Lose 5 Pounds in March - Open Grou



  • piersons
    piersons Posts: 51 Member
    SW: 207
    CW: 166
    GW: 161

    I'm late but in...

    Weigh in Dates:
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    I don't have a new exercise lined up but I have been off the wagon with exercising lately so the goal is to get back in teh habit.
  • natecar
    natecar Posts: 11
    SW: 250
    CW: 242.75
    GW: 210

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1: 243.5
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    SW: 191
    CW: 130
    GW: 125

    I am adding more strength training to my workouts. I just want to get rid of those last 5lbs before Spring Break (end of this month).
  • gaya195
    gaya195 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting a little late but want to hit the mark - Giving it my all :)

    SW: 195
    CW: 186
    GW: 165

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/4 - 186
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Exercise Goal for the month - I have been off of running for almost a 6 months and my exercise goal is to at the least run twice a week this month.
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    I'm kind of new here but this seems fun. I'll give it the ol' college try.

    SW: 214
    CW: 197.6
    GW: 190

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 - 197.6
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Exercise Goal for the month - A work friend of mine finally talked me into going to her crossfit class last week. I enjoyed it but as I don't do any intense cardio or very high reps when I lift it's really hard on me. My goal this month is to go from twice a week to Mon-Fri by the last week of the month.
  • destinee75
    destinee75 Posts: 14 Member
    So doing this!!

    SW: 215
    CW: 190
    GW: 185

    Weigh in Dates:
    3.4 185.5
    End of Month:

    Total weight lost:
  • akh1030
    akh1030 Posts: 10 Member
    SW: 250
    CW: 231
    GW: 125

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 - 231
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Exercise Goal for the month - Walking at least three times a week. We are going to Vegas for the first time this weekend for five days, so the eating part will be hard, I'm letting myself have some fun, just not too much. But, we will be doing a ton of walking as we explore, so that should help.
  • jonswife0206
    jonswife0206 Posts: 125 Member
    SW: 285
    CW: 235.2
    GW: 230.2

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 235.2
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What new fitness exercise or event are you going to do this month? Increase my speed and endurance on the Spin bike !
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    It wouldn't let me edit, so here is my update with a weight.

    SW: 299 (highest weight)
    CW: 286
    GW: 270

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1- 286lbs
    End of Month

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What new fitness exercise or event are you going to do this month?
    I'm going to start back with my C25k training. There is a fundraiser race at the school of nursing that I graduated from that I'd like to participate in on 4/6, and then the school's alumni race is 4/20. I'd also going to try and start doing more weights and strength based activities. I am ok with cardio but want to be building muscle too and I like the good burn I feel in the days after a good session.
  • mcaffreyg
    mcaffreyg Posts: 69 Member
    Hello there! I am hoping to loose five lbs in Feb or more!

    SW: 250.8
    CW: 236.4
    GW: 230.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 -- 236.4
    3/8 --
    3/15 --
    3/22 ---
    3/28 ---
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: 14.4
  • Isis2123
    Isis2123 Posts: 36
    SW: 148
    CW: 144
    GW: 140 -4 lbs.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 144
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: It's only my second month so I'm hoping to nail down a weekly routine. I also have a 5K at the end of the month.
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    starting weight is 122.8 (date 3/4)
    goal weight is 117

    It does not seem like much but I have gained 10 pounds sense Thanksgiving
    I do not want 112, that was to low, but I do want 117 before April 20, I am going to a wedding
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    my first 5K
    was so wonderful, I was dead last but it was
    a super goal of mine
  • lisalu20
    lisalu20 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, I am having a problem editing my entry. Any solutions?
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    It wouldn't let me edit, so here is my update with a weight.

    SW: 299 (highest weight)
    CW: 286
    GW: 270

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1- 286lbs
    End of Month

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: What new fitness exercise or event are you going to do this month?
    I'm going to start back with my C25k training. There is a fundraiser race at the school of nursing that I graduated from that I'd like to participate in on 4/6, and then the school's alumni race is 4/20. I'd also going to try and start doing more weights and strength based activities. I am ok with cardio but want to be building muscle too and I like the good burn I feel in the days after a good session.

    Still can't edit. Let's change my current weight to 283. I weighed this morning and was 282 and high change- I managed to diuresis and get rid of some of my water weight (my feet and legs swell horribly and that easily adds 5lbs to my scale).
  • ausped
    ausped Posts: 58 Member
    SW: 234
    CW: 172 (2/26)
    GW: 167

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1 171.6
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: 0.4

    I am training for a half marathon on April 7 so that training will be most of my fitness in March!
    3/1 started this morning with a quick 3 mile run :)

    3/2 did my "long" run for the week - 8 miles in under 1hour 20 minutes - YEAH!
    3/3 3 mile recovery run at a good pace - just under 10 minute mile. :)
    3/4 3 mile run
    3/5 3 mile run in the rain at 35 degrees - brr!

    decided I would like 110 miles in March - have 20 down - 90 to go.
  • haberchic
    haberchic Posts: 24 Member
    SW: 147
    CW: 143
    GW: 125

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/1- 143
    End of Month

    Total weight lost: 1 lb.

    Just for fun: What new fitness exercise or event are you going to do this month?
    Started C210k training. Also signed up for a bootcamp and weights class.
  • quinoafool
    quinoafool Posts: 5 Member
    SW: 154.8
    CW: 154
    GW: 135

    Weigh in dates (missed 3/1):

    I got the FitnessBlender program (6 bucks, YESSSS) and am starting it tonight! I am also fully expecting to get my butt handed to me.
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    Got asked out by a guy I thought would NEVER come around... that = PLENTY of motivation for me to GET THIS DONE!

    (no joke: I put down the chips & went apple shopping shortly after)

    SAD... but TRUE!
    hopefully making the changed to my diet (that I SHOULD have done AGES ago will pay off)

    March 1: starting: 190lbs
  • lisalu20
    lisalu20 Posts: 46 Member
    I seem to be stuck at the moment. Maybe a challenge will be good for me.:smile:

    SW. 68 kg
    CW. 64.3 kg
    GW. 62 kg

    Weigh in dates
    3/1 64
    End of the month.
    I am trying to do more body weight exercises to improve muscle tone this month. So far going ok.

    Total weight lost.

    4 kg