5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    It seems the new week begins with Sunday? Let me know if that is incorrect. Here's what I have for this week

    Sun 4/4 485
    Mon 4/5 0
    Tue 4/6 496
    Wed 4/7 507
    Thu 4/8 0

    I have probably burned more than stated here, I tend to track cals burned doing cardio and not doing weights or plyometrics. I will keep better records from now on, this is a great way to see our hard work in black and white!!
  • rosy54
    rosy54 Posts: 46
    I'd like to join this challenge as well ~ maybe I can lose 2.5 pounds since I'm starting late this month! :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    You look fabulous. I can't wait to be in the 150's.

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    -100 walking
    -600 biking
    1700 left this week

    -730 walking
    -270 biking
    -410 walking
    360 left for this week

    I am fortunate that I do home daycare and I have a great 6 kid stroller. I can put the kids in that and push it to the park and get an awesome walking workout. Then when we get to the park I walk around the playground constantly.. I do the same thing when we play outside at home. And at nap time I get on the exercise bike and go until someone wakes up. Now if I could behave myself calorie wise I could be at my goal weight really quickly.


    Which six seatter stroller do you have? I have the Turtle Bus for my five kids. I love it and you are right about a great workout when pushing it!:happy:

    I have the BYE BYE BUGGY by ANGELES. I think it weighs a little over 100 pounds while empty. I live up high in a river town so everything is downhill from here:happy: but the walk home is always uphill:noway: so the walk home is always a bigger calorie burn. Going up one hill yesterday I had my pulse at 160...talk about interval training.

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    -100 walking
    -600 biking
    1700 left this week

    -730 walking
    -270 biking
    -410 walking
    360 left for this week

    -100 walking
    -420 biking

    Great week of working out. Hope to get a great walk in this morning. Only 2 kids this morning so I can use the smaller lighter stroller.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    January 1 starting weight for 2010 185.6

    April 1 weight 177.6
    April 9 weight 175.4

    Down 2.2 this week. I am very happy with this.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyboy,
    Weighed in today and lost another pound.
    SW 159
    April 1 weigh in - 144
    April 9th - 143.

    I am feeling lazy right now. Just got home from church, had lunch and feel like a nap would be the perfect option. Should do some exercise today in order to meet the goal... zzzzzzzzzz but I think that is going to happen after my nap.

    Looking forward to seeing how every does today at the scales. GOOD LUCK !!! Phyljen:smile:
  • iwantthis
    iwantthis Posts: 15 Member
    Congrats Terri & Phyljen on your losses! Very exciting!

    check in...
    4/2: 196.6
    4/9: 194

    Get me out of those 190s PLEASE! woohoo

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi Everyboy,
    Weighed in today and lost another pound.
    SW 159
    April 1 weigh in - 144
    April 9th - 143.

    I am feeling lazy right now. Just got home from church, had lunch and feel like a nap would be the perfect option. Should do some exercise today in order to meet the goal... zzzzzzzzzz but I think that is going to happen after my nap.

    Looking forward to seeing how every does today at the scales. GOOD LUCK !!! Phyljen:smile:

    I am feeling that tiredness right now. I had a bad nights sleep and now I can't stop yawning!:yawn: :yawn: Hopefully a walk will wake me up. Its up to 3 kids this morning. One parent got called into work so now we get to take out the big stroller.

    Awesome job Phyllis and Megan. Keep up the great job!:drinker: :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Congrats Terri, Philjen, and Meagan, Way to go.

    April 1 170.4
    April 2 170
    April 9 167.6

    2.4 pounds woo hoo. I think I owe it all to the 3500 calorie challenge. Thanks you guys. :happy:
  • sawyersmama
    A little bit late I suppose, but I am in :)

    SW: 215
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Official weigh in: 129. Half a pound down, which is okay by me.

    Way to go Terri, Phyllis, Meagan and RJ!

    As I said, I was totally slothful this week and never even made it to day 2 of Couch25K. I'll pick it up next week. It was the last week of spring break, so I had to spend yesterday at Magic Mountain (amusement park) and today another trip to Disneyland because we had to cut the last trip short because of the slightly insane younger teen.

    Jenn, what a loving, kind thing to do for your friend and so wise to connect her with her mother. I'm sorry that life's been so tough, but welcome back.

    I bailed out of the challenge, but it is so inspiring to read your numbers - go, girls!!

    Terri, I can't imagine pushing a six-seater or the five seater that the other poster (please don't hate me because my 53 year old brain isn't working so well and I can't remember who posted it) The double used to kill my back, but I guess you have to be super conscious.

