? to women burning 700+ calories a workout



  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I am 5'5", 134lbs. I normally spend an hour strength training and approximately 55 minutes equally with the elliptical and treadmill. My normal calorie burn is between 750 and 830, total for the whole workout .
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I use a step as I watch tv, just step up step down. if I watch for 2 hours I can burn about 750-1000 calories. I weigh 150 ish
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I have a trainer and he works me high intensity. Here's a typical workout, hope it helps!
    10 minute warm up, either quick on elliptical or running on treadmill
    Do 1 minute intervals of each:
    chest press (I use 15 lb weights) on stability ball
    shoulder press on stability ball
    Tricep press (use the edge of a bench, hands on bench, use arms to lower yourself while in a sitting position)
    2 minute rest
    sumo squats
    walking lunges - 2 minutes of this
    jumping jacks
    bicycle crunches
    1/2 plank
    2 minute rest
    repeat circuits 1 and 2 at 30 sec intervals instead of at 1 minute
    1 minute sprints at 6.5-7 (run 1 full minute, walk 1 minute, repeat about 5x)
    I'll often run a mile after my sprints

    Good luck!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member

    So multiple hours and multiple workouts ?

    For me that's what it takes...I can burn 700 calories in an hour on the awesome Arctrainer machine, but I don't usually get out to the one gym that has them. 650 is my max on the elliptical..I weigh 145 and that's an hour at level 7 average (I mix it up to build strength). I can only get about 450 in an hour on a treadmill, same on the stairmaster. Which baffles me to no end because the stairmaster is sooooo hard and I sweat buckets!
  • beatnik
    beatnik Posts: 8
    I play roller derby and burn 700+ cals at each practice.. it's an amazing workout!
  • jenstrausbaugh
    I can burn anywhere from 600+ in my Zumba class. I am an instructor. So it all depends on how much you put into it. I know when I do my circuit training, if I push myself to add more weight (ya know really push myself), I burn more calories.

    oh and i weigh 241.
  • jenstrausbaugh
    oh and I started taking a kickboxing class and that is a WONDERFUL workout!!!
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    I weigh 189lbs - so when I do 30 mins on the eliptical and 30 mins run, I will burn around 720 calories

    However the amount I burn depends on how hard I push myself. I monitor my heart rate throughout - so my heart rate sits between 156-171 for most of my workout

    I think you need to think about how much you weigh in the first instance - and then look at the excercises you do! You will find the right combination, and remember its not all about burning 700 calories - last night I swam for 53 minutes - I only burnt 560 calories - but I felt really good and lean and variety helps your body to kick start the wieght loss for you!

    Hope this helps
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Running burns more for me than anything else I do.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Your size has everything to do with it. The smaller I get, the less calories I use.
  • malbaugh
    malbaugh Posts: 4
    How do you measure what you burn in the pool? I take aqua classes but i just guess what I burn. i always try to under guess. I don't have any kind of heart rate monitor. Can they work in the pool?
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    What a great topic!!!!! I have always wondered that, too - my max has been about 410 calories for 10 miles (takes me an hour to do) on my stationary bike, and I always wondered how people burned that much in one "sitting" too! I haven't tried bumping up the resistance yet.... I am going to have to try that!
    How do you measure what you burn in the pool? I take aqua classes but i just guess what I burn. i always try to under guess. I don't have any kind of heart rate monitor. Can they work in the pool?

    My hrm works in the pool - I have a polar F11 - still, the caveat is that most HRMS that are labeled as waterproof seem to recommend that you NOT push buttons while your HRM is wet or submerged..... (so the waterproof ones work fine as long as you don't push buttons on them during your water session... go figure!) but swimming was one of the best workouts for me this summer and I can't wait til the pool is heated again so I can swim more!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I weigh between 152-154 within the last 2 weeks

    Using HRM (heart rate monitor polar F7)
    Spin class one hour = 650 calories burned
    1 1/2 hr. hiking moderate trail = 650-700 calories burned
    30 min treadmill jog/walk with incline plus 30 minutes elliptical between level 4 and level 9 burns about 620

    I walk two miles @ 3.5 mph during lunch daily so I add that 130 calories burned from walking to my exercises (above) to burn over 700 calories of exercise daily.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Elliptical!....I have been able to burn 815 calories in 62 minutes on resistance level 3......makes you feel great!

    Wow! Thats a burn!

    Do you mind me asking how much you weigh and if you are using a heart rate monitor to calculate that? Or is it the machine telling you how much you've burned?
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I do 27 minutes of HIIT Cardio. At 330lbs I was burning 547 calories. At 328 I burn 538 calories. Not much of a change but I was surprised that even a 2lb difference can lower the calories burned.
  • Emorriso165
    The joys of being big and tall - I weigh 215 and am nearly 6 feet (female) and I burned 1250 in exercise today. :) That's not normal for me, but I had the day off and it was bright and sunny so I took the dog for a stroll (~40 min @ 3.0 mph) and then I did an hour on the elliptical and a 1 mile run on the treadmill. Over all I did 110 minutes of exercise today to get that, but the stroll with the dog was SO relaxing with the nice weather that it didn't feel like exercise at all! I haven't been very great about wearing my body bugg but on days when I do the elliptical for an hour (even with a sedentary job) I usually burn 2,900-3,100 for the day and if I walk the dog in the morning on top of that or do a strength circuit I can have days as high as 3,400-3,500 in calories burned.
  • malbaugh
    malbaugh Posts: 4
    thanks for your reply. How much do you burn in the pool? About how much do the waterproof monitors cost?
  • doll2002
    doll2002 Posts: 427
    A friend gave me her elliptical trainer, and I love it. When I first started, I was only able to stay on it for 2 minutes. Now, I'm working it and I can stay on it for 30 minutes to an hour. I'm still at resistance level 2, but slowly working my way up to level 3. I remember when I first started, I thought level 2 was really, really hard. Now it's a breeze. I'm moving on up and it feels good.
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    I hate the elliptical, can't stand it. I think it is the spawn of Satan. (Sarcasm) However, it does give me the best burn. But the last couple of weeks I have found a sequence that works fairly well for me and gets me into the 700 range (I'm 6'0" tall and 171 lbs.)

    Example: Last night I did 20 mins of yoga (hatha) for stretching, 30 mins. on the stationary bike at resistance 6 of 10, 15 minutes of resistance/strength training, 30 mins walking on the treadmill varying speed (up to 4.5 mph) and incline, and ended with another 15 to 20 minutes of deep stretching.

    Would have preferred to do just 10 mins on the bike to start, followed by weights and then 45 to 60 mins on the treadmill, but my neighbor was being all meathead-sweaty and hogging all the weights and benches for awhile. He had made himself a little fortress in our gym... butthead.
  • ihadeel
    ihadeel Posts: 4 Member
    I burn about 600 calories when I run for an hour, I believe that the more you weigh the more calories you will burn and the higher the heart rate is the more you burn. Some Machines at the gym show that I burn a lot more than what my heart rate monitor says, I always go with the least calories because it sounds more realistic. Hope this helps