

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just peeking in to mark my spot.Been out of pocket babysitting last week and having troubles getting my routine again.
    Sue in TX
  • luvbuttons
    Hi, Ladies: After cleaning closets for two days in a row, today my ladder climbing muscles are sore. I did manage to walk at the mall and do some shopping at Aldi and Target. I've made progress in choosing better foods but I have a question for you. How do you get in all your fruit (2 servings) and milk without going over the alloted sugar ration? Can you help me?:bigsmile: The weather here in Michigan has been odd today. Sleet, snow, rain. It would be nice to see the sun tomorrow...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    jodios - Glad you're having such a great time in AZ. I'm sure you'll at least maintain, if not lose. I wish places would have not only calories, but nutritional info on their menus. To me, restaurants should offer regular dinners and 1/2 size dinners (at 1/2 price). I know that this is what a senior or lunch menu usually is, and you really don't know that you can order off the lunch menu unless you ask. I also think that if someone wants water to drink, instead of those itty-bitty cups, you should be able to get a decent sized cup and not have to pay for it. Honestly, most people are in the habit of getting a larger size soda, so the fast food place will contine to make its profit.

    Linda - remember, the pain from the surgery is only temporary, but pain from added weight and not being able to have the surgery is long-term.

    Kathy - woo hoo on the swimsuit. To me, the absolute worst part of a gym class in the water is having to pass by a mirror and seeing myself in a bathing suit. I figure if I can do that, I can do anything in the class

    Amanda - so glad you're feeling better. Take it easy, you certainly don't want a relapse (and neither do we!)

    Sandy - I, too, was surprised at how many of us dealt with depression! Real eyeopener.

    Brooke - I'm glad we don't have an In'n'Out Burger. When we were in CA, Vince HAD to go to one. Personally, I didn't think it was all that fantastic. But then again, I'm not a hamburger officiando. The last time I wore a bikini was at a party we went to before Jessica was born (she's 29). The theme of the party was "island theme". So I had a grass skirt, flip-flops, the whole 9 yards. Here it was, in the middle of March, and as we're driving to and from the party I'm praying "please don't let us get stopped by a cop". I actually looked at (not even tried on) that bikini and couldn't get over how big the bottom was! Today, there is no way I'd even consider something like that.

    Beth in SC - I grew up in NJ, then we lived in PA for over 20 years. I really think that in a sense our blood does thin out. I have a real hard time dealing with the cold right now.

    Nancy - woo hoo wearing your shirt tucked in! I don't do that. Well, MAYBE if no one will see me (like if I'm cleaning or something)

    M - I, too, can get in trouble at farmers markets. I'm always wanting to try this and that. So many times before I can finish the vege, it's starting to go bad. Oh well.... Glad I'm not the only one who laughed at Luvbutton's "spending the day in the closet"

    Jackie - that trail you discovered at the Catskills, is it a rails-to-trails trail. If so, it'll be a gentle incline/decline. We biked on a few rails-to-trails pathways, and it was so scenic and not very difficult because there weren't real big hills. I haven't done anything about my March goal. My goal was to work on my craft, but I haven't even started. Congrats on achieving one of your goals.

    fjfjty - jump right in!

    Got up, went to exercse. Today I tried something I'd never tried before. I went on the elliptical but at a higher resistance. Honestly, I thought I'd have a greater calorie burn. Maybe I had the resistance too high. Maybe I need to start lower. Went to one store but they didn't have any bras that I liked (their prices are reasonable). I'm fussy about my bra, I don't want one with an underwire. That hurts my breastbone too much. Yet, I'm small so I need padding. It seems so many of the bras have an underwire. Just got a sports bra. Then did a little food shopping, only because this is the last day of the sale and I had coupons, so I got 2 bags of veges for free. Then played mahjongg, I maj'd twice -- and once on a closed hand!!!!! Then home to run the dishwasher, hard boil some eggs.

    Say, has anyone had one of the Slimful chews/bars? They are only like 90 calories. I'm not sure if that's what is causing it or not, but I'm no where near hungry and it says that it supposedly takes away hunger.

    Tomorrow I'll go to a yoga class and then take the deep water class.

    Found out today that the one branch of the Y won't be able to get a new set of caliphers because of the expense. See, that's one of the reasons I'm so glad I'm off that board. To me, health is more important than putting a coat of paint on the racketball court. Well, they told me that another branch has caliphers, so tomorrow I'll ask them if I see the woman. This one branch only had the bioimpediance (?sp) ones, which to me are virtually useless.

    grandmalle - hard as it is for you, you are such a good friend to Ruth. You'll be in my thoughts. It feels so good when someone notices your weight loss and says something, huh?

    Geez Louise...look at the time. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    bump for tomorrow when hopefully I won't be at work for 14 hours. UGH Exhausted and going to bed. Have a good day tomorrow; it's running at clinical for me...where's that fitbit! Meg
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes……I don’t feel any older today than I did before and perhaps younger and more energetic.

    :flowerforyou: I had lunch today with the Wednesday/Thursday line dance teacher and the Friday teacher (the one I have been substituting for since she fell two weeks ago). It looks like I’ll be teaching again this Friday and taking things one week at a time from now on. I love the teaching, but I hate it that my friend is struggling with a bunch of health issues. I ordered swimming rama (my favorite---chicken, spinach, peanut sauce) and brought half of it home for Jake.

    :flowerforyou: I wrote a long post in a word document and somehow managed to lose it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: LindaS. I can’t begin to imagine your feelings about having several surgeries but I will share the advice I got from my best friend when I was in the midst of a personal crisis of great magnitude…..she said “stay in the moment” if your head wanders into the future, tell it to shut up and stay focused on where you and your hands are right this minute….it worked for me and I predict that it will work for you.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I hope that your days of being sequestered in the bathroom are over and you are on your way to being back to your healthy active self.

    :laugh: :laugh: We used to have an electric blanket until a few years ago when Sasha was a puppy she chewed on the blanket and pulled out some of the wires so now in the winter I have five blankets on my side of the bed…..now that it’s warmer, I have only three and sometimes pull a fourth on in the middle of the night.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy,the only way I can get up as early as I do for walking my dogs, is to go to bed before 9 PM……we live at sea level but I can see the snow in the Olympic Mountains when I walk the dogs.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This has been a good day with dog walking, riding the recumbent bike, and weight training.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Robin, you've been on my mind. I think it's wonderful you're stepping up to the plate and seeking help. Talking to someone about our feelings is such a great thing. Depression runs in my family, several of them are on depression meds. My sister made me laugh so hard when we took her to the airport one year after her visit....she said, "I'm all set to go, I have my bottle of wine, my Bible, and my Prozac." :laugh: See, some people need mulitple things to help them, and there's no shame in that! Me, well, I suffer depression at times, but I try to do some art projects, gardening, running my dogs, and try to get some exercise on a regular basis although I'm no athlete! Those are the multiple things that help me. My hubby is out of work, I can barely hold down the fort on my own which is not fun, actually very aggravating, and causes me to be terribly depressed. Why can't we just be happy, dang it! I worry something terrible. Teaching music helps me in ways I cannot describe, though. I don't have any children of my own, I think that's why my students bring me such joy. :) But oh, do the depressing thoughts ever come creeping in at times and I can't seem to find my way out. My dogs help keep me on my toes, thank God for those boys. I struggle, I jog a bit, I drink a little wine. I think I'm ok but there are days when I really wonder. I feel for you, I know it's terribly difficult to find the ladder to happiness on which we can climb. Wishing you all the best, I truly am. Find a little ray of light somewhere, somehow. :flowerforyou:

    Oh, and just FYI, I've been focusing on keeping high amounts of potassium in my foods (not from supplements) over the last 2 years since studying what great affects is has on our feelings of overall wellbeing. And Omega-3s. They're known for battling depression and bipolar disorder. I need all the help I can get in maintaining a balanced outlook on life. :wink:

    What a wonderful bunch of supportive, beautfiul women here. :heart:

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Barbie – Belated birthday wishes. May you continue to feel younger every year and be like the 100+ year olds you’ve been telling us about :flowerforyou:

    I’m completely swamped at work putting the finishing touches on a national conference taking place next week in San Diego (anyone on this thread live there?) I’m still hitting the condo gym every morning at 5. :yawn: I love the quiet serenity and dark of early mornings. I have a cat for an alarm clock. :laugh: :laugh: Slowing seeing signs of spring here in Colorado, even as there is still the remnants of the latest snowstorm are still on the ground.

    Inspired by many of you, I spent a little time cleaning out oversized clothes cluttering my closet. I found 2 summer weight business suits that will go to my local cleaners for alterations. A good seamstress is such a blessing.

    To everyone seeing success (however you define it) a big BRAVO! To those going through a rough patch, hang in there and take it a day at a time.

    Stay well.

    Rori in Colorado Foothills
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am so ready for spring to decide it is here. I now my husband is ready to start walking outside again instead of the mall. It's a mall that has very little retail stores in it any more so it is rather boring to just walk up and down the same route several times. I had to quit today because of some MS issues. But I watched him and he was being a good boy and not walking to fast. He loves to shadow box, says it keeps his arms limber and coordination good. I'm not so sure of that but I told him it is cardiovascular work out and a no no for now. I hate to be a downer for him but I may have to get stern with him before he is cleared to do this. We go for his family doc post hospital follow up tomorrow. Actually the nurse practitioner does the follow ups. I would rather see the doctor but he isn't easy to get in with and you have to wait forever in his reception area which takes patience of which my husband does not have. The last doctors appointment my husband had he walked out because he waited to long. That was 3 years ago.

    Happy belated birthday Barbie. :flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Fjfjty: Welcome. Feel free to join in the discussion. That is how we’ll all get to know each other.:flowerforyou:

    grandmallie: Nice that your boss actually said something about your great progress. Lots of people are afraid to mention anything connected to a person’s weight for fear of somehow offending sensitive feelings.:flowerforyou:
    Michele in NC: We’ve ridden some rails to trails places and loved them. It is such a good use for abandoned rail lines.:bigsmile:

    Meg: I hope you get the rest you need.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I think staying in the moment is great advice for all of us all the time.:bigsmile:

    This is a rest day for me. I seem to be in a low energy mode. :tongue: I rode the recumbent bike for a while, but haven’t been very active other than that. The weather is overcast and I’m enjoying staying in and reading books. :smile: The one I’m reading right now is by Kathleen Eagle. I’ve read some of her books before and I like this one very much. :bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just a quick Hi and to thank all of you so much for your support and kind words.

    Barbie- thank you so much for the wisdom given to you from a friend!

    :flowerforyou: “stay in the moment” if your head wanders into the future, tell it to shut up and stay focused on where you and your hands are right this minute…:flowerforyou:

    I am feeling better since sharing my fears with you and now I have some healthy tools to help me! For all of you and your support and kind words I am extremely thankful and grateful!:bigsmile: :drinker:
    LindaS aka Sundanceb
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good very early morning all!! I am up at 3:30due to DH's snoring.:grumble: :grumble: He uses a CPAP, but for some reason chose to turn it off.

    Barbie- Happy belated birthday! Sounds like your day was fabulous. Thank you for the advice about living in the moment. I too can spend too much time thinking about what if... instead of just enjoying the present. Will keep reminding myself to shut down that voice in my head!

    Sundance- My dad has gone through 3 knee replacement surgeries over the years and says they have gotten a bit better- less pain and quicker recovery. I hope you find the same if you decide to go ahead wit the surgery.

    grandmallie- When I was losing the weight, I was the last one to notice any difference. Even after 60 pounds, I didn't think I looked much different. DH finally too a new pic and put a "before" pic beside it into one pic. It was eye-opening for me. Even now though I still have times when I feel fat. I think it just takes some time to let your brain catch up with the new you.

