigsmile: ), one round of biking, rhythm parade, and maybe some others.

    Then I did 45 minutes of Just Dance. Wow, that definitely gets your heart pumping. It is so much fun. However, I feel like i should be getting higher scores than I am getting. Maybe the remote just thinks I have no skills, :laugh:

    What is the boxing game you all are doing? Rhythm boxing? I have been wanting to try the skateboarding. Maybe next week!

    Have a great rest of your weekend!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    LOVE your new pic! you must have some good genes, too...

    I've been reading, & admiring, all the post competitions and I've actually contemplated pullin' a "Best Ball" in order to participate! The hubs, admittedly, can not golf. So every year he and his dad team up against his brothers (who play religiously), but with that stipulation...

    As terrible as my hubs is, he and pops win every time! So I figure if I can get my whole fam to play ONCE a week and take the best score, I just might save face against the rest of you!

    I know, I know its for the exercise of it, but I rather WIN! ha ha...good going to everyone here. I do love my Wii!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Just got my hour Wii-ing in this night. I was propelled by a meal at Red Lobster that was disgustingly over. I didn't even get an entree! It's ok, I haven't let it put me over for the day, and just burned about 400 calories, so it's all good.

    @00trayn. Congrats on the size 12!!! That has to feel spectacular!! :flowerforyou:

    I was so sure I would never get there again, about a year ago I tossed out all my size 12's. Am thinking now, perhaps it was a hasty decision. I am just hoping to see a comfortable 14 for now.

    @bobobbin. Good for you doing a full hour and a half! And yes, when we talk about boxing it is the Rhythm Boxing.

    @hooah . Thanks! Let me tell ya, I cannot golf at all either. Yikes, its just laughable. Cool that you have some competition in the house, I cannot get my daughter to play at all. She is 17 so that probably explains it.

    @tfrank. Reporting my scores , skateboarding - I did 105 tonight.
    Not my best, but I have a tweeked knee tonight. Certainly beatable everybody!!!
    At the boxing I still cleared the 1300 mark to my surprise.1318

    Oh the weekend goes so fast. Hope ya'll have a great Sunday!
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Friday I tried the expert boxing. I got 1062, most of the points coming from the end of the game where it lets you just thwack away at the bag. I was such a mess with the footwork :laugh: I had a blast though doing it. I took yesterday off because my legs were killing me from biking friday. I'm going to try boxing again this afternoon and see how I do. I think you've gotten me hooked Jane :tongue:

    Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!
  • Devinsmama2309
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and was just looking around at the posts when I found you guys :]. I have a WiiFit, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. I have been working out everyday, but I think I am going to start adding Wii for a little bit everyday... When I first got the WiiFit, I was addicted for a few months, then I just kind of stopped :[. I'm hoping to get beack into it everyday again!
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP and was just looking around at the posts when I found you guys :]. I have a WiiFit, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. I have been working out everyday, but I think I am going to start adding Wii for a little bit everyday... When I first got the WiiFit, I was addicted for a few months, then I just kind of stopped :[. I'm hoping to get beack into it everyday again!

    Hi Devismama! Welcome to MFP, and to our little Wii team! :flowerforyou: I would like to know what the Sports Resort is like. I am just been using the Wii Fit Plus, but I can see it won't be long until I will be wanting a couple other games.

    Hey Cathy, glad you gave the boxing a go. 1062 is not bad at all, and it does take some time to get the hang of the footwork, but once you do , ya hardly have to think about it.

    I am about to get my Wii time in now. The only day of the week I can manage to get to it early in the day. I have to work on that skateboarding score.

    Enjoy your Sundays everybody!
  • capturethemoments3
    Well I cannot reach that 1300 mark on boxing, I got 1274 and htat seems to be the best I can do. I will keep it up though. I have been wanting that 1300 so badly that I have been doing the boxing multiple times in a row!

    Awesome job on that skateboarding score, I am not sure what my high score is. I will have to check.

    Good luck everyone, keep it up!