My wife is kicking me out!!!



  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    We converted out garage into a workout room - mostly because we have hardwood floors, and even with matting, I don't want to risk damaging the floors. Also - because y'all stink. :)

    It worked out very well. We got cheap interlocking mats on amazon - my husband was able to build his weight set and bench piece by piece, so he got exactly what he wanted. Get some tall mirrors cheap at Target (5$) and a dry erase board so you can track your routines.

    Now he has plenty of room, can listen to whatever he wants, can run fans or leave the door open, and he has actually made such a nice little gym that I now join him in lifting.

    What mats did you get on amazon? I am looking around and everything seems pretty high.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Tell her if she spent more time doing the laundry and making you a sandwich and less time worrying about what you are doing, this wouldn't be an issue



    *Note to people with malfunctioning humor detectors....

  • piratemerdi
    piratemerdi Posts: 212 Member
    I really don't think this is divorce worthy. You both live in the house, so you're not the only one with needs. Get an air-conditioner or a fan so you don't have to open the doors. I dunno where you live, but in the North-Eastern part of the country, it gets pretty damn cold. Or insulate your garage and do something with the walls to absorb sound instead of having it bounce around (carpet, drapes, etc.). I really don't get why divorce is the first solution that people come up with.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I really don't think this is divorce worthy. You both live in the house, so you're not the only one with needs. Get an air-conditioner or a fan so you don't have to open the doors. I dunno where you live, but in the North-Eastern part of the country, it gets pretty damn cold. Or insulate your garage and do something with the walls to absorb sound instead of having it bounce around (carpet, drapes, etc.). I really don't get why divorce is the first solution that people come up with.

  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    My gym is in my garage and I love it! I have matting, treadmill, elliptical, TV, radio, olympic weight bench/set, squat rack and a million accesories out there. I even have air conditioning, heating and a bathroom. I could live out there and somedays I would if I could! :laugh:

    I'm so jealous, I'm going to start calling you bulky behind your back.

    lol! I'm sure I've been called worse behind my back!
  • fiestybee
    Please don't listen to the people telling you to get a. divorce. People in this country are way too divorce happy when things can get worked out especially over such silly things..
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I really don't think this is divorce worthy. You both live in the house, so you're not the only one with needs. Get an air-conditioner or a fan so you don't have to open the doors. I dunno where you live, but in the North-Eastern part of the country, it gets pretty damn cold. Or insulate your garage and do something with the walls to absorb sound instead of having it bounce around (carpet, drapes, etc.). I really don't get why divorce is the first solution that people come up with.

    Great advice, his wife will be much warmer with the air con or fans on.

    What you got against divorce?
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My roommates say when I jump around it wakes them up and makes the house shake... so I get what she's saying on that level. Have you considered - before you go to the garage - getting a fan instead of opening the door? Tell her it's an hour a day and she will just have to put up with the jumping and grunting?

    If you decide to move it to the gym, make sure you have the proper support under your feet - cement is going to really hurt your joints!

    If you want to invest in some weights, do it, get a bench, you have the dumbells - good investment, being able to adjust the weight ones (I think you can find them at Walmart), yoga mat, a stability ball, maybe your own water cooler?

    Just some suggestions :) Good luck! You may even have more room! Also, let her KNOW before you go in the garage that the cars will no longer be parked in there if this is what she REALLY wants and record it. I'm a woman and I know this can come back and bite you: "Ok fine, go out there and workout, but my car is still going in there so figure it out!"
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    I really don't think this is divorce worthy. You both live in the house, so you're not the only one with needs. Get an air-conditioner or a fan so you don't have to open the doors. I dunno where you live, but in the North-Eastern part of the country, it gets pretty damn cold. Or insulate your garage and do something with the walls to absorb sound instead of having it bounce around (carpet, drapes, etc.). I really don't get why divorce is the first solution that people come up with.

    Great advice, his wife will be much warmer with the air con or fans on.

    What you got against divorce?

    You know, recent scientific studies have shown that marriage is the leading cause of divorce.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I really don't think this is divorce worthy. You both live in the house, so you're not the only one with needs. Get an air-conditioner or a fan so you don't have to open the doors. I dunno where you live, but in the North-Eastern part of the country, it gets pretty damn cold. Or insulate your garage and do something with the walls to absorb sound instead of having it bounce around (carpet, drapes, etc.). I really don't get why divorce is the first solution that people come up with.

    Great advice, his wife will be much warmer with the air con or fans on.

    What you got against divorce?

    You know, recent scientific studies have shown that marriage is the leading cause of divorce.

    Absolute tosh! You know as well as I do it's down to mfp.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Well as long as you're going with the man cave idea you should get a keg a rator for post workout beer.
  • LauraRose03

    Also!! Don't forget to leave the garage door open when you work out so all the neighborhood ladies cruise by and start chatting you up. That'll show your wife for putting you out in the garage like a dog!!

    ^^^Yes!!! This!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Well as long as you're going with the man cave idea you should get a keg a rator for post workout beer.

    I know a place that sells all that stuff, but the mods won't like me advertising it here. :bigsmile:
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Option B) Slap the %#$# out of your wife and tell her to deal with it

  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Not sure where you live, but I got my exercise mat, the puzzle kind from Walmart for about $20, bought second hand free weights and I use my computer to play my dvds. However I do live alone, though my dog does stare at me while I'm working out...I'm pretty sure she's judging me.

    LMAO! My dogs don't know what to think of me but when I bring the exercise ball out they get the hell out of dodge!!! LOL when I am in a fast pace and need weights the ball has been known to go flying at the dogs and they are only 10 lbs so the ball is bigger then them LOL!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If you can I would go with the turning the garage into a gym idea! Back in my old place we turned the basement into the gym. Best. move. Ever. We could work out anytime of the day without worrying about disturbing each other. It was lovely.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    One of the big things is if you're still planning to still use the garage as a garage, as well. If you're looking for it to be a dual-task room, there are some rubber mats sold that are designed for cars to drive over them. Usually, the intent is to give mechanically inclined individuals some cushion under their feet while they work on the car or home handymen some padding while at their workbenches, but I imagine they will also help for a gym environment.
  • czardastx
    czardastx Posts: 127 Member
    If you have time to workout at home you have time to go to the gym. I leave my wife at home and go to the gym. Guaranteed quiet time from her, a good workout and time away from her (oh, said that already). It's a win-win situation.
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Don't listen to the divorce thing! If you can get a man cave out of it DO IT!! I still wish I had my own area to workout. It can be difficult to workout when another party in the house is in the area you are. Of course mine is the other way around, my husband does not mind that I am working out in fact he will ask if we can watch a movie while I walk on the treadmill. Sometimes though I just want loud music and just do it! I am grateful for a Husband that is as supportive as he is. If I could turn our garage into a workout gym I would love it! A little cooler so I don't get so hot and my own place no one in my way :)
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Add a shower in the garage. Just sayin...