Are you "unfiltered"?



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    It is possible to both 'filter' and be honest - you just have to be even more selective about the filtering.

    I do pride myself on being pretty honest.
    It means that people will ask my opinion because they know they'll generally get the truth - and hopefully a well thought out and considered one.

    If I'm not provoked and don't want to offer a positive opinion, I won't.
    So people know that if they get praise from me it's because I genuinely mean it, not because I'm just trying to make them feel better.

    And sure; there are a lot of times where I might think all sorts of nasty things, but manage to keep my mouth shut.
    With someone I know better, I may open it, but keep it coldly logical, rather than getting emotional - throwing a hisssy fit isn't going to help me (though I appreciate it may help some to convey the sincerity of their feelings.)


    if i said even 8% of the first things that pop into my head theres a good chance id be institutionalized. my mind is so freaking random its not even funny. I never try to be funny to impress people. i only say things i find funny. sometimes its a hit sometimes its a miss.

    if i dont say something smartassery to my friends they assume i am mad at them. since im single and a guy it is expected of me to say things the others in the group are thinking but cant cause their married and husbands and wives etc...

    i dont go up to people and say ewww youre ugly or youre fat or you smell or hey nice rack (guys always take THAT the wrong way). but if you ask me a question or my opinion on something i will give it to you. and i wont sugar coat it or say it in a way to try to get in your pants. thats probably one of the reasons i am single is i dont kiss *kitten* to try to sweet talk a gal.