maybe it's time to be serious... 30 Day Shred anyone?



  • pluto2626
    pluto2626 Posts: 31 Member
    I am a little late on this one, however I just joined the board today. I have a 4 months old and almost 4 year old. I was horrible and gained so much weight during this pregnancy and I am having such a hard time getting back into my jean, let alone my 'skinny jeans'. I purchased the 30 day shred and plan on starting it today, so if you ladies wouldn't mind I would love to share my experiences, while being a support member for you. Umm a little about me:

    My name is Hannah
    I have two beautiful children
    I am going to school for pre med only nights right now since I just had my son in December.
    I am married to my high school sweetheart. He has an amazing metabolism that I would do anything for! He is about 6 foot 1 and weights around 170.
    Born and raised in Iowa
    My weakness are anything and all things sweet. My strength is my daughter! She loves eating fruits and veggies so I am always buying those for her so they are always available to eat.
    My biggest motivations for losing weight and being healthy is my kids.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303

    Honestly, I was pretty happy to go back to level 1 after doing a couple of days at 2!! I will be doing level one tonight, wish me luck!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I have been a fat, lazy, slacker. Between passover and my niece's bday party last week I have not been eating as well and I am sure the scale will reflect that. So, tonight I will leave work, go to school, get out of my class and go home to Jillian. I always feel weird doing the cardio since I am on the third floor of an apt building and I don't want to be too loud for my neighbors downstairs, but I'll muddle through. Starting Shred at 9pm tonight is going to suck, but so be it.
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone. I just started the 30 day shred last night. OMG my legs are still screaming from those squats. And who knew jumping rope for 30 seconds could be so hard now that I'm not a kid anymore...

    Can I still join you if it's not too late? I got on the forums to post something about finding support for the shred workout plan, and this topic was right there waiting for me!

    A bit about me:
    I'm 26, getting married on August 6th (having to fit into a beautiful wedding dress is SERIOUS motivation!). I want to try to lose another 30 lbs by then (I've lost about 35 since Christmas). I've been chunky/chubby/overweight almost all of my life. I finally feel like I'm on the right track to get healthy the right way. I've been steadily losing 1-2 lbs per week and it's staying off, but lately I've been kind of leveling off and I know I need to do something serious like the shred to see results. I took before pictures on Sunday so I can post before and after when I've been doing it for 30 days or so. I'm also doing Bikram (heated) yoga for 90 minutes 4x per week and walking about 3 miles 2-3x per week. I'm on a weird food plan too because I recently found out I have several food intolerances including wheat, gluten, dairy (so sad), beef, and sunflower seeds... It's really hard to eat enough good food when you can't eat so much stuff, but I think I'm doing a pretty good job getting the right amount of protein/fat/fiber/calories in. Good luck to you all, I hope I can help to motivate and support you in your goals! :)


    Heaviest weight: 248
    Starting weight on MFP: 240
    Current weight: 212
    Goal weight: 170
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok I been slacking alll week, promise to get back on the Shred as soon as I can and start shredding with you ladies!
  • Steely519
    Steely519 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to this board. I started the 30 day shred today too!! I am already active, I run 5 kms every other day and have gone to curves 3x week for almost a year. I'm finding Curves a little boring and not challenging enough for me so I thought I'd add in the Shred!!! I LOVE JILLIAN!!! Did well on level one today! Lets do it again tomorrow!!!

    A little about me:

    30 Years old
    2 awesome kiddos and a fab hubby!!
    looking to lose about 5 lbs and tone up!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Last night I was exhausted with a headache and had every excuse not to shred. But I did! And I am so glad that I did. I have lost over 30 now, and this is when I start to lose motivation. I am determined not to let that happen this time. I love that when I have actually found a few ribs, but I want more!! I really think that the shred is the key to staying on track. Thanks for giving me a place to check in! Last round I made it to level 2, but did not do it for a week, so I am back on level 1. It amazed me that Jillian still kicks my butt on level 1, even after completing it once. Have a great day!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I did the shred again last night after my yoga class. I had more energy after I did the shred than I did before (I stayed up way too late then of course...). I actually got my fiance to come try it with me last night. He didn't last through the first circuit! He sat down for several parts of it panting. Normally when we work out together, he's feeling much better than I am, so I feel like all my hard work lately with eating right and walking/yoga is paying off. I felt bad for him, but I also felt very proud of myself for having improved so much in comparison. I hope you ladies all have a good day! It's almost Friday! Keep up the good work.


