

  • slomm3
    slomm3 Posts: 2 Member
    Oh that sounds like so much fun! I LOVE Madeleine.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Due to some bad eating choices about 10 days ago I had gained about 1 1/2 pounds. I am slowly getting that off. Have a good day, keep smiling:bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning Dolls,
    well a very productive morning, but darn this damn heel,no matter what I do it is just painful.. going to take some time today and read the pain free book.
    did go to the gym this a.m,made those chicken parm muffins from emilybites.com,will fill you in on how they are later, made food for the dogs,
    swept and washed the floors.and have laundry going in the dryer.and the DH and I moved all the living room furniture out so the carpet can get cleaned...
    Well texted the DD and she tells me Taliah has made it into the school, interview and testing went well, now we can only pray that the scholarship will be granted to her, because there is no way that they or we can afford 4200.00 a yr for her schooling..
    It looks like a wonderful school and it is a faith based curriculum so I am happy about that.. It is in God's hands now.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Hello! This is my first post to this board of lovely ladies over the age of 50 . I am 64 and retired from teaching 5th grade for 30 years. Since the age of 40, the pounds have just slipped on and now I am finally ready to begin a slow journey to lose as many of them as I can. I cannot exercise very much due to arthritic knees and a bulging disk in my neck. But, I am trying to do a few simple moves each day.

    I have one grown son and two darling grandchildren (ages one and a half and three). I kept each child their first year while their mom worked. They are now in day care and I just get to keep them when they are sick. What a bummer! :frown:

    I have glanced at the postings here several times and was kind of put off because so many of you know each other. How do you remember so many? Anyway, would love to join in now and then.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    all you do is hop on in,you get to know everyone just by posting~it's fun and everyone routes on everybody, cause we are all in the same boat...:wink:
    workin hard at trying to get the pounds off
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Welcome Peaches. I don't think many of the ladies in here know each other. It's just like your 5th grade students. You don't know them at the beginning of the school year but as the year goes on you can even predict how they are going to react in any given situation. I have MS and couldn't even begin to respond to so many like a lot of them do. I try to remember some. Eventually I will learn more. Plus it's a fast moving forum. My grand kids are 6 and 11 year old girls. I was there when both of them were born. I never thought I would be bale to have that awesome experience of seeing my grand children taking their first breath. I stayed with them the first week to help Mom. Jump right in and do what you can do.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I will gladly be following cause it's so nice that some of us who are older can have a place to chat.
  • padisneyfour
    I am new and not quite 50(my birthday is in July). Live in NW pa . . I have been married almost 23 years, have two daughters. youngest graduates high school this year.loving this site
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Welcome everyone NEW!!!! This is the place to be. I am hyped today because I weighed in and was finally under the 150 mark. ONLY by a half pound but I'll take it! Being responsible and logging all my food is paying off. Thanks for all the posts too and for the great ladies that you are.I have not been writing or keeping up with everything like I wish I had time to do but I am reading your posts and thank you for writing.
    The carrot soup looks delicious.
    some one asked me a wile back what masala was. It is a mixture of spices that I bought in a box in Abu Dhabi. the one I bought happened to have some HOT spices in it too. A bit too hot for me. I like mild HOT. Not burn your insides out HOT. I think the spices really come from India? but not sure.
    Have a good day or night
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    padisney4, you are just a baby!!!!! LOL. From your name I imagine that you are a Disney fan?
  • luvbuttons
    To Padisneyfour: Welcome young 'un! I'm new to the site too but a few days older than you. These ladies are great and the site is the best. It makes it so easy to track EVERYTHING (well, almost everything).
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Peachstategal - welcome! There are a number of us in GA. I'm in metro ATL, too -- in Canton.
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone! It is sooo cold and rainy and yucky here... thank goodness my sweet DH took our little gal out for a mandatory walk in the rain. She just doesn't like to go in the backyard by herself.... is that spoiled or what!?

    I am feeling great today! While the scale isn't really moving, suddenly my clothes are fitting soooo much better! Hallelujah!

    I made a yummy, very different soup today. It's just that kind of weather, isn't it?
    White Bean and Kale Soup. DH really liked it too. Another way to get kale into our diet...

    Hope you all are having a great weekend.

    Cold in VA Beach,
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Gardengail, what a coincidence! I taught in South Cherokee County all those years.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Happy Sunday and bump for later. Meg
  • LoraFord
    LoraFord Posts: 5
    Happy Sunday to all :smile:
    I was thrilled to walk the dog today and not have icy cold wind blowing in my face.
    Winter has definitely worn out it's welcome!

    Our youngest son visited us last week for a few days. Even though we walked a lot, we also ate out a lot. (Two things you tend to do in NYC) It was wonderful to have him here:happy: I have eaten clean for a couple of days since he left and it certainly makes a difference in how you feel so quickly!
    I did the JM No More Trouble Zones DVD yesterday without any of the lunges and a few other leg movements. I figure while I'm healing my knee that is the way to go. My upper body was good sore this morning!

    I really enjoy reading everyone's posts and will eventually learn who is who I suppose.
    Someone spoke of line dancing and that caught my attention. My grandmother did that for many years and loved it. I'm sure it had a lot to do with keeping her healthy! She was so cute when she talked about putting on shows at the nursing homes. She would refer to the residents as being old when in fact she was probably older than most of them! She passed away last year just shy of her 100th birthday. She was very active close to the end. I hope I have a got my share of her genes:happy:

    Wishing everyone a good week:flowerforyou:
    Lora from NYC
  • padisneyfour
    thanks for the welcome.... yes as my login suggest we are disney fans and have been for many years. My daughters grew up going to disney....LOL
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello and welcome peaches! You aren't too far from me, as I am 35 miles west of Columbia SC.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun.
    Welcome all the newbies.
    Have a great Sun.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newcomers. You will find this a wonderfully supporting group (and wouldn't you know, it's in the category called: "Motivation and Support" :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Come back often.

    Quote I just read on a website: "It does not take a marathon to get in shape. It IS a marathon to get in shape!” I know, huh. The weight did not get on me overnight, and it won't come off in a hurry. It's gonna take time. The effort is for the long run (get it, long run?:bigsmile: )

    Just had a nap, trying to get over this bug that wants to be part of me and it's not welcome. Spending my day resting. Although missing a visit from little grandson, I am enjoying a day reading some interesting books. :drinker:

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC