Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • elizabennett
    Am I off a day? I planned on doing the 8th day for the 8th, so I did Shred Level 1. Is this wrong? Anyway, so much for thinking it would be easier after the other workouts. Nope! It seemed almost harder. The intensity seemed higher and you do more reps. Maybe I am crazy! I am glad to be doing this and mixing things up some more. Great job guys!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Am I off a day? I planned on doing the 8th day for the 8th, so I did Shred Level 1. Is this wrong? Anyway, so much for thinking it would be easier after the other workouts. Nope! It seemed almost harder. The intensity seemed higher and you do more reps. Maybe I am crazy! I am glad to be doing this and mixing things up some more. Great job guys!

    If you're on day 8, that is Shred Level 1 - so seems like you're on track to me!!! Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    I haven't done my day 8 yet. Woke up with an awful sore throat (I feel like I had razor blades for breakfast) - as well as extreme fatigue, exhaustion. Went to the Dr. and got simple advice - rest, fluids, honey and lemon for the throat. I'm debating about whether or not I should push it and get the shred in or not. I sort of want to. I'll report back in if, in fact, I do complete it. :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Gang,
    I did rest yesterday - sort of ... ended up fooling around in the yard after I got home from work w/ DH, and to make it worse my dinner was not good - majorly over cals for me :grumble: I ate a 700 cal dinner, a handful of cheetos and several hours later.......... a slice of lemon cake, have I lost my mind??? Seriously!!! :noway:
    I am just sooo hungry at night now that I'm not smoking - this is really bugging me. It is just ridiculous - during the day I do pretty good, but at night I have very little consistent staying power anymore. I do good for a couple of days, blow it and then get depressed when I get on the scale the next day and I am the same or am up a pound This is insanity......

    I want to do something crazy like get an appetite suppressant/ fat burner or something but (from past experience) this stuff just doesn't work. Over slept this am , just couldn't drag it out of the bed at 3am to get my exercise in before work - so D5L2 on for me when I get home and I plan on doing some TJ to atone for my caloric explosion last nite - I have got to do something different in the evening or nothing is going to change no matter how much i let Jillian kick my a@#!!
    I welcome any help/suggestions
    Make it a great Friday - I have put the bat down now:laugh:

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi Gang,
    I did rest yesterday - sort of ... ended up fooling around in the yard after I got home from work w/ DH, and to make it worse my dinner was not good - majorly over cals for me :grumble: I ate a 700 cal dinner, a handful of cheetos and several hours later.......... a slice of lemon cake, have I lost my mind??? Seriously!!! :noway:
    I am just sooo hungry at night now that I'm not smoking - this is really bugging me. It is just ridiculous - during the day I do pretty good, but at night I have very little consistent staying power anymore. I do good for a couple of days, blow it and then get depressed when I get on the scale the next day and I am the same or am up a pound This is insanity......

    I want to do something crazy like get an appetite suppressant/ fat burner or something but (from past experience) this stuff just doesn't work. Over slept this am , just couldn't drag it out of the bed at 3am to get my exercise in before work - so D5L2 on for me when I get home and I plan on doing some TJ to atone for my caloric explosion last nite - I have got to do something different in the evening or nothing is going to change no matter how much i let Jillian kick my a@#!!
    I welcome any help/suggestions
    Make it a great Friday - I have put the bat down now:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sometimes it helps to take a few steps back for some perspective. I am AMAZED at what a workout machine you can be. You've lost a significant amount of weight, and that accomplishment came through your dedication, commitment and hard work...... all of this is proof that you can do what you set your mind to.

    Quitting smoking sounds like the next step in creating an even healthier you. It is challenging your- but from what I can tell, you definitely have it in you to conquer challenges.

    One suggestion I have is to consider changing your focus and see if that helps. Instead of focusing on getting rid of something unwanted (extra weight) try focusing on attaining something desired (a healthy, fit body and mind for life). Remind yourself in positive terms of what you want, who you are becoming - each time you consider reaching for cake or chips. Be gentle with yourself, look for opportunities to laugh, and praise yourself for even the tiniest good choices. There's so much power in keeping a positive focus.

    When you're still super hungry at night, would it help to make sure you have nutritional snacks around that you can still munch on without the guilt? And, when you make good choices (apple slices vs. a candy bar, for example) - say, "Good Job, new me!"
    When you're tempted to go for something like onion rings, gently remind yourself "Hey, that's Old Me! Nice to see you, but we have another plan".

    Okay, after saying all of this - I think I need to take my own advice! I'm slowly slipping too - and it's because I was doing what I described above - then slowly let those habits fall away. Time for a re-boot!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Day 9 done!!! (It was Shred, level 2).

    Progress noticed: the chair squats with V raises have always been HELL for me -until today, I've always had to give in before she's done with the reps. Today, I didn't have to quit! I stuck with it, and didn't even whine, cry or pout about it. Feeling great about that!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    At the risk of bombarding our thread - I just have to report that I WENT FOR A RUN TODAY! (After doing day 9 workout, of course). I have been out of commission (jogging wise) for about 3 weeks now and that has sucked so bad I can't even describe it. It did me a world of good to get out there and prove to myself that a setback or detour (being sick) does not mean all my hard work has gone down the drain. I didn't jog 30 mins, but I did 20, and that's not too bad for having 3 weeks off. (I was going every other day until then). WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
  • elizabennett
    Great job ladies! You are amazing! I did my day 9 workout, even after the scale said I gained weight since last week. I wanted to climb in bed and cry all day, but I didn't and I stuck to my diet. I have an appt. to see a family Dr. about why my body won't lose weight, but I can't get in until May 11th. I'll just suck it up and keep doing what I need to. Maybe something will happen sometime? Have a great weekend! Thanks for the support!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Great job ladies! You are amazing! I did my day 9 workout, even after the scale said I gained weight since last week. I wanted to climb in bed and cry all day, but I didn't and I stuck to my diet. I have an appt. to see a family Dr. about why my body won't lose weight, but I can't get in until May 11th. I'll just suck it up and keep doing what I need to. Maybe something will happen sometime? Have a great weekend! Thanks for the support!

    You're not alone. I gained too... 3 lbs!!! And that was with increased exercise. What gives? :grumble:
    Glad to hear you're sticking it out - and sticking to your diet. Proud of you!!! Hope your Dr. appointment gives some insight. Until then, sucking it up and being positive will keep you on track (hopefully!)

    I don't know if this means anything - but during the 30 day shred (when I was doing it in October - I actually gained weight too. Firmed things up, but the poundage on the scale increased.) Hmmm.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Fellow Shredders

    I am going to be out of commission for 2 weeks with high impact exercise. Not only that, I was hit by the potato chip, pizza, bread and butter, wine and beer truck for about 5 days now. I really need to get back on track. I have just lost my will to keep going. I really don't want to gain the weight back. I need motivation. So, I have to be really good about logging everything and just suffer and plow thru it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it

    Went to the doctor for a physical and mentioned the planter faciities (PF) that has been bothering me for quite some time. I am hitting the PF hard. I didn't realize if it's left uncontrolled, you can develop bone spurs. The goal is to bring down the inflammation. Here is the lowdown for the next 2 weeks.

    1) No exercise for 2 weeks except for work to rest the foot. Only very low impact like bike riding or swimming.
    2) I bought orthoses to put in my gym shoes and I am wearing them 24/7. They are kind of like heels pads. No flip flops or high heals.
    3) A device that you sleep in to keep the foot flexed while you are sleeping. This actually was really worth the money. I didn't feel any pain when I arose out of bed this morning. I bought it at the drug store.
    4) Naproxen 2 times a day for 2 weeks
    5) Ice with any pain
    6) Some exercises to strengthen the accessory muscles while the faciitis is healing

    I got all the supplies yesterday...Today will be officially day 1...I will keep you posted

    Triggers are: flat feet, high arched, rigid feet, poor shoe suppor, toe running, hill running, running on sand, increasing age, sudden weight increase, sudden increase in activity level and the good old family tendency

    I will still be lurking and cheering you all on...I love what Jillian has done for me...also, weight does go up when doing her series...make sure you are taking your measurements so you don't feel cheated

    I am bummed about the's what helps me keep weight off...I only exercise to eat more...UGH
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey All,
    Happy Saturday! Checking in for the day - I missed yesterday - took my girlfriend who's getting married out for spa treatment anbd I didn't get home until after 9pm - ate subway (a good for Janet thing) and crashed. Got up this morning _ the wedding day_ and did SHred level 1 / 2 to catch up on what I missed yesterday!! Got in about 10 or so minutes of TJ before household duties interrupted. Monday is weigh in day and hoping to see some positive changes.
    I was reading about the weight gains we all are experiencing and it really is discouraging - I am hiding the scale from myself though and trying to focus more on how I feel rather than what the numbers say. I am also upping my cardio because I do want/need to lose weight. According to the professionals .. I'm "obese".
    Anyway - w/o done for the day and spending the afternoon with friends at a beautiful wedding ... it's going to be great.

    Will check in later and I hope everyone is doing great,
  • mschelle
    mschelle Posts: 240 Member
    Fellow Shredders

    I am going to be out of commission for 2 weeks with high impact exercise. Not only that, I was hit by the potato chip, pizza, bread and butter, wine and beer truck for about 5 days now. I really need to get back on track. I have just lost my will to keep going. I really don't want to gain the weight back. I need motivation. So, I have to be really good about logging everything and just suffer and plow thru it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it

    Went to the doctor for a physical and mentioned the planter faciities (PF) that has been bothering me for quite some time. I am hitting the PF hard. I didn't realize if it's left uncontrolled, you can develop bone spurs. The goal is to bring down the inflammation. Here is the lowdown for the next 2 weeks.

    1) No exercise for 2 weeks except for work to rest the foot. Only very low impact like bike riding or swimming.
    2) I bought orthoses to put in my gym shoes and I am wearing them 24/7. They are kind of like heels pads. No flip flops or high heals.
    3) A device that you sleep in to keep the foot flexed while you are sleeping. This actually was really worth the money. I didn't feel any pain when I arose out of bed this morning. I bought it at the drug store.
    4) Naproxen 2 times a day for 2 weeks
    5) Ice with any pain
    6) Some exercises to strengthen the accessory muscles while the faciitis is healing

    I got all the supplies yesterday...Today will be officially day 1...I will keep you posted

    Triggers are: flat feet, high arched, rigid feet, poor shoe suppor, toe running, hill running, running on sand, increasing age, sudden weight increase, sudden increase in activity level and the good old family tendency

    I will still be lurking and cheering you all on...I love what Jillian has done for me...also, weight does go up when doing her series...make sure you are taking your measurements so you don't feel cheated

    I am bummed about the's what helps me keep weight off...I only exercise to eat more...UGH

    I went to the ortho on Friday because my feet and big toe have been killing me since I started working out. She didn't put a name to it, but said it's all because of my very high arches. I will be getting fitted for orthotics next week and hopefully get them quickly.

    In the meantime, she said I should definitely NOT be working out without shoes. :noway: Ooops! I don't wear shoes in the house, so I'll have to clean some up or buy some new ones. Once i get the inserts, I'll have to wear them all day, in and out of the house, until the pain improves.

    She also suggested stretching the calf and achilles A 5 minutes at a time 10 times a day. Easy enough to do, if I remember. :blushing:

    In the meantime, I'm avoiding the heavy cardio-based stuff and doing NMTZ for QTZ and BL Last Chance (with modified cardio moves) for the BFBM.
  • elizabennett
    I got my workout in. I figure if I can do QTZ I might as well do the full. Burned 443 cal. this time since I wasn't interrupted and my hamstring seems to be a lot better. Whew! That is a good workout. It was my hubby's first time doing it all the way with me and he keeps saying how tired he is. :) Nisijam5, I am so sorry! But you have a great attitude and just do what you are okay to do. You'll still be okay. I dropped a little weight since yesterday ( I KNOW! I shouldn't be weighing myself every day, but I couldn't help it. I felt skinnier.) Only 1 lb., but since I am only .4 off from my original starting weight which I have NEVER gotten under, I am hoping that this is the wake up call my body needs. I love this workout! Thanks for starting the thread and the support. I love it! Have a great weekend!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Just a quick check in for me after the wedding - it's after 9 and just got home - DH had to leave us and go to work - which, although I do understand, I have feelings about that. I stayed and had a good time with the other guests. . When I got home, I found myself drifting towards the kitchen and I really started to think before I put anything in my mouth. What was I really hungry for????
    Well, it wasn't food. I was angry that DH had to leave in the middle of the festivities (selfish, i know:grumble: ) and I was trying to eat at that. Interesting. Really glad I took a suggestion - and got a bottle of water instead and came up to the computer rather than eat.
    Nisijam - Sorry to hear you're having some difficulties right now :flowerforyou: - this too shall pass! Hang in there and keep checking in with us for supposrt - you're not alone with this. You'll be back at it in no time, i'm sure:happy:

    Mschelle - glad you're dr was able to give you some helpful info!! Good for you for finding ways to modify your exercises and still get your w/o in - keep up the positive attitude!!
    Eliza - Greast job on the 1 lb lost!!!! :drinker: :drinker: I am waiting to see what that feels like !! :laugh:
    Smiles - Thanks for the great suggestions and positive reinforcement techniques - a couple of them worked tonight!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Kim and Mschelle - sorry to hear you are both having foot problems! :frown: Hopefully your experts have you on the right track. Kim, I hope you do keep lurking - as you were the inspiration to start our thread! Feel free to chime in with how you're doing, we're here for you. I can identify with your reason for exercising - so we can eat more!

    Mschelle -did i read that right - you've been working out without shoes? I tried that once (can't remember why) but it was kind of scary. Felt like I needed more stability... Hmmm!!!

    Janet - RIGHT ON!!!! So awesome that you stopped and thought the craving / feeling through. I am going to get better at that too. Water is our friend, sugar, cookies, ice cream, other crap is NOT!!! Good for you.

    Elizabennet - :) You are so inspiring! I saw you did full NMTZ (not quick) - so decided to give it a shot myself. I did about 90-95% of the full workout, and probably wouldn't have if you didn't pave the way. Thanks. (And, great job on being DOWN on the scale!)

    Time for my confessions: I realized that although I gained 3 pounds recently - if I look hard enough, i can see why. For about 3 weeks I wasn't running (that's a good 400-500 calories every other day that I was suddenly no longer burning). And because I was sick and feeling sorry for myself, I was having extra "treats" for comfort (probably an increase of 400-500 calories minimum, a day).. So, those aren't exactly "mystery pounds" I gained.

    I had my last guilty pleasure today - a McDonald's Deluxe angus burger. I've been wanting it this whole time (3 weeks) and letting it pass. Today, I told myself, there's no harm in eating it if I work it in, (more like, work it off). And I'll get the craving out of my way. I ate it (french fries too). It was good. But then, later, I'm doing NMTZ and I feel dizzy, weak and light headed. Finally it hit me - there's no need for junk like that when I'm working this hard!!!!! I actually feel disgusted and wish I could expel it all. I will start over - NOW. Bring on the carrots, broccoli, fruits and nuts. Mickey D's - you can kiss my butt!!!!

    Sorry, that's a long rant, but I needed to let it out somewhere. You guys rock - I'm so glad you're here!:flowerforyou: :love:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Just want to say thanks for all the support everyone has offered...It's really GREAT!!!

    I have decided to start fresh tomorrow. It's my day off work.

    Instead of doing the 5 mile walks, I am going to have to break the exercise into little segments. Maybe the short shred videos (since it's really only 6 minutes of cardio), elliptical and biking should be OK.

    I feel like I have definately reached middle-aged shopping in Walgreens for orthoses and ibuprofen..should have gotten a cane while I was at it. Hair color too!!

    It's amazing tho, I think the ibuprofen and sleeping in the support has really inproved things in only 2 days. I've been wearing shoes in the house with the supports 24/7. I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the supports in my shoes. I'm a nurse and walk a lot in a shift. It's nice not to get out of bed in the morning without that heel pain.

