Join us for Jillian's 30 Day Slimdown.... (April 1)



  • elizabennett
    My knee was still a little touchy today, but only when fully straight. Jumping wasn't bothering it so I did BFBM today. My knee actually feels better for it now, but I better ice that dang hamstring. I am definitely going to yoga tomorrow. I burn about 500 calories there, so that and NMTZ should be a good workout. I'm excited.

    I love how we are all here, doing our best and we can have days where we listen to our bodies and work around it, but don't give up. That is what will make us fit for life! I love this group. Seriously, you guys are the best. Thanks for the support and motivation!:happy:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Eliza - did you make it to yoga?

    I think despite my best efforts, I'm falling behind with the 30 day slimdown, but i'm not giving up. I just have to give up the hope of fully completing it in 30 days without any detours.

    Today was a SUPER unbelievably busy day and I missed my morning workout. I'm now at home trying to psych myself up to do Shred level 2 (which was the next one up). Thought I'd lurk by here and (hopefully) find some motivation. I might be finding it. We'll see. If I do it, I will report back in. The other option is a glass of wine.....
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    YEAH BABY!!!!!! I DID IT!!!! Not only did I do Shred level 2, but I also did Jillian's Cardio Kickbox to make sure I got some decent cardio in. I feel AWESOME!!! Sweating buckets, and I may have lightly pulled something - but stretching, hydrating and giving myself a major pat on the back. I am so so so so proud of myself.

    It was a stressful day and I was so tempted to just eat chips and have a couple of glasses of wine. Because of this thread, I decided to be more accountable. Will have some water, maybe A glass of wine with dinner, but I earned it. Feels GOOD!!!!

    How are all my buds today?
  • elizabennett
    I DID make it to yoga! Man that kicks my butt. I want to take my husband just once to show him how hard it is. I gave in and drank something NOT water (or diet coke!); coconut water. It's low in calories and is supposed to be nature's gatorade, which I needed after sweating insanely for 90 minutes.

    We'll be doing the NMTZ tonight, which I think is for day 13. If I miss a day, I just do the next one scheduled. I don't know if I was supposed to do the one I missed, but this seems easier for me to keep track of. I made myself not get on the scale today to try and control my obsession.

    Smiles4miles, GREAT JOB! I am so proud of you, especially with a rough day. How is everyone else?
  • maz81
    maz81 Posts: 10 Member
    just done my 3rd week 4th day of lvl2 and its still a killer workout.
    hopefully il still do my level 1 tonight if my arms dont fall off by then lol!!!
    im thinking of starting level 3 from monday but il see how i go if not another week of level2:ohwell:

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  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    YEAH BABY!!!!!! I DID IT!!!! Not only did I do Shred level 2, but I also did Jillian's Cardio Kickbox to make sure I got some decent cardio in. I feel AWESOME!!! Sweating buckets, and I may have lightly pulled something - but stretching, hydrating and giving myself a major pat on the back. I am so so so so proud of myself.

    You are a crazy woman!!! Drink the glass of wine. It's why we punish ourselves the way we do.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi My Slimsters!!

    I'm still here got my routine down to this : M,W,F - 45-60 min Cardio T,TH,S - 45-60min strength - Sunday will be my "rest" day , hahahah.
    I have stuck to my plan this week and I feel sooo much better!! I am using ALL of my DVDs and mixing everything up : some days' it's been Jillian, some days it's been Turbo Jam, somedays it's been FIRM or just a good old fashioned walk/run outside in this gorgeous weather!:laugh: The only thing that is routine so far this week is the focus of the workout My body has no clue what's going on or what to expect. Mayby that's the jolt I needed - I don't know but I am giving it a try for a full 30days - 5 days in so far ( not counting the previous Jilian focused w/o) This feels right to me for right now.

    I am so proud of all of you for sticking to you goals and do your work outs ....especially when you don't feel like it!! I think that's when it counts the most!! It makes you feel powerful when you push through despite the challenges. I just started reading Jillian's Master your Metabolism - i encourage all of you to get it.. Only 20 pages in and I am amazed.... seriously.
    Eliza - great job on the yoga AND the weight loss!!!! Coconut water - i need info on this!

    Nisjam - Keep pushing and punishing youself!!!

    Smiles - You are just an amazing lady; I love to read your posts; the enthusiasm just jumps off the page!! Keep up the great work!

    Have an awesome day all and Big Hugs to those I missed,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Oh good Janet :happy: Glad to hear you're finding something that feels "right" to you. What cardio options do you have? (Just curious - always looking for new ideas, and to keep it fresh). And... why do I have a feeling you might not truly rest on your rest day? :wink: Also, Thank you for the encouragement - I feel the same way when I read your posts, and I'm so glad we're on a thread together again. I look forward to popping in and seeing what you've been up to!

    Eliza - howzit? :flowerforyou: Great job - getting to yoga and planning NMTZ. I'm thinking about starting yoga classes here - do you have any recommendations for your favorites? I started a beginner's class through the community center, and it's VERY basic. Just me (in my 30's) and everyone else is 60 or older. :laugh: Which, has been thoroughly enjoyable, but there's a studio that might offer more variety in classes.

    Kim - how's the foot?

    I'm proud to report that I just did BFBM - the entire workout. I missed my workout yesterday (heck -the day was so busy I even missed my shower! How does THAT even happen?) But it felt good to get back on track. I'll have to check the slimdown schedule and see what's next.
  • elizabennett
    Hi guys! I didn't get my Jillian workout in today, but I did do yoga and that is always tough. The other day doing yoga and NMTZ about killed me. We ran away for a trip to the North side of our island today for the rest of the weekend, but we brought our workout stuff and will be doing it here. I am going to try to be really good eating-wise except for 1 day. I just need a free day to eat on vacation.

    Smiles: what kind of yoga are you doing right now? Hatha is good but pretty basic, but a lot of yoga nowadays is a mixture of several kinds. I like Ashtanga; it is constant motion and breathing. I am really into Bikram right now though, which is 90 minutes in a room heated to 105 degrees and we do mostly hatha poses. It is really awesome, but you have to be willing to work in the heat.

    Janet, you are awesome for changing things up. It is so good for the body and I hope it will help you. So coconut water comes from a green coconut. It eventually turns into something else, but when it's green it's almost like a gatorade. There is about 45 calories in a cup, but it has more potassium than 2 bananas. There are tons of good things about it and after I sweat in yoga for so long, it's good to replenish after. I feel better after yoga if I drink it. Maybe it's in my head, but I like it.

    Kim, how are you doing? How is the foot feeling?

    Good luck guys. If you don't hear from me it's because i'm playing in the ocean or laying out at the pool. But I will be back by Sunday. Have a great weekend!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Ooh - a weekend getaway - I'm jealous!!! :) Have fun!

    Ummm.. the yoga I'm doing now is ... on DVD and at the community center "Beginner's Yoga". No "real" kinds, I guess. I think I'll look into a fundamentals class at the studio, which may have an introduction to various kinds. I'm not sure I could hack Bikram yoga, from what you describe. Might be worth trying at least once though.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am definately getting back on track today. Today is Day 2 for Jillian and I supplement with 20 minutes of cardio. Definately, feels good to do some's a good all-over workout in a short amount of time.

    The foot is definately getting better. I think the ibuprofen was starting to upset my stomach tho. I just have to be careful. I wore high heels yesterday which is a no-no; but, I love them so much.

    Going for cut and color tonight...have a great weekend...I am off this weekend and plan to fill it up with productivity!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    BTW, I started all over and finished Day 2 today, plan is to go Day 3 tomorrow

    I have to be ready for the warrior dash on June 19th....that's 2 months...I need Jillian's upper body strength to get me over those, I know that you don't lose a lot of weight initially doing the slimdow; but, I know it will come...Plus, I supplement with cardio

    Janet, I am amazed at your ability to push thru all that exercise...keep it up...also, read the post where you came here for support instead of eating...good job!!!!

