

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: A few years ago Amanda had a great goal of not sitting on the couch for more than an hour and I’m modifying that to not being at the computer for more than 30 minutes.

    :flowerforyou: You can go to www.bluezones.com and learn a lot about the lifestyles of the people in the places in the world that have the most centenarians…..one interesting tidbit is that gardens play a big role
    working in them, getting outdoors in the sunshine for Vitamin D, and eating fresh vegetables and herbs.

    :flowerforyou: LindaC……I love the image of the wheelbarrow of death coming by and missing your grandma

    :flowerforyou: Jmkmomm, take it one day at a time with your husband……when Jake had his first heart problems, I used to go into the bedroom when he was napping and watch him to make sure he was breathing……bit by bit my trust in his health got better…things will improve for you, too.

    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Welcome to all of you who are new to this thread……keep coming back and read the posts and join in the conversation……you’ll learn new things and get the support and encouragement that’s so necessary on your weight loss journey.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Teaching line dance went great today…..a lot of people thanked me including some of the newer ones who are still struggling to learn the steps….after class I went with some friends to visit another friend who is in a convalescent hospital for a few months (she’s recovering from a broken hip and pacemaker surgery)….we all brought our lunches and had a great visit….the dogs were happy when I got home and insisted on another walk…….24,000 steps so far today.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Resolutions for March

    *twice a week dance practice at home
    * make appointment and go see the osteoporosis doctor
    *act the way I want to feel

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello dear friends and welcome to the newbies :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick post as it is getting late and I need to get on with my workout. As it's the weekend I thought I'd check emails etc the catch up with you but I've been sat at the computer almost an hour now :embarassed:

    Think I'll make it one of my goals too - not to sit too long at the computer.

    Just wanted to say Hi and mark my spot for later, (I'm trying to log in every day)

    :noway: :embarassed: Oh dear confession time, I had my silly head on yesterday evening and was picking at some cake taking the icing off the top - went to bed feeling quite sick so this morning I threw the cake in the bin (it was a cake bought just after Christmas that we hadn't opened, but when I did, the icing had hardened like cement so was practically uneatable) Yes I know if the icing was so hard why was I chiselling bits off to eat :huh: as I said silly head on. Anyway it is now in the bin!!

    Now I need to get my work out started.

    By the way it's snowing here and starting to lay by the looks of things. I've never known it so cold in March.:grumble: :grumble:

    Have a good Saturday all. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Viv York UK
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Happy Saturday Friends! May your day be filled with sunshine, smiles, laughter, and love!
    I am always shocked by the effects of food on my body. Eating pizza and sugar yesterday equals 1.8 pounds up today! Argh!
    Quote for today.
    "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies. It's been quite a while - almost as soon as the words were off my fingers and on this board, my goal of logging in everything every day went straight out the window. The internet at my mom's is crazy slow, almost dial-up-slow, and her usage is metered so I had to focus on getting the work done that I could and not use it for play :frown:. I did leave her with an appt. for an upgrade they were coming to install yesterday.

    I had a lovely visit with her - I was afraid she was going to be ill and frail but as it turns out I think she's just been lonely. She was so happy to have company, even company that woke up at 4:30am most mornings and started jumping around in the bedroom lol. She is up and moving around, got a clean bill of health at the doctor's on Thursday, and we even managed a wonderful weekend trip to Santa Fe. I walked her all over the place, and for the most part she hung in there although it did tire her out. We went to the farmers' market, museums, shopping and super meals. We both love it there. We stopped in Taos on the way back but it's not as much fun there unless I'm really immersed. On the drive home we talked about her hikes she used to take (she's a mountaineer, has climbed most of the 14ers, used to lead the group in AZ, etc.); I tried to encourage her to get back outside and do a little trekking. Anyway, I cooked for her, which I think she enjoyed although for whatever reason the meals were just so-so. She had bought ingredients for a few veggie dishes but they were things like potatoes, cabbage and pasta with cheese . . . not something I would have chosen. We wound up going out to eat a few times at home too :laugh:.

    I was supposed to be flying home today but as JaneH and Laura know, CO is expecting a walloping today. I couldn't even drive to Denver Thursday via Summit County to stop in and see DS - they already had the tunnel closed both ways. Anyway, changed my flight to Friday and got out of dodge ahead of the storm.

    Despite all the meals out and intermittent exercise, I still managed to lose a few more pounds. I am now officially in the 150s - yay! I am glad to be back to my own basement gym though - didn't like trying to exercise quietly. Bring on the jumping around!

    I hope everyone has been well - it sounds like there have been a few "life happens" moments and more sadness and tragedy. I'm very sorry to hear of my MFP friends who are suffering - I wish you all peace.

    I'll try to catch up with everyone soon - in the meantime, keep moving even if the snow is trying to keep you frozen in place.


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Your clothes are showing the progress you did in four years great.
    That's a lot of walking like someone said a pedometer or fit bit would be fun.
    Would show how much walking you do in a day.
    Nice to get on top of things looks like your doing it.

    You don't want hubby to be giving a show on holidays.
    Time to go out shopping for new trunks

    Hope you got caught up on all you wanted to get done.
    I think we are all in the same boat where snow is concerned enough already

    I wake up with pain sometimes but stretch my way to the bathroom and usually it's gone.
    Thought it was something came with age. Is it not.

    Your doing great. It will be nice to hit summer on the low side of your goal.
    Give you room to live over the summer nice glass of wine cold beer by the fire.

    If your the lady in around Nelson BC I was talking to my sister on I pod last night and she was showing us sunshine something we havent' seen here in weeks. We see nothing but snow and more snow.
    My niece was out getting the garden ready.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    Well I can say the weight is certainly harder to lose with age.

    Welcome there's certainly no shortage of snow.

    Hope you get things back to normal.
    Ours have been running kind of funny.
    Thanks for reminder going to have to remind hubby.
    When he comes in from coffee. Before we get a good spring thaw and it has to work overtime.

    Guess uncle Art is related to many of us.

    I didn't stick to my goals yesterday so now today need to catch up.

    Tell your hubby listen to his body. It will tell him when it's time to get back to normal.

    Looks like your having a great time with grandchildren. French cafe sounded great.

    Welcome. Join right in.

    What i do for my heels i stretch them on a stool I stand let the foot go down and pull it up.
    Helps stretch it and feels much better.


    You can always say you knit to keep the arthritis from hitting your hands lol
    But I have to agree the exercise will be more beneficial.

    Maintaining is good. Much better than a gain.

    Welcome and that's a great loss for a month.

    I take notes and when my paper is full both sides then time to type them in. And call it enough. Today I got to the end of page three and paper was full. So enough. Will try and catch up later.

    As for me today I need to catch up as yesterday didn't follow my plan. I tried to make low fat muffins only to toss it all in the garbage. Hubby told me to go back to my old recipes and think I will and eat moderatly. I think that's the only way to go. MODERATION. Key word in this journey.

    So here is wishing you all a weekend of success and fun. And remember is it's good tasting it's not diet.

    See you lighter
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovely ladies

    Very briefly on here today as I'm too cold to sit at the desk. The gallery is a very old building and, although narrow, is spread over four floors.... impossible to warm it up. We've had a steady fall of snow all day in London, but it's not settling.

    Had a lovely catch up with DD last night and the meal was good too. It was in a fab little Lebanese restaurant where you sit almost on the floor in a tented area. I didn't over eat as we shared lots of mezzes and I was able to just have a taste of everything I liked the look of. Didn't get home until way past our bedtime, but it was worth it.

    Going to try to warm up now by doing a few flights of stairs.

    Have a great weekend everyone. And that's an order!

    Amanda x
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Sat!

    Car repair day. :grumble: There was steam coming from underneath the hood when I got home from work last night, hubby took a quick look in there to see if he could locate what we think is a broken heater hose, but of course it's the one we can't reach, way underneath the engine and next to the firewall. We'll have to dismantle a whole bunch of things to get to it. At least it's the weekend and we don't have any other plans. :ohwell: I'm a good go-fer, running back and forth to get tools, holding flashlights, and cleaning parts. Still, not my favorite pastime. Hubby's, either. Oh well, such is life. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

    I'll walk dogs around the neighborhood, they won't care. It's just me who'd rather hop in the car and drive to the park. :bigsmile:

    I made a small batch of the spiced carrot and cauliflower soup this week, it's really quite delicious. Hubby doesn't care too much for pureed soups like that. He said anytime he sees me with the immersion blender he pretty much knows it'll be some "girlie" soup. :laugh:

    Well here goes nuthin'. Going now to tear up some old T-shirts into rags, for I'm sure we'll need a big bag full. Greasy hands and busted knuckles coming soon. I'm pretty sure I have enough Band-Aids. I'll do my best to be a happy little helper, ignoring the swearing :tongue:

    Wishing everyone a very nice weekend. Be good, be kind, be safe. :flowerforyou:

    :smile: jb in still cloudy, cold Portland - tomorrow's "supposed" to be nicer!
  • luvbuttons
    Good Morning all: It's been a busy morning. They called my husband in early this morning for dialysis so he was settled into his chair by 8. I went to the mall and walked afterwards, shopped at JoAnn's and spent too much. It's funny how projects go. I started out with crocheting my granddaughter and her American girl doll matching hats and purses. As I looked at them, I thought "Wouldn't it be nice if they had matching dresses too?" I bought enough for two dresses apiece and ribbon to finish one doll dress that I'll make with fabric I had laying around the house. At least being busy sewing will kee my mind off eating. Not a bad thing at all. Have a great day, ladies! I'm looking forward to hearing about you and your world. :flowerforyou:
  • luvbuttons
    That spiced carrot and cauliflower soup sounds good. Would you mind sharing the recipe?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: You do more and exercise more than anyone I’ve ever known. :flowerforyou: I think your walking kitty is the Energizer Bunny in a Halloween costume.:wink:

    Viv: There seems to be quite a lot of cold weather going around. Stay warm. As to the cake—I haven’t brought cake into the house for quite a while. :noway: It is a lot easier to keep out of it when it is at the grocery store. :laugh: That doesn’t mean I don’t waste calories on junk, though.:ohwell:

    cooky: I’ve been dealing with water weight from too much salt lately. :grumble: Drink lots of water it washes away.:drinker: Drink Beer, etc, and it piles on.:angry:

    M: Your visit with Mom sounds like it was fun for both of you. Be safe in the snowy weather.:flowerforyou:

    Last night I asked DH for a gua sha treatment for my injured shoulder. I slept better, and woke up without the pain this morning. Yes! :bigsmile: Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese form of massage in which you use a tool to scrape the skin and raise a red rash. DH's acupuncture doctor taught us how to do it, but you can also see demonstrations on YouTube. I think it allowed some of the dead blood cells from my injury to be cleaned out of the bruised shoulder muscles. I’ll likely need to have this done several times as my injury heals.:bigsmile: It doesn't hurt, just so you know.:flowerforyou:


    Katla in NW Oregon where we have a freezing fog advisory but I’m only seeing a gray day and no ice where I live.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here's the recipe, originally posted by Phyllis.

    Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower soup

    Brown an onion. Dissolve a Maggie ( boullion cube) in 5 cups of water or use beef or chicken broth and pour it over the sautéed onions. Chop up a bunch of carrots ( 6-8) and break apart a head of cauliflower and boil in same broth.

    Add these Spices before you boil!
    One teaspoon and half of curry
    1 tsp. of cinnamon
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp. massala (Optional)

    (I didn't use the masala, and I pureed the soup after cooking using a stick blender.)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Here's the recipe, originally posted by Phyllis.

    Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower soup

    Brown an onion. Dissolve a Maggie ( boullion cube) in 5 cups of water or use beef or chicken broth and pour it over the sautéed onions. Chop up a bunch of carrots ( 6-8) and break apart a head of cauliflower and boil in same broth.

    Add these Spices before you boil!
    One teaspoon and half of curry
    1 tsp. of cinnamon
    1 tsp salt
    1 tsp. massala (Optional)

    (I didn't use the masala, and I pureed the soup after cooking using a stick blender.)

    Looks like DH would love it, but I have a question. What is massala?

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Here's the recipe, originally posted by Phyllis.

    Spiced Carrot and Cauliflower soup

    Looks like DH would love it, but I have a question. What is massala?

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Garam Masala is a spice blend, usually found near Curry Powder, I can find it in my chain supermarket. If you can't, try an ethnic (middle eastern/Indian) market. It is delicious, I'd recommend adding it.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good morning all. I slept 10 hours last night. I don't think I moved. But as far as feeling rested, no way. I know from my past that when I go on a trip I need to do a hibernation type sleep when I get home. I remember one time I slept for 72 hours, getting up only to go to the bathroom. I have to get rested to go on vacation. I'm glad it will be a sort of resting vacation. Have a good day everyone. Going to see MIL today. Thursday is our usual day to go but that didn't happen. My husband has decided not to tell his Mom about his heart attack. She told me last night that a night shift nurse was looking at the irritation she has on her skin under her diaper and stuck 2 fingers in her bladder hole and how much it hurt. I have informed the nursing home. She has a favorite nurse, she's my favorite also and I talked to her. She was going to talk to her and see what she thinks happened. She was catheterized to get a urine specimen so I am thinking that's what happened and MIL percieved it as fingers. MIL is a plain, uneducated woman and doesn't always get things right
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Good Morning~Good Morning~
    How are my lovely friends today? thank you all for responding with the websites, found a few and some awesome recipes....:wink: Emilybites.com has a great one for chicken parmesan loafs made in a muffin tin gonna make those tomorrow..
    so excited for a new product at least for me, havent gotten to the Natural food store for the powdered peanut butter, but did find something interesting.
    Walden Farms ,makes a whipped peanut butter spread, sugar free, fat free, gonna try it out with my 90 calorie flat out wraps and a 1/2 of a banana,that will be yummy!!!!
    welcome to all the new faces~so nice of you to find us, and what a wonderful group of ladies you have found....
    Anyone else out there from around New England or the tri-state area? i had a shout out from someone in N.Y.
    Everyone keep my daughter and grandaughter in your prayers today, they go today to a christian private school for testing for Taliah and interview with DD and the Tal's father.. I sorta told her that Kyle better dress decent and not act like a thug,because this is very very important for Taliah's future. they will be coming out this Tuesday or Weds for a week, and of course the week they are coming I have to go up to the Cape to say goodbye to my friend Ruth,I am soooo torn, but I will be able to visit with them while they are here, not as much as I would like, but I think it is very important that I get up to see Ruth at the cape..
    Just keep the prayers going all around I guess:smile:
  • luvbuttons
    Thanks, ladies, for the recipe for the soup. I'll make it next week. Sounds yummy (and my husband loves girly soups:laugh: )
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Rori – I love your attitude: "this is just a little hiccup in the beautiful banquet that is my life.” And your reference to a 1.5 lb. “souvenir” made me laugh!! :laugh:

    Barbie – You make me want to move to NW Washington just so I can take your dance classes!

    Jmkmomm – I think Barbie had really wise advice. I also think Charlie’s desire to sing sounds like a good sign that he is really on the mend

    Viv in UK – Good for you for just tossing that silly cake! It’s snowing here in Colorado too (again), so guess shoveling will be my exercise today

    Mwheatcraft – Sounds like you had an excellent trip, so glad you could hang out with your mother. I adore Santa Fe, my last real vacation was a 5 day solo there just immersing myself in the galleries and museums! I agree with you too about Taos. Glad you were able to re-book your flight and get home ahead of the storm. The weather-guessers were actually right this time so it’s a good thing you got out early! Yay too for losing while traveling, and enjoy your loud, jumpy workouts

    Linda – today is a brand new opportunity for each of us to “re-set” and catch up on the goals we didn’t quite fulfill yesterday :flowerforyou:

    Amanda – great idea to stay warm by doing the stairs! Dinner with DD sounded fab

    JB – “Girlie Soup” :laugh: Hope your car repair project goes by quickly (for you both). Glad to know too that I’m not the only one that sometimes drives to the park to walk the dog :blushing: Is that your dog in your profile photo? Makes me smile every time I see it! :happy:

    Luvbuttons – great that you got a mall walk in while you were killing time. Your project sounds cool, I’m not the slightest “crafty” and so admire those like you who are

    Katla – Glad that your shoulder is feeling better, and thanks for sharing the info on the massage technique. Now if I can only get my DH to sit down and watch the video! :wink:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :sick: Have been under the weather most of the week, but hung in there. Last night I slept for about 10 hours. That will surely help, however, this morning feels like I have the flu, so I will head back to the couch. Rest is key right now. I think I've been a bit overworked.

    On a more positive note: My DH has been such a wonderful support for me, my ankle feels a ton better, the brakes on my car were done and the washer problem is going to be resolved - soon.

    One of the things I do want to do this weekend is watch a documentary (I think it's a documentary) called "Hungry for Change". Anyone seen this?

    :flowerforyou: cookie - thanks for the Quote for today: "You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down." Mary Pickford

    I found this quote in my email this morning: "Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching." ~Satchel Paige

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC (who is so grateful for her MFP Vitamin F buddies)
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Just a couple of quick replies this frigid morning (-17 C when woke up this morning!!! - what the heck is that???)

    LindaC - i am actually in southern alberta, but LOTS of sunshine here too:glasses:

    mwheatcraft - welcome back, you have been missed here! It sounds like you had a great visit with your mom:smile:

    Debora, from Cold Lake - welcome from a fellow Albertan!:happy: My daughter lives in Bonnyville and I was just there a couple of weeks ago. And yes, you DO have LOTS of snow up there!!

    Have a great weekend all. Stay warm and stay well!

    Glenda, in the deceptively sunny and warm looking south of Alberta
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    bump for later on Saturday