    Well, off to work...have a great Sunday everyone...
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Slim Downers,
    I am also up 3lbs - what gives?? Yes, my eating hasn't been spectacular but I know I didn't consume 3 lbs worth of calories!! How frustrating. Skipped QTZ yesterday and went for a 3.5 mi brisk walk w/ a neighbor. Went to the grocery store and got healthy snacks and cooked for the week. I am really considering just upping my cardio and doing Jillian 20min 6 out of 7 days. My pear shape needs it and I'm just not comfortable doing this workout without my cardio!! Wish I had the time to devote to both!!. SO got up this morning and did 52 min of high impact cardio and will do shred level 2 when I get home. I think if I can devote 45-60 min of cardio with 20-30 min of Jillian every day (shed,BFBM and NMTZ and 1 rest day - Sunday then I will see the results I'm looking for - leaner lower half. I definetly see results on my upper body~ My lower half needs to catch up!!
    I will still be checking in with you all - if that's okay. I seem to have settled in here and found my home!

    Good Luck to all of us and here's to a great week,
  • elizabennett
    Hi Slimdowners,
    First I just have to say Dragonfly11, you are amazing! 26 days smoke free. Good job! I don't think that doing a bunch of cardio with Jillian is a bad thing. Do what woks for you. I don't know if this is your first time doing Jillian regularly, but when I first started I gained 3-4 lbs. The increase in all the muscle holds onto water for a little bit. It should be coming down soon. Don't give up.

    I didn't work out yesterday. I wore heels for the 1st time in forever (there's no need here in Hawaii, we just wear slippers (flip-flops) all the time). After I took them off, my left knee had this intense pain when my leg was straightened all the way. I don't know what happened, but I babied it and did the RICE thing. It seems mostly better this morning, so I am still planning on doing the BFBM. I was going to go to Bikram Yoga too, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to let the knee rest before I stretch it out a bunch. I am so excited though because I lost another lb. I'm not trying to brag, so please don't feel like that. But I have been trying for over 6 months to get under 150, seriously, that long with exercise and counting calories, and I finally did it. It just makes me feel like this is finally worth it and I am even more motivated to keep going. I am so happy to have such an amazing group to work out with and have support and hopefully help give support in reply. You guys are amazing!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi Slimdowners,
    I don't know if this is your first time doing Jillian regularly, but when I first started I gained 3-4 lbs. The increase in all the muscle holds onto water for a little bit. It should be coming down soon. Don't give up.

    Your absolutely right!!! I did all 30 days of the slimdown and felt amazing. I checked measurement and didn't focus on the weight.

    Hope that your knee heals quickly...I have been out with planter faciitis (heel pain)...I am getting back on track today

    Starting over fresh...Jillian #1, here I come...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi Slim Downers,
    I am also up 3lbs - what gives?? I am really considering just upping my cardio and doing Jillian 20min 6 out of 7 days. My pear shape needs it and I'm just not comfortable doing this workout without my cardio!!


    Janet, take your measurements...that might make you feel better...sounds like you have a good plan tho...6/7 day of Jillian is really good mixed with the cardio
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey buds!!! :) Seeing your comments on here really makes my day. I'm so glad to see that even if you need to modify your routine to what works best for you - you're still staying here. There's lots of good energy here.

    Eliza!!!!!!! PARTY ON!!!!!! Congratulations on breaking through that barrier. :) You deserve to be excited and motivated, and thank you for sharing with us - it will keep us going and encouraged. I really admire your consistency and dedication (especially for such a long period of time, with slow results). It takes me a loooong time to budge too, so when I see even 1 down, I consider throwing a parade. :):flowerforyou: for you.

    Kim, good luck with starting fresh... just don't push too hard! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better already though... (and.... the only reason you're gonna need a cane is to beat off all the admirers with a stick! You're workin' on a smokin bod...)!!!!

    Janet, :) Cardio Cardio Cardio Queen! :) You know what? I'm feeling the same way you are. This morning I traded in my slimdown assignment for a good long walk/run. The weather is beautiful today and I could not resist a chance to get some sunshine and ramp it up. It felt so good to get out and run again. Hope you felt the same way after your walk today. Good luck getting Shred 2 in tonight. I will shoot for it as well. It's a bit daunting to think of getting a good long cardio stretch AND the slimdown assignment in, but I'm going to TRY.

    Yesterday I didn't get shred 2 in. We were at an all day paddling race - I was only in 3 races, but it's harder than it looks. Felt the burn in my abs, buns and thighs - wouldn't have expected that! Lots of walking and sunshine too.