    Katla- I can relate to the low energy! I really have to push myself to get exercise in even though I love doing it. I think for me it is the stress of my job. There are never enough hours to do all I feel I should be doing and we are getting close to the state tests my students have to take. I know if I exercise it will reduce the stress and I would probably be more efficient, so I am working at it. I had a great walk outside, cold but sunny, last evening. What kind of books does Kathleen Eagle write? I am always looking for books to add to my summer reading list. I rarely have time to read during the school year.

    jmkmomm- It must be so hard to watch your DH go through his health issues. I am praying for healing for him and strength and peace for you.

    meg- What a schedule you are keeping!! I'll stop complaining about all of the work I have to do!! Think of all of the calories you must be burning and get some rest!

    DeeDee= Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. If I had any warm air and sunshine to send your way I would, but mother nature seems confused this spring! Guess I can conjure up some in my mind- so here comes some sunny, blue-skied days!!

    jb- Thanks for the info on potassium and omega-3s. I need to check my potassium intake. I am always concerned about my omega-3s because I don't eat fish or seafood. I tried to take fish oil, but don't like how it makes me feel.

    Well. my alarm is going off, so I guess it is time to start my day. Hope everyone has a great day!!

    Deb A in CNY where I am hoping for lots of sunshine for an evening walk!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    DebA:smile: Thank you for the sunshine and blue skies:glasses: !!! I can relate to the snoring saga...DH was awful, I told him he was sucking the drapes off the windows:grumble: , I recorded him one time `cause he didn`t believe me:laugh: . I will have to say I miss those snores now:cry: ! Good memories though:heart: !

    Barbie:smile: I love "stay in the moment", I need to do that more often myself!

    LindaS:smile: You know we`ll be here to support you, whatever you choose to do:flowerforyou: !

    Katla:smile: I have been really low on energy too:grumble: , guess it`s all this "stuff" I need to get over. I tend to have more energy when I can exercise more. Hopefully I`ll be able to get back to it soon!

    Joyce:smile: Hope DH listens to the Dr.!!! :flowerforyou:

    Rori:smile: Good for you getting in your closet, I`m still just talking about it:embarassed: . I might find some things I can actually wear if I get in there:tongue: ! I agree with having a great alteration person, the one I had moved:sad: , I`m still looking for someone new who will be as good as my last one!

    Amanda:smile: Hope you have heat today!!! And sunshine and warm temps!!!

    I think I`m calling my Dr. today, yesterday I felt absolutely horrible, I`m almost ready to say yes to the steroids:frown: , probably didn`t help that my sister-in-law told me I looked awful yesterday :sad: ! Plus one of my friends had to put his fur baby down yesterday afternoon:cry: , she was a 13 year old Border Collie/shepard mix, one of the sweetest dogs I`ve had the pleasure of knowing:brokenheart: , she had liver troubles and it just kept getting worse...I will miss her:heart: !

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!! It`s going to be a heatwave here...52 degrees today with sunshine:glasses: , warmer than it was yesterday!

    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Good morning Ladies,
    well I was up and to the gym again today, did pretty well. but come home and both my poor fur babies have tummy aches, gave them some tummy meds and hope they feel better.
    I just packed some snacks for the ride tomorrow and get stuff ready for the DH , because heaven forbid I dont leave him with meals lol. It would be cereal for him ...I go into work at noon and work until 6.then for a haircut....well I am hoping I can get through the next couple of days with grace and dignity...
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Hi, Ladies: After cleaning closets for two days in a row, today my ladder climbing muscles are sore. I did manage to walk at the mall and do some shopping at Aldi and Target. I've made progress in choosing better foods but I have a question for you. How do you get in all your fruit (2 servings) and milk without going over the alloted sugar ration? Can you help me?:bigsmile: The weather here in Michigan has been odd today. Sleet, snow, rain. It would be nice to see the sun tomorrow...

    luvbuttons- I have seen this question posted before, but are you and others referring to "total carbs"? I know tracking sugars is an option, but I don't choose to use it. I just track the carbs.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, ladies -

    Just a brief (ha!) note this morning - busy day.

    After I finished work yesterday I was puttering around the house, not much to do, trying to decide what to make for dinner for just me (DH is still out of town). I decided to hold off on dinner as I would just go to bed much too soon, so I went upstairs to continue spring cleaning. I shampooed the rest of the carpets (even edged around the rooms with the hose), washed down the baseboards, stripped the bedding in the spare room and started the sheets, etc. Basic stuff. Then as I was carrying the shampooer down the stairs I slid on the landing area - new slippers, evidently no no-skid soles. No biggy, I'll just be more careful. Got to the bottom of the stairs - and fell completely down backwards onto the stairs, cracking my back against the stairs. Ouch! I almost cried.

    Anyway, called me sister to have her look at it to make sure it didn't look like something that needed to be seen, at least from the outside. Once I got over the shock I could feel that it wasn't my spine that was sore but to the left of it. I'm so fortunate I didn't hit my kidney area (a little lower) or directly on my spine - and I'm extra fortunate that the yoga and exercise has kept me relatively flexible so I can withstand a backwards bend. Anyway I appear to have done most of the damage to the muscle area to the left of my spine. I took some pain reliever after the tumble, then another set around 1am when I couldn't sleep - that one seemed to have done the trick.

    I won't be exercising for a few days it appears, but I'm up and mobile at least. It's pretty sore though. DH was so upset - one of my biggest fears is falling on the stairs, and it seems most of my major injuries come from descending - stairs, ladders, mountains.

    So that's my big news for the day - oh, that, and my carpets are sparkly clean :wink:.

    Have a safe and sparkly day!

  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning everyone! So glad to see my friends here are still chatting away. It is an amazing morning in southeastern Va... supposed to stay chilly, but it is so sunny! DH has left to go overnight to DC. I was hoping to go with him, but the guys are still here working on my remodeled laundry room, so I'm staying here on the homefront, trying not to graze in the pantry all day! At least with the sun I might get outside and walk!
    DDs are coming home for Easter and I'm sooo excited to see them. Haven't seem my oldest since Christmas, which seems like an eternity. She's only 6 hours away, but it feels so far. In any case I need to plan some yummy, healthy meals for them while they're home... not just chocolate and jelly beans!

    Grandmaille:noway: --- Goodness up at 3:30! The only thing I do if I get up at that hour is be thankful that I can get back in my warm bed! Great job working out before you go to work. Truly that’s dedication.

    Beth – :smile: Sounds like a great book. I never want to finish books I love that much, but then I’m in a hurry to find out what’s going to happen. Hope you were able to meet the day refreshed and ready to go!

    Amanda – :flowerforyou: Hope you’re feeling better and warmer. I have one electric blanket that I keep in the house just in case. One of our bedrooms just doesn’t stay warm in the winter and dd is always pulling that blankie out.

    Nancy –:happy: Congrats on tucking your shirt in! It is a celebration!

    M – :smile: Thanks for the masala recipe. I’m putting it together today to have on hand. For some reason I was craving carbs yesterday (the bad ones!) Something about wheat thins… they call my name from the pantry. I buy them for my husband but they get confused and think they’re for me!

    JB –:smile::happy: Great info about the potassium. I don’t know why it surprises me that eating healthier makes me feel better… It’s almost like food is designed to help us, not hurt us!

    Rori – :happy: When is your conference in SD? We loved living there 1997-2000. We’re visiting friends there in May. Hoping we don’t get that Maygray weather.

    DebA – I know what you mean about the snoring, only it’s not my DH here… it’s my dog!:laugh:

    DeeDee – I’m sure I’m like everyone else…. Worried about you! Hoping your Dr’s visit helps you feel better. You’ve been sick too long. Want you to get well in time for our spring warmup…. Finally! Since when is it this cold this late in the year in VA/NC? I expected this in Chicago, but not here!!!:noway:

    Well, I had my irish oatmeal this morning so I feel full for the morning, right?!
    Hope you all have a great day! Enjoy the sun, if you have it!

