

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well good morning ladies~ been awake since 12:45 AM,
    cant sleep , been tossing and turning, figured I would get on the computer for awhile.
    Mary so sorry for the loss of your dad,It is a tough thing to go through~ my mom has been gone 13 yrs and it's never easy..
    So glad you were there for your mom.
    Barbie ~ you amaze me, sure wish I could do all that..
    Finally got the pain free book, glanced through it quick last night ,will delve more into it today...
    I hate waking up and then you start thinking, and the thinking starts to more thinking.:grumble:
    I am sitting here thinking,ok if and when we sell the house what can I keep and what will I have to get rid of,
    What will I do for work? can I find work in florida, and the big one what are we gonna do for insurance:noway:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning dear friends I think the sun is trying to shine yeay!

    Just a quick post before I go and do my work out. :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie sending prayers for Ray and also to you and your hubby - at least you have had a bit of a warning to plan your future, I do hope you'll be able to go on the cruise - but I appreciate it must be a very worrying time for you.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce hope it goes well - it does sound a bit scary - stopping the heart to get it going properly again, but it is something that they have done probably hundreds of times.

    :flowerforyou: MaryC sorry for your loss :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Wessecg good news about Jackson, I hope he continues to recover.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie do tell - how do people live to be in their 100s - do we all need to move to a certain part of the world to stand a chance, or is it all down to healthy eating and no stress? :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :smile: Well I need to get my DVD on and do my work out - 4 days in a row, please send me the determination to keep on, I usually start off well and fizzle out.

    Viv UK (freezing cold but sunny)
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!!!

    I don't want to be HWP, but feel deprived. That is no Quality of Life.
    I would say, enjoy your high sodium foods, but in moderation.

    What is HWP?

    Height weight proportionate=HWP
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I think the prayers worked. This is what Jackson's Mom texted to her sister, "Tube is out. Been awake all day. Followed my face and then Colby's after. Trying to speak. Mouthed the word "beautiful" while gazing into his dedicated sister's eyes, 3 times in a row, "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful"!!! Colby and I hugged and cried for joy. God is great. Thank you Lord!!!" Tears of joy! Give God the glory!:"

    I sooooo hope this is the beginning of him healing. Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!:drinker: Ok, maybe the drinker isn't a good smiley to add since drinking got him in trouble but it's the only one that looks celebratory.
    That is good news! Let's hope that there is continued improvement. xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    We lost my Dad today to Alzheimer's, he was 83. He went very quickly after a change in his condition yesterday. It is a blessing for him and for my Mom. Most of us "kids" were there with Mom at the end. I am very grateful for that. I am 6th of 12 siblings (2 have passed) which really helps at during hard times. Please keep us in your prayers.
    SOB's daughter(sweet old Bob)
    Love and prayers for you all xx
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member

    :smile: Well I need to get my DVD on and do my work out - 4 days in a row, please send me the determination to keep on, I usually start off well and fizzle out.

    Viv UK (freezing cold but sunny)

    Here's a heap of determination for you! xx
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Up early but I was in bed by 9:30 last night. Some old home by 8 in bed by 9:30. :grumble: But just 2 more days till my days off
    @Mary C sorry to hear about your loss.
    @Cheryl Good news regarding Jackson.
    @Michele and @Lila. I love the chat. Sometimes I have a hard time catching up with it all but I love it.

    Going to the gym before work if I don't catch it on this side of work it wont happen.

    So I better get moving

    Liz from idaho
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Prayers to all those in need!!!

    Someone asked about my pear trees, they are just decorative...no pears:ohwell: . I actually have 37 of them and they kind of stink when they bloom, my daughter says they smell like dead fish:noway: , they are beautiful though!

    I am off to the Dr. this morning:sick: . I`m not quite sure what`s going on:grumble: , I`m hoping the pneumonia is not back but it kind of feels like it, feels like I can`t get a good deep breath and I`m coughing again....she is going to be so mad at me:angry: ...she told me to take it easy and lay off the outside exercise for awhile and well...I didn`t:embarassed: , I did decrease the speed of my walks and I only recently had started jogging again just a little, not even enough to count.... guess I`ll miss training today:frown: !

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny but cold NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Such a mix of emotions here today. We have the loss of a Dad. I lost mine in 1998, I know how you feel, It leaves a huge hole in your heart that eventually fill with all of the wonderful memories of him. Then we have the recovery of a young man in a coma. What wonderful news!!!!! God is working everyday, never takes a day off or any time off. So I know He will be working today with my husbands doctor, my bundle of nerves and my husband. God has to work overtime when it comes to helping my husband deal with his stress when he goes home. My best way to describe him is that he is an intense man. He said he is allergic to stupidity and whoever doesn't think his way is stupid.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    A little less stress today and tomorrow because my boss is on vacation.

    I don't think anything will come of my complaint. Ethics basically handed it off to HR. HR is a new manager with two groups and she is currently down 7 people on her team (everyone bailed and they havent' rehired) so since she is overworked and new I doubt she will take on the task of dealing with my situation. I am bummed but I will just keep on trying to find anotherh job in the company.

    I haven't been logging or even doing extra walking on the dreadmill but the scale is going down. I am not sure why but I will take it.

    Have a great day ladies.
    Thank you for being a part of my life for the last 3+ years.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
  • nanasorchid52
    Good afternoon lovely VitF ladies!

    I am determined to make time to respond to you today.
    Only able to go back a few pages - but I am thinking of you all.

    :smile: Brookehe - well done on the NSV. - it's such a wonderful feeling when you see proof of your weight loss through clothes isn't it? Sometimes we get hung up about the scale but the proof is often more visible.

    :smile: lovebuttons - welcome looking forward to getting to know you! I feel for your loss - time know for you to give some of your caring to yourself.

    :sad: Jodios- Get better soon!

    :smile: wizzywig- keep up with the logging! You are doing great. What great news about Jackson!

    :sad: Grandmallie - life is certainly sending challenges to tout the moment. Thinking of you and sending support.

    :sad: Meg - look after that poorly knee - think it might be asking for a rest.

    :smile: Jmkmomm - well done for finding the healthy heart menu! Continued prayers.

    :brokenheart: mch1956 - my heart goes out to you. So glad you were there for him - we are not alone when we come into this world and it is right that we are not alone when we leave it.

    :sad: Dee Dee - Hope you feel better soon - take it easy.

    It is 24 years ago today that I lost my beloved father.The tears flow freely today - but although I will never get over it - time lessens the pain as I see him in those he left behind. Every day my heart skips a beat when I hear his name when people call my 1 year old GS - his namesake . He would be so proud of the wonderful family he had to leave behind. But today I shall take time to be his special little girl - his only child - and be thankful of every minute I had for him.

    Keep logging everyone!

    Keep smiling
    Jo. Wales UK
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Thursday morning all,

    MaryC, my deepest condolences. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee! Noooo, not again! :noway: :sad: Get well!

    Cheryl, what wonderful news! :happy:

    Michele, I know how it feels having to undo a weight gain, even if it's a small one. Hang in there. :flowerforyou:

    Thought for the day:

    “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”
    ― Thomas A. Edison

    :smile: jb in chilly, cloudy Portland
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    We lost my Dad today to Alzheimer's, he was 83. He went very quickly after a change in his condition yesterday. It is a blessing for him and for my Mom. Most of us "kids" were there with Mom at the end. I am very grateful for that. I am 6th of 12 siblings (2 have passed) which really helps at during hard times. Please keep us in your prayers.
    SOB's daughter(sweet old Bob)

    So sorry for your loss. Definitely will keep you in my prayers.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Doctor just came in. Charlies rythem continues to be regular but because it did go irregular for 24 hours he is making one medicine change and wants to observe his response to that for 24 hours. So home tomorrow!!!!!!! And he OKd vacation. He just needs to stop every 2 hours walk around the car and go again. But with a 65 year old man's prostate, he stops frequently anyway! I thank you and value every one of your prayers and thoughts.
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Sending prayers to all who need them ... and celebrating all the victories of those acheiving them!

    Had fun at Bristol, TN last weekend. Now if it would just warm up here in Sunny South Carolina. The 50's at the end of March is just TOO COLD! I left Michigan for a reason!! May have to move further south ... hmmm .....

    Beth in SC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    MaryC – May SOB rest in peace, and may you, your mother and siblings find solace in his gentle passing. You are all in my prayers

    Barbie – Hoping you will be sharing what you find out about the four “magic” places! Wow, 25,000 steps – you are indeed an inspiration

    Wessecg – That is awesome news about Jackson. I love that his first words after being “back” were Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful :flowerforyou:

    Viv in UK – Congratulations on day 4 of your exercise DVD, keep up the great work. You can do this!!!!!!

    DeeDee – Trees that smell like dead fish, wow - - good thing they’re beautiful :laugh: So sorry to hear you’re still feeling punky, hope things improve for you really soon, take care of yourself

    Jmkmomm – Prayers knowing God will hold and keep you, DH and the medical staff in warmth and protection. Oh, just read that Charlie’s going home - yay :happy:

    Robin – Glad to know you have a couple stress (boss-less) days ahead. Maybe HR will surprise you. If it’s someone you feel you can talk to, she may be able to point you in the right direction about other positions. Good luck

    Jo in Wales – That is a beautiful tribute to your dear father “I will take time to be his special little girl”. Take solace in the knowledge that you are special each and every day and your DGS carries on his name and legacy :flowerforyou:

    Brooke in Colorado
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Ok, so I had to share. I texted Jackson's aunt and asked if Jackson was really back. This is what she wrote:

    We saw him last night and he was awake the whole time. Caleb was razzing him a little and he grinned so wide! When Eddie left for the night he said I love you and Jackson responded "love you too Bro" It was so joyful. The MRI did not show good news and the Drs are now dumbfounded. It is a true miracle:)

    I am now, finally, letting out my breath!!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Wessecg- Just read your last post-Fantastic-it actually sent shivers down my spine!

    MaryC- So sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning Vitamin F and my personal B12's,

    I have been behind in catching up, and have read only the last few pages....

    @Mary, I too am sorry for your loss, and I am grateful that you had your dad for such a good long time, especially since he was so sweet! You are so lucky to have a lifetime of good memories. I hope the services reflect all the love you are generating for your family and their beloved dad.

    @Meg, thanks for your regular input, I think you are the model of a super busy woman who still finds time to connect every day.

    @ Michele, thanks for introducing us to so many different ways to get our bodies moving,,,you seem to change up your regime almost every day!

    @ Barbie, my fitbit is jealous of yours, and one day hopes its mistress gets to half your steps!

    @JB, it is the second day of spring and it is SNOWING !!!! And I live in one of the most southerly places in Canada! Get that jet stream out of here! It belongs much farther north by now.....so I am jealous of your greening spring and early flowers. Usually mine are up, and they are covered in snow!

    @DeeDee, stay well!

    @RJ, it sounds like your company is suffering generally, and all the bad behaviour is coming to the top! Good luck on the new job search, you need it to maintain your sanity.

    @ Jo, UK, yes, there are those memorial days when you stop and remember the long gone parent...mine has been gone now for 35 years, and his long dying makes it seem even longer! Once in a while it is nice to hear a song, or something that reminds me of one good memory...and that is the best kind of memorial....plus the fact that I am way too young to know every Sinatra lyric, and yet I do!!! That always makes me laugh, because my DH is a decade older and doesn't know a single song!

    @Linda, ok, why do we have your Northern Ontario weather down here in what should be the warm sunny south? I was worried about global warming before,,,,because it has been too hot during the summers, but now I am worried about how severe the weather extremes can become....

    I cannot write to everyone today....To many of the new people on the thread ( I am not an oldie, only been here since October!) who I have yet to respond to, I really enjoy reading about the way we are all connected in life, although we are not in the same geographic area...

    This has been a banner week at our house because of MFP, and all of you!:drinker:

    I hit a 50 pound loss,:laugh: and had an annual checkup that showed I had no trace of diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid, and am gifted with the lowest cholesterol readings that can only come from a genetic gift.. :blushing: ..even though my very tall and thin mother and sister have high cholesterol.:laugh: ... so my first goal on this plan is acheived...dodge the inevitable diseases that stem from obesity!

    To be truthful, I keep wondering who did that? :noway: How did that happen? The me from last October did not really believe I could win the war on weight anymore and had given up long ago....and in part it was because I put my perfectionism on hold for a day to day reality...and that reality and accountability is facilitated by MFP, supported by Vitamin F here, and has made me accountabile, first and foremost, to myself.

    Life is not perfect and neither can my meals and days be perfect...we all have to meet people for meals, end up at a movie instead of having dinner at home, and we have to celebrate our life milestones...and I learned that here I think.

    :drinker: The second piece of good news that celebrates the power of MFP is that DH -- who did have early signs of heart disease, cholesterol and triglycerides, who does have high blood pressure, and early diabetes indicators -- has dropped them all with his improved food intake, his ability to monitor his salt, etc on MFP. His blood pressure is the lowest it has been in 7 years!

    And he dropped 15 pounds, and fits back into some of his nice pants and shirts!:wink:

    So we are both very grateful to this community and the program for the ability to recover our health! Neither of us is done with our journey, but it is nice to know we have made it part way there.

    We are having DD#3 over for brunch on Sunday with her man, first time we will have had them for a meal, and finding healthy brunch recipes is a joke, I could not eat that much cream or fat in a week! I think I found a few recipes though, and for the first time in 30 years, I am going to break down and bake something, just so I can know what the heck is in it! It is not the food calories I worry about...too much oil or fat, and I will be up all night in pain.....they took my gall bladder out two years ago, and boy, do I miss that damn thing!
    Then it is the big Easter feast, which is here with the whole family...

    There are only two weeks left of the academic term, and whew, I am ready for it.....I will have marked 500 pieces of writing by the end of this half term! And because I give such detailed feedback, it takes me forever.....and my butt is stuck in a marking chair,,,but not this week!

    This is the first week I am not marking anything, and it feels like I am on vacation!

    Best to all from the frosty south!

    BJ, South- SWOntario
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    BJ-Congrats on your progress and I you said it beautifully about the reliability and accountability that we all get from MFP!:smile: I know I would never have made it this far since June if not for all the support I've received here and I when I count my blessings everyday, I thank God for all of you here!:flowerforyou: Unfortunately, as many of you know my DH does not subscribe to a healthy lifestyle but I'm just happy my DD does now. I do worry about him a lot but I know I can't change him and at least he does eat most of what I cook.
