What is the WORST food and nutrition advice....



  • davepearson86
    davepearson86 Posts: 158 Member
    If you replace everything with cauliflower, you're bound to lose weight!
    Why have 2 eggs in the morning when you can have 1 white egg and a head of minced cauliflower? You can't tell the difference! You don't have taste buds, nor can sense texture!
    Hamburger? Replace the patty with cauliflower!
    Ice Cream? Cauliflower!
    Cauliflower? Cauliflower!

    I think that could work especially the ice cream with cauliflower bit
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    'eat it, I'm pretty sure it's gluten free'

    All of the lies!
  • brichnic
    brichnic Posts: 14
    That stupid cinnamon boiled in water in the morning crap.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Lots of "magic hour" advice, like no fruit past 2 pm or no food at all after 6 pm.

    "Shakes and smoothies and juicing all are much better for you than actual food"

    "Never eat breakfast, lunch, dinner...just eat MINI MEALS!" I actually think one of my healthy-eating strengths my entire life has been 3 relatively equal meals a day - no skipped meals and no snacks. While 6-8 mini meals might work for some people, I'd find it difficult to balance and I believe I am fine with my spaced out breakfast, lunch and dinner!

    "It's perfectly healthy to eat only bacon, cheese, and eggs long-term as your diet" (same person complained about her halitosis and other new health problems since beginning said diet)

    "Eat anything you want while you're breastfeeding, McDonald's, ice cream, etc...it helps your breast milk. So don't worry about healthy food until you have weaned the baby"
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    That I'll never drop a single pound of weight if I eat foods with alot of HFCS and Sugar in it.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Slimfast...My doctor put me on this when I was 11 years old just because it worked for him :noway: I drank it for three days and I was violently ill. I remember my dad taking me to the hospital because I wouldn't stop vomiting. They couldn't believe that a doctor had put me on that crap at that age! This was back in 1991 when Slimfast was all the hype.

    Anything revolving around having to eat at certain times like not eating past 7 or that breakfast is a necessity. I have done fairly well breaking these rules :wink:

    I tried Slimfast 3-4 times in my life (as an older teen and adult though...I can't believe your doc recommended that to an 11 year old, wtf). It made me feel very nauseated and crave chicken. No idea why LOL
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Don't eat carrots, they have carbs. Don't eat bananas, they have too much sugar. Don't eat corn, too much sugar... Same with peas. Beets? Same thing. Well, what the hell am I supposed to eat? Stupid extremist "diets."
    This! Also cabbage soup diet! Which I fell for twice!
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    While I agree on the whole with the paleo-fad, isn't that kinda what most of us are doing?

    *My* Meal Plan for Tomorrow:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal & berries, coffee
    Snack: Fresh fruit
    Lunch: Salad with chicken
    Dinner: Free-range pork chop, asparagus & mushrooms
    Snack: fruit & greek yogurt

    Sample menu from paleo-site:

    Breakfast: Omega-3 or free ranging eggs scrambled in olive oil with chopped parsley. Grapefruit, or any fresh fruit in season, herbal tea
    Snack: Sliced lean beef, fresh apricots or seasonal fruit
    Lunch: Caesar salad with chicken (olive oil and lemon dressing), herbal tea
    Snack: Apple slices, raw walnuts
    Dinner: Tomato and avocado slices; grilled skinless turkey breast; steamed broccoli, carrots, and artichoke; bowl of fresh blueberries, raisins, and almonds;

    Nope, I eat plenty of grains, beans, legumes and dairy. No need to cut out anything unless you're intolerant.
  • peanutbutterrunna
    Anything and everything posted on the sickening "thinspo" side of Tumblr. It's not wonder so many young women are disordered.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Fat Flush diet. It was a bogus VLC "detox" diet. You were allowed to eat as many veggies as you wanted, only 2 fruits a day in smoothie form with a vegan protein powder, no cheese/milk, couldn't have certain spices or condiments, the only other snack you could eat was omega-3 eggs, had to include flax oil or seeds with each meal, no sugar, only organic products whenever possible, only 1 meal a day with 1 lean protein, had to drink "cranwater" all day (100% cranberry juice mixed in water) the only exercise you could engage in was walking and "bouncing" for 15 minutes (yep...shaking yourself encourages your lymph nodes to clean themselves or some ****)...I can go on. I lasted less than a day. It was terrible.

    Special K diet.

    Slim Fast diet.


    Everyone else hit 'em on the head.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Anything and everything posted on the sickening "thinspo" side of Tumblr. It's not wonder so many young women are disordered.

    I'm so sick of thinspo.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Anything and everything posted on the sickening "thinspo" side of Tumblr. It's not wonder so many young women are disordered.

    I'm so sick of thinspo.

    Fitspo is heading down the same track. Ugh, I try not to walk down that road!
  • AnaCoffee
    AnaCoffee Posts: 95 Member
    This! Also cabbage soup diet! Which I fell for twice!

    When I did WW 12 or so years ago, they touted 0 Point Soup of which the main ingredient was cabbage. I remember making huge batches of it and freezing it. Hub and I ate so much of it because hey, it was 0 points and didn't add to your daily total! :sick:

    ETA: This is NOT bashing WW. I was adding to those groaning about cabbage soup. :(
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    my mother's crazy diets.

    tomato, egg, half a grapefruit for breakfast. tomato, egg for lunch. tomato for dinner.

    or something like that.
  • radeema
    radeema Posts: 161 Member
    Sorry but i personally lost 50 pounds through weightwatchers. Maintained it over 2 years now
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Anything and everything posted on the sickening "thinspo" side of Tumblr. It's not wonder so many young women are disordered.

    I'm so sick of thinspo.

    Fitspo is heading down the same track. Ugh, I try not to walk down that road!

    Fitspo and I are still cool. At least it doesn't encourage terrible habits and negative self esteem.

    Or so I've seen...
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    "Eating carbs will make you fat."
    "Eating meat will make you fat."
    "Eating dairy will make you fat."
    "Eating fat will make you fat."

    So looks like we should all be sitting down to a nice meal of air and water then! *facepalm*
  • Baby_sway86
    Baby_sway86 Posts: 62 Member
    The funniest I heard was from ex mother - said she got it from a doctor, but I'm pretty sure she was making it up as she went along. No milk in coffee bc it's to fatty - thou she did replace the milk with 100% full cream (not creamer just plain cream like cool whip), has to be straight bacon for breakfast - bc one again milk in cereal. That's was just two of my favs.
    This same lady would cook pasta in half water and half oil (and I do mean half).

    Her 'doctor' also told her she should do any exercise at all and to try and stay of her feet to lose the weight.
  • SteviMcEwan
    1200 calories is adequate.

    it's not.

    pretty much ever.

    unless under direct supervision of a physician.

    or if you're 4 feet tall.

    Um ACTUALLY, I am 5'2 and mine is 1270. It is adequate and since starting on MFP 2 weeks ago I have lost 7lbs. I am exercising too and eating back my calories but on days where I dont exercise 1270 is plenty. I am not saying it will work for everyone but making a general statement such as yours is incorrect.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    water can make you fat