5 Pounds A Month April 2010 Challenge



  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Jumping on board a week late but I'm in
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good day to all.

    This is from April 2010 Runner's World Magazine (the article discusses diet myths).


    The Truth

    Many dieters (I substituted the word dieters for the word runners because I think it applies to both) believe their metabolism plummets later in the day, which is when we often overeat nutritionally corrupt foods. But a calories is a calorie not matter when you eat is. As long as you do not take in more calories than you burn in a day you won't gain weight. Overeating at 9pm is not different than overeating at 9 am. You may have a slightly higher metabolism earlier in the day, but the impacton weight loss is likely trivial.

    And if you train in the evening noshing at night is a must. You have to eat a well balanced meal to encourage recovery no matter how late it is. As long as you don't gorge you're not in danger of gaining weight. Just don't spend too much time with Ben and Jerry at night.



    Very interesting. Thank you for posting that. It reminds me of a discussion I had reagarding whether or not a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat. A pound is a pound. One is denser but they weigh the same.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Siobahn, welcome back, and I am just want to say I'm so sorry about your cat. Your team is doing great in your challenge - 6th out of 50 is awesome.

    In case the flu diet doesn't work, there's always the food poisoning diet - you have to find the right restaurant, but it works every time.

    And the other one I just found out about is the preparing for a colonoscopy diet. My husband dropped 3.5 pounds yesterday. All he had to do was drink that vile liquid for hours, run to the bathroom every ten seconds and not eat or drink for 24 hours -

    C'mon!!! That's not so hard - we could all do it. Let's start a new group. Takers? Anyone?

    I've done that one. No wonder you only "get" to do it every 10 years. It was nasty. Worse than any flu I have ever had.:laugh: :laugh:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I'm BACK!!! :laugh: Hello All!!!

    Phyljen and TCASMEY Thank you so much for asking if I am ok! I am doing fine, a little bit heavier than before, but good just the same!

    I am sorry I have not been on. Boy how I have missed you! I realized that I seem to log in and get lost in beautiful MFP land for hours and hours. So I had to not log in for a few weeks to deal with life!
    I had two reasons for not logging in…
    1st - Work has been crazy! I have had a very busy admissions season at the school. Mailing letters and contacts, processing tuition checks, forms, forms, and more forms! I have been helping a prego co-worker by helping her with planning Graduation (she will be gone having her daughter early May), helping stressed out parents of kids coming and going and in between. Plus I am the yearbook advisor and our deadline was last night! I hope the book is well received by the community because I stayed up many a late night editing and fussing over every little detail. Maybe that is one more reason to love MFP I feel so free to not proof read! :tongue:
    2nd I had a close friend pass way suddenly. He was the husband of my best friend from high school. My friend is having a very hard time with her loss. She is a stay at home mom and feels so worried she now has no income to support her 14 month old baby. She was not taking care of herself, not eating and not showering. I felt I had to help her out and took her in. Moving her out of her house and into mine was a lot mentally to deal with. I was taking care of 3 kids and she needed lots of attention as well, like a 4th kid really. It is just so sad seeing someone change like that. I couldn't even tell her that I understand! She didn't want to talk to a Dr and I felt she needed help. Well long story short I called her mother in FA and let her know she was needed, she flew her and the baby out a few nights ago and plans to have them live with her until she can get back on her feet. I am planning on visiting her in a few months and bring some of stuff I am holding for her. I am still worried but I feel like sending her to be with family would be best for both our families.

    Sooooo, that sums up what you missed in my life! I have been working out when I can but have not been focused on me in the last few weeks. I am trying to drink my water again and I am working on sleep which I need more of. No more calling My love and telling him I can't make dinner in time for bedtime please pick something up on the way home. I am so looking forward to starting up again and check in daily with all you. I have no idea what I weigh but I would guess I put on about 5 lbs. 150-153?


    ps Can someone tell me how to post a picture on here? I need to show phyljen my blue hair! (It was changed from purple because the men staff members had a revolt, lol)

    Welcome back!

    You have had a busy few weeks. It was so wonderful of you how you took care of friend. That was very caring of you.

    Glad to have you back. Sorry you had such a rough few weeks.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Progress report on the 3500 calorie challenge

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    -100 walking
    -600 biking
    1700 left this week

    Have a healthy day!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Wow, Terri, you are killing the challenge with all those calories.

    I was lucky to get the day off today; so, I am going to do Jillian Shred #2 and walk the beasts (dogs) today...the pup is obnoxious to walk...he likes to chase cars and is obsessed with each one that goes by. His ears are always atuned for the sound of an approaching car. He's nuts!!!!

    Monday...no exercise (still recovering the ankle and knee)
    Tuesday...Shred #2....223 calories
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay 3500 challenge

    Sun 583 (Wii and walking)
    Monday 747 (Wii and jogging)
    Tuesday 1200 (Wii Walking videos and Zumba class)

    2530 so far 970 to go.

