


  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Scoot on in, Cliff. Play with my hair while you're here....

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Scoot over...let's watch. Who's the man with the popcorn? Hi I'm Cliff can i share.

    Sorry, but the show isn't free. You can't watch unless you contribute to the trolling or buy a ticket.

    Hi newb, get me a beer.

    Oh me too! I need beer :)
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
    hmm bump 4 sure
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I think "selfish" and "self-centered" is too often considered negative. How many people do we know - friends, family, co-workers - who create anxiety, stress, pain, and negativity in their lives in the name of "doing for others." I have family members who are miserable because they don't consider their own wants or needs.

    We are creatures of survival and comfort. The relationships that I feel the best about are ones where I am getting some needs met. Often the best way to get my needs met are to ask for them, set boundaries around them, etc. I don't think it's wrong to consider myself first sometimes. Maybe most times. Even as a husband and father, if I don't think of myself by taking care of myself, I am no good to my family.

    In my experience, most of the time discussion about "selfish" really is a discussion about judgement - that is, *you* are selfish because *you* don't consider my needs as much as I think you should. When I talk of others being selfish, I am generally speaking in terms of others not acting the way I think they should. Who's really being selfish then?
  • People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    What if someone doesn't want a child because perhaps they know the child will not have a nice upbringing. What if the mom has some genetic disease and knows her child will get it and the mom doesn't want the child to suffer from it, how is that selfish?

    What if the country is war torn and the mother knows the child will likely experience trauma from the war or perhaps even die or get injured.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member

    Scoot over...let's watch. Who's the man with the popcorn? Hi I'm Cliff can i share.

    Sorry, but the show isn't free. You can't watch unless you contribute to the trolling or buy a ticket.

    Hi newb, get me a beer.

    Oh me too! I need beer :)
    I could use some hair of the dog! Any brandy with that??
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    I think it is all a balance between hurting/hindering others in order to help/benefit yourself. If you have no regard for how your actions are affecting other people then you are selfish.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think we all share some selfishness...some more than others of course. I grew out of being selfish over time but sometimes it creeps back in because I feel if I start caring I might get hurt again. It just depends on how much you give to her and how it is affecting you. I know that you can't change a person but accept them for who they are. Hopefully they'll realize what they are doing and make things for the best.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    I want to get married... But the US has a thing against 2 chicks doing all that heathonism.

    I also want to have kids, but they cost money and I want to do fun stuff. Like vegas.

    And christians, well I grew up one and still am one, but they don't like the gay much either.
  • I could have written this. The only difference is that the female person is a relative. But I would say that there are "givers" and "takers" and you sound like a kind and giving person like myself (I would like to think) and you are not selfish at all. Just thinking about this negativity does harm to us. I say this person is not worth your time and energy. Now I should take my own advice....
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    If by selfish you mean that I feel I deserve the big O every time, yes I am selfish.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    I want to get married... But the US has a thing against 2 chicks doing all that heathonism.

    I also want to have kids, but they cost money and I want to do fun stuff. Like vegas.

    And christians, well I grew up one and still am one, but they don't like the gay much either.

    We marry your kind up here in Iowa. you just come on up here, pretty lady.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member

    Scoot over...let's watch. Who's the man with the popcorn? Hi I'm Cliff can i share.

    Sorry, but the show isn't free. You can't watch unless you contribute to the trolling or buy a ticket.

    Hi newb, get me a beer.

    No prob... Are you sure that's within your calorie goal, dawg?

    Always room for a beer...thanks

  • Scoot over...let's watch. Who's the man with the popcorn? Hi I'm Cliff can i share.

    Sorry, but the show isn't free. You can't watch unless you contribute to the trolling or buy a ticket.

    Hi newb, get me a beer.

    Oh, Burn...........
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    What if someone doesn't want a child because perhaps they know the child will not have a nice upbringing. What if the mom has some genetic disease and knows her child will get it and the mom doesn't want the child to suffer from it, how is that selfish?

    What if the country is war torn and the mother knows the child will likely experience trauma from the war or perhaps even die or get injured.


    Hypotheticals just aren't enough here.
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    You.... That response... Interesting perspective.

    I'm not sure how not having kids is selfish. I'm not sure how having kids is selfish.

    BUT if I had to choose one action as being selfish I am gonna go with having kids, seeing as there are plenty for you to adopt.

    You want to spread your own genes? HOW SELFISH!!!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    I want to get married... But the US has a thing against 2 chicks doing all that heathonism.

    I also want to have kids, but they cost money and I want to do fun stuff. Like vegas.

    And christians, well I grew up one and still am one, but they don't like the gay much either.

    We marry your kind up here in Iowa. you just come on up here, pretty lady.

    Thanks for the invite, but I've already chosen Canada. I'll get better health care.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    I want to get married... But the US has a thing against 2 chicks doing all that heathonism.

    I also want to have kids, but they cost money and I want to do fun stuff. Like vegas.

    And christians, well I grew up one and still am one, but they don't like the gay much either.

    We marry your kind up here in Iowa. you just come on up here, pretty lady.

    Thanks for the invite, but I've already chosen Canada. I'll get better health care.

    Annnnnnd, we lose another one to Canada! :grumble:
  • People who don't want to get married.
    People who don't want to have kids.
    People who don't want to beleive Christianity.

    Stuff like that.

    wow, I must be incredibly selfish. Let me go call the various charities and single mom best friend that I regularly give money to and tell them I have to stop (sorry if you don't have any groceries to feed your kids) and have a baby (that I don't have time for or want at the moment) and join a religion that is basically a fairy tale so that I won't be a selfish person. I'm wasting time typing, I gotta hurry and stop those donations!!