    Phyllis, PG tips is a brand of tea - good old fashioned strong British tea. I know the vegan thing is daunting, it requires much more pre-planning than I'm willing to do right now. That is so exciting about the wedding - is it going to be there or here?

    So today I'm hoping for a more healthful day - yesterday all I had 2 bags of Snap pea crisps. :frown: Not exactly a balanced diet.

    happy Friday everyone!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, Well done for your losses, I too have had a good week and am down 2 pounds YAHH,

    Start Weight with mfp..............164.5

    Weight on 4/1/10......................145

    Weight on 4/9/10......................143

    Hope you all have a good weekend !!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am so glad that you all have losses so far this week. Yay, it has been a great week. I am so excited. I DID IT!!!! I ran for 5 minutes straight. After doing 25 minutes of 2 run 2 walk and I finished it off with a 5 minute run. I feel invincible.:happy: Go Me!!!!!

    I am feeling so humble right now can't you tell?:blushing:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Official Weigh-in
    4/1 160.6
    4/9 162.2
    4/31 Goal 155

    I'm up by almost 2 lbs!! :( At the same time, I had to go buy a belt on my lunch break, so maybe at least some is muscle? I'm also going to start "retaining water" this weekend, so.....

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello all!

    Congrats to everyone who lost! Here are my numbers:

    3/26: 147
    4/1: 150
    4/9: 149

    I am going to try making April the month that I beat this stupid 150 up, 146 down, 150 up trend I am having! I want the 150's gone for good. I will try to eat well and get more exercise in and I hope that I can recover and see 146 (my lowest weigh yet) before the month is gone. May is my son's birthday month as well as mine and if I can see 140 by the 27th (my birthday) I will be a happy happy lady! I realized today that 146 was my low weight for my brothers wedding last Sept. I have been working on these same 5 lbs for 8 months! Gaining a bit then getting back to 146 and then going back up. At least I am maintaining my 30lb loss! After all going from a size 12-14 down to a size 6 is a great thing! Does anyone who have passed a hump like this have any tips for me?
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I am so glad that you all have losses so far this week. Yay, it has been a great week. I am so excited. I DID IT!!!! I ran for 5 minutes straight. After doing 25 minutes of 2 run 2 walk and I finished it off with a 5 minute run. I feel invincible.:happy: Go Me!!!!!

    I am feeling so humble right now can't you tell?:blushing:

    Great job! You should be proud. I am not a runner so I understand how big of a deal 5 whole mins running is. High five! You rock! :wink:
    Alright, I'm in:
    SW 230
    CW 227
    GW 185

    I CAN DO IT!!!!!! Yeah. I just started this week...
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Wow, what a great group of caring people you all are. I have so much respect for all of you in the ways you step up to the plate and deal with the obstacles life gives you. You do it all and seem to maintain a desire to be healthy and live better. Congrats on the weight loss this week and here we go to next.
    I did lose .8 lb this week so I am pleased. I've decided that now I really need to work on the upper body muscles. I found so exercises that I can do while walking in a recent Prevention Mag. I'm getting my elastic band out to give them a try. I have such a wimpy upper bod.
    Thanks all for sharing.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I love Friday! Every other workday I am so stressed running out the door to pick up my kids on time and start dinner. But on Friday my 4 year old goes to her dance class and my mom picks her up from school and takes her. My son goes to a daycare close to my work and because I don't have to run to get my girl I have time to spare! Today I went for a little jog after work. My first time out jogging! Wow, is it normal that my lungs hurt? I went out for about 35 mins. I walked most of the way back but I am going to try to jog every Friday from now on. I'll be able to run the whole way in no time! :bigsmile:

    Oh, and Jacque, try using soup or veggie cans to lift while watching tv or talking on the phone.
  • carolemsavoie
    I'm going 2 join this challenge 5 lbs a month should be doable.....
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Jaques, you and me both! I have great lower body strength but couldn't do a pull-up to save my life.

    Soooo.... today I had a fabulous time and would like to crow, so please indulge me..

    As some of you know, my 2 kids are quite whacky with numerous developmental disabilities, and last week I took them to Disneyland but had to leave after an hour because my younger one wigged out. The tickets we got were two days for the price of one, so today I took my 17yr old and a friend of his. The friend's mother urged me to take the papers that say he has autism to guest relations. I've never done it before even though I had heard you could, because it felt like cheating, but after last week, I got braver.

    WELL!! They gave me a 'Fast Pass' for the whole park, we had minimal wait times - no melt downs, no craziness - it was GREAT!!! I officially no longer hate Disneyland.

    AND I found a fruit stand (in Tomorrowland!) and was able to get through the whole day with no junk, no soda ,

    Oh happy, happy me!!!