Plus Size Barbies - Week 2



  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all!
    Sorry MIA this weekend. Got news on Friday that my g-ma is not doing good. She 91 but still my best friend. Did not do as wll as I hoped but heres to a new week!!
    Date: 4/2/10
    Today’s weight: 248 Goal Weight: 140 Starting Weight: 257
    # lbs LOST: 9 # lbs to GO: 108
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Weighing myself tonight after the gym so I'll get back to you on my stats.

    This weekend wasn't so great calorie-wise. I did great food wise Friday, but then added a good 1500 calories from alcohol. Then I didn't eat breakfast Saturday or Sunday (or dinner Sunday) and didn't eat nearly enough either day. I'm going to be extra good this week, or at least as good I know how to be, because I have a Bridal Shower out of town this weekend and I know my friends are going to treat it more like a batchleorette party, so there will be lots of drinking. I will NOT drink Friday though, just Saturday, that is my pledge.

    On the plus side. My cousin called me yesterday to tell me her 15 year old daughter asked her if I had lost weight, b/c it looked like I had when she saw me at church and a co-worker told me my face looked thinner. :) Oh and I didn't call my ex at all this week (even when I was drunk Friday, yay!). He messaged me Sunday about the hockey tickets I had won (did not ask him to go and he's a big fan)I wound up calling him back to say the game was the day before and asked me out to dinner Tuesday night. I have mixed feeling about it, but I'm going to go.

    oh and Thursday I tackled the crunchmaster 1000 at the gym. Saturday I felt like I had been punched in the stomach repeatibly, but that's a good thing, right? The other ab exercises haven't have that effect. So tonight the crunchmaster and I will have another go-round.
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    I want to join! This Plus Size Barbies sounds really fun! I have a working mother of 2 beautiful boys. I have been over weight most of my life and finally ready to make a change. I am not sure if I'm logging correctly since I am a week behind. :smile:

    Weigh In: 4/5/2010
    Starting Weight - 305
    Week 1 - goal: 303 actual:
    # lbs LOST: 0
    # lbs TO GO: 103
    Week 2 - goal: 301
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    ARG I sometimes wish I had more willpower when it came to chocolate!! Last week my weight didnt move for 3 days and then went up from easter so this is a new week!

    Starting weight: 203.2
    Week 1 Goal: 201.2 Actual: 202.6
    # Lost: 0.6lbs
    # To Lose: 72.6
    Week 2 goal: 200.6
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    I'm glad to see how many people reached their goals!!! Thats good!!!
  • mdeguzman
    mdeguzman Posts: 35
    Hi Ladies! I am so proud of all of you doing so well.

    Welcome all our late joiners. You have found a new home and we are all glad to have you join.

    Well I was down on Wednesday and was so excited but then I was up on Saturday. I know I haven't been drinking enough water so This weeks challenge is PERFECT!
    Have a Great week all
    Weigh In:
    Starting Weight - 237.5
    Week 1 - goal: 236 actual: 238
    # lbs LOST: 0
    # lbs TO GO: 108lbs
    Week 2 - goal: 235
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Happy Birthday TIna!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Starting Weight - 216.6
    Week 1 - goal: to be under 215 actual: 213.4
    # lbs LOST: 3.2lbs
    # lbs TO GO: 63lbs
    Week 2 - goal: 210lbs/3.4lbs lost
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    Happy Birthday TIna!

    Thank you girlie~ :-)
  • tinabosquez
    tinabosquez Posts: 107
    :blushing: Okay, I drank so much water today, I will sleep with a depends tonight, cuz I will be too tired to get up to pee all night long! :noway:

    Week 2:
    Monday - (5 bottles of 16.9 oz = 84.5 oz)
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)

    If yall want yall can copy and paste this..BUT PLEASE HAVE IT AS A NEW REPLY EACH TIME!!!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Monday - 64oz & counting
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Monday - 72 oz
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    Yay!!! Water Challenge!!! I'm so looking forward to another successful week. :love:


    Starting Weight - 245
    Week 1 - GOAL-- Didn't have one.
    # lbs LOST-- 3 lbs.
    # lbs TO GO-- 92 lbs to go until I reach 150
    Week 2 - goal-- 240 which would be 2 lbs.

    I have to admit it's not always easy to get all 8 glasses in everyday.:drinker:

    WEEK 2 :
    Monday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Monday - 96oz, 12 cups of water

    I've had a headache all day. Hoping it isn't water related.
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Hi All,
    This is my first day on my "new" journey. I love what I see on this site so far.:wink::wink:
  • NewMe80xoxo
    NewMe80xoxo Posts: 172
    Today went good...I got my 2 mile walk in, 20 crunches, 5 push ups, 5 squats...but I did over eat a little bit at dinner...But not going to let it get me down.

    Week 2:
    Monday - 8 cups
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)
  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    Week 2:
    Monday - 88oz! *MET* =)
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)
  • Jparadise72
    Week 2:
    Monday - 53 oz (not very much, but water is hard for me to drink..:grumble: ) tomorrow will be better!
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses )
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)

    Just went to my first cycling class HOLY SHIZ it kicked my rear!! and the seat was like teenie tiny.. ouch!! haha but I will be going back, I need it! Hope everyone else had a great day too :heart: Jessica
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    Starting Weight - 193.4 (3/29)
    Week 1 - goal 2 lbs, weight 190.8 - 2.6 lbs (4/5)
    # lbs LOST: 2.6 lbs
    # lbs TO GO: 50.8 lbs
    Week 2 - goal: 1.8 lbs
  • CreativeRedhead
    Today was good....didn't walk as much as I had hoped but did alot of gardening. And calories were under control. So I'm good.

    Week 2:
    Monday - 11 glasses (88 oz)
    Tuesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Wednesday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Thursday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Friday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Saturday - (# of cups/glasses)
    Sunday - (# of cups/glasses)