

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Tuesday!:smile:

    Caught up on most of the posts, my aren't we a busy bunch! I'm going to check out the book Pain Free that some of you are talking about and I know there was another one mentioned on here recently but can't remember the name. No loss last week but I'm eating better this week. Bought a new swimsuit for the pool at the gym, one size smaller!

    Barbie-Happy belated birthday!

    Robin-:flowerforyou: I'm glad you are going to get help! Sending hugs and prayers your way! We are here for you:heart:

    Been up since 2, mind wouldn't shut off:frown: so going to try to get a few more winks before I have to get ready for work.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Well, all I can say is that yesterday was a trial! I felt awful all day long. Fortunately I was able to close the door to the gallery so that people had to ring to be let in. This meant I was able to spend more time in the bathroom - which I did. My DH came and met me so that we could travel home together. I did suggest that he gave me a piggy back when we were walking home from the underground - my energy was nil. No piggy back, but at least I got some sleep last night and feel a lot better today.

    Still cold in London, but no snow now. I do wonder if I will ever feel warm again. Thank goodness for electric blankets is what I say.

    Must get some serious work done today. I haven't had time to do any Latin translation for the last week, so I'm behind on that. On top of which, DH has been commissioned to do another book - so that's two he's working on, which means I have a lot of research to do for those as well.

    Ok my friends, have a good day if at all possible. If it's warm and sunny where you are, please send some my way! For those with snow and cold, sorry, but you can keep it!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time to chat this morning:sad: ! Will try to pop back in later and chat like I like too:bigsmile: !

    Amanda:smile: Glad you`re feeeling better:flowerforyou: !

    Kathy:smile: Hope you were able to get a little more sleep:yawn: !

    Kate:smile: What a wonderful post to Robin:heart: !

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cold NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning lovely ladies,
    got myself up at 3:30 this morning, got dressed and went to the gym, did 45- an hr there,came home made the DH dinner and lunch for tomorrow.got the dogs dinner set for tonight too. have laundry in the washer and will get it dried in a bit..gonna take a shower and get my lunch ready for work.
    seems if I get up earlier and get to the gym I have alot more energy~~ well duh....
    hope everyone's day is a good one:happy:
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello, everyone! It’s been intermittently snowing here but we didn’t get hit nearly as hard as predicted - thank the weather gods!

    Amanda – so sorry to hear that you weren’t well. You are truly committed to go into work after that! I'm glad that you are feeling better, even though you didn't get your piggyback ride.

    Grandmalle – congrats on getting the scale to budge! Was it yesterday that you were going to see your friend? I hope you found her well enough to enjoy your visit.

    Sue – I hope the steroids are doing the trick but sorry to hear that you are having trouble sleeping. I haven't taken them often but don't have issues when I do. My younger DD hates taking them because she has sleep issues and becomes very irritable (trust me, I am usually on the receiving end of that!):laugh:

    Nancy – glad you had a good time in Grenada and that you are reunited with your “boys”.

    Mwheatcraft – sounds like you and DH had quite the date night; love the fashion show visual.

    Robin – I’m sorry to hear that you are depressed but you are definitely doing the right think in getting help. I went through a tough time years ago and the counselor I saw was a godsend. It was such a relief to just talk things out with an objective party and one who could give me some coping techniques. Sending prayers and positive energy your way!

    Monet – hope you get to feeling better soon!

    JB – love that quote!

    Barbie – happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a (typically for you) busy day but a good one. I really do get tired just from reading your daily schedule.

    LindaS – so sorry that you are going to have so many surgeries but, as you said, thank goodness that we have the ability to fix so many things that ail us. It sounds like you’ve given yourself a good talking-to; good luck in getting back on track and staying there!

    The number of us that have dealt with depression was kind of an eye-opener for me. When you are dealing with it yourself, you often feel so alone and as if no one else could feel the way that you do….. I’m glad that we have this forum to come to, in good times and in bad.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Sandy in central Ohio where it is snowing AGAIN:grumble:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Luvbuttons – I’m even more motivated to try the yummy, girlie soup now! And you are NOT the only one who doesn’t have a dishwasher (though I love my 100 year old home)

    Grandmallie – Hoping the foot exercises do the trick and you’re feeling much better soon. Glad you’re going to see dear friend Ruth and good for you for being such an early riser and getting your workout done so bright and early today!

