Opinions please: Why do women get breast implants?



  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I seriously love boobs. I didn't like how mine looked after two kids. At 24 I had gross little skin bags that looked all weird. Weird to ME. My husband at the time wasn't bothered. But that's because he is a butt man and I'm a white girl with a booty. I wanted them to be full. So I had those saggy misporportioned skin bags stuffed with some silicone cohesive gel. I didn't do it to compete with anyone else. I didn't do it for my husbands approval. I got them because I wanted big old fun bags. I don't walk around in low cut shirts. Tight shirts. I wear normal clothes. If I was trying to impress or compete with anyone else I'd wear clothes that showed them off all the time. Instead I prefer to stare at myself naked in the mirror while jumping up and down.
    So would you say that you've probably seen boobs (pics) that looked better than yours before enhancement? And that was the motivation to probably get them done?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    No. I didn't check out random chick boobs. I just wanted boobs that were not bags of blob after the kiddies. The motivation was myself. I wanted to improve how I looked for myself. Only my husband and i saw me naked.
    Not offense but I didn't do it to even any playing field. I have big brown doe eyes, I'm 5'10 with legs for days, a great bum, an awesome face, and I have a great, outgoing personality. To be perfectly honest, the sweater puppies were all for me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't know why women get breast implants. How could I possibly presume to know that or answer that, since I do not have them. Of course, sometimes it is reconstructive surgery because of breast cancer. But, when it is not as reconstruction there are many many reasons, not just one or two (and sometimes women believe there is something inherently wrong with them, so they feel it is correcting a defect). In all honesty, of course many women get them, along with proper counseling, for healthy reasons, but it would be dishonest to say that no one ever gets them because of body dysmorphia or other similar issues (which is a reason for other types of plastic surgery, as well as Ed's and other types of body alteration). But, again, there are many reasons why people choose plastic surgery or body alteration and are happier because of it. I personally, do not want to alter my body (if it was for reconstruction I probably would, but I would need to be in that situation to know for sure).

    I do know a beautiful women (she was a model) and she got breast implants (even though she had perfect breasts) and she got facial plastic surgery as well and she now has that "Michael Jackson" look everyone is always referencing. She also has a history of severe and long term sexual abuse, and many issues still because of it.

    I just also think it is wrong to assume that all women with small breasts are flawed and unhappy. I have small, perky breasts. They are proportional for my small body. I am small, but proportionally curvy figured (in a small way). When I was younger, I would look in the mirror and see a beautiful, attractive body. When I went out, I got lots of attention (too much, actually). But, I still had low self-esteem and I still thought that I must be hideous because I had a misconception about what men wanted. It didn't matter what anyone said. I also had serious past sexual abuse trauma in my home that taught me very harmful things about my body and sexuality (and I know I am not the only person to go through that).

    My husband loves my breasts and my whole body and always has. Sometimes it is challenging for me to find clothing (all types of clothing and bras) in my size. My husband said that just because the world doesn't fit me, does not mean that I should alter my body to fit in, but instead should find a way to make the world fit me, even if it takes more time and effort. He said he would learn how to sew bras and clothing for me if that would stop me from wanting to alter my body.

    I do go to the tailor and have my clothing altered to fit me better in my waist. I just think it is sad if a women alters her body only because she wants clothing to fit better (unless that makes her happy to do so).

    When I wear tighter fitting clothing I get lots of attention and I feel sexy and beautiful. When I am wearing extra smalls, and my clothing is loose, I do not feel good about how I look (I actually get just as much attention, but I assume it is for negative reasons). So, I will find smaller clothing before I will change my body. I am a dancer and I do not want to change my body (or risk how it could impact my strength and ability from what I have read on the issue).

    I agree that we should not body shame women for having breast implants. They are beautiful. But, for any young women reading this, I just want them to know that their breasts and bodies are beautiful and they may not be as small as they think they are, it can be a body image distortion. But, even if it isn't, they are beautiful, and there are many men (or women if they swing that way) that will adore them. I met my husband 17 years ago. He wanted to date me right away and I said I wanted to be friends first (I was attracted to him, I was just not ready for a relationship). And he still adores me every day, all day, any chance he gets.

    Ladies, love your bodies, be thankful for what you have. And if you still want implants, that's ok too. But, don't feel like you have to do it, even if you really don't want to.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i'm pro boob. any boob will do.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    My husband loves my breasts and my whole body and always has. Sometimes it is challenging for me to find clothing (all types of clothing and bras) in my size. My husband said that just because the world doesn't fit me, does not mean that I should alter my body to fit in, but instead should find a way to make the world fit me, even if it takes more time and effort. He said he would learn how to sew bras and clothing for me if that would stop me from wanting to alter my body.
    This speaks so loud, I can hardly hear it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    I'm trying to settle an argument with my brother. He is of the opinion that women only get boob jobs to impress a man. I told him that while that's true sometimes, I think that the majority of women who get breast implants do it for themselves.

    So can anybody help me out with this? I'll be forever grateful :flowerforyou:

    Maybe it's time to have more mature arguments? Just sayin'
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Women get breast implants because they are self conscious, low self-esteem/not happy with their body the way it is. Bottom line.

    Maybe that's why you would...not everybody is like that

    You know, I understand why you are so upset. You are taking everyone opinions personally. I can be empathic about what you had to go through with your experience with cancer. Will i understand fully? no. not today anyway. In your case, you may have got breast restoration because of resent, or maybe you did feel inadequate/insecure without them. I really like the "alone on an island" analogy. If there was no one to judge, and no one to compare to - and you were by yourself on an island...your boobs would be the last thing you would care about (size, shape, perkiness, etc).

    I will challenge you on this. If it was not because of low self-esteem/ feeling insecure after your surgery - why did you get replacements afterwards? You were not happy the way you were...even after the terrible experience of going through cancer.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    In the case of going through breast cancer - I would honestly get breast implants. For any other reasons other than health - no. And btw - there is nothing WRONG or BAD about feeling insecure about our bodies...everyone feels insecure at times. So to be getting defensive about being insecure just displays more denial about it.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    In fact if you think about - that is why we are all on this site! We are insecure with our health/body. To deny this just makes you look stupid.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Women get breast implants because they are self conscious, low self-esteem/not happy with their body the way it is. Bottom line.

    Maybe that's why you would...not everybody is like that

    You know, I understand why you are so upset. You are taking everyone opinions personally. I can be empathic about what you had to go through with your experience with cancer. Will i understand fully? no. not today anyway. In your case, you may have got breast restoration because of resent, or maybe you did feel inadequate/insecure without them. I really like the "alone on an island" analogy. If there was no one to judge, and no one to compare to - and you were by yourself on an island...your boobs would be the last thing you would care about (size, shape, perkiness, etc).

    I will challenge you on this. If it was not because of low self-esteem/ feeling insecure after your surgery - why did you get replacements afterwards? You were not happy the way you were...even after the terrible experience of going through cancer.

    Sweetheart, this is a challenge that you will NEVER win against me. The bottom line is I did what I did because I wanted to...the same reason that I get my hair cut, eye brows waxed, etc...not because of low self esteem, feeling insecure, simply because I wanted to, I could afford it and I did it. Do you get your hair cut? Does that mean you're insecure? Does that make you vain? Are you competing with other women who get their hair done? No...you friggin do it because you want to...it's just as simple as that.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    In fact if you think about - that is why we are all on this site! We are insecure with our health/body. To deny this just makes you look stupid.

    To say that makes you look stupid
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Some of us go the other way and have reductions!

  • XjXannX
    XjXannX Posts: 44 Member
    well, i want implants because i hate the way my breasts look. they just look "off" to me.
  • ZozoMonster
    ZozoMonster Posts: 270 Member
    Since I began my weight loss journey I've lost 2 cup sizes and I REALLY miss my DD boobs... So I've been considering implants because of that.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Some of us go the other way and have reductions!


    OMG...how dare you...you're so insecure...(insert sarcasm)
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but my sister had breast implants for medical reasons. I know, weird right?

    She was born with (got it through puberty? idk correct terms) a deformed breast. The nipple was kind of under her breast. It could interfere with milk production if she ever had kids because everything is all messed up in there. So they did a breast implant on that boob to fix it. Insurance covered it. We paid to have the other breast done because then they'd be the same size.

    It was totally worth it. You can't tell they're fake at all, because we had natural sized ones done, and they are under the muscle. If you see her without her shirt on, she has crazy scars, but still, in clothes you can't tell at all.
  • MellifluousGirl
    MellifluousGirl Posts: 20 Member
    I think the only reason a woman would have some foreign, potentially-toxic, substance inserted into their breasts is because of insecurity, society, patriarchy, and to fit some cultural ideal of what someone else has told them looks good. It isn't as simple as being "for a man" as your brother says. It is for society, because if society said that women look better with small breasts, women would act accordingly.
  • MellifluousGirl
    MellifluousGirl Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, thanks for your post. I hadn't considered the medical aspect.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    Same reason you get your nails done or your hair coloured...
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    If I can ever afford it I will totally get a boob job. Pretty much for the same reason that I work out or that I got a tattoo, that I paint my nails or the way I do my makeup or hair. I like they way it looks. I would do these things regardless if I were single or dating, if I were a lesbian, or if I were asexual and totally uninterested in impressing anyone.

    I've gone from a D to a C and medium to large boobies just don't look that great without a bra and I can only imagine this will exacerbate as I age and after I have kids. I would like to wear cute backless dresses that aren't bra friendly without worrying about my boobs looking all loosey goosey. I don't really want to make them huge, just perkier.

    I believe at one point I was watching LA Inked at one point and one of the girls was contemplating a boob job and called it "the ultimate accessory". I like that way of thinking. It isn't all that different from getting tattoos. It's not that I was unhappy with my body beforehand, I just like it better after.
  • Elma1975
    I'm trying to settle an argument with my brother. He is of the opinion that women only get boob jobs to impress a man. I told him that while that's true sometimes, I think that the majority of women who get breast implants do it for themselves.

    So can anybody help me out with this? I'll be forever grateful :flowerforyou:
    There can be so many reasons for women to have breast implants. One of my friends was married to a man who loved her very much and she knew she didn´t have to impress him, she on the other hand had implants for herself, it made her feel better about herself, it gave her confident and yes I agree it made her more feminine.
    Another one I know had implants after losing her real breast to cancer, she didn´t even want the size she had before, she got smaller.
    So there is no way to say why excatly women prefer to have breast implants.