5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi All,
    Well I think that 3500 is a good exercise challenge so lets all aim for that again. I just want to add one little twist. I challenge everyone to try one new form of exercise this week. Something you haven't done before or haven't done in a long time (2 or more years ago). How does that sound? Let me know.

    Interesting challenge.....I will have to find the old abs of steel video tape and do that a few times this week. What a great idea! I was thinking about doing this to get some ab work done and now you have challenged me to do it. Thanks!

    I did not get any formal workouts in over the weekend, but went shopping, sorted boxes of clothes from my sister for the kids,
    helped move some furniture into the sister-in-laws place. Yesterday the kids started swim lessons with a new program that uses the senior center pool, so I felt like I spent an hour in a sauna. It was so hot and humid in that pool area.

    Today I have gotten in a walk that burned 330 calories. The week is off to a good start.

    Have a healthy day!

  • siobhannestor
    Terri, Phyljen, Rjadams and Meagan, reading through the tail end of posts for this past week, you are all my heroes!

    Pyljen, thanks for the welcome back! How much fun - your daughter's upcoming wedding! (And thank you for the condolences - I am still sad about my little boy.)

    Welcome to newbies and returnees (like me) alike.

    I think I have this 3500 calorie challenge figured out - from exercise, correct? Last week was sick with some sort of short-lived flu, but managed to keep up with my Healthy SF Challenge. Only got in 1996 calories in, though.

    Weighed in on Saturday - down 2 pounds from 194 to 192 (I'd gone down to 191.5 while I was sick and couldn't eat much but gained a half back at the end of the week).

    So, this week, if weather permits, I am going to do this "outdoor / park" training routine from Fitness Magazine that I've been wanting to try for a while - today is out as we are having what seems like a winter storm, but already did circuit training and will walk to work.

    I will start checking in daily again to participate in the discussions.

    Good luck, all!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay, My arms are really sore. I moved 70 of the 100 reataining wall stones yesterday. Great cardio workout walking up and down our front stairs (12 of them) carrying two stones that weigh about 10-15 pounds each. Squating down to set them on the deck. 35 trips. My back is a touch sore, my legs are fine but my biceps are very sore. I am not looking forward to start building the wall for a few days. Anyway I am going to do my walk run interval in a few minutes. Another 5 minute run at the end. I hope I can do it again. Have a great day everyone.
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in for this one too!

    SW 240lbs on 4-5-2010
    CW 239lbs on 4-12-2010

    1 lb so far... and I am going to hit the gym in 25 mins for my hour lunch...yay! I think I'm going with all treadmill today for 40 minutes at 3.0 with 5.0 incline plus 5 minute cooldown.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I'm off to yoga, but I realize it's only 222 cal burned. So in order to get even close to the 3500 (divided by 7 is 500, but more reasonably by 6 so that's closer to 600 a day) I'm going to have to do way more than a few down dogs. I don't have an eliptical or treadmill, and it's raining(!) I'm turning whining into a fine art, aren't I?

    Okay, I'll figure this out and let you know.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    HA! I did good this weekend, even though it was my boyfriend's bday and I took him out to dinner and a Rockies game. In fact, I'd dropped back down to 159.8 this morning, and on the 2nd day of my cycle, no less!! YAY 150s!!! This week is gonna be GRRRRREAT!!! (props to Tony the Tiger)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, tried my new thing yesterday. We bought one of the things that you throw a baseball at and the ball springs back to you and you catch it with a glove. I did it for about 15 minutes with my son yesterday and it was so much fun. I think he really enjoyed that I did that activity with him.

    I have no idea how many calories I burned; but, I really could feel my HR and breathing increase.

    Today is my official back-on-track day...going to do 3 bursts of exercise for about 15 to 20 minutes each...I will let you know how it goes.

    Oh, here is a response I sent to one of my kids' teachers....I hope you enjoy it

    "Thanks for your concern about Kyle and his homework. When you and Kyle had these conversations, I think he forgot to mention the war he wages in Afghanistan. This battle occurs in our living room on a nightly basis. He is personally responsible for the safe return of our soldiers and combating evil. You may want to ask him about his sniping skills.

    We, the evil parents, have recently set limits on the amount the battle he can participate in. Kyle is allowed to play until 6:00 pm and that is all for the evening. While this combat skills are superior, I think that he needs to be more consistent with his planner and truthfullness with his teachers. I have been having him email his teachers when he is missing assignments or having trouble in the class.

    If you can send an email to his teachers and request all late assignments. I would be more than happy to have Kyle complete them."
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I'm off to yoga, but I realize it's only 222 cal burned. So in order to get even close to the 3500 (divided by 7 is 500, but more reasonably by 6 so that's closer to 600 a day) I'm going to have to do way more than a few down dogs. I don't have an eliptical or treadmill, and it's raining(!) I'm turning whining into a fine art, aren't I?

    Okay, I'll figure this out and let you know.
    :laugh: WAY more than a few down dogs! You are so funny, you always make me smile. I love yaga but I never burn that many calories doing it. We can be last place together because I am lucky to get in 200 calories burned per day at the rate I have been going. We can do this, lets keep each other on track! :flowerforyou:

    This past weekend my poor son somehow got his little hands on some wheat or dairy (he has Celiac) because he was getting sick all Saturday and most of Sunday. I know he eat something because he was running around acting fine then he would go hide for a bit and come back to "show mommy mess". Little boys throw up in the weirdest places!
    I didn't get in any exercise because I spent the weekend cleaning and doing laundry. My house looks really nice for once, but it is always short lived. I don't like the rain, I live in Cali so I don't get much but I feel so nasty when it rains and all I want to do is eat!

    My plan for 3500 exercise calories is to burn 600 per day and workout all 6 days we have left. (this did start Sunday, right? I am a day behind already!) The new exercise I am trying is jogging (I did do one jog Friday so I hope it still counts as new, but I am very new at jogging) I also got a new yoga DVD and have never tried it so that might count as new as well. I hope to get into my workout room at the apt I live at and do the elliptical a few times this week because it is a great calorie burn for me. I am going to really give this 3500 a good try, it might be just the push I need to beat this 5lb slump I am yo yoing with!

    Happy Monday to all and good luck burning the fat away!:drinker:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI Friends::flowerforyou:
    Day two done for the week. Three to go. So far I have not done a skip of exercise. I'm considering having this be my REST day, you know to give those muscles a much needed break. However, I just finished dinner and with no exercise points, I am already over my calorie intake by about 50 calories or so and I hate to see that. so I might plug in the DVD and do a bit of movement so I am not in the red! I did eat healthy though, FISH, tomato and cuke salad and homemade tahina with whole wheat bread. That was dinner.

    My husbands birthday is Wednesday so I better start thinking of a little birthday plan. He hates surprise parties with friends over. His favorite friend is THE COUCH. He would probably go for a dinner out, IF I PAY. My husband is a CPA, and is busy busy busy this time of year. He has a business out of our house so clients are always here lately getting their taxes done before the deadline. Actually because of the tax deadline we might have to wait until the week end to celebrate. But what ever we do, it will be mostly HEALTHY at least on my plate.

    Kim, I got a kick out of your teacher note. Love to hear things like that, since I am a teacher myself. LOL

    Shivaun, Great to have you back and active again. It will be nice to hear your comments on the posts. I lalways enjoy all that you write.

    well someone is ringing my door so I have to go and write more later... Perhaps even after I have burned some calories. Phyljen
  • julster324
    weight check in
    April 3rd 170.2
    April 11th 168.6 Yea Me!

    I tried the 3500 cals in a week and came close I burned 3100 I wish I could know how much I burn at work since I am a nurse and do a lot of walking etc. So maybe I burned a few hundred more. As long as I can stay out of the candy drawer at work I can count that as a plus.:)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    weight check in
    April 3rd 170.2
    April 11th 168.6 Yea Me!

    I tried the 3500 cals in a week and came close I burned 3100 I wish I could know how much I burn at work since I am a nurse and do a lot of walking etc. So maybe I burned a few hundred more. As long as I can stay out of the candy drawer at work I can count that as a plus.:)

    I'm a nurse too; so, I understand how much you walk.

    One time, I wore a pedometer to work and it was between 3 and 5 miles...Maybe you could chart that as leisure walking...
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I'm in. Gotta lose 20 by August 1st..... 25 would be awesome! hah
  • stripes03
    stripes03 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am new to this group, in fact new to MFP. I know it is nearly the middle of the month, but would like to join this group. Always up for motivation. I started my weight loss goal the beginning of March at 144. CW 140. I am fully into eating better and making wiser choices. I would like to finish the month by having lost 3 more pounds. Glad I found this website!

    My MVP shows beginning weight 141 from last Monday when I found this sight. I lost one pound this week. Go me!!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Stripes, I started just about where you are (145) at the beginning of January, and am now at 129 with out any suffering. My ticker stops at 122 pounds and then I guess I'll decide if I want to lose any more. Someone once told me that once you hit 50 you have to choose between your face and your butt. :sad: I'd probably go with the larger tush and a less crimpy face.

    Welcome to the thread!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    I would like to join this challenge! Thanks!:smile:

    Welcome Jlthampton. Hey everybody this is my baby sister. She's so cute, but my bestest friend.
    Welcome again all newbies.
    Just got home from visiting my mom and headed for the tub with a glass of wine.
    I accept the challenge of trying a new exercise for me. Not sure what it'll be but I'm sure it'll be adventureous.

    Kim, take good care of yourself. I've had PF before and its not fun. My arches are better though taking a few lbs off them.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    A great big welcome to all who have joined us in this challenge. I know it is almost mid month, but hope can at least do 2.5 pounds or better yet the 5 pound challenge.

    I tried the abs of steel today and I laughed I burned a whopping 54 calories doing the 20 minute workout. I may have to go back to the 30 day shred. I can burn 200 calories and work a lot more muscles.

    I will have to think about a new exercise. Maybe pull out the Vinyassa Yoga tape. I bought this years ago and have only done about half of the video once or twice. I forget who suggested this challenge of a new exercise but I like it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I will have to think about a new exercise. Maybe pull out the Vinyassa Yoga tape. I bought this years ago and have only done about half of the video once or twice. I forget who suggested this challenge of a new exercise but I like it.

    it was me :blushing:
  • jbest73
    jbest73 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all,

    I seem to be motivated and doing all my logging in. I was down 4.5 lbs, but seem to have gone up 1 pound. I am trying not to weigh myself everyday but it is hard to stay away. Ahh So I guess I'll weigh on Sundays and use the last day of the month for my official total.

    I'm glad that there is so much support out there.

  • Pinksapphire74
    I'm in!:happy:

    Start Sept 13, 2009 221
    Today 191
    Goal 130
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am so proud of myself, I went for a jog/walk after work today. Spring break this week means I get off a bit earlier and went out for 30 mins. This time I ran 15 mins, walked 10, then ran the last 5! A Jog after work is my new exercise! I am very slow but it feels great to be adding in the extra exercise. My calfs HURT! :sad: I am supose to do a yoga DVD now to finish the last 100 calories needed for today but I am so sore! I know I will have a high calorie burn day tomorrow because Tuesday I watch Biggest Loser while stepping so I think I am going to bed. :yawn: