

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member

    Had a long thoughtful post....and the thread locked as I posted:explode:

    Maybe later?
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    So yesterday was HRA; height, weight, blood draw etc. Weigh is about the same as last year's assessment but because I started my new food life in Jan., I am hoping my numbers will be better this year. I will know in a couple weeks.

    Love MFP so much. Helps me keep an eye on food intake & exercise, even on cheat days like tomorrow at my friend's retirement party :laugh:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I missed getting to read the posts yesterday, but think I’m caught up now (unless the new thread has started and there are 3 more pages lurking!). My daughter is flying into town tomorrow to surprise us. She’s really disappointed that I figured it out (I didn’t expect to be right, or I never would have mentioned it). I can’t wait to see her, and I’ll confess to being a bit pleased with myself that my brain is still working so well. I’m getting spring fever, so have put on a dress today. It looks so sunny, but it’s still cold outside and I think we’re due for rain this afternoon.

    Laura – I’m sure your son is disappointed about the outcome of the Marine Band auditions, but what an honor to be chosen #2!!! He must be an amazing pianist, and I know that you’re all incredibly proud of him.

    Meg – The new rehab unit sound really nice.

    Jodios – I never would have thought to look for exercise videos on You Tube. Thanks for mentioning it! It’s not surprising that you miss your mom – you probably always will. Such a huge part of us is tied up in our parents, no matter what our age. I hope you feel happier soon.

    Michele – You are so amazingly good about your exercise and eating that the ice cream isn’t going to set you back at all! We’re all human, and things sometimes happen that upset us. You’re such a terrific role model for all of us.

    Deb – How great that you got to spend time with your daughters. It sounded wonderful!

    DeeDee – Your driveway sounds absolutely gorgeous! Will you post a picture when the trees are in bloom? I hope that the pneumonia isn’t back. Feel better soon!

    Lucy – It sounds like you’re doing amazingly on the exercise. You go, girl!

    Brooke – That’s great news about the pants fitting… good for you!!!

    Mary – I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. Prayers for you and your family during this hard time.

    Cheryl – Thank God for miracles! I felt teary just reading about Jackson waking up. I so hope that he’ll turn his life around and live it to the fullest. Let us know how he’s doing.

    Joyce – I’m so glad that your husband is better today and will get to go home tomorrow. What a stressful time for you!

    BJ – Huge congrats on the 50 lbs. lost! That’s great that your health is so much better.

    Jane in Colorado
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump. So much i want to respond to but have to go to DGD's Kindergarten Class. Today is the French Cafe and Madeline show. I'm so excite. I'll definitely post later today.

    Sue in TX
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Hello all and I hope you are all having a wonderful day. It is still very cold here in SD. The low was supposed to be -3 last night. Last year at this time it was 85. How is that? Today is my day to weigh in with my health coach so will see how that goes. The sarcoidosis is in a flare right now and making me short of breath and coughing right when I need my breath and voice to sing for Easter. We are doing a cantata on Palm Sunday with a rehersal on Saturday, director says three hours! Then I sing with Chancel choir on Maundy Thursday and with Joyful Accord on Good Friday. Easter Sunday we sing at two services with the Haleluja Chorus at the end of both. I need to be able to breathe but hate to take steroids. Sometimes the flares will just go away on their own but this one is not feeling that way.

    Sending healing angels to those who need them and singing angels to those who are rejoicing. Special thanks to whoever put the quote on here about taking one step backward only gets you further from your goal so try to take two steps forward instead. I have used this a lot lately and it has really helped. One of my two steps is usually drink water but hey it is still a small step forward.

    Well must get some transcription done for my doc. Blessings, Sue in SD
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy Thursday and 2nd day of Spring, although you would never know it in New Jersey. Just read back a bit on some of the posts, so much going on.

    MaryC~~~ So sorry for your loss.

    Wessecg ~~~ Great news re:Jackson

    BJ ~~~ WTG to you & hubby.

    DeeDee ~~~ Please take care of yourself.

    Ok, lunch break about over and heading back into the training. Enjly the rest of your day all.

    Jersey Girl. Jersey Strong.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Bump for later. Saw a weird juxtaposition of events this morning, similar to "spring/shoveling snow" the other day.

    It was snowing this morning, but I could hear the "whizzzzz" noise of the landscapers. They were out in coats and gloves, digging in the gardens and removing the winter junk. They actually looked funny doing that with the snow circling their bodies.

  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs all!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    bumping for later.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Part 3.... I love that we're a chatty group:flowerforyou: ! Be back later!:drinker:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Quick post to bump:

    BJ – Wow! A 50 pound loss AND no trace of diabetes, HBP or thyroid issues! And DH too . . . Amazing, you are inspiring others (us) as you are successful on your health journey

    Kathy – You’re so right about not being able to change others’ behavior. The motivation must come from within, so glad you and now your daughter have it and are on the road to improved and lasting health!

    Jane in CO – That’s great your DD will be home for a visit (and congrats to you Sherlock for figuring it out)! :laugh:

    Sue – Healing Angels sent your way as well, here’s praying your breath and voice will be all you need for your rehearsals and concerts :flowerforyou:

    Jackie – Yes, that winter/spring/winter thing is in full force here in Colorado. Supposed to be 60-ish today and snowing tomorrow and through the weekend. Burning calories going up and down the basement stairs trying to dig out the appropriate clothes! :ohwell:

    Brooke from Colorado
    (who is wearing her "new" pants) :happy:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Loving Thursday and bumpity bump

    Still busy but I can see my desk:bigsmile: it's a miracle.

    Back later to read and catch up.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    Jane what a wonderful surprise, your daughter coming into town...have a good time.:flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Bump from still cold Central Iowa. Best wishes to all my Vitamin F friends. Hugs to all who are suffering.......:heart::heart: :heart:


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,
    today I didnt go to the gym,woke up later,worked for an hr and a half, then went to visit my friend, he is feeling better but waiting to hear from nephrologist.I didn't eat well today and have a bad headache..
    but the day moves on, and tomorrow will be better.
    we will be going on the cruise:happy: but will start to live life quite a bit more frugally..going to go through what we have in the house, antiques and things that can be sold.. and find a good place to sell them.. pay off what debt I can..
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yep, thread being locked got me again too :explode:

    BJ - 50 pounds. That is GREAT!!!! I can't wait to hit 30!!!
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and support while my DH and I have been away since the passing of my father-in-law. The funeral was done very nicely and it really helped that my DH was there a week earlier. Lots of tears, but also fond memories of a wonderful man, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather (with a little bit of jokester mixed in for good measure).

    My mother-in-law came home with us for a month so she didn't have to be alone in the house. At 89, she is struggling with health issues of her own and can no longer live alone. Initially, we thought she might move in with us, but discussions with her have shown us that she thinks she can still stay in her house and manage things herself.

    Unfortunately, this is not the case and the next trip to Toronto on April 10th will be a difficult one since her only two options at this point will be to come back to Edmonton or go into a senior facility with some care. I have chosen to stay back so her two sons can deal with these issues in their own way. I love her dearly so I do not want her to feel as though I am influencing the decision in any way.

    This has put our plans to check out properties in BC on hold for a couple of months until the dust has settled. Miss you all and will check in periodically until April 10th. Hope everyone is doing well and staying true to their commitments. Chat with you soon!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    jmkmomm - I know this is scary, but know that the doctors and nurses do this all the time. They've probably dealt with complications that we can't even imagine! Still, I'll be praying that the Lord is with the doctors and nurses while they perform the procedure.

    Deb - I have a recipe for black bean brownies that I'm dying to try out. I was wondering if you could taste the beans! Maybe that'll be another way that I can get healthy food into Vince....<wicked smile>

    Mary - I'm so very sorry for your loss. It was great that all of you were with your mom.

    Cheryl - what absolutely great news about Jackson!

    Did an hour of a Jari Love DVD Ripped to the Core today. Tomorrow I'll do a spinning downloadable tape. My sinuses have been acting up so I took some Sudafed. It always makes me wide awake (even tho on the back of the package there's a disclaimer "may cause drowsines"). Got up at 4:30, exercised, read the newspaper, then went back to sleep until 10:15.

    grandmalle - we all are different. if you were to go on the cruise, would you be able to enjoy yourself? Some people would be able to. I know me and I'd be worrying the whole time so it'd be a waste of money for me. But I hope you can do what makes you happiest. You deserve it.

    The man who owned the house before us got a piece of mail from the Boy Scouts of America. It wouldn't surprise me it this was just a piece of mail to get his sons to join the BSA. Whenever there's been mail that he needed to pick up, I've always made something for him. So today I made some chocolate chip cookies, some for him and the rest for Vince. He's a real real nice guy. Never once met the wife -- not even at the closing.

    DeeDee - now listen here, lady..<wagging a scolding finger> after this visit to the MD, you listen to her and get better real fast so we can get together.

    Jo - what a lovely post about your father!

    jmkmomm - even before I had a chance to post this, you posted about the great news! I'm so happy for you

    bj - yes, I do change up my routine a lot. Actually, I'm always on the lookout for different ways to change it up. To be honest, I get bored too easily. Plus, doing the same thing even three days a week, your muscles get used to it and you actually wind up burning fewer calories. I do wish more people would post what workout they do, not just "walked on treadmill" but walked at what speed, what incline, for how long? What else do you do on the treadmill? Oh well, guess I'm one of a different breed. You are so right when you say that life gets in the way and we just have to deal with it, sometimes we find we need to go out and not eat at home. One of the things I so like about this thread is that I get ideas of how to manage when things just don't go perfectly. WooHoo for your dh! Try searching for recipes on Taste of Home. I sometimes use allrecipes. They many times give you the nutritionals. Both sites give reviews which is handy. I've also used foodfit, sparkpeople, and skinnytaste

    jane in CO - thank you for your kind words to me. Have a great time with dd

    Sue in TX - do you have to make madelines? What was the French Cafe day like? Sounds neat!

    Sue in SD - boy, that's a lot of singing. I always say, if they want to clear the church in record time, just have me sing!!! I can't carry a tune for love of life. I do lector and serve, but wouldn't dare sing.

    Jackie - the landscapers were next door the other day, too cutting the lawn with earmuffs on. Isn't there something wrong with this picture???? Actually, they've been there twice so far.

    Brooke in CO - congrats on the pants!

    Going to post this to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC

    Just saw this on Facebook and thought someone on here might enjoy it:

    Calories burned by wishing = 0
    Calories burned by hoping = 0
    Calories burned by looking at motivational pics = 0
    Calories burned by dreaming = 0
    Calories burned by jealousy = 0
    Calories burned by hating = 0
    Calories burned by exercising? Thousands!!!