    Robin – Hang in there girl, so many of us have been in your shoes. You’re taking the right steps, know that it can and will get better!

    Barbie –Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad you had a wonderful day

    DeeDee – Recipe please????? Sounds delicious (right up my alley), would be great on fish, chicken or pork I think. Please share

    Junekaatz – That’s the best description of depression ever “the total loss of your inner music”

    Jodios – In-N-Out Burger, oh myyyyyyy!!!! So(rta) glad they don’t have them here in Colorado, but I do go every time I’m in AZ or CA! And wow, bikinis??????????? (not since junior high for me, doubt I’ll try one again no matter what my weight ends up

    Sundanceb – Linda, good for you for analyzing and recognizing what your emotional barriers are. Now you know what to stay focused on. As you said, you’ve been through it already so you know YOU CAN DO IT

    Amanda – Love, love, looooooooove the new profile photo!!!! Hoping you’re feeling much, much better

    Kathy – Yay!!! One size smaller swimsuit is a great NSV

    Brooke from Colorado
    Happy Tuesday to all you lovely ladies!
  • ekafont
    ekafont Posts: 39 Member
    Feeling frustrated with myself :grumble: - I have been reading a very good book ("Eleni" by Nicholas Gage) and I was getting to the end of it and just couldn't stop reading until I finished .... at 1:00 a.m.!! Getting up for work at 6 was NOT fun!! :yawn: But it was such a good book (a biography about Greece during WW II and the Greek Civil war and about Mr. Gage's mother being tortured and murdered for arranging for her children to escape out of the communist controlled village they were in) - If you are at all interested in history and what a mother will do out of love for her children, definately a book to read. :cry: Now I am trying to find a copy of the sequel (A Place For Us) - the story about the 5 children emmigrating to the US and how they acclimated during the 1950's. But hopefully I will only read during "normal" hours :wink:

    Amanda – I totally agree with the praises of electric blankets! I live in South Carolina (the “Sunny South”) but still cannot live without my blanket in the winter. You would think that growing up in Michigan I could handle the cold a little better …. But nope! I hate it!! Hate you didn’t get the piggyback!

    DeeDee – Thank you for reminding me to drink my water. My bottle was sitting on my desk untouched until you said that. I’m drinking now! :drinker:

    Grandmallie – I wish I could get myself up early. There is a boot camp down the road from me every morning from 5:30 to 6:30, but I just can’t get myself up by 5 am to go :noway:

    Michele in NC – don’t you just love those Kohl’s coupons along with the sales? One of my favorite places to shop!

    Judios – your hike in AZ sounds wonderful! That would be so nice to have the calories on the menus – it sure would make it easier to eat better

    LindaS – I can totally relate to the self-sabotage! Sounds like you are going to conquer this little set back and get on with what you know you need to do.

    I had better get back to work -

    Beth in SC
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Good Tuesday morning!

    Hey – I am wearing my shirt tucked in. Let me repeat for emphasis: I am wearing my shirt tucked in. Sheesh. That’s a celebration.

    I signed up for a new round of classes at the rec center yesterday: Wednesday and Saturday circuit training and master’s swim classes on Tuesday/Thursday eve. I need to get ready for that triathalon swim!

    I have a student teacher working with me until mid-June, so I’m spending more time that usual sitting around my classroom. She’s great, so I am not worried about “my kids” but I need something to do. Research? Hmmmm?

    MWheatcraft, I know what you mean about snow. It keeps creeping back down the mountainsides here too. DH started his radish seeds in the front window and I am forcing some forsythia blooms. Gotta do something to make it seem like spring. Congratulations on downsizing your wardrobe!

    Robin, depression is tough. I am glad you are going to see an EAP counselor. Hang in there.

    Lucy – Bahh, snow.

    Happy Birthday, Barbie! I’ll bet just putting on that cheerful cold weather yard work outfit makes you feel happy. I’m inspired.

    Kate, your advice about depression is sound, and true. Bless you for sharing.

    Michele – our rec center encourages people to sign up for the triathaon as a team, it makes it a lot less intimidating for the non-jock types (like me).

    Jodios528 I’ll bet you are rocking that bikini!

    Sundance – you can do it, really you can. How long ago was your other knee surgery? Methods and mechanics may have changed since then. Exercise is the key. Keep posting, we’ll be watching out for you.

    Amanda, I’m glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. Can you work from home for a while?

    Grandmallie – I’ve been trying for months to convince myself to get up early and go to the gym before work – I admire your commitment. 3:30 in the morning? Wow.

    Beth, your book about Greece sounds fascinating. Just the kind of social history I like to read. I’ll check and see if I can get it on Kindle, but consider myself warned that it should be read on evenings when I can sleep in!

    Whoops, DH is looking for breakfast (yes, I cook for them, it makes me happy). Have a great day everyone.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! We have blue sky here – snow on the ground but blue sky! Well, it’s a start anyway.

    Wow, I don’t know what was going on yesterday – maybe the cold snowy weather and maybe just boredom, but I would careen from a nice healthy bowl of soup to half a bag of tortilla chips, a wonderful salad with shredded winter veggies to cookies . . . terrible eating day. Getting back on track today.

    I’m so glad to have my own basement gym back. I can kick and punch and not worry about who hears. Of course that will change when everyone’s back in the house, but for now it’s all mine meheheh.

    Many thanks to all my Vitamin Fs – I’m so glad to have company in this journey.

    Grandmallie, that’s a great way to start the day! Good luck on your trip.

    Amanda, I’m so glad you were able to get some sleep and hopefully kick whatever bug hit you. I agree with you about the cold. I’m ready for some warm and some digging in the earth, so come on, spring!

    Kathy, wonderful news about the bathing suit – and bonus for being able to swim too.

    Lucy, you poor thing. As I’m sure you know, drink lots of water and get some potassium for those cramps. I sometimes will get a cramp if I flex my foot the wrong way, but mostly I just have to be sure I’m getting potassium. You must have been up early – we already had several inches blanketing the place when I got up.

    Beth, I love Farmers’ Markets. So much fun but I can get into trouble – case of eyes bigger than my wallet lol. I had seen Les Mis on Broadway some years ago – truly a great show to see live.

    JaneM, have a wonderful time at Violets, and happy Easter to you and your family. Congrats on the ortho being finished!

    Luvbuttons, sorry but I laughed when you said you spent most of the day in the closet. With all the news this week it cracked me up. Sorry, juvenile, I know. On the subject of garam masala, it’s a combo of basic spices but almost all the recipes call for a small amount – a ½ to 1 tsp usually. It’s known for adding depth and complexity to the dishes – and you can get away with tossing in a sprinkle of several baking spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, etc. Here’s a simple recipe from about.com:
    Garam Masala Recipe: Here's a simple recipe for garam masala. If a recipe you are making calls for garam masala and you don't have any, the following recipe will make a great garam masala substitute:
    • 3 Tbsp coriander seeds
    • 2 Tbsp cumin seeds
    • 2 Tbsp cardamom seeds
    • 2 Tbsp black peppercorns
    • 1 tsp whole cloves
    • 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
    • 1 whole cinnamon stick
    Place everything but the nutmeg in a dry skillet and toast for about ten minutes over medium-high heat, stirring from time to time to keep everything cooking evenly. When the ingredients have darkened slightly and give off a rich, toasty aroma, remove them from the pan and let them cool. Grind in a spice grinder or coffee grinder, and mix in the freshly grated nutmeg. Store in an airtight container away from heat.

    Barbie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I’m sorry I missed saying so yesterday. It sounds like it was wonderful.

    DeeDee, sorry I misread your post to mean the puppy had been sick – I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better. Colds do tend to linger, don’t they?

    Meg, lol at the bleh Monday. You certainly have a long day ahead of you, but it sounds like it will all be over soon – yay! Best wishes for warmth heading your way.

    Carol in NY, do try to learn the yoga moves and don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t seem doable at first. The cool thing about yoga is it builds over time – your muscle fibers get longer the more you stretch them, and they become more pliable and you become more flexible. It truly is a great way to stay young.
    Michele, DH suggested I try taking in the dresses too – and I may just do that. I really love them and have only worn them once or twice each. I hate to waste them. They’re not styles that are trendy so I can get away, and at least a couple of them will be easy to alter. On the other hand I could just eat all the choco bunnies and forget about the altering . . . not! :smile:. I’m not sure if Les Mills is actually from down under – but the trainers in the latest video are. For some reason I was thinking LM is a Brit. Not sure. Great buy on the sweaters! Good for you for thinking ahead to Christmas already.

    Jodios, you’re so lucky to get to be out and hiking in warm weather – I can’t wait. The bigger cities are starting to require the calories be listed – I love that! Enjoy your stay in the warm southwest.

    LindaS, I’m so sorry you’re struggling with the idea of having to go through more pain to become pain-free. However, think how strong you’ve been and become through the weight you’ve already lost (over 50lbs!) and the exercising you’ve been doing. The carpal tunnel surgery isn’t anything really, so you should be up and running soon – literally. I hope you’re feeling good about how much stronger you are now and how a new knee will just allow you to work even harder to get to your goals. Cheers!

    Katla, hooray for less dog hair! I would say, credit yourself for exercising healthy eating and lifestyle :smile:.

    Jmkmomm – congrats on losing the Easter weight – and before Easter!

    Robin, I’m saving you for last to say that we’re really pulling for you. I know a counselor will help you in ways we can’t, but please feel free to express yourself here. Let’s hope the lengthening days will bring some sunshine back into your life.

    OK, I really need to pay attention to my work – ahem. I hope everyone is finding a way to stay warm (or enjoy the warmth, you lucky few!). I’m keeping those of you who are struggling in my mind – I hope you gain a little strength knowing we’re pulling for you.


  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member

    heading out of town again, will hope to catch up tomorrow, Bumpity, bump...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Thank you all so much for your wonderful support. I love you all. :heart: I made the appointment. Tomorrow I will speak to an EAP counselor. then we will see where that leads. Small steps.

    *Trying to Smile*

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I am finding it difficult to keep up with the thread, but I know several are having medical issues (Grandmaille I hope your heel returns to normal soon. I have dealt with plantar fascitis in the past, but not to an elevated degree, but I cannot imagine ongoing foot ailments). I know some are dealing with the health of close family members, and my heart goes out to you. Worrying about a loved one, especially a spouse (or a child) is stressful and energy zapping: it's hard taking care of both others and ourselves, so we tend to place ourselves way back in the distance. Try to remember you a little bit so you can be better for them.

    Happy Birthday Barbie! Something tells me I'd have a good time being there to "party" with you.
    DeeDee, I haven't seen in your postings or on your "wall" where you have slowed down very much. I'm hoping all that walking is in 15 minute spurts. If not, this thing won't pass as fast as it could have.

    I head to the Catskills Thursday for a few days for Easter vacation. Saturday morning, I have a six mile run in the training program. I've never been able to locate a school track, and although I've hiked hundreds of miles up there, none of it has been on flat enough terrain for me to do a six mile "road pace" run. Everything seems dreadfully uphill or downhill. I did discover the Catskill Scenic Trail is only minutes from where I stay. It is an old rail trail that is 19 miles long running through two counties (oh, it may be 26 miles now after an extension). Since it goes through much farmland, I'm thinking there will be a relatively flat six mile stretch, especially since it's an out and back so I'd only need 3 flat"ter" miles.

    I remember back at my March goals, and I already know I failed most of them, but surpassed the one that matters the most to me right now, which is making sure I can run and finish the BSR 10-miler. And I mean run it the whole way without walking even one step. Had I not actually written those goals here and received daily support from my friends here, I don't think I'd have been able to even finish the five miles last Saturday.

    Thanks and everyone have a Happy Easter, Passover, or beautiful weekend no matter your affiliations!

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios: I am impressed that you can wear a bikini.:bigsmile: I was eighteen the last time I had a bikini. Tanning was not a possibility because the sunscreen they had back then was basically worthless and I could burn on an overcast day sitting inside a car with the windows up. :grumble: Sunscreens are better now, and so are car windows. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Linda Sundance: I am sorry you are dreading surgery. Keep in mind that you don’t actually HAVE to have surgery just because you lose weight. :noway: You get to decide. :bigsmile: I started this weight loss adventure because I realized that I was experiencing knee pain because I was too heavy for my knees. Sure enough the weight loss has dramatically reduced the knee pain, and the exercises the doc gave me to strengthen my leg muscles are also helping. :smile: Maybe you’ll elect to have the surgery once your weight is down, and maybe not. This is your body and your choice.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I love the doggy picture in their winter hats. :bigsmile: What sort of books does your DH write?

    Nancy: Congratulations on the fabulous NSV. :bigsmile: When I last had a student teacher worth her weight in gold I created power point presentations while she taught. The big challenge for me was to design presentations to include active discussion and participation from the kids. I enjoyed that work and left the power points behind for the teacher who took my place when I retired. I have no idea whether she’s ever used them. I do know my student teacher has used them in her current teaching position. That makes me happy.:bigsmile:

    M: Thanks for the Garam Masala recipe. I think I’ll try it.:flowerforyou:

    It looks like another dry day here in NW Oregon and I’m starting to wonder what we might do for some fun. It is Spring Break for kids here in Oregon and I’d just as soon find something to do that isn’t crowded in a place where parking is easy. Picky, picky, picky.:wink:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • fjfjty
    fjfjty Posts: 2
    Good morning ladies!

    It looks like I've come in the middle of something but am a 50+ year old woman who would love to support and be supported by others like me =)

    May I join you?
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Sitting here freezing in my kitchen in Sunny South Carolina!!...brrrrr......bump
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    fjfjty-Welcome! This is a very supportive group. You will love it.

    Just have a few minutes- DH and I are going to take advantage of the sunshine and get in a good walk before dinner. Will check back later if I can get my school work done early enough!!

    Thinking of all of you.

    Deb A in CNY
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Evening all,
    I spoke with my friend Ruth today, I can hear in her voice things are much worse and she is getting confused.I am guessing it is the meds they have her on.I spoke with the nurse on duty this morning and she said the best time to visit is around 1 p.m., so we will plan on that time or around lunchtime,just to make sure she is awake.. I am dreading this visit, because I know Ruth is only waiting for Doris and I to get there,and I feel bad that we cant stay longer, but at least we are going.. My DD and DGD will be here sometime tomorrow night,but I work until 6 pm.then for a hair cut at 630, then home to bed to get up early and drive to the Cape. It will be a busy weekend thats for sure , but so looking forward to seeing my DD and DGD. Going to get some things for an Easter Egg hunt on Easter for Taliah...
    I was talking to a patient today about dieting and what Im doing and my boss who is the dentist said oh yes we are proud of her I see such a difference.. I dont really see it, but it was nice of him to say something:happy:
    setting my alarm for 3:30 again lets see if I can go 2 days in a row at that time of the morning....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Barbiie,sorry I missed your b/day.
    Robin,glad you are getting help.I suffer from Gad-generl anxiety/depression.Suffered for many years til I was diagnosed.Went to therapy for 5 years and still see the pysche dr 2xs a year.
    Hope all are doing good.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Keeping it short and sweet tonight. I did manage to get in a nice one hour walk< OUTSIDE today, The air was a tad chilly but, the sun was shining! I hope everyone had a super duper day!
    Fjfjjty, A big welcome to the group. It is a great group of fun girls with lots of insight and support of each other, all sharing the same journey.
    Moxie, may Mr. Sunshine find you!
    Grandallie, I am glad you had a chance to speak to you friend Ruth. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for you. (( HUGS))
    Talk to ya all later.
    Carol in WNY
    Bump 9