5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS:
    It's Saturday! Time to complete 3500 challenge. so I want to report that yesterday AFTER MY NAP, I got up and did a DVD's for 40 minutes and burned 316 calories and then this morning I got up a 5:30 and went for a 2 hour joga dee jog!!! ( boy I met so many DOGS! AGAIN and I had to keep walking so they would not eat me for breakfast. but I kept going on, instead of coming home to safety! I am happy to report that NOT a single man made rude comments as I jogged by, in fact a couple men helped me fight off the dogs and for that I am eternally grateful. I do love dogs, don't get me wrong. I just don't like those STREET DOGS that growl and follow me with saliva dripping off there teeth! SCARY! anyway I made the challenge with about 359 calories over the 3500 burned so I am hyped up and ready to take on another week challenge. I know I am not the TOP DOG though so I will wait to see who is going to set the next challenge as for as exercise goes.

    Karinf- glad that you had a good experience with Disneyland. and also that you found the fruit booth so you could make it without all the junky stuff that they sell at those places. I am finding that I don't even crave the junk food any more. I never thought that I would say that.

    Jacque - Loved your postive post and I agree with you. This group is the best. good for you getting the bands and are ready to strengthen your upper body. I should do that too. i am like some of you guys that are weaker in the top. I do have bands and weights that I use with some of the DVD's that I work out with but my legs are much stronger FOR SURE.

    Jenn - Way to go jogging for 35 minutes. that is really awesome. I started out with just a couple minutes at a time and have worked up to 2 hours and now I don't hurt at all in my lungs. But to tell the truth .. MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME RIGHT NOW... AND I LOVE IT!! WITH EVERY PAIN, IT REMINDS ME THAT I DID IT!

    WELCOME CAROL... and DHERNAN81!! You'll love this group and all the support.

    o.k. Gotta get busy and plan my week or at least tomorrow for school! I love week ends... but they always end too soon!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    I have a wedding tonight and I know I'm going to cheat. It's impossible to weigh or measure food at a wedding. I'll never now how it was prepared to log it in correctly! I'll make the right choices.....no bread, no pasta, no soda etc.. But, I didn't cheat AT ALL on Easter, so I guess I'll make up for it tonight! :wink:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay 3500 challenge check in

    Sun 583 (Wii and walking)
    Monday 747 (Wii and jogging)
    Tuesday 1200 (Wii Walking videos and Zumba class)
    Wednesday 1023 (Wii, Walking, Jogging, yoga)
    Thursday 1107 (Walking, Turbo Jam, Wii)
    Friday 1209 (Walking,Jogging 5minutes!!!!!!, Videos and Wii)
    Saturday 1000 planned retaining wall building and Ab Jam

    Total 6869

    I worked my but off this week and I loved it. Thank you so much for the challenge.

    So you can see I am planning on building a planter with retaining wall stone. I am actually looking forward to loading and unloading the truck. 3 months ago I would have been dreading it. What a life change. MFP is awesome and its because of friends like you guys.

    Have a great day.
  • kalebsmama07
    count me in! im excited ive struggled just to lise 2lbs a month im gona really try harder this month n every month :smile: thanks for the challenge
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Good morning all,

    Bethinagain, I read your post and had the thought that maybe we need to stop seeing these events as 'cheats.' You said you can trust yourself not to poison yourself with the junk - that's quite a profound statement - to have committed to your own health and know you'll keep that commitment.

    But our lives should have celebrations with meals involved - it's part of the human experience - and we won't always have control over what's offered. But the point of celebrations is that they're special, our friends don't get married everyday and we don't eat wedding food everyday.

    So I give you full permission to try everything, eat reasonably, drink lots of water, and know that it's part of normalizing the fitness process in your life, not cheating.

