

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Spring my friends!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Here I stand in the first days of spring
    by my garden, up to my waist in snow,
    Waiting patiently for flowers to bloom
    but when will that be, I just don’t know?

    I am sorry to keep harping on about the weather but that flipping snow is still falling with a vengeance!! Its spring darn it, we shouldn’t still have 3 feet of it; it should be on its way out! Melting! Disappearing! Not building up as if it’s about to stay all year! OMG, what an awful thought!!

    Perhaps it’s Mother Nature’s way of allowing me to get full value for my money for my winter coats before I grow too small for them. She knows how frugal I can be but truly Mother Nature, if that is the case, I am good. I am no longer attached to my winter coats, I release them. I am willing to buy smaller coats next year without a twinge to my conscience. I am! Thank you, really, thank you.

    After a night of freezing rain followed by heavy wet snow, it was just reported on the news: ‘Alberta Hospital Services is confirming that at least 300 people are being treated for injuries suffered in a major crash that shutdown the QE-2 northbound, just south of Leduc. Four of the injuries are considered serious. ‘

    That’s near the airport and I am supposed to pick up DH when he flies in at 1:30am tonight. I am not happy about having to travel those roads !:sad: There have been so many accidents that there is an 8-hr wait for tow trucks.

    Okay Mother Nature, now will you stop???

    Kate in snowy Central Alberta
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    This is a celebration day for DH and me. It is our 43rd wedding anniversary. We did a good job picking and a good job sticking.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Deborah – Wow, sorry to hear you’re dealing with those issues (along your husband and brother-in-law). It is always such a hard time when the need to transition is clear to others but not to the person in need. Blessings to all of you for a positive, calm outcome.

    Michele – sorry your sinuses are acting up, Sudafed effects me exactly that way too!
    Two really good low-cal, healthy recipes sites are: iowagirleats.com and emilybites.com I’ve found some really good stuff on them and many of their recipes are already in MFP foods database

    Kate in Alberta – HaHaHaHa, “getting my money’s worth of coats before they become too small” - now that’s the way to see the glass half-full :laugh: On a serious note, please be safe on your airport trip, leave early and take it slooow!

    Katla – Congratulations on 43 years (wow!!) - - today happens to be my anniversary as well, 15 years married (20 years together). :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Brooke in Colorado
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Checked in with health coach today. According to her I lost 1.6 pounds and my body fat percentage was down 0.3 percent. Yeah for me and for everyone else with losses! If I could get more consistent with my exercise I think it would help but I seem to get a really good workout about three days a week and then almost nothing the other days. I am told it is not a day by day thing but the accumulation over the week that counts but it just seems like a more even effort would be better. I can't wait until I can start horseback riding again. I have faith that spring really will come I just don't have much patience to wait for it.

    All of you be well and keep on keeping on. Sue in SD
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    HI everyone! I've been busy lately and have scanned the posts, logged my food and exercise, but I feel so disconnected from you all! And goodness! such a chatty group. I do love it.
    I am still working out as close to daily as I can and watching my food, not losing any lbs, but FINALLY lost some inches. My clothes are feeling better too... so it's good! right?

    My sweet youngest dd returned from her trip to Italy and England in one piece, but I haven't seen her yet. She went straight to school. Can't wait to see all her photos! My DH and I have been enjoying our empty nest these days though... both girls are coming home for Easter Yippee!!

    I have been logging in for 70 days now... they say it takes 21 days to form a habit and I'm feeling somewhat obsessive about working out and eating right, so I am finally feeling successful.

    Hope to catch up with everyone this weekend... Did you miss me???? xoxo

    tammy in Va Beach

    p.s. If you're new, Welcome!... and please friend me! I'm happy to watch and encourage your progress too!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy anniversary Katla :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: just finished reading the posts but my allotted sitting time is over so I'll have to reply later.....I have a lot to share about the people who have lived to 100 years old or older (hint, it includes a lot of vegetables and a lot of physical activity)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where the temps were at freezing this morning but the maintenance guy cut the grass in the big meadow behind our house this afternoon.:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Happy anniversary Katla :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Wow! I take one evening off from reading the forums and we start a third 20!

    Weeping with those of you who are weeping and rejoicing with those who are rejoicing - isn't it good that over one 24 hour period we can touch every emotion under the sun (or snow) between us. And reading the posts we can touch each other's lives.

    Work has been crazy - don't you just hate it when computers play at being awkward! Then forecast says snow and more snow! The teenagers are expecting a 'snow day' tomorrow instead of school but because of the computer problems I will need to go in snow or no snow!!!

    But, on the positive I have now lost half of my first mini target, 3 people at work have asked me if I am losing weight! and have started the C25K - aiming to run a 5k Race for Life in July - to raise money for a cancer charity - never run before last Sunday!!! So the C25K is a great programme for me to follow! Watch this space!

    The swimming baths in the town half way between me and my sister's has now reopened after refurbishment - so we plan to meet and swim rather than meet and eat! It also means we are unlikely to bump into any children from the respective schools we work in! Haven't been swimming for a year, but can now get back into my old cossie so swimming here we come!!

    Keep logging, keep moving and onwards and downwards... MA in UK
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
  • lyndawilson986
    I'm new to the group and am so inspired by all your posts BUT MOST OF ALL ALL YOUR WEGHT LOSSES! Just take a moment to reflect on that and let your successes outshine your setbacks! I hope I can do as well as all of you! HAPPY SPring
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I admit to being a slug this week...not sure why...will get back on exercise wagon but probably not until Monday.

    Cheryl - great news about Jackson..I hope his recovery continues

    Hugs, high fives (lots of nsv's lately) and prayers
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello my wonderful vitamin F pals. This will probably be rather short. I had clinical today; I think I told you the unit is about the size as a city block and I ran my a** off all day long and it was NOT a busy day. So I counted 3 hours of walking even though I am sure I did more. I hardly sat down at all…just for a coffee break and for lunch. But it was a fun day and the students did really well. Now I ache all over and am hardly awake LOL. So the good news is…..last year I could not have done this. I thought I worked hard then, but this unit is so much bigger. I know I would not have stayed vertical doing this last year. The other good news is that I wore a pair of scrubs I have had in my closet for 4 years which never fit before. YAY~

    Cooky: I think with all the snow and cold, we are all confused LOL. Maybe not Suebdew in Texas!

    Renny: there are so many people in your situation. Health care and health insurance is so expensive. I do wish we could find some way to ensure that people get the health care they need and not cost an arm and a leg.

    Grandmallie: I hope you find a way to take your cruise! Prayers continue for Ray

    Brooke: watching Hoarders always makes me feel better LOL!!! I only have 4 animals, and they are all alive and I know where they are LOL

    Gail: actually Hoarders makes me look around and say “HMMMMM not much needs cleaning around here!” It’s also one way of rationalizing a housecleaning lady…that plus hair from 4 animals!

    Jmkmomm: hope by now the cardioversion is over. This won’t probably help you now, but it’s a very common procedure that doesn’t really “stop” the heart…more like resets the electrical system. I pray for a quick procedure and fast recovery!

    Michelle: I have a cookbook that uses pureed prunes which are especially good with chocolate; makes it taste richer. But beans in cookies is a new one!

    Deb: good nsv to hear that your clothes fit better!

    MaryC: so sorry to hear about your father. I’m glad he went quickly. Such a big family; I’m glad they are a comfort to you.

    Barbie: I feel like passing out after reading about your day’s activities!

    Carol: Hallelujah! I’ll send prayers for continued improvement! There is often no explanation for how the human body and spirit responds to trauma and illness.

    Lila: I don’t plant anything until Mid-May. Once I tried May 8 which is my birthday but we get late frosts and snow.

    Viv: keep up the good work! I tend to stop exercising as the weekend nears

    DeeDee: what did the doctor say? You need to take care of yourself!

    Robin: wow I never noticed that you have been here that long. Good for you to be so dedicated! Ihope you are wrong about hr, but what about a legal recourse?

    Jo: what a wonderful legacy for your father!

    BJ: what great news you had on the medical front. Those are all huge victories! This life change is such an ongoing process and you are the model of success!

    Janehadji: I hope you have a wonderful visit with your daughter! How are things in the cold war?

    Sue South Dakota: I hope you are feeling better soon and make it through all your singing! You need to keep one of your health angels for yourself!

    Deborah: what a hard time for your famiy! I hope DH and sibs can talk mom into moving into a senior center without too much trouble. Bless her heart….at 89!

