

  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Refrigerator oatmeal. BLECH! And before that I thought I would eat anything.
  • Poetic_Photography
    Those "popped" rice cakes... I mistook them for "pop chips" and was unpleasantly surprised :sick:
  • Healthy_fresh_start
    anyone else tried cheez;y??
    Soya cheese, the smell alone turned me green!! euggghhh
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    My contribution? Scan Bran.

    I once spent a few months attending a Slimming World group which was led by a tall, willowy, georgous blonde who told us incessently that to be a successful dieter like her (Note: her 'successful weight loss' was all of 4lbs...yes, she was 4lbs overweight once...oh the horror) we had to ingest tons of Scan Bran.

    I bought one packet of Scan Bran and can only describe it the following way: Take a very old threadbare carpet, take it along to your local stable and roll it in the little scrapy bits of straw that's left after all the good stuff has been swept away. Cut it into rectangles and bake it and you may come close to what a Scan Bran tastes like.

    One day the willowy leader told us that Scan Bran could be used to make crispy 'fake Ferrero Rocher' and she brought some along to demonstrate. We all had to dutifully pop a ball of something that tasted awfully like what I'd imagine you'd get if you scraped up the shavings from a bottom of a hamster's cage, rolled them into a ball and dipped them into cocoa powder.

    It is also in no way improved by the addition of low-fat cheese...which is another culinary abomination.

    Oh! I've just found a photo of the offending articles made into 'fake Ferrero Rocher' from another diet board...can't you see the almost uncanny likeness to the real thing?? Aren't you amazed?? Don't you just want to sink your teeth into that crispy bran-filled parcel of deliciousness?? don't???


  • kristafb
    kristafb Posts: 770 Member
    This thread is awesome!!

    I just tried Muscle Milk Lite for the first time after seeing a bunch at work drinking it & wanting to up my protein a bit. Disgusting!!

    Fat free Miracle whip is another - its just nasty. Why would someone do that to my beloved Miracle whip?

    And those shirataki noodies. I can't get the fishy taste off them no matter how much i rinse them. Poopy!

    On the other hand I love Cauliflower crust, mug cake & a few other things posted so just goes to prove we are all individuals with different tastes. Ain't life grand?
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Walden Farms calorie free "peanut butter". I put the words peanut butter in quotes because whatever Walden Farms puts in that jar is not, by any means, even distantly related to peanut butter. I don't have very discerning tastes, but it should be illegal to call that sludge peanut butter.

    Wladen Farms calorie free marsh-mello creme is what I bought with their peanut butter. I thought mmmm guilt free PB and MM on toast. NOT::puke puke :sick: both jar's went directly into the trash can. My mom bought the W.F. Apple Butter yuck spread. We should have taken it back to the store for a refund, because that stuff was not cheap.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Rice cakes, AKA: "air cookies" :noway: :laugh:

  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I'm putting New Whey protein shots in the "food" category. If I ever tasted baboon *kitten*, I would imagine it tasting similar to this. Worst. Crap. Ever. And Sweet Baby Jesus, the aftertaste!!!! :sad:
    hahaha...too funny

    im now giggling uncontroallably...
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I ate a sugar free protein bar once by mistake. The aftertaste didn't go away for my entire 8 hour shift. It was horrible!
  • TeresaJTuck
    TeresaJTuck Posts: 64 Member
    Almond Milk is GROSS in the first place.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I agree fully how do people not notice that after taste and dont get my started on the headaches and nauseated feeling it causes me.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    :laugh: Thank you guys for this thread. I just spent my entire shift laughing like a nut and sharing some of the stories with coworkers!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Walden Farms zero calorie marshmallow creme. Did I really think this could be possible. Caca.

    Seriously? Now, I'm wondering what it could possibly be made of, that it has 0 calories??? Even recycled tires probably have some calories.:huh:
  • NHLeah
    NHLeah Posts: 48 Member
    Thursday I spotted a Promax Fit and Crisp Vanilla Marshmallow bar in the grocery store that looked similar to a rice crispy treat with 13 grams of protein. I was excited to enjoy this crispy treat and get an extra boost of protein. I took a bite of it. I had all I could do to not spit it out. The flavor was so gross. It wasn't the chemical aftertaste that got me after swallowing. It just was the chemical taste with crunchy crispy rice. If there was a trash barrel near by I would have spit it out. I am not a fussy eater, and I NEVER throw food out. I am a proud member of the clean your plate club and frugal with my money. I am ashamed that I threw the rest of that $1.50 bar out after only one small bite.
  • proudandprejudiced
    Coconut flour pancakes. It was never meant to be.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Anything labeled as diet food...

    ^This...I prefer real food. It's possible to eat healthy, delicious food without eating 'diet food'.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    NUTRISYSTEM! The entire food supply with the exception of the instant pudding tastes like cardboard.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Hungry girl is an idiot. I got her bar drink book one time. It was so horrible! She is a horrible chef!

    That's why she's hungry.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Anything labeled as diet food...

    ^This...I prefer real food. It's possible to eat healthy, delicious food without eating 'diet food'.

    Definitely this!! I cringe at the ingredients that are added to so called diet food to try and make it taste better. There's no substitute for the real thing.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Tortilla Factory low carb tortillas. Like eating tree bark.
    Substituting cauliflower for potatoes or rice. I've tried it several times, and nobody is fooled.
    I Can't Believe It's Not Butter spray. Tasted totally chemical and rancid the one time I tried it.

    I like a lot of other things people have posted about, though. I love Wasa crackers. And I've made black bean brownies several times.