Who is the most obnoxious person at YOUR gym??



  • renitawalker9
    And he talks to everyone. That just gets on my nerves - don't talk to me when I'm exercising in there -

    thought I was the only one. stop talking to me in between my sets. I look like I'm doing nothing but I'm psyching myself up for the next set. Shutty please!
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    You know, if people are so afraid of being judged, they probably shouldn't leave the house. We're all judged all the time, everywhere. Is it rude to judge people? Sure. Are YOU making the world a better place by preaching about how shallow and judgemental people are? Nope.

    My suggestion: if you want to lose weight, don't make lame excuses like "I don't think they'll like me". Pull up your big girl panties and go! Who cares what other people think?! Most of us are busting our *kitten* so hard, we wouldn't notice if you had a third leg. And if you have such bad self-esteem issues that you can't go to the gym because you're worried about being judged--fix your self esteem first. It's far more important than your weight. You should LOVE yourself--regardless of any perceived imperfections.

    That said, anyone at my gym who is rude, inconsiderate, or just downright gross makes my "most obnoxious" list. OH! And the guy upstairs who uses the ladies' locker room (it's a single person locker room, but still!) because the mens's is "too crowded". SERIOUSLY?!
  • roxy08fox
    roxy08fox Posts: 37 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    Bahahahaha! Love this! :laugh:
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    The rather, ahem... buxom, older women who float around the pool, call it exercise and then hog the locker room like they own it, all the time gossiping at an amplified volume while perching their rather large derrières on teeny tiny little stools.

    They remind me of the elephants in Dumbo.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My gym is my living room, and the most obnoxious person there is my cat. The little a-hole attacks my ponytail when im doing crunches and jumps on my arms and chews my hands when i do chest flies. then when im on my feet he either watches me, staring, until i go back down, or sits in front of the TV, or attempts to destroy my yoga mat.

    Can you imagine if someone at the GYM tried to do that to you?

    One of my cats jumps on my stomach when I'm on my weight bench. Good way to make sure you have your core engaged, if you're always assuming 10 pounds of fluff and claws might land on you at any given moment.
  • irishscootz
    You know, if people are so afraid of being judged, they probably shouldn't leave the house. We're all judged all the time, everywhere. Is it rude to judge people? Sure. Are YOU making the world a better place by preaching about how shallow and judgemental people are? Nope.

    My suggestion: if you want to lose weight, don't make lame excuses like "I don't think they'll like me". Pull up your big girl panties and go! Who cares what other people think?! Most of us are busting our *kitten* so hard, we wouldn't notice if you had a third leg. And if you have such bad self-esteem issues that you can't go to the gym because you're worried about being judged--fix your self esteem first. It's far more important than your weight. You should LOVE yourself--regardless of any perceived imperfections.

    That said, anyone at my gym who is rude, inconsiderate, or just downright gross makes my "most obnoxious" list. OH! And the guy upstairs who uses the ladies' locker room (it's a single person locker room, but still!) because the mens's is "too crowded". SERIOUSLY?!

  • Raybug0903
    Raybug0903 Posts: 86 Member
    The guy with horrible body odor who runs backwards sprints on the Nautilus. Give me break.
  • Raybug0903
    Raybug0903 Posts: 86 Member
    Also the old women who go in the hot tub naked. There should be rule against that.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    So many busybodies at these gyms. Wow. I go to workout. I concentrate on what I'm doing or if I'm resting between sets I might be talking to the owner, reading a reprint, or whatever. In the locker room I don't care if your naked or dressed in pajamas, it's a transition space. I like to have a coffee, an apfelschorle or a beer at the gym bar before leaving and everyone is pretty low key about it.

    If I knew the place was a judging festival, hmm, not sure I would have started.

    People I work with keep asking me about the gym, it's 50 meters from our office and about 30$ a month, free classes, yet they are still intimidated.

    In my gym, there is the very heavy guy, he has diabetes, he grunts loudly and, yes, smells a little bit at the end of his session. He's not obnoxious - he's lost 60 damn kilos, he's damn proud and he actually knows the poetry of Donald Justice.