    What else have I got to do. I spend about 3 hours job hunting and the rest of the time I can exercise or whatever. It sucks not having a job but it is kind of nice too. :blushing:

    Have a great day ladies.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Okay 3500 challenge

    Sun 583 (Wii and walking)
    Monday 747 (Wii and jogging)
    Tuesday 1200 (Wii Walking videos and Zumba class)

    2530 so far 970 to go

    Wow...I am impressed...you are kicking some *kitten*
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay 3500 challenge

    Sun 583 (Wii and walking)
    Monday 747 (Wii and jogging)
    Tuesday 1200 (Wii Walking videos and Zumba class)

    2530 so far 970 to go.

    What else have I got to do. I spend about 3 hours job hunting and the rest of the time I can exercise or whatever. It sucks not having a job but it is kind of nice too. :blushing:

    Have a great day ladies.

    Okay so I have been really bored today. So I walked, ran (did a 4.5 minute stint this time!!!) stretch yoga video and Wii 30 day challenge workout. I am at 1023 for the day. That puts me over the 3500 and its only Wednesday. Maybe these challenges aren't good for me. I get obsessive about what I am doing. But like I said before, what else am I going to do.

    Good luck everyone. I feel GOOD!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Oh I am so happy to see Jenn back with the MFP gang. We missed you so much. So nice of you to help out with your friend. You are a true friend.
    Shivaun Sorry about your cat too. That must be so hard to deal with getting on with life without your beloved cat. Plus all the stress of work and all. But you are a hero to hang in there and do the challenge for the city with your team. 6th out of 50 is way way cool. You rock!

    To all the new people that have joined lately, So happy to have you with us. Tell us your story! Tell us about you and don't forget to tell us jokes and make us smile. We love hearing what is happening in your worlds. I am living over here in Egypt across the sea and I love to hear of any thing happening in the good ole US of A as my husband refers to the states.

    As for the 3500 challenge.
    Sunday I did an hour of a combination of kick boxing, aerobics, stretching, weight reps and the total was 500 calories
    Monday I was at the farm and the only exercise I did was about 15 minutes of soccer played with the family 115 calories
    Tuesday I swam for 65 minutes and burned little over 500 calories
    Wednesday I jogged for 35 minutes then did step aerobic for 50 minutes and pilates for 25 minutes, total 768
    so that is a grand total of 1883 so I have 1617 left. Three more days. I think I can do it if I really get in gear for the next few days.
    Good luck on the challenge to everyone out there. :wink: Phyljen
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm doing well today so far. Ate a healthy breakfast and lunch and drinking my water. I taught some of my students a few yoga poses today during lunch time and they loved it! Yay. I am hopping that I can talk my honey into going on bike ride after work and I also plan on doing a yoga DVD tonight. I think I am going to wait until Friday to weigh in. I did not meet the 5 lb loss for March, I went up and down a lot but the end of the month I was back up so I guess I can't count that. I am planning on working out hard the rest of April so I can catch up and I feel better now that I am getting back into my normal way of doing things.

    I got about 6 1/2 hours of sleep last night and feel so great today! My daughter told her teacher this morning "My mommy looks better when she sleeps! RIGHT?!?!" I didn't even know she knew I had not been sleeping well! Smart little cookie!

    I also changed my photo to show my blue hair. Our school logo is a girl with pig tails and our colors are blue and gold. I got a few weird looks at the pre-school while dropping off my daughter that day but it was fun. I love spirit week!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    You look fabulous. I can't wait to be in the 150's.

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    -100 walking
    -600 biking
    1700 left this week

    -730 walking
    -270 biking
    -410 walking
    360 left for this week

    I am fortunate that I do home daycare and I have a great 6 kid stroller. I can put the kids in that and push it to the park and get an awesome walking workout. Then when we get to the park I walk around the playground constantly.. I do the same thing when we play outside at home. And at nap time I get on the exercise bike and go until someone wakes up. Now if I could behave myself calorie wise I could be at my goal weight really quickly.

  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Terri, you're awesome.

    You turn a job that could easily be considered a liability into an opportunity (sorry to sound new-agey)
  • Vans
    Vans Posts: 388 Member
    I haven't quite reached my April goal of 163 yet.... BUT I'm happy to have finally broken away from the170s :drinker: down 2.6 pounds this week :) 2 more pounds to go to meet this challenge!!!

    KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK everyone:happy:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay, so my foray into vegan-land didn't work out so good. Four days and I missed my PG tips, milk and sugar.

    So I decided I'll try the same approach I used when I started MFP, just observing and recording what dairy and fish I consume without making any deliberate changes. Getting conscious seems to help me slowly make other choices is a less effortful way.

    Today is Day 2 of Couch25K. I skipped an extra day to get on a Tues, Thurs, Sat schedule.

