Supportive MFPers who will never use 'LOL' or 'woot'



  • okinmaine
    okinmaine Posts: 101 Member
    All my friends love my woots.

    My husband loves my wooters!
    This made me LOL!! Woot Woot for Wooters! My hubby loves mine too!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    just break up

    Haha. That's fuuuunny.

    But seriously...I say "woot". I say it a lot. I am a "wooter". I can't help it, it is apart of my goofy, usually happy-go-lucky self. But my "woot" is more like "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT" when you read it as "woot". I usually follow it up with a few more words that are motivational.

    You are also a gamer hun. I've yet to meet a hardcore gamer that doesn't use (or has an intolerance to) lol or :tongue:

    Hardcore gamers DO NOT say lol. We say lolz and/or how parts of our body tense up looking at your mom.

    Also we slept with your mom last night while you were being a nerd on video game and getting better than me at a game

    Lies. My mother is also a gamer. So BAMF.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I log my food and exercise daily and am looking to give and receive support from like-minded MFP friends. I break out in hives at the use of 'LOL' and 'woot' so I prefer befriending people who can avoid them.

    Are you out there?

    What is this need to make this a public announcement?
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    admittedly, i've said "woot" from time to time. but i will never, and i mean NEVER, say "LOL." i break into hives too. does "haha" offend? ;)
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    Wow, I feel actualy offended here. Ask anyone on my friend list and they will all tell you how postive and supportive I am to everyone, but I naturally walk around saying WOOT when I get excited about something or when something good has happened, so it is obvious I will use WOOTwhen I see a friend do something amazing here like stay under calorie goal for day, do an intense work out, or w.e.

    As for LOL, I understand how that can be annoying, no one is actually laughing out loud when they type it, for if they did they would most likely say"seriously lol". But since the world around us changes all th time, I hav come to accept (and use) lol as a minor phrase meaning "what you said there, I found funny", that is all it means now (with modern usage).

    Do not fear the Woots and the LoLs, they are a positive way of life.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    lolergasm... means I lol'ed so hard I had a laughing gasm.



  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    The necklace I wear is a medallion with LOL on it. :)

    When it comes down to it, I guess I'd rather have friends who appreciate me for laughing and being supportive than *****ing about how I tell them good job. Talk about ungrateful--"You said 'Woot!' not 'GREAT job' and that's unacceptable. I don't think we can be friends because even though you are supportive, you are not the good kind of supportive, just the irritating kind of supportive that pisses me off." SHID
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    So when one thinks you are funny on the interwebs....what should one do? HARHAR? I mean when I laugh it is almost always Out loud.

  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    So when one thinks you are funny on the interwebs....what should one do? HARHAR? I mean when I laugh it is almost always Out loud.


    omg too funny!!!! what about a good ol' "whoop whoop" ;-)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    LOL, no.
  • tdotgirl
    tdotgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Really?.......We are here to support each other and I know I got bigger fish to fry than worry or be pissed off b/c someone uses LOL AND WOOT WOOT......BTW, I USE BOTH

  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I log my food and exercise daily and am looking to give and receive support from like-minded MFP friends. I break out in hives at the use of 'LOL'...
    I don't think a lot of people know this but LOL is a vestige of days gone by. Back in the early days of the Internet before there were even web browsers, online access was paid by the minute so everything was abbreviated, hence, LOL, ROFL etc. People use them today for no good reason except they think they are supposed to.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    Is this a Yankee thing what does woot men?

    Yankees are U.S. Amercans who live in the Northern States, I am a southern boy and I am all abou the WOOT
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I stay away from generic shtt like "WTG" or "NICE" I mean I don't mind it really, its cool. but I prefer to comment enthusiastically with a gratuitous use of foul language. Anyone feel free to add me ;)
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I can't abide text speak like LOL or Kthxbai, equally annoying is 'Blessings' or the use of the words 'hubby' and 'gal'... but I do the odd WOoooOOooO, or Yeeooooo when I'm happy about something. Everyone's going to do something that annoys you I guess :huh:
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I log my food and exercise daily and am looking to give and receive support from like-minded MFP friends. I break out in hives at the use of 'LOL' and 'woot' so I prefer befriending people who can avoid them.

    Are you out there?

    Like, OMG, I totally, like, get that! Word up, dawg, Fashizzle!

    Does this mean we can't be friends? No? Awwww, SAD FACE.
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    I log my food and exercise daily and am looking to give and receive support from like-minded MFP friends. I break out in hives at the use of 'LOL'...
    I don't think a lot of people know this but LOL is a vestige of days gone by. Back in the early days of the Internet before there were even web browsers, online access was paid by the minute so everything was abbreviated, hence, LOL, ROFL etc. People use them today for no good reason except they think they are supposed to.
    Well nowadays the combo of fat fingers, and tiny keyboards makes typing challenging. 'LOL' 'ROFL' 'OMFG UR A MILF' are a factor of typing economy
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I often say "woot woot!'' and "holla!". Two of my faves!!