    Katla: happy anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment!

    Lynda: welcome to the group!

    Well I am about done in. I intended to only do a short post but was compelled to respond to at least most of you! Take care! MEg
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    MaryC - My condolences to you and your family.

    Wessecg – How wonderful to read your news about Jackson!

    Granmallie – job / health ins concerns

    Rjadams – where do you live?

    Katla & Brooke – Happy Anniversary to each of you.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Thurs. night. I'm just checking in as its been a busy, busy day. We did some more work cleaning out my parents condo. We are in that very messy phase with lots of half packed boxes feeling like there is just so much more to do but I know if we just keep at it we will get it all done.

    Thanks to all who sent good thoughts my way - they helped brighten my spirit. I would say I've recovered from my funk. Exercise also seems to bring my mood around so I've been doing some tough workouts and they seem to have helped. Tomorrow I think I'll dance or do yoga - both are guaranteed mood lifters.

    Jo, I loved what you wrote about your father. :smile:

    Mary, my deepest condolences on the loss of your father. I lost my dad right before the holiday last December. I am so thankful for my family and friends.:brokenheart:

    Cheryl - great news on Jackson. I'm so happy he will recover:flowerforyou:

    Congrats to all those who posted loses of pounds or inches:drinker:

    Happy Anniversary Katia and Brooke:heart: .

    I'm starting to lose it now so I'll sign off soon...sorry I didn't get to reply everyone but know I'm thinking about you (Dee Dee - I'm also wagging a finger at you - please take care of yourself....Jmkmomm - sending healing thoughts to your DH).

    Tomorrow I'm trying on some summer clothes (including the dreaded swimsuit) as we get ready for our trip to AZ where it actually is warm and I won't have to look at any more snow. I'm hoping that last summer's clothes are too big and I fit back into some of my old favorites:wink: DH is trying on his surf top - fits...and swim trunks - too big. If he dives into the pool wearing those we'll all get a show. :blushing: Guess we'll need to get him a smaller pair

    Ok starting to ramble so I'll say goodnight. Jodios
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: :drinker: Congrats me for logging in 5 days in a row! Day 5 of exercise completed too - now the hard part - to continue to work out over the weekend :embarassed: this is usually where I fall down!

    :flowerforyou: Michele I know you change your work out routines every few days or so, so I decided to change my routine today. I've bought Rosemary Conley's Fitness Triple pack DVD and started with the Ultimate whole body workout part 2 using weights (which I must say I noticed a little muscle starting to form in my biceps - something I've never had before :bigsmile: ) then stopped for a few months so arms are back as flabby as ever. :frown: Anyway now I've started again with the same DVD but started with part 1 this time the whole body workout, but today tried one of the other DVDs in the pack - The 5 day fat burner hopefully if I keep changing DVDs I'll keep motivated and will soon feel fit (brave) enough to tackle the 30 day shred again.

    :smile: It's my long weekend and I've tagged Tuesday to the end of it so no work for me until Wednesday so a short week next week as it is Good Friday so another long weekend, I could get used to these short weeks.

    :flowerforyou: Sorry not to reply to everyone, but I need to get ready, going food shopping this morning. Just know that I am thinking of you all and sending good wishes your way. I really appreciate your support.

    Have a good Friday :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Viv UK (Freezing cold today and forecast of snow this weekend :frown: Think we must have upset Mr Sunshine as he's nowhere to be seen)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    bump x
  • nanasorchid52
    Good morning ladies!!

    I am soooooooo excited as DD # 2 comes today with her family and we will all be together to celebrate GD#2 5th birthday. Big party in a hall, lots of children and a bouncy castle.

    I expect I will get roped in for playing party games but I will love that. All the years of Nursery Teaching comes in handy.

    Already planned the food I am taking so I don't slip up. I find planning my food is my recipe for success. If I don't I have a tendency to grab on the go!

    Well just a quick dip in to the new thread as DD#1 coming around once she has dropped the children off at school and we are going to make a " Moshi Monster" birthday cake!

    Have a successful day :

    :smile: PLAN. :drinker: DRINK YOUR WATER :flowerforyou: LOG YOUR FOOD:wink: :KEEP MOVING

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jo. UK WALES