    All in all this has been one of my most slothful weeks. Oh well
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Didn't get my bike ride last night, but I was very good about eating all my veggies for the day. I am not being hard on myself as I usually do, I feel like I am finally understanding that it is a life style change so all is not lost if I mess up and go over. It took me over a year to get to this point so why wouldn't it take time to get up on that next step of healthy living? I will focus on the 80 20 rule and eat right most of the time but a treat every now and again, birthdays, and holidays are about fun and family not feeling like crap if I eat what I want or feeling left out if I don't. I am so lucky to have great friends and family and really understand now more than ever that I must enjoy my life because it is a gift. Anything can happen to change that in a blink of an eye. I still feel my heart race every time my phone rings, unless I can see my kids and my honey. I hate that I am waiting for a scary phone call but I think time will help that. I want to join a support group for friends of people lost to drunk drivers but have not found one yet.

    I am also at the point that if I eat junk I feel like junk. The last of the Easter candy is gone (which means I went over on my calories last night, oops) but I felt sick right after eating the candy so I am trying to remember that for the next time that I see a candy or some other junk food. Not worth it!

    I am thinking about doing the diet my mom has lost so much weight on, Health Management Resources. The diet is all the fruit and veggies you want to eat plus having 3 HMR meals per day which are about 200-250 calories each. Doing this would would mean going over my 1200 calories everyday (because I would still do the personal goal I set for myself of eating 5 veggies and 2 fruits everyday and I would still drink a glass of 2 % everyday because I think milk is an important part of healthy eating) but I am thinking that I would still lose because veggies and fruit will give me lots of good fiber. I think not being able to eat any "real" food might help me stay in control of my binge eating. I need more structure and less choices!

    Hope you all have a healthy day!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Okay 3500 challenge check in

    Sun 583 (Wii and walking)
    Monday 747 (Wii and jogging)
    Tuesday 1200 (Wii Walking videos and Zumba class)
    Wednesday 1023 (Wii, Walking, Jogging, yoga)
    Thursday 1107 (Walking, Turbo Jam, Wii)

    Total so far 4660 with two days left and I may walk some more today. I tend to choose walking over cleaning house. :blushing:

    I hope you all are having a great day. There is this strange yellow ball thing up in my sky today and the sky is blue. What is up with that? I am so unfamilia with that color sky. (Pacific Northwest is mostly grey skies.)
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member

    You look fabulous. I can't wait to be in the 150's.

    - 700 walking
    -400 biking
    2200 left this week

    -100 walking
    -600 biking
    1700 left this week

    -730 walking
    -270 biking
    -410 walking
    360 left for this week

    I am fortunate that I do home daycare and I have a great 6 kid stroller. I can put the kids in that and push it to the park and get an awesome walking workout. Then when we get to the park I walk around the playground constantly.. I do the same thing when we play outside at home. And at nap time I get on the exercise bike and go until someone wakes up. Now if I could behave myself calorie wise I could be at my goal weight really quickly.


    Which six seatter stroller do you have? I have the Turtle Bus for my five kids. I love it and you are right about a great workout when pushing it!:happy:
  • SnazzyRed
    I am in for the 5lb challenge
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    He all my Fitness pals,
    1384 calories left to burn this week !I burned off 500 cals from swimming yesterday. ( Thursday )
    I usually take Friday off but since I took Monday off this week, I will have to exercise some today and then finish up on Saturday. I CAN DO IT. It was a great challenge.

    Well last night I had a lot of fun with my daughter. We went to the fabric market and bought the fabric for her wedding dress. She is having it made. It was very exciting. the wedding receiption will be August 6th. I plan to be down to about 130 by then!! YIPPEEE!

    I just realized Jenn that you and my daughter are very near the same age.She is 25. Amazing. and you have 2 kids already. she is the one in the pic with me on my profile pic. She better get busy fast and have some kiddies so I can be a grandma! BTW, glad to have you back. I did miss you. Thanks for sharing the pic of your blue and gold hair. That is awesome. You look great too. Way tiny compared to the other pic that you had posted all those other months.

    Rjadams- Man you are really kicking butt on the exercises. You are putting me to shame. But I bet you are feeling very strong and healthy. Way to go! I do hope you get a job soon though. That would really be a happy day HUH?

    Welcome Snazzyred!!! Glad to have you join us.

    Karinf- Can I be so stupid as to ask what are PG tips? I have though of going vegan on occasion but then the though just passes by and I have never really make such a commitment. I think what I am doing now is working so I will just stick to it for the mean time.

    Beth and Terri, I can just picture in my mind all the fun you have pushing those humongous strollers with all those babies. I had a two seater. back in the day of ancientville when I was a young mommy. I had never heard of one with 5 seats! I did have a lot of fun pushing the kids to the park though. We lived in California at that time and I have great memories of going to those parks with the kids and letting them play while I visited with other moms.

    well it is Friday now so I hope my friend brings her scales to church so I can weigh in and report back later on today.
    Have a good FRIDAY everyone and good luck on all your goals. Phyljen:laugh: