Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    I was just looking at the schedule -- uhhhh Day 28 is going to be a beast!!! 12 circuits!! Does it have to all be at the same time or can we do QTZ in the am and BFBM later in the day???

    Kim - I have an issue w/ rasinettes too - they are delicious especially w/ the salty popcorn - Hang in there!!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I was just looking at the schedule -- uhhhh Day 28 is going to be a beast!!! 12 circuits!! Does it have to all be at the same time or can we do QTZ in the am and BFBM later in the day???

    Kim - I have an issue w/ rasinettes too - they are delicious especially w/ the salty popcorn - Hang in there!!


    I have done this once before and sometimes I broke them up and sometimes I did them together. I based it on the schedule for the day and how to squeeze it in.

    Also, when I did this before...I didn't lose a lot of weight...but, lots of inches

    Point is, take your measurements, so you don't be disappointed...GET READY FOR SOME CURVES
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    OK I did NMTZ today since I skipped yesterday (sore foot), I figured I'd kind of double up with the NMTZ and call this day 2 :laugh: Plus, I've been doing all these disks for a few months now and L1 doesn't feel like enough of a workout for me (especially since I'm going out to dinner tonight! :drinker: )

    So I'm still going to call this D2 done!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    I think I may be in i've got the Biggest loser on Wii and Ms Michals is my "avitar" trainer. Does that count?
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I think I may be in i've got the Biggest loser on Wii and Ms Michals is my "avitar" trainer. Does that count?

    I think you can probably modify the program to work like that. Here are the parameters:

    Shred workouts are ~20-25 minutes of circuit training, alternating cardio, weights, and abs - total 3 circuits + warmup and cooldown

    NMTZ is all weights, also circuit training (non-stop) and is about 45 minutes. I think it's 7 circuits + warmup and cooldown

    BFBM is all cardio, all circuit training (non-stop) and is also about 45 minutes. I think this is also 7 circuits + warmup and cooldown

    None of these workouts are easy; you really have to push... and if you're like me, you should be drenched by the time you're done :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi peeps! :)

    Day 2 (Shred level 1) done! I like that this starts out a little slow and gives a bit of time to work up to the hard core workouts. I should have my oomph back by the time we get there. :)

    Tomorrow is NMTZ.. I may have to take short breathers in between each circuit - but am determined to do it.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hey smiles...... just stopping by to check out your new thread :smile:

    Good Luck everyone!! Jillian Michael's knows her stuff.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey smiles...... just stopping by to check out your new thread :smile:

    Good Luck everyone!! Jillian Michael's knows her stuff.

    So glad you did! Won't you be joining us? :flowerforyou:
  • vanzeem
    vanzeem Posts: 107
    I'm just wondering if everyone else is hurting too??? WOW~~~ i knew i was outta shape from having two kids but... WOW.. really. that bad?? LOL!! I can't wait to see the results instead of just feeling them!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Slimsters,
    Checking in for Sat. DH wanted to go walking this am so I got in 3.5 miles outside to start the day. When we got back he went to work and I subbed Shred L2 for L1 ( I just did L1D10 yesterday) and I also did 20minAb Jam. It was a great workout day - had a lean shake from GNC w/ some blueberries for fuel and had a real good day. Went to dinner w/ some friends and didn't do too terribly bad. I had 10 fried mushrooms (fried ... i know ~ but the rest of the menu was mostly burgers fries potatos nachos etc - it seemed the least offensive - not sure on the cal count so I just logged 2x what mfp has for the cals - - that should cover it.
    I also bough some new vitamens at GNC and they are awesome!! My old one's just felt like they quit working since I stopeed smoking ~ weird , huh??
    Anyway, haven't found NMTZ yet - I didn't get to walmart today so I might have to sub BFBM for it tomorrow - we'll see.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic rest of the weekend,
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I'm in! Do I need anything besides the DVDs? Dumbells or a mat or anything?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Vanzeem - I don't think you're alone... I'm feeling it in places today. Not TOO bad - but enough to take notice! Be proud of yourself though -you're working your way to results one lunge at a time! :)

    Janet - Hey! Great job on getting the workout in, a nice walk and enjoying your day. The mushrooms sound tasty. :) I found that when I do BFBM and NMTZ, my HRM shows a similar calorie burn, for what that's worth. NMTZ is more about sculpting - so they're harder in different ways.

    I did NMTZ today (day 3 of 30 days). Thought about letting it slide but then remembered a friend of mine who is on day 18 of Power 90 - and that gave me the motivation. Not sure if it's a bad sign if I'm needing extra oomph already.

    Ready for tomorrow - bring on the shred!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm in! Do I need anything besides the DVDs? Dumbells or a mat or anything?

    Oh good! Glad you're joining us . You will need dumbbells (they use 3 pounders in NMTZ) - and a mat if you're working out on a hard surface.
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51
    Hey there!I started the 30 day shred on the 1st too,love it!I have ordered the yoga meltdown also and am going to try and fit both in!
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    I did Shred L3 yesterday because I was tight on time. Also 2 hours of bowling - which isn't awesome burn-wise but better than 2 hours of TV!! :laugh:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Easter Happy Springtime Everybody,
    I just finished L2D2 for the other thread I'm on and I found NMTZ at walmart - I plan on doing that later today - I must have some food first - which right now is a myoplex lite vanilla - not much on being "satisfying" but it's got good protein and vitamens. Concerned that if I'm not careful I'll eat something and get caught in the bermuda triangle between the couch / TV and the remote control ~ I'm sure you all have heard of it's legendary dangers, LOL!!!
    I't 6 minutes to 2pm here and I haven't had a drag off my ecig yet ~ it's getting better. Not sure when I'm going to stop the counting thing though ~ anyway hurray to us all for new beginnings!!!

    Will check back in after my 1st round of NMTZ

    :heart: j :heart:
  • rskidmore
    rskidmore Posts: 212
    I'm in! Do I need anything besides the DVDs? Dumbells or a mat or anything?

    Oh good! Glad you're joining us . You will need dumbbells (they use 3 pounders in NMTZ) - and a mat if you're working out on a hard surface.

    Thanks! I started today and am really feeling it! I just did the movements instead of incorporating weights today. I have to go buy some tomorrow. :) How do I enter this into my exercise log for the day?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm in! Do I need anything besides the DVDs? Dumbells or a mat or anything?

    Oh good! Glad you're joining us . You will need dumbbells (they use 3 pounders in NMTZ) - and a mat if you're working out on a hard surface.

    Thanks! I started today and am really feeling it! I just did the movements instead of incorporating weights today. I have to go buy some tomorrow. :) How do I enter this into my exercise log for the day?

    Good idea - to get started without the weights anyway! You could probably log it under "circuit training, general" - which is how I logged the shred before getting a heart rate monitor for a closer estimate. I could tell you what my HRM says I burn doing each of the workouts - but who knows if we're similar in size (height, weight, bone structure)... ??
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Faery - you'll have to let us know how you like Yoga Meltdown. I only heard of it recently and am curious to hear what it's like. Feel free to keep us updated...

    Mschelle - Definitely 2 hrs of bowling is better than 2 hrs of tv! Good call - sounds like fun too. Have you done this program before? Just curious what your experience with Jillian has been like and if you have any survival strategies to offer. :)

    Janet - :) You always make me :laugh: - hopefully you have managed to avoid being sucked into the abyss between the remote and the couch. That is one dangerous zone, my friend! I get trapped there far to often - especially since I work out of home. The work gets done but the couch has a permanent indentation....:frown: .. this is why I'm doing this! How's ab jam?

    As for me... haven't brought myself to do Shred for today yet. I will - but it's early here (10:10 am). We had a thanksgiving-esque meal for easter last night (turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry salad - and let's not forget the WINE). I went over on calories, but not too badly, and at least I'd done a decent workout ahead of time to help minimize the damage. Feeling strong today!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey There,
    Checking back in, as promised.
    okay, so after my last post I made the huge mistake of weighing myself after water, coffee, myoplex, crackers/hummus and 5 slices of turkey pepperoni - and I'm up 2 lbs :explode: - OMG I was so disappointed w/ myself - i felt like throwing the scale out of the window!!!! DH just laughed at me and said "just keep working, Baby, don't try to micro manage yourself". I was truly crushed after really working hard this week and the ranging emotions w/ the cigs - i had a pity party for about an hour. I am such a brat!!!!!

    After the party was over, I thought of you guys and got off my butt and did NMTZ!! I played a game with myself and chose to do it 1 circut at a time but I just kept "nexting" on through until it was cool down. And I'm really glad I did ~ I feel much less sorry for myself and still committed to doing my w/o's despite the fact that I'm 12 days into the shred deal and then some with this extra plan and have apparently gained 2lbs. I don't understand it but I'm not going to try to.
    I am going to focus on the positives:
    I feel better, my clothes are fitting better, my lungs feels better -and my skin looks great!
    I'm glad we're here to push and motivate each other!!

    Have a great evening,