    Cheating would be eating 5 donuts and logging in one. That's cheating! Or having two glasses of wine and then finishing the one that your friend hadn't drunk because she went to bed early and then logging only two - :embarassed:

    Good lord, Phyljen - you have to be Indiana Jones just to get a run in - Jeez!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi 5 lb losers,

    I am going to be out of commission for 2 weeks with high impact exercise. Not only that, I was hit by the potato chip, pizza, bread and butter, wine and beer truck for about 5 days now. I really need to get back on track. I have just lost my mojo to keep going. I really don't want to gain the weight back. I need motivation. So, I have to be really good about logging everything and just suffer and plow thru it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it

    I didn't even weigh in on Friday 'cause I know it was going to be bad...this week will be much better I hope...I really have to dig the bike out. At least, I can run errands doing it.

    Went to the doctor for a physical and mentioned the planter faciities (PF) that has been bothering me for quite some time. I am hitting the PF hard. I didn't realize if it's left uncontrolled, you can develop bone spurs. The goal is to bring down the inflammation. Here is the lowdown for the next 2 weeks.

    1) No exercise for 2 weeks except for work to rest the foot. Only very low impact like bike riding or swimming.
    2) I bought orthoses to put in my gym shoes and I am wearing them 24/7. They are kind of like heels pads. No flip flops or high heals.
    3) A device that you sleep in to keep the foot flexed while you are sleeping. This actually was really worth the money. I didn't feel any pain when I arose out of bed this morning. I bought it at the drug store.
    4) Naproxen 2 times a day for 2 weeks
    5) Ice with any pain
    6) Some exercises to strengthen the accessory muscles while the faciitis is healing

    I got all the supplies yesterday...Today will be officially day 1...I will keep you posted

    Triggers are: flat feet, high arched, rigid feet, poor shoe suppor, toe running, hill running, running on sand, increasing age, sudden weight increase, sudden increase in activity level and the good old family tendency

    I am bummed about the exercise....it's what helps me keep weight off...I only exercise to eat more...UGH
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Also, just wanted to say good job on all the participants in the 3500 calorie exercise challenge. I am so lame to have started it and then I have to stop exercising...UGH

    I think the winner gets to pick another challenge for the group....please step up and announce your challenge
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member

    Oh my goodness. Dang feet problems. but good for you for sharing with us. We are all there cheering for you to get well. take care of yourself and follow the docs orders. I had some problems with my feel several years ago and had these molds made to put in my shoes and I always wear them doing aerobics and of course running. they told me stop the sandals too and flip flops. I did that for a while but eventually from wearing the shoes with the inserts I have been able to get back to full activity again. and I wear sandals all the time. True my feet feel better at the end of the day when I wear the shoes with the inserts in them but they don't fit all my shoes and sometimes it is too hot to wear a toe shoe.

    I know that you are going to stay on track now even with the lower impact exercises. Do you have access to a pool? I love my three swims a week. It has been a life saver on my knees. Which reminds me a have a knee pad that I am supposed to wear on my knee while running to hole the knee cap in place and I forgot all about it for years. I got it once when I was running and fell down out in the desert while doing a 10 K. Maybe I should pull it out and see how it feels to use it again.

    So who is going to set the challenge for us this week? RJADAMS???? You rocked this week but PLEASE don't challenge us to 6000 calories!! I'd kill myself!:devil: I was lucky to get just over 3500 and now Karinf is calling me Indiana Jones!!!! LOL

    Well I have so many calories from doing the exercises today that I have about 1000 left to eat. I am like you Kim, I exercise sometimes so i can eat more. I think I'll go pop up some pop corn. That is my all time favorite snack.

    Phyljen. Waiting to hear the new exercise challenge. :tongue:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Kim, what can we do to support you. It's a major drag to have to deal with this, but we really do have to learn to include everything. I know you can do this.

    How about just putting weight loss on hold and focus on maintaining. Take the pressure off. I think in one of those Ab diet programs they say to go for a walk after every meal - maybe a short, slow 15 minute walk a couple of times a day. And there's upper body - free weights a couple of times a week.

