5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I burned 670 calories yesterday. I'm up to 1107 for the week.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    Monday's calorie burn 807 from walking and biking.

    Does anyone know is it possible to get a charlie horse in the muscle that is located on the outside front of the leg? I feel like there is a tight knot in that muscle and it really hurts. I did get almost a 1.5 miles walking on the treadmill this morning but since getting off that muscle has been really tight and sore.

    Have a healthy day!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning. 3500 cal check in. 505 Sunday (hoofing stones. my arms still hurt) Monday 1038 walking and jogging and Wii Fit. so 1543. I have about 950 planned for today. The weather is not cooperating for my roller skating adventure so I may have to come up with something else to try. for the new one. there is still plenty of time. I hope you all have a great day.
  • nikkolatwell
    Count me in.
    Start date was February 7th 2010 SW 277
    Today April 1st 2010 CW 261.8 (that is 15 lbs in 2 months)

    Goal for April is at least 255 lbs.

    Honesty is all we have in live and to be able to succeed in life we must first and always be honest with ourselves.

    Checking in today April 5th

    SW 277
    April Challenge SW 261.8
    CW 259.0
    GW 255

    Checking in today April 13th
    MFP Feb 2010 SW 277
    April 1st Challenge 2010 SW 261.8
    April 5th 259.0
    April 13th 258.4
    GW 255
  • Arianna52
    Arianna52 Posts: 36 Member
    I am joining your challenge. I already gained 2 pounds in Easter. This Challenge will give me the motivation to really keep it up.

    CW 166
    Goal: 160 by end of month APRIL.

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Good morning all!

    Monday's calorie burn 807 from walking and biking.

    Does anyone know is it possible to get a charlie horse in the muscle that is located on the outside front of the leg? I feel like there is a tight knot in that muscle and it really hurts. I did get almost a 1.5 miles walking on the treadmill this morning but since getting off that muscle has been really tight and sore.

    Have a healthy day!


    I am not really sure, but I would assume that you could get a cramp any place your muscle is working extra hard. Make sure you stretch it out really good. When that happens to me I am sore for a few days, hope you feel better very soon. :flowerforyou:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I burned 670 calories yesterday. I'm up to 1107 for the week.
    :noway: I feel like a whimp! What did you do to burn 670 calories???
    Congrats on getting 1107 so far! That is great!

    Terri, as always, WOW! Great calorie burn!

    Robin, hoofing stones sounds like hard work. Once you are all done with your project will you post a picture of the wall? Sounds very cool and I always love finishing something like that and feeling so proud "I built it, yep that right, carried every stone!" :happy:

    Phillis, when I was jogging last night I thought about you! I kept thinking "the dogs are behind me! Run girl, run! :laugh:

    I wish a happy healthy day for everyone. :heart:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi pals,

    Swam for 65 minutes this morning so that was 492 calories. I was in pain almost on every stroke. OUCH that darn pulled tendon or muscle or what ever the heck it is. On top of that my snorkel that I wear while I do laps started to LEAK, ( I can't swim unless I have nose plugs so I have been using a snorkel, ) So I had to just take the hose part off and swim with the mask on. I am sure I looked like a first class DORK. but I kept on going and hoped I didn't die of a heart attack or pull another muscle. My doctor says the pills he gave me will take about a week to kick in. I am not patient when it come to pain! I commend you all on your exercise endevors. :flowerforyou:

    Jenn- I laughed when you said you though of me and DOGS as you did your jogging. :bigsmile:

    rjadams- I want to see pics of tht wall too. What a way to get your work out. I am thinking I could toss kids back and forth around the classroom to be a bit original but don't want any lawsuits!! there are a few that I would really sent sailing through the air! :explode:

    Arianna and Niccolatwell- WELCOME. you have come to the right place. I was bragging about this sight and telling my friend about all my new MFP friends. Good luck on your goals. Keep us informed of your progress and give us tips and stories of your day.

    I'm ready to eat home made tacos. Using lots of substitutes since we don't have all the products locally. But oh well. We can dream that they are really tacos. Well back to the kitchen. those tacos smell good. The seasoning I made from all local products and it is gong to be yummy! I HOPE. Phyljen:laugh:
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Monday 4/12 weight 189.5, workout 648 cals (1 hour elliptical)
    Tuesday 4/13 cardio 623 cals (1 hour elliptical)

    Still playing catch up, I was down to 186.5
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    See post below
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Good morning all!

    Monday's calorie burn 807 from walking and biking.

    Does anyone know is it possible to get a charlie horse in the muscle that is located on the outside front of the leg? I feel like there is a tight knot in that muscle and it really hurts. I did get almost a 1.5 miles walking on the treadmill this morning but since getting off that muscle has been really tight and sore.

    Have a healthy day!


    Those muscles are a group called the peroneals, the largest of which is tibialis anterior. It's the walking/running that affects them. Also known as "shin splints" fluid from exercise can build up and be very painful. Search for stretches for those muscles and stretch after your walks. You can also get a roller ball type massager and roll those muscles out with it.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    okay so about a year ago I bought slim in 6. I had done turbo jam and I liked it but I was bored. I did one workout with Slim in 6 and never did it again. so I pulled out the Cardio Core and the 6 minute ab workout. I will definately feel it tomorrow. But it was something new that I had never done. I still really hope to get one day of roller skating in this week though. Burn baby Burn!!!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    jenn, I love the Biggest Loser. Those people motivate me...when I'm out exercising and want to quit or slow down, I think of Jillian hounding me....I move it.
    Well, did do a new exercise, for me. We put up a new fence and I went out there and painted it. Let me tell you, I may have grown up on a farm but I am not your typical farm girl....how did that go on Green Acres? Anyway, got half done before the rain began, so I guess I'll finish another day. Wussy, wussy, wussy....that's me.

    Phyllis, you keep me motivated!

    Hi sis!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Jacque, you are NOT a wussy! Painting is hard work and it is more than you would have done before, right? Are you watching Biggest Loser tonight? If so I have a challenge for you! You talked about your arms in the past... Get out two soup cans and use them as weights! Every commercial lift those soup cans until you hate me! :wink: Bend at the elbow, and curl your arm up toward your shoulder, lifting one arm up as the other goes down keep going until you see the show come back on! Your going to look fab in no time!

    Oh, I forgot my 3500!

    Sunday= 0 :sad:
    Tuesday=284 (so far)
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I've had that issue in the same spot last summer when I'd walk on my lunch breaks. I wasn't sure if it was a potassium issue or a muscle that needed extra tlc. I would eat a banana and take extra time to stretch that area before and after my walk. I'm not sure if this is the correct solution but it's what worked for me.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I burned 320 calories on Tuesday and am up to 1427 for the week.

    I tried something new. I tried using the staircase at work to work out on. There are 11 stories in this building. I did this twice yesterday. My calves are yelling today. I will try it again today.

    My Weight Watchers weigh in was last night. I was up 1.5 pounds and didn't understand because I've done SO WELL this past week. Well, when I took off my socks I could tell that I was retaining water. The crease from the elastic on my sock was on my leg for most of the night last night. My goal today is to increase my water to flush out some of this excess. I will do a weigh in on Friday anyway for the group. Hopefully I will see the scale move. Pffft.

    I also love the Biggest Loser.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    Thank you for all the advice on my sore muscle. I also am going to take a break from the REEBOK EASYTONES I have been wearing for the last couple weeks. I think maybe they are irritating that muscle area also. It feels better today but still sore so I plan to take it a little easier today.

    Yesterday I burned 1038 calories from walking and biking. I got the big stroller out and we walking over 3 miles pushing that big thing up and down hills. So for this week it ...

    Monday 807
    Tuesday 1038= 1845 completed
    1655 left to do!

    I need to get it in before Saturday because I don't know how much time I will have for exercise over the weekend. I have a class all day Saturday, and for me Sunday is into the next week.

    I need to work on building my new strawberry bed since I got notice from the garden center that my plants have shipped and I have even started to build the raised bed. So that will be a great workout carrying boards and bags of dirt and composted manure down into the backyard to build the bed. The veggie garden is ready to go but it is still too early here in Minnesota to plant.

    Have a healthy day!

  • Daphene
    Daphene Posts: 2
    I would love to join this, my only problem is I don't know how to lose the weight! I've been eating 1200 calories or less each day for almost a month, and I joined a gym a month ago, and I'm going 3, usually 4 times per week. Step class, cardio, weight lifting, and pilates. I have not lost one single pound! I'm really getting discouraged. I've considered the fact that I've replaced some fat with muscle, but I'm not really seeing much of a change, either. I'm killing myself and depriving myself of yummy food for nothing! :/ How long does it normally take to see results? I've had two children, so I know my metabolism is way different than what it once was, but after a month, I expected to see something!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so I cranked out another 1075 calories today. didn't do anything new. But the running for five minutes is definately getting easier. It may be nice enough to try skating this afternoon. I have an interview set up this afternoon. Its with an agency but its a start. Wish me luck. Have a good day.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I would love to join this, my only problem is I don't know how to lose the weight! I've been eating 1200 calories or less each day for almost a month, and I joined a gym a month ago, and I'm going 3, usually 4 times per week. Step class, cardio, weight lifting, and pilates. I have not lost one single pound! I'm really getting discouraged. I've considered the fact that I've replaced some fat with muscle, but I'm not really seeing much of a change, either. I'm killing myself and depriving myself of yummy food for nothing! :/ How long does it normally take to see results? I've had two children, so I know my metabolism is way different than what it once was, but after a month, I expected to see something!

    With only 20 to lose it may take some time to see the weight come off. Yes you are probably shrinking fat and gaining muscle. I suggest taking some measurements. You may have lost inches somewhere and not weight. Maybe the thighs are a bit smaller or the biceps a bit firmer. It takes time.

    Hang with this group for support and motivation.