    Tammy In Va Beach
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Im back trying to type sideways with my sick puppy on my lap:sick: he only wants mommy when he isnt feeling well.
    a friend of mine at the gym, gave me a couple of golf balls,roll them on my heel, HOLY COW:noway: does it hurt, but it is supposed to help with the heel, been doing stretches and picking at food:grumble: im logging it all ,but still if I'm busy im not eating...
    packed a little overnight bag for tomorrow,and like I said a few snacks.there is one store on the Cape that I love love love.. and no it isn't the Christmas Tree Shop's(although they are fenominal) is Bird Watcher's General Store in Orlean's, I just lose myself there,I dont know if I will be able to get there this time, but will try.. I want to spend as much time with Ruth as I can,depending how she is feeling..
    Some place's you travel to feel like home for the DH it is Florida, for me it is Cape Cod... I just wish I wasn't going for today this purpose..Oh well Say La Vie...It is beautiful and sunny but cold today.
    gonna charge up the ol laptop to take with me tomorrow
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DebA : Kathleen Eagle is a former teacher who taught for years on an Indian Reservation, married a Native American who she describes as the love of her life, :heart: and writes about them. This particular book is set in Wyoming or Montana, and one of the main characters in the story is half Native American. Other books I’ve read have been set in the rural west, but some have also been set in cities. They all include some aspect of modern life of Native Americans.

    On the issue of potassium: DH has to lower salt intake due to blood pressure problems so we bought salt substitute. It turns out to be made of potassium and it tastes like salt. There must be a list of foods that are high in potassium somewhere online.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I am sorry you’re feeling so awful. Is your SIL a mean girl? If not, telling you how awful you look was an expression of concern and you should get in touch with your doctor. He/she is talking about temporary steroids, right? If this won’t be a life sentence it might be worth it.:flowerforyou:

    M: I hope the recovery from your fall is quick. I’m still dealing with the fall down the steps I had while bringing in the recycle bin about three weeks ago. It is healing, but taking its own sweet time. :flowerforyou:

    It looks like a nice (dry) day here, and I’m planning to walk with a friend. We ramble all over town, although we go on shorter walks now than we did a few years ago because her dog is aging and doesn’t still have the old stamina. I enjoy her company and our dogs have become friends. They greet each other like long lost buddies every time we walk.:bigsmile:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning to all,

    Thanks to all the ladies who responded with advice about my foot cramps, but it hasn't happened again. It may have been a freak thing. I drink LOTS of water and get plenty of potassium, so I have no idea what may have caused that, but hopefully, it was a one-time occurence.

    Well, I registered for that 5K walk for Multiple Myeloma on April 27th. There are runners as well, but I know I am not in good enough shape to do the run. I can definitely handle walking at a brisk pace. My DS & DBIL will be there, and my niece, her husband, my nephew and his fiance will also be walking, I know they have done this in years past, but this will be the first time for my DH and myself. It gives us the chance to be together to suport my sister and her struggle with this disease.

    :drinker: Welcome to any new members. I extend good thoughts to those who are struggling and my congratulations to those who have had successes.

    Just a few personal responses....

    :noway: M - That fall sounded horrible! I cringed when I read your account of your fall down the steps. It's everyone's worst nightmare! You are so lucky that you didn't do more damage. Bet you'll be sore tomorrow. Take care, and remember that moist heat along with pain meds works best. Take it easy and feel better soon.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - Hang in there. Sometimes these things get a grip on you and don't want to let go. Hope you will find some recovery soon.

    :brokenheart: Alison - You are a good and loyal friend. My thoughts are with you as you make this difficult visit.

    :heart: Since being on this site and reading all of your posts I have been consistent with exercise which has been my downfall in the past, so I thank you for sharing your experiences with me. Your enthusiasm for health is contagious!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Just have a sec to pop in this morning.

    Andrew Weil's book, "Eating Well for Optimum Health" has a chapter all about fats, good and bad. He states the importance of Omega-3s for protecting the nervous system and promoting mental health. Great book, heaps of info.

    Excellent sources of Omega-3s include herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines.

    Also, flaxseed oil, ground flaxseed, hemp seeds, purslane, walnut oil, and walnuts.

    A tablespoon of ground flaxseed is great on yogurt with walnuts and fruit. That's what I have most days for breakfast.

    See this site for great info about potassium, and a good chart showing levels in different foods. www.krispin.com/potassm.html

    :smile: jb sees a teeny bit of blue sky amongst the clouds