  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Glad to hear the foot is doing better.... darn those spanky high heels! ;) If your stomach gets irritated with the ibuprofin, try substituting tylenol... they make an "extra strength rapid release" gel cap that works pretty well. I had to make the switch a few years ago after I developed a sensitivity to ibuprofin...

    What is the Warrior Dash? The title sounds like a race but you mentioned obstacles. Sounds fun, whatever it is!

    I did Day 14 today (NMTZ). I'm just a couple of days behind on the schedule, but I'm not going to let it throw me off. Some days I feel like such a wuss doing these - I find myself whining through them... Today I was talking back to Jillian. :)

    Oh, update - I weighed today and the 3 lbs I was up are down again, so,.... who knows? I got a bunch of healthy snacks at the grocery store yesterday b/c I noticed I've been slipping in that department, so maybe these 3 will stay gone this time! :)
  • elizabennett
    I don't know which workout I was supposed to do, but I did BFBM because it burns the most calories. I need that right now because I am not going to stick to my eating plan. I have gone so long without any missteps that I hope it won't mess things up too much. If it does, I guess I will have to work that much harder after. But I want to enjoy my time here and going the rest of my life without eating the fun foods isn't realistic. I know I'm making excuses. I guess I have lost my willpower. But right now, I don't care enough to change it. SO BAD!

    Smiles: great job on the weight loss! And don't feel too bad about talking back to Jillian. We do it too. I actually tell myself I am allowed to swear at her if it makes me feel better, which I end up doing all the time. I can't let the kids be around when I'm working out. ;)

    Kim: great job on the workouts! I am so glad to hear that your foot is doing better. I don't know what to suggest about the ibuprofen. My stomach gets bad if I take it for very long, too.

    Janet: keep up the great work. I love hearing about all your workouts. You inspire me to do so much more every day! Thanks!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey Eliza - it's impressive that you took the DVDs with you and are fitting them in on your mini vacation. (To me, even a weekend away = beer or wine, and some super tasty foods that I don't eat in daily life.) Sounds like you're gonna have a good balance - maybe some indulgences but also making sure to be active! Any plans to go snorkeling?

    I just popped back in here to also post that after doing NMTZ , I went for a run. It feels good to be getting my groove back. I changed it up and did the reverse of my normal route - lots of uphill stretches, and I can tell that all of this work in the glutes and hamstrings is really paying off. I had much more power than I did 2 months ago to get up those hills. :)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Good Morning My Slim Friends,
    Checking in from Texas! Sipping some morning joe and making my "plans " for the day - guess I want to see God laugh!! Anyhoo it's 7:15 and DH is on the way down to the Univerity to judge mock trials for the day and I have been up for the past 45minutes.... NMTZ is on the list and some quick cardio - probably 30min. It's strength day. I upped my weights this week from 3 and 5lb weights to 5 and 10lb weights and my push ups and planks are getting ....better. We'll see after Jillian:laugh:
    Just started reading one of her books, Master your Metabolism - planning on finding time to be quiet and chew on that.

    Eliza- I am soooooo jealous that 1. you live on a dream island and 2 you're going on a mini vaca!!! How wonderful is that!! I've never been to Hawaii, I have a cousin who lives there with his wife and 4 girls. Always said i was going to go... one day It seems so beautiful and peaceful, if I ever get there i might not come back! Good for you for making time for yourself and taking a getaway, and for taking your w/o stuff ! You made me laugh when I read " I don't know which workout i'm supposed to be doing...." I feel that way too much of the time. I had to write it down and put it up in the kitchen...really close to the frige:laugh:

    Kim - great job getting back on track w/ jillian and glad you're feeling better. She will definetly improve your upper body strength - no doubt. Warrior Dash sounds pretty brutal what's that?

    Smiles- Always love to ready your posts and good for you for changing it up!! You'll feel the pay off of the changes when your muscles cool down and that soreness.. it's a good reminder of all of that hardwork you're putting in!!! You're my inspiration,girl!

    Take care Peeps and have an awesome Weekend,
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    dash... you want to check it out

    This is the link to the warrior dash...I will have to do some mud-crawling, jumping over fire, climbing several obstacles and walking planks. They have some others in different parts of the country. I am originally from Chicago; so, I got some of my cousins and sisters to go. Should be fun.

