Whats up with the "I quit" threads lately?



  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Someone once said somthing like: 'if you fall of the wagon, run after it and if you cant get back on wait for the next one'

    LOVE THIS. Am going to start using this one!!!

    Internet forums are weird like this - they go in seemingly random cycles and groupings. Every forum I've been a participant on experiences this, topics that just pop up and congregate, each one similar to the last, out of nowhere. It dissipates just as quickly onto something else.

    There should be some kind of psychological study on this.
  • Gettinyoung
    Some people just like cheeseburgers too much.:smile:
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    I am quitting "quitting". This is my last time and I am going to do it!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am to the point where I am ignoring those people. I can understand if you feel down and out because you have been doing this religiously for year and nothing has happened. BUT....those people who have been doing this for a week and then b**** and cry about how they can't handle it, or they haven't lost 50 pounds in a month now go on ignore. Sorry, but I don't need to surround myself with such negativity. Call me cold hearted or whatever, but those people annoy me. Plus....I think 90% of them are just trolls anyway because most of them end up with a thread full of excuses.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I think *some* of it it' is "resolutioners" starting to get tired. Not seeing 30lbs drop off since January 1st or whatever their unrealistic goal may have been and they express their frustration and want to throw in the towel.
  • mommyshortlegs
    mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
    It's mid-February; could the majority of quitters be from the New Year's resolution bandwagon (they've given it a month and now they've run out of momentum)? All the more reason to make a healthy lifestyle just that: a lifestyle, not a kick; and reason to remind ourselves again and again change doesn't occur overnight, but over time -- more time than a month's worth.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It's because people here are so mean. They'd all stick with it and reach their goals if people here weren't so rude and told them things they didn't want to hear. They would eat right and exercise and have all the success they wanted, but someone used a cat gif they didn't like so forget it.

    <seriously heavy sarcasm>

    It's the end of February. Now we see who's serious about this and who isn't.


    If everyone on this site supported them by telling them what they want to hear they'd have no problem losing weight.

    Oh . . . you were being sarcastic . . . .yeah.

    The whole February thing. That makes sense to I suppose.
  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    It's probably the New Year's Resolution crowd...it never lasts long. I started this around November and it has been a slow, but steady pace. I never want to give up -- even if I only lose a pound a month for the next 10 years. Once they feel that same drive and realize it is not a quick fix, they'll be back.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The people saying, "I quit" aren't the real quitters, though. They're frustrated, and possibly had unrealistic expectations, but if they really wanted to quit, they'd have just stop coming to the site.

    And lord knows there's plenty of them, too.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    :sad: Life is haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

    Well said, OP. You are at the "I've done it!" point. Well done, you did the work.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    Because many people have an all-or-nothing mentality and need to have immediate gratification. This is how so much of society has become. I include myself in that group for many years, and have done some tough mental work on myself to get past it.

    It does get very frustrating when you think you are doing everything right and you don't see the scale move. Until I started logging everything I ate, for more than a week, I didn't realize just how few calories my body needed. I had to accept that I couldn't eat like my husband did, because I didn't ride my bike 200 miles a week, among other factors.

    It takes hard work, self-discipline, and patience to get where you want to be. Up til this point, I wasn't ready to fully commit to that long-term.
    When you want the end goal more than you want the instant gratification of whatever food or inactivity is before you at the moment, then you are ready to get it done. No one can make it happen but me!
  • dallnutt1958
    I agree...however the ppl who make the New Years resolutions usually fall off the wagon about now..especially around Valentine's Day with dining out & all that candy!!! I'm one of them...plus I really don't have have the support group I need!
  • simonsaysso
    simonsaysso Posts: 72 Member
    No more queueing for machines at the gym :laugh: :laugh:

  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    bumping for later
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    People are venting frustration, that's all.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I'm sure that they just want encouragement and reassurance, but the whole childish "I quit" just makes me go:


    If you are going to quit, do it, don't announce it to anyone. That's just attention-seeking and annoying and no one cares.

    If you want encouragement or advice, ask for it. You'll get it in droves. But no one is here to baby or mollycoddle anyone else, we are all having a hard enough time with our own stuff as it is.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Maybe they just need lots of people to tell them not to quit...
  • Maris_Swan
    Maris_Swan Posts: 197 Member
    Well, because it's easier to quit than to keep fighting for some.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Excellent question. I think a lot of people get psyched for New Year resolutions and this is about the time people burn out or crash. No quitting! Just keep plugging along. The results happen eventually.

    I'm glad I didn't quit. I definitely went through some slumps, but stayed with it. It took 2 years to lose the weight, but now I've maintained it for two years.