    There is the old lady - she struggles, doesn't know how to use some of the machines, and walks on the elliptical. When she's on a machine I would work elsewhere because I know she's going to take her time. She's not obnoxious and I hope her son finds work. She's worried.

    There is the "cardio bunny" with makeup and perfume - she just came from the office, we work in same company. And I know that later, she'll pull a second shift in logistics. She's not obnoxious. She speaks French and want to live in Spain.

    Me? I rarely talk to people there, not only is my head elsewhere but language is a bit of a barrier, but they have their stories, they are individuals and to brand them as obnoxious is to lose some of the richness of human interaction and not see them as Jack, Janet and Leslie.

    What a dehumanizing thread. You all have a nice day.

    Quoted for poetic beauty :flowerforyou:

    I don't normally go to a gym, but occasionally use a free pass. When I did a step class, the trainer told us to choose how many steps to use according to our height, not our fitness level, so I did as I was told and took two steps. A very well-kept older gym-goer felt the need to tell me not to, because it would be too difficult for me. I was fine. She checked how it went at the end, and I told her it was fine. I definitely felt she was obnoxious.

    However, I don't know her or why she felt the need to say that. Perhaps she was used to being a CEO or a high-powered mother, and she's retired or her children have all grown up. Maybe she can't turn off the belief that she is always right and needs to keep everyone else safe.

    Also, what does it say about me? I was annoyed because I hate to be patronised more than anything else. I hate when someone assumes I am less knowledgeable, intelligent or fit than I believe I am. Why? Why does that matter to me so much? Maybe I should try working that out...

    In the long run I want a home gym and a PT of my choosing. Mainly this would be for convenience, but also because I don't feel any desire to get involved in the social element of a gym. I'm a very sociable person, but the gym doesn't seem to be the right social space for me.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You know, if people are so afraid of being judged, they probably shouldn't leave the house. We're all judged all the time, everywhere. Is it rude to judge people? Sure. Are YOU making the world a better place by preaching about how shallow and judgemental people are? Nope.

    I've got eyes. I notice people doing unusual ****. But I move on and keep going on about my business. People always call me mean and rude on this site, but yet you never see me in threads openly mocking people for doing their thang.

    Because ain't nobody got time for that.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    20 year old female who goes up to the weight lifting area to do glute kickbacks on a workout bench, rather than do it on the floor in the mat area.

    Meat head who slaps himself in the face before every set, then does a 1/4 rep on any given exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • truly_crazy_me
    My gym is my living room! So the most annoying person in my gym is Mom and the little brother! Mom making snide comments about the weight just dropping off her after her weight loss surgery, which I don't need! Brother making fat jokes. I think I need to find a new gym!
  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    OMG THIS GUY!!! The one at my gym grunts loudly with every raise of his 20lb dumbbell then precedes to kiss his arms after each rep. I swear he spends more time smiling at himself and kissing his arms then actually working out. Sorry to break it to you kiddo but we're staring because you look like an idiot not a hottie.

    Side Note: Grunting while you work out is fine when your actually doing the work. Yes its awkward but so is my heavy breathing when I run lol.

    I'd just grab a 30 lb dumbbell, plant myself where he could see me easily and silently do my reps, ignoring him the entire time. Being shown up by a chick usually sinks in pretty well.
  • crazydaisy15
    For me, it's the TVs. I always have my ipod, but sometimes the TVs are so loud I can hear them even with my music blaring. And I'd prefer to not have it blaring because I like being able to hear. I don't want to be one of those people who have to crank the TV volume to the max to hear whatever they are watching. This is why they have closed captions. I wish they would disable the volume and make people use the captions, exclusively.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    So many busybodies at these gyms. Wow. I go to workout. I concentrate on what I'm doing or if I'm resting between sets I might be talking to the owner, reading a reprint, or whatever. In the locker room I don't care if your naked or dressed in pajamas, it's a transition space. I like to have a coffee, an apfelschorle or a beer at the gym bar before leaving and everyone is pretty low key about it.

    If I knew the place was a judging festival, hmm, not sure I would have started.