    If you can maintain your current weight for the next month, you will be in such a strong position to lose more and keep it off when you come out of this you'll more than make up the delay.

    Please don't beat yourself up, but remember who you are, how strong you are and how good having a strong healthy body is.

    We're with you.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi All,
    Well I think that 3500 is a good exercise challenge so lets all aim for that again. I just want to add one little twist. I challenge everyone to try one new form of exercise this week. Something you haven't done before or haven't done in a long time (2 or more years ago). How does that sound? Let me know.
  • jbest73
    jbest73 Posts: 18 Member
    OK I'm new and a little late. But I'm in...

    Starting weight: 200 lbs
    Goal by end of April: 195. lbs

    I started just around April first. I am almost there. Woohoo. We can totally do this.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    rjadams- challenge sounds good. Now to think of some NEW exercise to try. I'm totally up for the new challenge. Thanks for posting it.
    Just finished my early morning swim for an hour so I have 465 calories so far this week. Phyljen:wink:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just want to say thanks for all the support everyone has offered...It's really GREAT!!!

    I have decided to start fresh tomorrow. It's on for the 3500 calorie burn. I have been wanting to try something new. It will be really interesting to see what everyone tries.

    Instead of doing the 5 mile walks, I am going to have to break the exercise into little segments. Maybe the shred videos, elliptical and biking should be OK.

    I feel like I have definately reached middle-aged shopping in Walgreens for orthoses and ibuprofen..should have gotten a cane while I was at it. Hair color too!!

    It's amazing tho, I think the ibuprofen and sleeping in the support has really inproved things in only 2 days. I've been wearing shoes in the house with the supports 24/7. I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the supports in my shoes. I'm a nurse and walk a lot in a shift. It's nice not to get out of bed in the morning without that heel pain.

    Well, off to work...have a great Sunday everyone...
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    4/1/10 200.4
    4/8/10 199.2
    GOAL 4/30/10 195.4

    I will try to hit the 3500 challenge and try something I haven't done before or within the last two years.
    437 of the 3500 done as of today.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi all,
    It's the end of my Sunday. Went to a gym after school and tried 10 minutes on the elliptical plus did step aerobics and swam this morning. 938 total cals. burned so far. That elliptical was something new for me. I was really sweating after only 10 minutes. I'll have to get back there and give it another go soon.

    Tonight I went to the doc and got my third and LAST hepatitis B injection. Now I am good for another 10 years. Also got a prescription for a pulled tendon on my shoulder and under my left breast. It has been hurting for a few days. I think I strained it while doing that Bikini body DVD. :cry: OUCH! But with meds.. I will survive. It only hurts when I do rotation type movements with my left arm.

    Hope you all have a relaxing Sunday. Phyljen:flowerforyou:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Phyljen, way to go trying something new. Its always a good idea to have some variety. I am hoping that I can get out and roller skate sometime this week. although it isn't "new" for me, I haven't done it for over 3 years. I used to skate 5 miles a day in my late 20's. (years ago) I had started skating again 3 years ago and was only able to do it for about a month and then I dropped a can of olives on my big toe and lost the nail. It took a year to grow back and then I just never got to skating. I hope the weather will cooperate.
  • tjh414
    tjh414 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in. I'm a newcomer. Current weight 156
  • dancingxqueen39
    Yes! count me in!
    CW: 158
    Goal Weight: 130
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Today I managed to log in.....drum roll here, please ....97 calories in exercise!!!! Woo-hoo!!!

    Alright, never mind today. I'm proud of this group, and if Kim is up to the challenge with her foot and Phyljen is elipticalling with an injury, what kind of lazy bum am I. Well, a very lazy one actually.

    So tomorrow I'll jump in, lagging way behind the rest of you, but someone's gotta bring up the rear.

    Here's to a good week everyone!
  • jlthampton
    jlthampton Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to join this challenge! Thanks!:smile: