Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I WAS fat because:

    1. I didn't want to put effort into losing weight
    2. I didn't care about gaining weight from eating too much because I didn't think I would ever be able to control my relationship with food.
    3. I was too lazy to workout because I had sleeping problems and could barely make it through a work day, nevermind a workout too (and it turns out that my sleeping problems are 100% cured from keeping a healthy lifestyle...go figure)

    NOW I am healthy and strong, and no longer fat because I decided to believe in myself.
  • TheNewo
    TheNewo Posts: 239 Member
    overeating, overeating, not enough exercise, no strength training, overeating some more, depression, school stress and an affinity for nachos while studying, more overeating, and an abundance of alcohol.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member

    i love cookies

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Very Simple Answer:
    I ate too much of the wrong food.
    I loved eating out and was lazy when it came to making meals. My husband and I would eat out 4-5 nights a week because we didn't feel like cooking. And of couse when we were out I never chose healthy options, because let's face it, who goes to a restaurant for a salad (LOL).
    And exercise, WTF, who wanted to do that.
    Obviously things have changed drastically and for the better!
  • Nikki_XC
    Nikki_XC Posts: 69
    I eat too much. Period. I'm not fat, not thin... kind of in the middle. I gained weight from lack of movement (being in IT and working with computers and playing video games). In the last few years I've increased activity level, but my appetite also increased with it!

    I will admit, I know I eat out of boredom and stress.. I'm working on that and trying to reevaluate my relationship with food altogether.
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    open mouth, insert food, rinse, repeat
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    I was heavy all my life even though I played sports. My parents never had healthy things in the house, we ate lots of fast food, and they never regulated how much ate. As I got older, I would eat because I was stressed or bored.

    I'm happy to say after a year on MFP, the weight is gone and I've completely changed my life, and I'm making sure that the mistakes that were made with me are not being made with my own children.
  • 11MichelleL
    STRESS! It is the finger that pushes the domino. I eat a bit too much, I avoid exercise some, I don't drink enough water, I don't get enough sleep, and I make a few bad food choices (carbs because I have inherited the tendency to type II diabetes). With each of those factors awry, I gain weight steadily (small amounts but steadily). As time goes on, it adds up to more than a small amount.

    Since I can't get rid of the stress completely, I need to be more mindful of ALL of it from here on out. I am working hard to find a way to eat that will allow me to lose weight now and stop the little gains later. It is difficult, but I've lost 10 pounds since Jan 1, so I believe the program I've chosen is working and I am going to keep testing it. It would be wonderful if this is the way I can keep eating and not make those little gains. :)
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    Cramming junk food in my face as therapy. Convincing myself 25 minutes on the elliptical was adequate exercise for me. Not enough protein, not enough water. No strength training.
  • getjicky
    getjicky Posts: 5
    I love to cook...and eat (and drink wine), but got too busy working and not enough sleep/play/me-time to exercise and last year menopause hit. I was getting close to goal and it seemed like a losing battle so I stopped fighting and the lbs started piling on big-time. Now I'm determined to be the healthiest me I can be and carve out me-time no matter what to plan good meals and get my exercise in.
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member
    I can't get this to work!

  • dliz908
    dliz908 Posts: 25 Member
    When I met my husband almost 17 (wow, I am getting old) years ago I was thin and basically in shape at 5'2 and about 110lbs. I had just turned 21 and the next year or so of partying, eating out and no exercise packed on a good 20lbs. Add on an adverse reaction to Depo the following year and by the time I got married at 23 I gained a total of 35lbs. Tack on two kids in as many years, a new office job that involved sitting for 8-9 hours a day (with fast food lunches and high calorie snacks to boot) and the weight was easily packed on. I have lost 20lbs a couple times, only to gain it back and then some because I didn't make a life change - just went on an unrealistic diet. Had a come to Jesus moment in late November and joined the gym and started making changes to the way I eat. Am close to 25lbs lost since Christmas (when I actually started tracking the weight, since the first month was pretty spotty with diet and exercise). I would like to see it come off faster, but have to keep reminding myself that it took 17 YEARS to add all the weight, I can't expect it to come off in two months.

    Shorter story - ate too much of the wrong stuff, didn't do anything to burn off the calories.
  • Velv3tkisses
    I was taken advantage of.
  • singingsophie
    singingsophie Posts: 6 Member
    It's been said several times, but I have always been fat and don't think I ever learned proper portion control. I tend to eat until I'm full and need to unlearn that behavior. I also eat when I'm bored and I eat to socialize. Years of partying and drinking don't help either.
  • 21Jenny21
    21Jenny21 Posts: 53
    I was so fit and had the perfect body weight for my age. I swam competitively for 10 years, three times per week sometimes 5 at my fittest,plus was always hanging around outside with friends no matter what the weather. I began smoking and drinking at 13, I battled with depression from a very young age as do most of the girls in my family.then the swimming went downhill from there. I drank heavily when i turned 18 and ate loads of junk food thinking ill never get fat. then I became pregnant at 19 and ate loads. my baby was still born at 7 months. I comfort ate after that and drank quite a bit too.
    Then on the 19 april, the day after my babys EDD, I got a black lab/st bernard pup. He saved my sanity. I started taking him for walks and went out more with him.. Now hes 1 next month and still keeps me on my feet i have to take him to a field for an hour every day to play with him.. ! if it wasnt for my big pup I dunno where I would be now!!
  • 4everkurts
    The real reason I am fat is because I love food, the taste, the texture everything about it. And though I am carrying far too much weight around, it has never effected the love my husband has shown me for 40 years, and it hasn't kept me from working and living life. HOWEVER, it is now effecting my joints and legs. So my love affair with food has to end!
  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    College pretty much ruined it for me. And the fact that I had to take a steroid for a medical condition and those things make you crave food, even if you aren't hungry. I am still on the steroid but I now can tell the difference between me actually being hungry and the medicine making me think I am hungry.

    I am only 3 year out of college, so I know I can get myself back to a comfortable weight easily. I just need to motivate myself and that is why I rejoined MFP. My fiance is really supportive and has to loose weight himself (he's joining the fire department). So at least we both have the same fitness goal: to be healthy for our future together. I just need to get myself started, and winter snow does not help with motivation :-(
  • wildchild06241
    wildchild06241 Posts: 130 Member

    This is a picture of me last night. I have lost 15 pounds and am ready to start lifting!! 28 days to my last weigh in for Biggest Loser and then off to a gym with weights and a personal trainer. On to the next level of fitness.

  • 21Jenny21
    21Jenny21 Posts: 53
    Initially, I didn't eat.

    My ex was a sob, who said "if you dont lose weight before we get married, we are not getting married" to which I replied "how will I know if its enough?"
    And he said "wether I turn up or not"

    So all I ate was fish, baked with veggies, once a day (his idea)

    Many years of that crap, now Im eating non stop, and losing!
    Your ex was a *kitten* who doesnt deserve anyone except himself as his own bad company. Im glad hes our ex and you are now eating well..!! Go you.. well done!!
  • hot2def
    hot2def Posts: 80 Member
    According to my parents I was always big. At my one year check-up, the doctor advised my parents to put me on skim milk instead of whole milk. Of course, no good southern family would do that to a baby, so I guess I kept being fed.

    I have never had a day of life that I can remember that I was not big. I have never walked into a store and just shopped off the rack. My earliest memories of shopping are pretty plus girls pants with patches to keep the thigh part of the pants from wearing out.

    I guess I have continued on the pace that was set. All of our family affairs revolve around eating and conversing. To show love, my family cooks for each other. It has always been this way.

    Now that I am an adult, I cannot seemt to break the patterns that have been in place all of my life. I am allergic to every kind of seafood but love breads and cream sauces (alfredo especially). I also love the fried chicken wings and curly fries with ranch. I have a highly developed sense of smell and I can have just eaten a full meal and be extremely full but if I smell something that smells heavenly, I want "just a little".

    All that being said, I don't know how to break the cycle but I know that I have to. Today is my birthday and I am trying again. It seems as if I am always starting over and trying again. Maybe this time will be THE time.

    I would love to just walk in the store and buy clothes off the rack without looking for "women's" or "plus sized". My God, is just once too much to ask?

    Keeping hope alive.