    People I work with keep asking me about the gym, it's 50 meters from our office and about 30$ a month, free classes, yet they are still intimidated.

    In my gym, there is the very heavy guy, he has diabetes, he grunts loudly and, yes, smells a little bit at the end of his session. He's not obnoxious - he's lost 60 damn kilos, he's damn proud and he actually knows the poetry of Donald Justice.

    There is the old lady - she struggles, doesn't know how to use some of the machines, and walks on the elliptical. When she's on a machine I would work elsewhere because I know she's going to take her time. She's not obnoxious and I hope her son finds work. She's worried.

    There is the "cardio bunny" with makeup and perfume - she just came from the office, we work in same company. And I know that later, she'll pull a second shift in logistics. She's not obnoxious. She speaks French and want to live in Spain.

    Me? I rarely talk to people there, not only is my head elsewhere but language is a bit of a barrier, but they have their stories, they are individuals and to brand them as obnoxious is to lose some of the richness of human interaction and not see them as Jack, Janet and Leslie.

    What a dehumanizing thread. You all have a nice day.

  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    the roided out looking guy who grunts while lifting 10-20 pound dumb bells....and the bros that come in late at night and then text while the other is lifting....
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    Haha... I'm a people-watcher, pretty hardcore, so I'll be honest... I love this. LOL.

    Anyway, there are a few at my gym... they're not annoying to me at all, I just like the entertainment of having no idea what someone is doing or why (which, sometimes might just show how ignorant I am). :)

    There's one guy who sports a man ponytail and likes to YELL. Like, not just grunt, YELL. He cycles through different exercises, and he's always lifting like REALLY heavy stuff and almost screaming while he's doing it, and then he literally THROWS them on the ground. Like I said... doesn't bother me, but it's good entertainment for the people-watcher in me. :laugh:

    This week there was a guy on one of the weight machines, with diet coke in hand... and that was pretty funny!

    Last week one of the trainers was working with a couple, and having them do squats in the rack. Another lady was standing there, just watching them, and sipping her shake, for a long while... she finally walked over and interrupted the trainer, told him he was doing it all wrong, and then proceeded to stand around watching all the people working out. I don't think she ever did any exercises of her own! LOL. The trainer then took his clients to the other end of the gym, looking very red in the face.

    There was a girl once doing these weird yoga moves or something on a stability ball, but IN the smith machine. Not sure what that was about.... she also had a bench pulled over there, and was doing all these weird like one-legged balancing acts, and I could not for the life of me figure out what the heck? LOL.

    There's one guy who goes on the same days that I do, and he is a BIG guy. Hyooooge muscles (except I noticed he must be cutting now or something because he's looking a lot slimmer). And he's not much taller than me, either. I call him "Thunder". Once he was chatting with a couple of other guys doing the leg press, and the conversation was:

    Thunder: So, is this your warm-up set?
    Two guys: *shocked face, jaw on the floor, then...* LOL!!!!! No, actually, our goal is that when you get over here you'll have to take weights OFF... HA!
    Thunder: Oh, yeah?? Ha! Well, almost there, then....
    Two guys: *again, shocked face, jaw on the floor*

    ^ They were struggling before he walked up, so, hahaha...

    Yep, lots of entertainment at my gym! I'm not complaining, and hope I can provide at least some entertainment to others.... I'm sure I do, being the noob that I am. :laugh:
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    probably me. I take WAY more than 30 second breaks between sets while I chat with my trainer. Some guy actually asked us to hurry up a few weeks ago, and when I'm on the treadmill I turn my music up really loud, so I have no idea if I am making weird loud noises while running :ohwell:
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    probably me. I take WAY more than 30 second breaks between sets while I chat with my trainer. Some guy actually asked us to hurry up a few weeks ago, and when I'm on the treadmill I turn my music up really loud, so I have no idea if I am making weird loud noises while running :ohwell:

    Haha, I know what you mean about the music.... I'm actually always paranoid about that.... :laugh:
  • Wade406
    Wade406 Posts: 272 Member
    H8TRS unite! Keep posting!