Found money...what would you do?



  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I would like to say I'd return it. I found $60.00 in the bank machine..took it and felt horrible so donated it to a charity.

    $11,000 is a lot of money though..I think I'd keep and and justify my actions by knowing how dumb the person was to lose all that cash.
  • smtillman2
    smtillman2 Posts: 756 Member
    I would return it.

    When I was in collage I found an envelope with just over $200 dollars in it. I turned it in and it turned out that it was some kids Christmas money. That little girl was super excited when she got it back.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I dunno. I'd hate myself for keeping it, and I'd hate myself for returning it. I'd be happier just leaving it where it was.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    If it had the owner's info in it, I'd return it. I'm not stinking rich, but I'm not hurting either. If it were me, the camera is what I would miss the most. The first time I went to the Bahamas (1986), I had a 35mm camera. Took a bunch of pictures during the cruise and while on the island. The night before we got back to port, we were at a magic show on the ship, and when it was over, we headed out and I forgot my camera bag on the table. There was about $200 in the bag, but more importantly, the camera and all the film. In the 90 or so seconds that it took me to realize that I left it on the table, someone swiped it. I was yelling out, "Look, I don't care about the money, or the camera. I just want the film!" Kept yelling out my stateroom number and asking for the person to just leave the film outside the door, but no one ever did. Almost 30 years later, I'm still pi$$ed that I don't have any pictures from that trip.

    So yeah, I'd return it.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Those tourists better have credit cards because that's all mine.
  • Kris0109
    Kris0109 Posts: 177 Member
    Doesn't anyone watch bad '90s TV shows and base their decisions off them?


    I'd totally return the money ... after I bought a bunch of concert tickets and scalped them, thus doubling my money.

    And shoes.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Return it. Keeping it is theft and I am not that kind of person.

    I agree that turning it in is the right thing to do...

    But how do you figure keeping it is theft? If someone just leaves something lying around, what says i can't pick it up if I want it?

    Because it doesn't belong to you. The local Audi dealership has cars just "lying around" on the lot, and I WANT an A5...can I just go to the dealership and take it?
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Reminds me of a movie I recently saw on cable TV about a guy who picked up a bag of money that fell out of an armored car....

    If I was sure it couldn't be traced, I'm afraid I would keep it at this point in my life. When your only income is Social Security, you live life on the edge all the time. You never get any extra money except for (maybe) a small raise each year. If something comes up, yer screwed.
  • angel_wings
    angel_wings Posts: 29 Member
    Without hesitation . . . I would turn it in. I know what it feels like to lose money and not have it returned. But . . . . you shouldn't be carrying that much cash either . . . . use a credit card!!
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I found a wallet with 1300.00 in it once. I found the owner and gave it back........
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I would and I have, I have done it twice

    once was a roll of cash that an old lady dropped, ive no idea how much was there 1-2 thousand maybe ..... I saw her drop it and ran after her ... she drew me a look and snatched it off me ... (maybe I wouldn't return it to her next time) :-/

    2nd time was when we were on holiday I counted this money roughly 500 it had been left in a bag in the toilets ... I was unsure what to do with it (i didn't trust the staff at the resort) so I waited in the loos for about 15 mins and a lady and her daughter came in crying her eyes out (it was all of her holiday money for her grand kids to spend) I asked her what was wrong and she blurted about the money ... so there for I knew it was hers so I handed it over and she gave me a big cuddle ... that was worth it :)

    on the way home from that holiday I dropped 60 quid ... never saw it again ... meh!!!
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    That's a lot of money. I would definitely turn that in. And since it had a camera with it too.

    Now, if it was just a wad of cash lying in the street, yea, I'm sure I'd keep that.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    if it's money...with no identification ANYWHERE on it....then's mine...

    but if there was some way of tracking the person...i would try...

    I really someone else said...i wouldn't want to live with the feeling that I could be accused of anything...
  • I'd return it. The people were tourists from out of the country, and I'm sure the pictures they took during the trip would mean a great deal to them. If I were in their position, I would want somebody to return my belongings also. I operate under to motto "treat others how you want to be treated".

    ^^^ This....
    I would try and find the owners...


    I know I would have a seriously hard time losing that much cash! ANd I would have to expect that the person who lost it would also!

    Returning the money/turning it into the police would be the only solution I would think of.

    It's a KARMA thing!!!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'd return it. It's not mine and someone probably worked very hard to earn that money. In my mind, keeping it would be the same thing as stealing. Just because someone misplaced it doesn't mean it's there for the taking.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    clearly i'm the only one whose mind is going here, but ok. i would put a bag w/ that much cash exactly where i found it, back up so it's in sight and call 911. bring the cops to the cash, not the cash to the cops. i'd be too worried it's a cash drop. and whether for drugs, guns, a person or a ransom payment, that's not something i want to jump in the middle of.

    but no, i wouldn't keep it.

    also, for those of you who are saying you'd take it to the bank - you should know that if you deposit $10k or over you have to fill out IRS forms RIGHT THERE at the teller window. and also, remember, that taking anything with a value of over a thousand dollars w/ the intent to keep it and the knowledge that it is not yours is GRAND LARCENY and thus a FELONY. is paying off a car really worth that?
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    There is a big difference on being arrested for stealing say £10 to £10,000. I have found a £10 note lying on the ground and kept it. Well thats not true I felt guilty and gave it to charity. However if I had found a large sum of money I would hand it in because who is to say that you dont have someone watching you- a witness or a surveillance camera? If you get caught then it is classed as stealing.

    Besides I believe that if you do something bad it will come back on you. What goes around comes around...
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    Who travels with $11,000 cash?

    I'd return it, and hope for a reward. If I didn't get a reward, I'd hope for them to get mugged.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I always put myself in the shoes of the person who has lost money and/or property. I've never lost $11,000 or anywhere close to that, but I've lost jewelry and other things that were important to me, and the times I have been able to get my things back, I have been exceedingly grateful that they were found by honest people. So I always pay it forward. I have no desire to take something that I know belongs to another person.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    OK, so my answer is really more than one answer...

    I was once in a parking lot on a windy day and I saw something on the ground rolling towards me.... it was a roll of money with a rubber band around it. It was $290.... I kept it.... My reasoning was it was in a parking lot, so where would I turn it into? Any of the 300 stores? Somebody else would just take it. I guess I could have given it to a police station, but I bet somebody there would have just taken it too.

    Now, let's say I found a wallet with an ID with $11,000 in it...... no doubt in my mind that I would turn that in or try to get it back to the owner on my own.

    BTW, my wife was once in an airport the day after a Bruce Springsteen concert in Philly..... She found a wallet on the floor, and she opened it up and it was Clarence Clemmons' wallet.... She looked around and actually saw him, and gave it back to him.... According to my wife, he did say Thank You, but was so nonchalant about it that she said it was weird.... Like he said " Oh, thank you.... and then immediately turned away.

    Not that she expected a reward or anything, but just a little more feeling of gratitude from him. She said he seemed like a robot.