Spouce asking you to buy junk food



  • dolphinswimmer15
    Couple of things here: my husband eats what he wants for breakfast, b/c I have my own breakfast food. This isn't weird because we've always had different tastes in breakfast food. I know that he tends to eat out for lunch, again doesn't bother me (it sucks now that I'm watching what I eat, because I enjoyed the few opportunities to get together for lunch) because we typically don't eat lunch together. He doesn't complain about eating the same as I do for dinner or weekends. He's working on being supportive. I used to have problems with the food temptations and being supported.
    Asking me to go to the store specifically for junk food, when I wasn't going to the store anyway, and I'm trying to watch what I eat, is rude. No because of the asking for something, but because we don't ask each other to make side trips unless it is something really needed.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Nope, i do not buy my husband junk food. I ask him not to bring it in the house and keep it at work if he really wants it and hes an amazing guy who respects that. I dont want my kids growing up on junk food and would rather we had very little in the house.
  • Xelace
    Xelace Posts: 18
    If asked, I would get whatever he needed, but I'm very lucky to have a partner that is also trying to get healthier, so usually there are no great temptations.
    We are on different levels of healthiness in my opinion and have very different diets (I avoid gluten and lactose, he eats bread daily and loves cheese, he despises veggies, I eat it with basically every meal, etc.), but we still get whatever the other person needs.