Why/how did you become overweight?



  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I was overweight and chubby as a child. When I was 8 I remember going to gymnastics class and feeling awful in my leotard because I had a very large pot belly. I stayed chubby and obese through high school and college.

    In my childhood, my grandmother used to serve me large plates of white spaghetti soaked in butter and many pans of freshly baked Toll House cookies. Although neither parent was fat, and neither one encouraged unhealthy habits, I seemed to gain weight very easily in those years.
  • GwennyH
    GwennyH Posts: 80 Member
    Were you always overweight? No, I used to be a perfectly healthy weight: definitely not skinny, but not overweight either.

    Did you "let yourself go"? Yes. Partially because other things became a higher priority (my kids and other important things in life), but partially, because I did not realize my metabolism was slowing down as I aged. I still had the "I can eat anything I want and it won't hurt me" mindset, which worked okay in my 20's. Not so much into my 30's! Approaching 40's now, it is absolutely NOT working, LOL. And, it didn't help that I still "felt" young/fit and not bad-looking, when in fact, my self-perception was REALLY skewed. I was actually getting really big/bloated. I didn't see it in the mirror every morning, but I sure started seeing it in pictures people took of me. Eventually I started dodging cameras and then I was aware that I had a problem.

    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication? Nope. Although I'm hypothyroid with fluctuating medication levels, I really can't blame that. If anything, I believe the Hypothyroidism was aggravated (maybe even partially caused?) more by the way I was living/eating and NOT the other way around...

    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food? Almost the entire time I was overweight, I was also an active person, with up to 3 toddlers at the same time (back to back to back children to chase)... I even ran-walked a marathon at just 10 lbs under my highest weight. We hiked/explored routinely and do a lot of family activities like swimming, waterparks, etc). But activity made no difference when I was taking in unlimited Coca Cola, drive-thru, homemade baked goods (homemade is not necessarily healthier, something I have since learned from tracking) and eating whatever, whenever I wanted...

    To me, AWARENESS was the first step. BALANCE was the second step: active AND diet-conscious, yet not depriving or frustratingly difficult rules to live by... Now I'm "almost" to the healthy weight range again and I'm excited! My eyes are now open to what I was previously doing to myself... And I can't "let myself go" anymore. :)
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Pretty much always been a chubber! I was a shy child, possibly vaguely intelligent. I preferred reading to most other activities; I certainly preferred it to exercise. I discovered 'being online' in the late 80s and basically never logged off, aside from some short stints where I went clubbing and bar-hopping a ton (and was pretty hot, if I may say so, lol). In my mid-teens I was also diagnosed with both depression and hypothyroidism, and throughout my life I have often been terrible about taking my meds. Also, I really like pizza and beer.

    I haven't eaten too poorly for a long time, but I really basically just don't move enough.
  • deathbypretzel
    I used to be slim when I was 6 or so, but progressively got chubbier and chubbier until where I am now.
    My parents taught me to eat crap food in large quantities. I would compete with my dad to see who could eat the last slice of pizza (we're only a family of three, so we shouldn't be finished off an XL pizza in one sitting anyways). Same with pumpkin pie, cheesecake, Velveeta shells n' cheese, etc. I normally try not to blame people for EVERYTHING, but I think in this case I can. They are my parents, after all, and it's not like I knew better.
    I'm trying to be more responsible about what I eat now that I'm a teenager, but it's hard when you're not the one who buys the food in your house. I just have to pick the best of the worst foods. Since I get a few bucks a week for school lunch, I save that up and buy fruit and veggies at the store on my way home, instead of the horrendous school lunches, and back bento-style lunches packed with fruit and veg instead of an s-ton of rice. They're fun for me to make and I can easily control portion sizes.
    It doesn't really seem to be working so far, only because it's hard for me to be consistent. Weekends are still really hard, because my family like to go out to eat - and it's hard to just get a small salad.
    At one point last summer I lost ~25lbs, but it all packed back on in the fall and winter. Now I'm down 10lbs...80 more to go lol.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    How did I become overweight? Well I grew up with a mother who loved to eat out...I mean 3 meals a day. We went to places like Red Lobster,Applebees, Mcdonalds..all the time, she never cooked except maybe Christmas. To this day..she still asked me everyday to eat out and I finally got the will power to say no, for some reason this was when my son was killed. It has strained my marriage somewhat because I crave fast food and my hubby grew up with a garden and home cooked meals.....
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    I always loved food, especially sweets, from when I was little. I wasn't fat at the time because my parents controlled what I ate for the most part, and I was very tall for my age, and so even though I ate a lot, I grew a lot too, and it didn't matter. But when I was around twelve and started puberty, my parents both started working full time (before one was stay-at-home and the other worked part-time) and so all of a sudden no one was around to tell me to eat my fruits and vegetables and not ice cream and cookies. I started gaining weight but didn't really pay it any mind because my parents told me it was part of puberty and I was just growing up (bear in mind they weren't really aware how much bad stuff I had started eating). I used this logic to let my eating get totally out of hand - I ate, and ate, and ate, and stopped caring that I was gaining weight because I figured that 1) I was tall so I would grow and it would be fine, and 2) puberty would naturally slow things down (I don't really know where I got that from but hey, hungry twelve year old me thought it made sense). But I stopped growing, and reached my current height of 5'5", quite an average height. My weight kept increasing though, until now, when I've finally decided that I need to take control of my body, stop putting junk in it, and get back on the right track while I'm still lucky enough to have a young and fast metabolism.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I was a very active kid - we grew up on a farm, I played soccer, rode a bike everywhere, etc. Even still, I was always a little taller and a little heavier than the other kids. So even when I look back now and see I was fit and healthy, I still felt "fat" (5-10 lbs bigger is Huge when you're little!). I also started puberty early and developed early. This all changed around 13 when my parents got into a bad divorce. I was 5'3" - the height I am now - then and weighed 125-130 lbs. Things were bad in the divorce, a lot of problems with my mother and my brother was with her and me with my dad and it was hard all around. I started self comforting with food very heavily. I'd done it off and on at times before then, but only a cookie here or there. It went south fast. I gained and gained and didn't have friends because I was the fat girl, so that made me more sad so I ate more. I've had many many times where I got a hold of myself and lost weight. But every time it came back on and I gained even more back. I hit my low point a couple years in 2010 after my Dad passed away a couple years before...I'd eaten myself up to 368 lbs in a bad depression - nearly 100 lbs since he'd passed away. So the self soothe cycle with food is a big big issue with me. One I continue to struggle and fail at. =/
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    Were you always overweight?
    Or were you once a healthy weight?
    Did you "let yourself go"?
    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication?
    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food?

    I was average growing up. Not fat, not skinny, just medium sized. My parents and doctors never said anything about my weight and it was never an issue.

    Then in college I started gaining weight because instead of being at home eating the healthy meals my mom made, I was celebrating my freedom and adulthood by eating whatever I wanted. My mother has always been super healthy and all our food was made from scratch either from the garden or local, fresh ingredients. Even our bread was homemade from wheatvwe got from a relative's farm and then ground ourselves. I never had to think about what to eat before because Mom always did it for us. But suddenly to go from fresh, natural to instant and prepackaged everything... I went from a medium to an XL in no time.

    I thought the solution was to exercise. I'd workout a lot, lose some weight and then stall. Then I'd get frustrated, give up, gain back double the weight I'd lost - rinse and repeat. I gained the weight gradually and figured it was genetics because I'd heard my biological dad had weight issues and since my sister and mom were so small. It took me almost 15 years to gain all that weight so I didn't turn fat overnight, but now that I've finally made the connection between quantity of calories, quality of food and how it affects my weight, I think I'll be able to keep this weight off and stay healthy for the rest of my life.

    Or until I get tired of all the attention and admiration of men and decide to get fat again so they will leave me alone. Ha ha.
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Was chubby as a baby, always a little overweight as a kid, healthy as a young adult. Then gained weight with each pregnancy. I hit critical mass when I watched myself on a video taken at a conference... enter MFP for the second time.
  • psych0kitty
    I was skinny all the way through my late teens and I didn't know it. I always thought I was fat, but when I see pictures of myself back then, I can't believe how skinny I was.

    In my early 20's, three things happened: started on a bunch of medications (including birth control pills... never again!), was in a relationship with someone who reinforced my bad behavior, and stopped being vegetarian (read: OMG MCDONALDS).

    14 years and 90 pounds later, I'm off all medications, but the weight I had gained didn't care. I am happily married to a man I basically forced to quit smoking (woohoo!) who gained a lot of weight as a result, so now we're both trying to regain control. It's nice to be able to do it together, except that he gets to eat so much more than I do.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I was a fat kid up until the summer I was 14. Then I met a boy who actually liked me and for whom my weight was a non-issue. I lost the weight without even trying just because I was so happy at the time. I was a slim teen, and only gained a little weight in college. On my 32nd birthday, I was diagnosed with crohn's disease, and put on some seriously high doses of corticosteroids. I gained 70 pounds, topping at 213 pounds. Now that my condition is under control, I am doing well enough to do what I can to be healthier. I'm going to the gym 5 days a week, eating much better now that I can digest something other than pudding and slimfast, and having fun with my kids and husband. Life is going to only get better.
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i got fat because i ate too much of the wrong foods and thought exercise was punishment. i didn't know what was healthy and what wasn't. i got very fat when i became diabetic but went undiagnosed for 3 years or so. after getting proper treatment and an education, i did much better. after 12 years of being on a permanent diet, i overworked myself and just gave up and had a tantrum that lasted for 3 years.
    now i'm fat again, and that's what i earned.
    but i'm earning my health back, one day at a time.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I have always been chubby for as long as I can remember. At one point I lost 100 lbs and was partying and loving life but then I had a series of events happen in my life. I use to run until an abusive boyfriend injured my hip and made me feel small and victimized and put me into flashbacks of a harder time in my life. Shortly afterwards I was mugged at gunpoint and then a man.tried to abduct me and I gave up on health altogether and plumpled up to a number higher than I have ever seen before. I never left my home except to.go to. Work I orded pizza and Chinese food rather than groceries. I think part of me thought if I got fat and stopped doing my hair and make.up then less people would pay attention to me and people wouldn't want to hurt me anymore. It's silly I.know and agr, its something I never noticed until I was evaluating my.life.

    So, I decided I would no linger allow these events to victimize me and I would start raking my life back. I walked to.the store last week and am eating healthy, which I actually really enjoy. I am working up.the courage to go running outside. I wake up early in the morning to do it, I just have to do it.

    I realize how ridiculous my story sounds buuuuut yeah... That's that. Feels good to get off my chest. ^_^
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member

    Were you always overweight?

    >> Nope. I was a very active, athletic, light/medium weight kid

    Or were you once a healthy weight?

    >> Yes, even after having 2 kids

    Did you "let yourself go"?

    >> More like I threw myself away in a spiral of personal turmoil related to divorce, financial crises, family garbage, etc

    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication?

    >> Actually all 3 were contributing factors. I was suffering from PTSD but couldn't figure out what was going on and didn't have insurance, time, or money to go for the kind of help I needed anyway. My knee was broken out at a right angle to my body in an accident with a horse at work, taking me out of the hard physical outdoorsy work I had done for years. And the one doctor visit I did go to put me on an anti-depressant that messed up my thyroid and made me hungry all the time, but I didn't find out that was a side effect until years later. At that point I didn't care that my weight was exploding. I had much more serious problems.

    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food?

    >> Crap food, all the way. Eating crap food was kind of my way of proving to myself that even though so much was beyond my control, at least I could eat what pleased me. Now I cringe thinking of what I used to eat. Ow.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    For those of you who want to share, I am interested to hear your stories about why/how you became overweight.

    Were you always overweight?
    always overweight but extremely active (ranked tennis player) until a knee injury at age 52
    Or were you once a healthy weight?
    Only for short periods at a time
    Did you "let yourself go"?
    After my injury I substituted the internet for my exercise but didn't change my eating habits.
    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication?
    Later had lots of joint problems including a hip replacement.
    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food?
    Was always very active but just ate too much. I also taught PE and tennis many years but still overate. It was a combination of lots of healthy foods but also too much crap.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Were you always overweight?

    No. I started gaining weight when I was very young, though. I had an abusive step-father who beat me like clock work. I think I was overeating because that's what made me feel better. I spent a time in my teens when I was rail thin, but once I hit about 15 the pounds started coming back on. More abuse, just a different kind this time and not by the same hands.

    Or were you once a healthy weight?

    Once, in my early preteens. I was practicing karate and jogging a lot. My friends kept me active, and I didn't think about food much.

    Or perhaps it was due to a traumatic event, injury or medication?

    Since my 20's I've had severe nerve pain and muscle cramping. Many doctors later, I finally found out at the age of 30 that I have Fibromyalgia, but I'm not letting that stop me anymore. With the right medication, I'm now working to lose the weight I've carried so long.

    And did anyone become overweight while still being an active person and (over)eating homemade, whole foods, or was it only through eating essentially crap food, processed foods, restaurant/fast food?

    Crap Food
  • KabesXO
    I was slightly overweight as a child, however even the smallest bit of budge will attract bullies. And with bullies came stress - mostly during the awkward pre-teen stage. I gained about 30lbs in the year before highschool started. I hated myself with a passion, and drastically changed avoiding eating. I lost over 50lbs in a matter of months, and once i got over my "food fear fad" I began eating regularly. Of course, that resulted in a big weight gain. Then college began, and I'm now the heaviest I've ever been. I blame stress, and eating crappy processed foods - no ones fault but myself. However I'm working on it, in hopes of achieving a healthy weight (but maintaining some curves!).
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    So, I decided I would no linger allow these events to victimize me and I would start raking my life back. I walked to.the store last week and am eating healthy, which I actually really enjoy. I am working up.the courage to go running outside. I wake up early in the morning to do it, I just have to do it.

    I realize how ridiculous my story sounds buuuuut yeah... That's that. Feels good to get off my chest. ^_^
    Far, far from silly. Fat is a really good defense mechanism-- and you certainly had your share of hard knocks. Congratulations on your bravery! :)
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    So, I decided I would no linger allow these events to victimize me and I would start raking my life back. I walked to.the store last week and am eating healthy, which I actually really enjoy. I am working up.the courage to go running outside. I wake up early in the morning to do it, I just have to do it.

    I realize how ridiculous my story sounds buuuuut yeah... That's that. Feels good to get off my chest. ^_^
    Far, far from silly. Fat is a really good defense mechanism-- and you certainly had your share of hard knocks. Congratulations on your bravery! :)

    Thank you! It feels good to hear someone say that. :) makes me feel not as crazy. Haha.
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    Was 108 lb when I got married and quite strong age 22. 110lbs at 25 when I got pregnant with my first child. Had 4 kids in 6years. Bed rest with all 4 midway through. Then got to busy with them thought I never had time to exercise I did not take care of me. THat is how I got fat.