Found money...what would you do?



  • plzlbsbegone
    I found a purse once, in a store. I turned it in to customer service so they could find who it belonged to. They called her name and she came running, in tears, and grabbed me for a big hug. She had all of her Christmas money in there, to shop for her family. She tried to offer me a reward, but I told her "I just hope that someone would do the same for me in this situation." I know how out of my mind I would be if I had lost my own purse, it has my life in there!! But, if I were to find a unmarked bag of cash, with no identification....I might just have to hang on to it for safe keeping....:tongue:
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    If it had the owner's info in it, I'd return it. I'm not stinking rich, but I'm not hurting either. If it were me, the camera is what I would miss the most. The first time I went to the Bahamas (1986), I had a 35mm camera. Took a bunch of pictures during the cruise and while on the island. The night before we got back to port, we were at a magic show on the ship, and when it was over, we headed out and I forgot my camera bag on the table. There was about $200 in the bag, but more importantly, the camera and all the film. In the 90 or so seconds that it took me to realize that I left it on the table, someone swiped it. I was yelling out, "Look, I don't care about the money, or the camera. I just want the film!" Kept yelling out my stateroom number and asking for the person to just leave the film outside the door, but no one ever did. Almost 30 years later, I'm still pi$$ed that I don't have any pictures from that trip.

    So yeah, I'd return it.

    I lost a camera when on holiday .. we had been sitting on the grass and I jumped up to run after one of the kids who was getting too far away, when I came back my camera was gone but the chip was sitting on the grass where we had been sitting ... weird, but i couldn't thank them enough as the film was the important thing ...:)
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    my hubby once found 1100 bucks(rolled) in a NYC cab... the money was stuck in-between the seats. Obviously, not the cab drivers. My husband -incognito- picked up the cash and counted it after he got out... !

    I would have to say the same as a lot of people have already. If it had I.D. and all that, you have to return that kinda money... thats half of someone's yearly wages to some ppl.... but, if there was no I.D. or anything, i would probably keep it.
  • Lovlilyn
    Lovlilyn Posts: 79 Member
    I would turn it in.

    I found money on the floor of Kohls, and I brought it to Customer Service. They said they would keep if for a month, and if no one claimed it, I could keep it. I believe in the principle of Karma. I did check back after a month, and no one had claimed the money ($80), so I took it.

    I also found $40 on the ground when I parked at work. I left a note on the car next to me that I may have found something that fell out of the car. At first, the guy didn't think it was his, but then his wife mentioned that she had left cash in his side pocket. So, I returned that as well. I like to think it's prevented me from losing cash or that someone would return my cash.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Of course I will.

    I find it impossible to take something that isn't mine. I work at a book publishing house and I absolutely love the books. Other workers told me I can just take some books home and keep them, but I'm just incapable of doing that and I pay for them. What can you do.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    And people wonder why I don't like people.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I would turn it in and no, there would be no amount that I would consider keeping.

    I haven't read all of the responses but, in case someone has not mentioned it, keeping the money could be an illegal act. Here in Georgia, there is a statute governing such a situation. Keeping the money could be what Georgia calls "theft of lost or mislaid property." I say "could" because the law requires one to take reasonable steps to return the money. What is or is not "reasonable" obviously varies with the situation. Money found with no way of returning it to the owner would require little to no effort. Money where there is ID with it would certainly require it to be turned in to the police at a minimum. The big problem is that the judge of whether your efforts were reasonable or not would be a judge or jury (assuming you got caught, of course.)
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    I remember when I was in elementary school and out at recess with a few friends back maybe 2nd grade or something...I found a dollar blowing around. Maybe it was just the way I was raised, but I turned the dollar into the school office to see if anyone would claim it. Turned out after a few days or something no one did and office gave me the dollar to keep since no one claimed it.

    Even today with my troubles and how times are...I still would try and return the money. I many have troubles, but I don't find it right living off of someone else's money even if they aren't thankfully you return it.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Quite honestly, if it didn't have a camera in it, I'd think it was drug/ransom money that I accidentally stumbled upon.. Dumb and Dumber and the suitcase, anyone?

    But yeah, I'd probably look through the camera's pictures to identify the owners, if possible, and hang out for awhile to see if they came back looking for it.. Then I'd turn it in.

    I've found a couple of wallets in my life, and I had done the same thing (checked identification, etc) before tracking down the owner. I had lost a wallet once on campus when I was in college and received a call from the security office before the end of my last night class. Janitor found it in a trashcan (freshly tossed, apparently). Money was gone (figures I had a lot in there for whatever reason). I was so angry and wished other people could be honest.. I couldn't live with myself if I kept it. Even though $11k would truly flip my whole life around at this point.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    I would turn it in and no, there would be no amount that I would consider keeping.

    Well, I doubt that.... you find a $5 bill on the street and you're going to make an effort to get it back to the person who lost it?
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    That's money I could use! Down payment for a house and a wedding to pay for.
    That said, it's not worth the 50 years of nightmares and feeling like worlds worst person I'd have.
  • motown13
    motown13 Posts: 688 Member
    As an aside, way back when I was a teen.... over 30 years ago, I smoked pot, and hash when it was available....

    Well, one Saturday afternoon while I was working at Burger King I was sent out to pick up some trash on the parking lot when I saw a Nylon bag sitting in the bushes.... I went and opened it...... and it was a bag FILLED with Thai Sticks ( do they still exist? ) .... well anyway, I laid it right back where I found it because I was afraid that if I took it, some thug drug dealer would hunt me down.

    I told a buddy of mine who was working with me what I had found..... Later that day I found out that he went and took the bag.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I would turn it in and no, there would be no amount that I would consider keeping.

    Well, I doubt that.... you find a $5 bill on the street and you're going to make an effort to get it back to the person who lost it?

    You are correct. My statement was too broad. Assuming there was a way to find the owner, I would always try to do so (within reason.) If I found money on the street and there was no way to find the owner, yes, I would keep it.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    If there was identification of the person that lost it, then I would get a hold of them.

    If not, IT'S MINE

  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Who in their right mind carries $11k in cash nowadays.. That's like drug money drop.. these people not heard of Debit/credit or anything besides cash... most banks are accepted everywhere now.

    As for what I would do, Probably would turn in the camera and cash but I would wait around to see what they do, cause even when you turn things in the people you give them to just take it anyways.. And if times were harder I would probably take some of the money, but I would turn the camera in either way.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    If it were under a hundred I would keep it. Like if I found a $50 lying in the street. But if it was that amount the op mentioned I would most defiantly turn it in. I think of how damaging a loss that large could be to my family and I would hope hat if it was me that someone would do the right thing.

    Granted I am not a idiot and would never walk around with that much cash! Travelers checks people! Travelers checks!
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    that large amount, i would turn in.

    if it was a smaller amount... like $100 or less, it depends on where i found it. if i found it in the street, I'd keep it. If i found it in a restaurant or other enclosed business, i might turn it in.

    the most i've ever found was $20. unfortunately, it was in my own jean pocket.
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    I return things when I find them regardless of monetary value. I even return change when the cashier gives me too much at the grocery store.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I'd probably hate myself for doing it, but I'd turn it in. I'd hate myself more if I kept something like that.

    Money in wallets, bank bags, purses, etc all would get turned in.

    Money floating in the breeze, however, is up for grabs unless it's obvious where it came from.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    the most i've ever found was $20. unfortunately, it was in my own jean pocket.

    That's mine!