    Tylenol works differently than tylenol...tylenol is great for the treatment of pain...Ibuprofen treats inflammation; therefore, I have to stay on the ibuprofen. I just have to make sure that I don't take it on an empty stomach.

    OK, today is day 3, NMTZ...prepare to die!!!!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    dash... you want to check it out

    This is the link to the warrior dash...I will have to do some mud-crawling, jumping over fire, climbing several obstacles and walking planks. They have some others in different parts of the country. I am originally from Chicago; so, I got some of my cousins and sisters to go. Should be fun.

    Tylenol works differently than tylenol...tylenol is great for the treatment of pain...Ibuprofen treats inflammation; therefore, I have to stay on the ibuprofen. I just have to make sure that I don't take it on an empty stomach.

    OK, today is day 3, NMTZ...prepare to die!!!!

    Holy crap! Mud crawling, fire jumping - NOW I see.. you're truly the adventurous type! And I thought Jillian's stuff was a challenge. :laugh: How fun! (I tried the link but it wouldn't open....) But seriously - that sounds like a blast. I'm weird in that I don't like dirt or like to be dirty unless I'm REALLY dirty. I'm an all or nothing kinda gal that way. The mud and fire combo has me totally intrigued. Pictures when you're done? (please please please!!)

    Oh, and about the Tylenol / Ibuprofin... thanks for the clarification...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Good Morning My Slim Friends,
    Checking in from Texas! Sipping some morning joe and making my "plans " for the day - guess I want to see God laugh!! Anyhoo it's 7:15 and DH is on the way down to the Univerity to judge mock trials for the day and I have been up for the past 45minutes.... NMTZ is on the list and some quick cardio - probably 30min. It's strength day. I upped my weights this week from 3 and 5lb weights to 5 and 10lb weights and my push ups and planks are getting ....better. We'll see after Jillian:laugh:
    Just started reading one of her books, Master your Metabolism - planning on finding time to be quiet and chew on that.

    Eliza- I am soooooo jealous that 1. you live on a dream island and 2 you're going on a mini vaca!!! How wonderful is that!! I've never been to Hawaii, I have a cousin who lives there with his wife and 4 girls. Always said i was going to go... one day It seems so beautiful and peaceful, if I ever get there i might not come back! Good for you for making time for yourself and taking a getaway, and for taking your w/o stuff ! You made me laugh when I read " I don't know which workout i'm supposed to be doing...." I feel that way too much of the time. I had to write it down and put it up in the kitchen...really close to the frige:laugh:

    Kim - great job getting back on track w/ jillian and glad you're feeling better. She will definetly improve your upper body strength - no doubt. Warrior Dash sounds pretty brutal what's that?

    Smiles- Always love to ready your posts and good for you for changing it up!! You'll feel the pay off of the changes when your muscles cool down and that soreness.. it's a good reminder of all of that hardwork you're putting in!!! You're my inspiration,girl!

    Take care Peeps and have an awesome Weekend,

    How come I never realized you were in Texas??? For some reason - I sort of envisioned you on the east coast. (I have no idea why). Weird. I don't know if I've ever posted my location - I'm in Hawaii too!!! :) Thought it was really cool to learn Eliza is only a short flight away. (Different islands). I'm definitely envious of her little getaway - though I've got one coming up in May. It can't get here soon enough!

    Hope you made it through NMTZ with the upped weights, and your cardio. I'm real scared of trying 5 lbs on that circuit. I did it for only the static squat bicep curls, and could handle it. But I think that's my limit for now. I bow to you if you can make it through using 5 or higher... (let us know!!!)

    Today is supposed to be a rest day for the program (Day 15 - If I'm not confused). So I just took our 3 dogs out for walks - each separately. It was low key and enjoyable. Will ramp it back up tomorrow... (though I have no idea what the slimdown workout is without looking.) Ay ay ay... I think you're right. The FRIDGE is a great place to keep it. :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    Here's another link for the warrior dash...I am doing the midwest region