Stereotypes that DON'T fit you



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I live in the Bible Belt. I am an atheist and Democrats are too rightwing for me. I'd die before I'd vote Republican.

    I do like guns, though!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I'm a guys guy, and avid outdoorsman, a hunter.......................and I still make time to read to my kids , cook, and clean my house. No I don't have an apron..........I draw the line there :)

    That's awesome.
    My dad hunts, does guided fishing tours, and did reno's for a living, a real manly man, but when my sister and I were little he was the one that played Barbies with us and braided our hair.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    My husband is a plumber. He does not have a big shed over his tool nor does he expose his buttcrack while going about his job.

    Don't worry, my husband has that part covered.
    I swear to god his buttcrack is never IN his pants
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I'm proudly from Wisconsin, but I'm a Bear fan. I HATE the Packers. I rarely drink milk.

    I'm a liberal Republican.

    I ride my Harley daily, but actually have a technical corporate job.

    I wear colorful dress shirts and jeans daily, but I identify myself as "Goth".

    I have tiny hands and feet, but big everything else.

    I was born with "widow's peaks", but people always claim I shave my head because of my "receding hairline". My hairline has been the same since birth. I shave my head because my wife has a "bald guy" fetish.

    I live in Houston, but despise Texas. I'm here against my will.

    I have a goatee, but no mustache.
  • My husband is a plumber. He does not have a big shed over his tool nor does he expose his buttcrack while going about his job.

    Then he's doing it wrong. :tongue:

    LOL. I'll let him know:laugh:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I used to play ice hockey in defence and got the most penalty minutes for my team for many a season but I'm also intelligent

    I'm English and live in the (almost) tropics but I don't go out in the midday sun (although I do have stereotypically pale English skin, which is a good reason not to go out in the midday sun)

    I breastfed my kids until they were 2 and 2.5 yrs but I'm not a hippie

    I don't drink alcohol but I do actually like to have fun

    I combine being a nerd with being a jock/musclehead type person at the same time, not sure if that's following two stereotypes at once or going against stereotypes. Not sure how this stereotyping thing works anyway.

    I like the very best of every style of music so don't fit into any music based stereotypes either and never did, when I was at high school there were "ravers" and "metallers" and I was both and/or neither (i.e. I listened to both rave/techno type of music and heavy metal) and no-one really knew how to relate to me because of it LOL plus I used to listen to stuff like Led Zeppelin and the Stones, and also rather liked Beethoven, Mozart, Billie Holiday and traditional Irish music (still do on all those counts) which made it even harder for anyone to put me in a box and give me a label according to my musical tastes (this was back in the late 80s early 90s)

    I soooooooooooo don't fit western society's ideas of "feminine" - something about getting too many penalty minutes for my ice hockey team and having a neanderthal woman in my avatar instead of a victoria secrets model.
  • VeganCoco
    VeganCoco Posts: 104 Member
    Ooo I thought of a good one!

    I have fake boobs but I don't see myself as vain and being a science geek (and a Biology teacher) means I'm definitely no 'air-head'!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I'm an African American woman and when I was younger, would have people ask me all the time "How many children do you have?" Not "do you have children?". Drove me freakin' nuts. Still don't have choice.

    I'm a total NPR & PBS nerd. I have Carl Kasel on my voicemail (only another NPR nerd would get that)
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I'm a New Zealander and I have not once violated a sheep.

  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    I'm a cop's kid and I was never a *kitten* or a delinquent. lol
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    Holy *kitten* this thread blew up. LOL.

    I live in Canada and I don't shovel snow off my roof and I don't live in an igloo.

    We have two dogs but no dog sled.

    We don't hunt our food or our clothing actually.

    Yes, I am mostly - entirely embarrassed by Don Cherry.

    Yes, I snow board. But I also wake board and I own a tournament ski boat.

    I don't say "eh" so the previous posters threatening to revoke my right to use it ... can keep it. It sounds stupid anyway.

    I prefer the American national anthem. I mean, who doesn't. It's friggen awesome!
  • Rixx31
    Rixx31 Posts: 220 Member
    I live in the Seattle area, but am from the UK.

    - I don't drink tea
    - I don't like soccer (or cricket)
    - I have healthy, straight teeth
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    My parents are from India..but

    1) I don't like mangoes
    2) I don't like chai (cardamom is gross!)
    3) No I don't have an accent and if I wouldn't be Indian
    4 No I dont walk several steps behind my husband
    5) And no..I am not Hindu..but a believer in Christ.. (this one even confuses the Indians)
    6) And one final indian and american name are the same..and no I did not change it once i became a citizen or when i got married...its always been Marlene!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    I know how to properly pronounce "ask".

    I rarely listed to rap music.

    I never use the N word, no matter who I am around.

    I could go on and on...... :P

    :laugh: This was as good as MG_Fit post on page 3! :laugh:
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    I'm married and I do all the cooking, cleaning, laundry.

    No, I'm not P**** whipped either.
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    I'm white-American, and I can dance...and I have a diverse cultural food palette...and I can handle spicy food.
    I'm naturally blonde, and highly intelligent.
    I'm a woman, but I drink hard liquor, not frilly cocktails... and I don't give a *kitten* about shoes or shopping
  • Mumbles83
    Mumbles83 Posts: 626 Member
    Anyone from England will understand this one:

    I'm an Essex girl born and bred, but I don't look like I've been Tango'd, I don't have the accent and I don't have bleach blonde hair.

    And you don't seem to have those ridiculous drawn on eyebrows either :laugh: fellow Brit here!

    Haha tango'd :laugh:
  • I'm a girl who hates shopping.I hate chick flick movies, love watching hockey. I'm a young female security guard - not an old man. I hate fruity alcoholic drinks and prefer a beer or whiskey.

    I think I love you............ :love:

    :blushing: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Because I Homeschool my children I sit on my butt and really don't :/

    That loving the Lord makes me a prude
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    My parents are from India..but

    1) I don't like mangoes
    2) I don't like chai (cardamom is gross!)
    3) No I don't have an accent and if I wouldn't be Indian
    4 No I dont walk several steps behind my husband
    5) And no..I am not Hindu..but a believer in Christ.. (this one even confuses the Indians)
    6) And one final indian and american name are the same..and no I did not change it once i became a citizen or when i got married...its always been Marlene!

    I sm first generation Indian American. Don't understand why you being a Christian would confuse Indians? Christianity is the 3rd largest religion in India after Hinduism and Islam.