    P.S.- my legs are so sore from all the lunges and stuff that I had a hard time stepping down from my bus on the way to work today... :)
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    I eventually did the Shred yesterday and it felt great. I can't move a muscle in my body today. This morning I walked for an hour with a friend of mine and I plan on doing the DVD later this evening. One thing that caused me problems yesterday was that we got pizza for dinner. I love pizza more than I love my next breath of fresh air, so I always over-do it. I still feel like I did OK as far as the whole day goes.
    I haven't gotten a chance to really tell anyone much about myself yet; but there's not much to tell. I'm a stay-at-home mom with 5 kids and I weigh as much as I did when my youngest was born 4 yrs. ago! It's time to lose the weight once and for all.

    How's everybody else doing?
  • nerdyartist
    Just wanted to pop in here and say hello and offer a suggestion!

    I'm new to the forums, but LOVE Jillian and the Shred. If you're looking for something to switch it up (the Shred can get routine after a little while) She just released a new DVD that is supposed to be a similar format to the Shred - Jillian Michaels: Yoga Meltdown.

    I haven't tried it myself, but just added it to the top of my netflix queue and plan on hitting it hard once it arrives. Just wanted to mention it to those of you doing the Shred. Might be something to throw in there a day a week or something!

    Good luck! The shred is fabulous! I hope you love it!
  • SkyeBows
    SkyeBows Posts: 80
    SKYEBOWS >I would encourage you, being the one that has tried eveything, to try and find just a balanced diet . . . not an extreme either way. And a diet that is so limiting and half the ingredients you don't even like (hate even) . . . really the turtle wins over the hare. Fast and furious weight loss is no good if it ain't gonna stick, as a life-long lifestyle. Fall in love with good, healthy, whole foods . . . and exercise you can enjoy . . . and just live healthy. The outcome will always be positive . . . patience. I lost all my weight after my second kid but it did take longer and it took a little more work. 10 days is all you've given it . . .

    In regards to the Shred, I don't really have money for another program at this time . . . I do enjoy the Jillian Michaels dvds that I do have, very effective and efficient means of cross training . . . But I wish you all the best on your journeys! Can't overdue support!!

    The balanced diet is the way I have been going lately. And I think I will stick with it. Basically just as healthy as I myself can be while watching calories and limiting myself to the good stuff for when I have leftover calories for the day. Im just gonna work my butt off :)

    SkyeBows -- I am absolutely interested in being your support here. I would also discourage you from a diet you may hate though. I also dislike milk and yogurt (and almonds), so there is no way I would be able to choke down that kind of a diet. I watch my calories and eat healthy and fresh "most" of the time, but I allow myself to have the things I enjoy as well. I try to work them into my daily calories. Think about trying to put together a healthy meal plan before you go with the drastically healthy one you dislike. I know you're probably short on time too, but it's worth it in the long run. I go to the grocery store twice a week to get breakfasts and lunches and then worry about dinners throughout the week. The weather has been nice here, so we've been grilling most of our food :D The 30 Day Shred is a DVD by Jillian Michaels, it has three levels. 26-ish minutes per level, but she really kicks your butt for those 26 mins. I bought my copy on Amazon for $10 with shipping if you're interested in purchasing it.

    Thank you bubbles for your support!! I have turned my diet into my somewhat regular meals but staying away from the really really bad stuff while just trying to be a little healthier. I wish I could run to the grocery store so much it would make things so much easier for me. Especially when it comes to fruit and stuff I am the type that likes to eat it right away not later I just dont think it taste the same. Unfortunately one of the biggest battles I am finding right now is not eating out for dinner. My husband has been working just way too much and with my two troublesome children I dont get to make dinner. So either we eat at say 8 at night or we eat out at 7 at night. It really really sucks but its just so difficult. I even said I was going to start making dinners a day beforehand but he hasnt had a day off in over three weeks for me to even be able to get ahead. But I try to make it as healthy as I can like panera bread or something and 90% of the time it is a salad. I just put the Shred on my list for netflix so hopefully I will have it by next week, I cant wait to do it. I go to the gym about 4 to 5 times a week right now for 90 minutes. I do about 30 to 45 minutes with strength and I do about 45 to 60 of cardio and I am always switching it up between all the different machines I never do the same thing beside the treadmill two days in a row. I will probably also throw swimming in there soon too. I also take the kids to the mall about once a week and I walk around with the 22 pound infant in the carrier and pushing the stroller and that is anywhere from one to two hours. And then about once sometimes twice a week if its nice out I either take the kids for a walk down to the park pushing the stroller which is 30 minutes or I take my daughter out on her bike and she usually lasts about 30 to 45 minutes with that and that is more up and downhill. So I really am just trying to workout as much as I can since I know dieting is so hard for me. I also have cut out all drinks except water I am so proud of myself there :) oh I cant wait to get the dvd and add that in my days as well :)
  • Bubbles007
    hey all-- sorry i didn't get to check in last night! i just finished the shred tonight, i'm going to run through the shower and then i'll get back on and properly check in :happy:

    back in a jif -- Jamie
  • Bubbles007
    Okay, I'm back! I hope everyone had a good day today. Mine started out rough, I wasn't feeling so hot and skipped the Shred this morning. Was less than motivated at work today too :/ BUT, after a good dinner to re-energize me, I did the shred before bed tonight. I am so glad I did because I felt great once I was finished. Today was my fourth consecutive day at level 1 and sixth day since last Thursday. I made it through all three sets without stopping for the first time, so I am definitely seeing a bit of improvement. My muscles have a dull ache to them tonight though. If all goes as planned, I will be moving up to level 2 on Thursday of next week. Going to get back into my morning routine tomorrow for some level 1 action with Jillian. Hopefully, I will continue feeling better! Just fair warning, I was long winded tonight because I wanted to catch up with everyone!

    trina33-- Pizza and I also get along really well! I LOVE pizza! The only bright side to this for me is that I do not like meat on my pizza, so I save calories there :laugh: Good job getting in your workouts. The shred really makes you think twice about doing it again since every single muscle in your body still hurts when your supposed to do it. I've been pushing through it so I hope it pays off when I weigh in Monday.

    Hannah-- Welcome to the group!! It's definitely not too late to join us. You sound like a very busy person with kids and going to school for pre-med!!! oh, AND you're finding time to work out!!!! That is truly awesome, you must have a very supportive husband. Stick with us, I'm glad you're here. Side note: My fiance is from Iowa -- Go Hawkeyes!

    dmags-- 30lbs lost is absolutely wonderful! Congrats! Stick with it now -- remember what Jillian says -- we don't get to the finish line and give up that's when we push even harder :happy: I'm soooo scared to start level 2 next week :sad: but glad there's lots of support here!

    malibootie-- Glad you checked in with us! I hear you about the cardio in an apartment building. I used to have the same problem, but now we're in a townhouse so I'm not so embarrassed :blushing: You have to wonder what the neighbors below can hear and what they think you're doing... hehe.

    Rachel-- Welcome! I'm very happy you're joining us! We definitely have similar goals as I'm also getting married this year (October) and would like to lose about 30 lbs by then. I've been a little fluffy my whole life and have battled weight issues for the duration. I'm also thinking that this is beginning to become a permanent lifestyle change. Congratulations on already losing the 35 lbs! You're half way there and have great motivation. I would love to try bikram yoga, but its not offered in the area. How did you get into it? And one more thing, sorry to hear about your food allergies :brokenheart: I don't think I could survive without cheese :( .... and another-- I haven't gotten my high metabolism fiance to do the shred with me yet, but it should be funny when he does because he's generally in better shape than me, but I've been building up endurance :bigsmile:

    nolachick-- I know you'll be back with us soon! Hang in there in the mean time!

    Steely519-- Welcome to the group! I love Jillian too -- she kicks butt :)

    SkyeBows-- It does sound like you've been quite busy, but it also sounds like you're making wise decisions. Eating out doesn't have to be a bad thing as long as you're ordering light. I'm excited you're going to give the shred a try. It's a great way to squeeze a quality workout into a busy schedule! Let me know how your first time around goes -- I know mine was discouraging because I had to stop several times to get through it -- but totally worth it because now I feel accomplished that I can get through it! I think you hit the nail on the head, just making smarter food choices and upping your workouts. You can't deprive yourself of all the foods you like or you will end up cheating. Simply watch your portion sizes and keep to the workouts (which it sounds like you're getting lots of!) Good job switching to water too! I still have to have a diet mountain dew every once in a while, but stick mostly to water.

    Night all--- L1 in the morning :grumble: Jamie
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    After thinking twice about getting up and working out, I thought of all of you fitting it into your busy lives and I did it. I'm hoping to try level 2 by the end of next week, too. The only thing I really struggle with on level 1 is the push-ups; but I've never in my life been able to do a single push-up the right way. I do them on my knees, and still don't go all the way down. Other than that, I can get through the whole thing pretty easily. Maybe I'll try level 2 even sooner.
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I did the shred so late last night (before bed at about 11pm...) but I DID IT!! I only had to pause for a few seconds before the last round of jumping rope during the first cardio round. That is the hardest part for me. And Trina, I can't do regular push-ups to save my life, but I'm ok with doing the girlie kind until I get stronger, or lighter, whichever comes first.

    I feel so much stronger after doing the shred only 3 times! I can't wait to see what I feel like after doing it 30 times! I hope to have pretty good visual results so I can post before (so embarrassing) and after pictures for you guys. I'm hoping to do the shred again tonight after my yoga class.

    Bubbles: I tried to get my fiance to do it again with me last night and he had all kinds of excuses for not doing the video with me! :wink: And yes, the food allergy stuff sucks so bad, I'm a cheese-aholic and it's killing me to not eat yogurt too. :sad: I have found some pretty good alternatives though and I'm slowly learning to cope without. I swear it's like quitting smoking, although I've never had to do that since I don't smoke. On the bikram yoga - I happened to get into it when it was offered as a class at the school where I went to college. That was in 2004 so I've been practicing for about 6 years now, off and on. My only problem with it is that it's not cheap, but it feel sooooo good to sweat out all those toxins and I've been going a lot lately and my lung capacity is amazing! The benefits are so great from doing yoga. You could try yoga dvd's for now, but unfortunately the only way to get bikram is by going to a studio where they can heat the room way up unless you have a sauna in your backyard lol.

    I hope everyone has a good day today! HAPPY FRIDAY!!
  • pluto2626
    pluto2626 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Just wanted to check back in and see how everyone is doing. I have only been doing the shred since Wednesday and let me tell you I am sore! :) I still can't get through it without stopping it once or twice, however I am determined to get there. I am normally a very active person that it just suprises me that a 20 minute video can really kick you butt!

    I was also wondering how often you weigh yourself. I am trying to only do it once a month so I do not get discouraged however it is hard not to step on the scale every morning.

    Keep it up everyone and hopefully next week we all are down a few pounds!
  • Bubbles007
    Trina-- Way to stay accountable! I'm making my way through L1 pretty well, but I'm still scared of L2. If you decide to move up before I do, let me know how it goes.

    Trina and Rachel-- I have also never been able to do a proper push up. I don't think I've ever done a proper push up in my entire life. I'm working toward it though, I've doubled the number of girly push ups I'm able to do by sticking with the shred. Hoping by the time we reach L3 I may be able to attempt a real push up.

    Rachel-- The first set is the toughest for me too, between the push ups, squats, jumping jacks and jump rope-- that's about when I'm ready to stop and where I did stop the first few days. Ugh, for some reason I think those squats are getting harder too. I did the full butt kicks today though-- so I'm proud of myself. Stay with it and you'll be killin the first circuit in a few days! I also have before pics to post and I'm hoping that they'll help me stick with it. I love looking at the before and after pics on here, so motivating! Have you found any substitutes for the dairy that you're missing? Like soy milk or soy yogurt?? They do make soy yogurt, right?? I did yoga a bit in college also at a free class offered at my school, but haven't been able to find anywhere else around here (that's reasonably priced) to take a class. I've done yoga dvds and I don't feel like I get the same results from it. Do you know of any good dvds out there I may want to try? Unfortunately I don't have a sauna...but it would be awesome if I did!! hehe :laugh: Have fun at your class tonight!

    Pluto-- I was the most sore after the first and second days-- now I just get like a dull ache in my muscles. I'm not sure what this means, but I don't mind the change because I can actually walk again... lol! I decided to do my weigh ins on Mondays -- every Monday. I used to step on the scale all the time too, but it's been really acting up lately so I'm only weighing on the Wii Fit. I don't have much advice beyond putting the scale in an unreasonable place, ie. you have to do some work to get it down and weigh yourself. And I have beginning measurements, but I'm only going to measure again after the 30 days.

    Only 1.5 more hours of work and then me and my fiance are going to grill chicken wings and watch some Cardinals baseball!! yay! Day 6 on the shred tomorrow morning!

  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Friday night... but I shredded!
  • SkyeBows
    SkyeBows Posts: 80
    Checking in-

    OMG ok so really I am not "in" shape but I have been steadily working out for two weeks now and at times with 60 minutes of cardio and no not running my dang asthma wont let me but I'm doing it. I havent received my video yet but I did find the level one on demand so I tried it yesterday and OMG that is dang hard lol I feel like I am so out of shape I had to stop at almost everything for like 10 to 20 seconds. I dont know if it was my asthma making it hard or if I really am just that out of shape :( It was also not so easy with a 2 year old running underneath my legs while squatting lol
  • trina33
    trina33 Posts: 58 Member
    I took a day off on Sunday to let my body rest from those push-ups. Today I'm back to work. I haven't been eating well at all, but will give it my best effort to stay within my calories today. I think I might need to add some serious cardio, too. I don't think just doing the shred is enough with the garbage I've been eating. Do you guys think the DVD is enough, or do you do extra cardio on those days, too?