Satisfying My Sweet-tooth



  • krazeestraw
    krazeestraw Posts: 113 Member
    Greek yogurt with some cocoa, a little Splenda, and sliced strawberries. OR Greek yogurt with cinnamon and chopped apples! Mmmmm
  • SexyPrettyMama
    Hi Chick

    I see you are still using that euphemism "sweet tooth". Why not call it what it REALLY is?

    Sugar addiction.

    Then the question becomes, "how can I follow a healthy diet AND continue to feed my sugar addiction"?

    I tried to do that for years and it never, NEVER worked. In the end I had (very reluctantly) to come out of denial and fess up - I was addicted to sugar and was finding any excuse or justification to keep eating it. (Same thing happens with smokers, drug addicts and alcoholics).

    Then I had to go Cold Turkey to get rid of a 50-year sugar addiction. Painful? YES, I won't lie to you. Worth it? Definitely! Am now free of the addiction, and I feel that I have really achieved something. I can follow a diet without continually trying to find ways of adding sugar. PHEW!

    This is the TRUTH! Fruit is all natural and the best bet if you want something sweet.
  • winterswish
    The only "sweet" I can keep in the house and not overeat on are dark chocolate covered espresso beans. 5 of those little gems and I've not only got my chocolate fix but a nice earthy espresso kick. They don't derail my day and I can buy them fairly inexpensively in bulk.
  • SexyPrettyMama
    Some of those ingredients cause scary side effects. Had to give all of those up a long time ago

    Exactly. Whole foods all natural is the best! No Bueno to chemicals.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Whole wheat toast with peanut butter, banana slices, and cinnamon on top.... SOOOO GOOOOOD! And it could be a meal like breakfast or something, not just treat or snack. Or just go get a baby ice cream cone from somewhere! They arnt even that high in calories. Plus there is a very successful chick on this sight that eats ice cream like everyday... Just keep it all within your calories!
  • jlarsonwrites
    jlarsonwrites Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, that is smart! I am having a "duh" moment, lol because I have the same problem. Healthy won't stay healthy if I binge. I am going to try it. Freeze the dough, use as needed. Excellent!
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    sugar free jelly with fruit :)
  • jlarsonwrites
    jlarsonwrites Posts: 4 Member
    Fiber Ones are wonderful when I am having monthly chocolate surges. They see me sanely through, and my husband (skinny guy) likes them too:)
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    That's a really good idea (about baking only a couple of cookies at a time)!
  • MadameMoustache
    MadameMoustache Posts: 54 Member
    For a low calorie, low net carbs, and high protein sweet snack;
    I mix 1 serving of protein powder (I use 30 grams of Prairies Natural Organic Brown rice protein coffee caramel flavor, so yummy) with 1 cup of Silk unsweetened Almond milk and 3 tbsp of ground flax seeds.
    I divide it in 3 and let it sit in the fridge to set.
    If you make 3 it's 77 calories/ 10 grams protein/ 1 gram net carbs.
    If you make 2 it's 115 calories/ 15 grams protein/ 1 gram net carbs.

  • winterswish
    Some of those ingredients cause scary side effects. Had to give all of those up a long time ago

    Exactly. Whole foods all natural is the best! No Bueno to chemicals.

    ^^^This. Sugar free is costly to your health because it's replaced with nasty chems. And fat free typically has a higher carb count because of the gunk they must use to replace the fat in order to make it palatable. I'm in the no-thank you camp.

    Portion controlled, real food.
  • knittykitty123
    Yes! I agree with you about the addiction to sugar. This is something I struggle with daily. My sugar cravings can be intense as my nicotine cravings were when I quit smoking cold turkey several years ago.
  • Mary2302
    Mary2302 Posts: 27 Member
    Woow.. this are great ideas guys.. I really have a big problem with my sweet tooth as well..
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    I can honestly say that these days most of my sugar cravings can be satisfied with fruit. Apples (used to eat macintosh, but now I love granny smiths and they are much lower in sugar), strawberries, bananas, oranges (these especially, they are really refreshing and I never really want to eat after I've had an orange), among others.

    Although... Around my TOM I don't deny myself (I'd become a psycho monster). I indulge in a small amount of dark chocolate (lindt 70% cocoa is my favorite) or frozen Greek yogurt (oikos organic has no fat, it's 100 Cal per1/2 cup, so if I ate the whole pint it would still only be 400 Cal, and it seems much less chemically iffy than other low calorie desserts). Both of those can be found in my local grocery store.

    Hope that helps!
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    If I'm just craving something sweet I have a dessert flavored yogurt. When I want chocolate I either have a sugar free pudding cup or sugar free hot cocoa.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    mini size snickers ice cream bars. 90 calories, very rich and satisfying.

    And easy protion control
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mostly, I'm okay with a non-sugar lifestyle. After a while of being off sugar, if you ever do eat something (like cake at a birthday party or something) it tastes nauseatingly sweet. But, on my heavier workout days, I find that I get a craving for chocolate (probably for the magnesium) so I make my own with dextrose (the industry name for pure glucose). If you MUST eat something sweet, glucose is the way to go, because it doesn't have the "anti-satiety" effect that sucrose has (it is actually the fructose portion of sucrose that has this effect---it's been tested).

    I take four ounces of baker's unsweetened chocolate and melt it in a double boiler, then I add about 1/3 of a cup of dextrose/glucose and stir it in--it dissolves quickly. Then I add a large splash of pure vanilla extract (it really is up to you how much vanilla you want) and stir that in and then divide it into 4 servings onto parchment paper (you could use waxed paper but I find the parchment paper works better). I refrigerate them and then eat one on heavy workout days. This is a very intense chocolate and I make it as bitter as I can stand it. Sometimes, I add powdered espresso to it to give it an extra kick (it intensifies the chocolate flavor). You really can't eat more than one piece of this chocolate and it is very satisfying. Unsweetened chocolate and dextrose can be gotten at your local bulk food store. (Sometimes the dextrose/glucose is called "corn sugar" ---but not to be confused with high fructose corn syrup solids--totally different substance. The hfcs lobby group wanted to call hfcs "corn sugar" but, so far, the FDA has turned them down so as not to confuse hfcs with dextrose/glucose.) The caloric hit is less than 200 calories.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yes! I agree with you about the addiction to sugar. This is something I struggle with daily. My sugar cravings can be intense as my nicotine cravings were when I quit smoking cold turkey several years ago.

    It is the fructose portion of sugar that is the addictive part. (Sucrose, that is table sugar, is 50% fructose and 50% glucose). Glucose is safe to eat because it doesn't have the same metabolic problems as does either sucrose or fructose. But, it isn't a good idea to go wild on the glucose either as it will very quickly jack up your blood glucose levels. It is great for heavy workout days though as it pretty much immediately removes the "hungries". It is absorbed directly from the gut, unlike fructose, which must be processed by the liver.
  • fatgirljessica
    Anything in moderation..

    I have some pretty dessert flutes and I prepped up some strawberry shortcakes in them and put 'em in the fridge.
    I used half a serving of Kroger angel food cake, 2 to 3 strawberries, and two tablespoons of fat free cool whip.
    They're 100 calories a flute and ready to grab whenever I want. :-)
  • Vaughnt12
    try this biggest loser's ice cream sandwiches ..... i graham cracker sheet and 1 tbsp of sugar free cool whip ... and freeze... I like to use chocolate graham crackers.